And write your own sentences with the same word-combinations,
b) Find in the text sentences with: altogether, nearly, usually, then, at first, soon, whatever it is, any more, no longer And write your own sentences with the same words and phrases. IV. Answer the questions: 1. When did Rose and Mrs. Burlow arrive at the music-hall? 2. Where were their seats? 3. Were the stalls expensive? 4. In what way did the audience behave? 5. What kind of place was the music-hall? What was its most characteristic feature? 6. Were the attendants and the members of the orchestra young or elderly people? 7. What did the scenery and the properties look like? 8. When did the loudest applause come? Why? 9. Why does the author say that the music-hall was rather sad though it was cosy and friendly? 10. Why were the actor's eyes anxious behind the mask of paint? 11. What did the man in the costume of a tramp do on the stage? 12. Did Rose like his acting? 13. What did she see in the wings? 14. Why did she say nothing to Mrs. Burlow? 15. How does this episode characterize Rose? 16. What does the author want to tell us by this episode? V. Search the text for adjectives and classify them into two groups according to "positive" and "negative" qualities as suggested by the context (e.g. 1) great, good, nice... and 2) cheap, creased...). When the list is ready, describe some place and its atmosphere using the adjectives of each group. VI. Tell the story of Rose as your own experience in the past. VII. Study Vocabulary Notes and a) translate the examples; b) give synonyms of: road n, eager a, amusing a, wear υ; c) give antonyms of: to find one's way, to lose hold of; d) give derivatives of: attend, entertain, wear. VIII. Fill in with: A) be anxious, worry, trouble, bother. 1. She always... when she doesn't get my letters for a long time. 2. The letter that informed us of her unexpected departure greatly... me. 3. I knew that he would willingly help me, but I didn't like to... him. 4. Don't...! Dinner will be ready on time. 5. The child is very weak, and I can very well understand that it... you. 6. Don't... about the taxi. I'll get you home in my car. 7. I felt that he didn't pay any attention to what Iwas saying. I decided that he... about something. 8. I shouldn't like to... you with my tiresome affairs. 9. The climate is very bad there, and I... about her health. 10. I'm sorry, but I need his address badly. b) anxiousand its derivatives: 1. What are you so... about? 2. Her... face was pale. 3, We were full of... and worry. 4. Michael was... to find a job. 5. I was... waiting for his answer. 6. His... for success made him many enemies. 7.... makes people older. с) attend and its derivatives: 1. From the age of seven till seventeen I... school. 2. The... at lectures has fallen off. 3. In this hotel you will be well... on. 4. Your... is requested. d) entertain and its derivatives: 1. Who(m) are you... at dinner tonight? 2. His jokes didn't... us much. 3. The play was not very... 4. Do you know any places of... in this town? 5. Do they often...?
IX. Translate these sentences into Russian: 1. What makes you think he knows the truth? — Everything. His look. The way he talked at dinner. 2. She smiled in that charming way of hers. 3. He spoke on one note. It gave Kitty the impression that he was speaking from a long way off. 4. He had particularly congratulated us on the way we had done the difficult job. 5. I didn't know which way to look. 6. I really can't get used to the new ways. 7. Is that the way you feel towards us? 8. She threw my slippers into my face. She behaved in the most outrageous way. 9. Isabel didn't want to stand in Larry's way. 10. Sophie pushed her way through the dancers and we lost sight of her in the crowd. 11. I made way for him to go up the stairs. 12. Suzanne's mother could hardly live on her pension with prices the way they were. 13. They had been to Chartres and were on their way back to Paris. 14. I saw the waiter threading his way through the tables. 15. The room had a narrow iron bed and by way of furniture only the barest necessities. X. Translate these sentences into English, using the word way. 1. Детям не разрешали ходить одним на озеро. Но они однажды сделали по-своему и все-таки пошли туда, не сказав никому ни слова. По дороге домой они чуть не заблудились. К счастью, они встретили старого лесничего (forester), который помог им добраться домой. 2. Она рассказала об этом весело, в своей обычной очаровательной манере. 3. Не сказав ни слова, он направился к двери. 4. Я не знаю этих мест, не могли бы вы повести нас туда? 5. Какой же выход из положения вы предлагаете? 6. Боюсь, что стол здесь будет вам мешать. XI. Make up dialogues: a) between Rose and Mrs. Burlow (after the performance); b) between the old clown and his wife (before he went on to the stage); C) between two readers (about the episode described in the passage and the author of the story). ХII. Insert prepositions or adverbs where necessary: 1. Don't worry your pretty little head... the mysterious visitor. 2. By arranging good marriages for her daughters she expected to make......all the disappointments of her own career. 3. He sat quite still and stared with those wide immobile eyes of his... the picture. 4. He has a bath... cold water every morning. — Oh! He is made... iron, that man. 5. Are we... the way? — No, you couldn't have come more fortunately. 6. I suppose it was natural... you to be anxious... the garden party. But that's all... now. There's nothing more to worry.... 7. He arrived... the Lomond Hotel, vегу hot and sweaty and exhausted and had an obscure feeling that they would take one look... him and then ask him to go.... ХIII. Make up a story, using the words and phrases from Essential Vocabulary I. XIV. Translate the following sentences into English: 1. Войдя в холл, она посмотрела вокруг и направилась к зеркалу. 2. Она ухватилась за мою руку, чтобы не упасть. 3. Мы спускались к реке, держась за ветки деревьев. 4. Целый вечер мальчуган не выпускал из рук игрушку. 5. Больной был настолько слаб, что выпустил из рук чашку, она упала и разбилась вдребезги. 6. Дети в соседней комнате подняли страшный шум, и он никак не мог сосредоточиться на письме. Конечно, он мог заставить их пойти в сад, но ему не хотелось показывать жене, что дети мешают ему. 7. Сильно взволнованный, он искал выхода из неприятного положения, но не мог прийти ни к какому решению. 8. Мама очень беспокоится о твоем здоровье. И я тоже. 9. Она была сильно накрашена, и то, как она говорила и смеялась, привлекало общее внимание. 10. «Я всегда знал несколько способов разбогатеть. Но для меня, между прочим, всегда было проблемой удержать деньги в руках». Пожилой пассажир говорил еще много, все в том же духе, и к удовольствию всех находившихся в вагоне. 11. Мистер Вебб носил высокие каблуки, чтобы компенсировать свой маленький рост. 12. Нельзя, чтобы всегда все было по-твоему. Если ты будешь так себя вести, ты только наживешь врагов.
XV. Test on synonymy. Consult Notes on pp. 18 and 201. 1. Prove that the following words are (or are not) synonyms: way — road — path — track — highway — street; to be anxious — to be sorry — to worry — to trouble — to bother — to be upset; to want — to be eager — to be anxious. Point out the synonymic dominant of each group. Explain how synonyms of each group differ one from another according to differentiations suggested in Notes on Synonyms.
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