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Introductory reading and talk

Shopping is a very important part of life, but shoppers arc faced with a confusing and rapidly changing situation. The confusion arises from the claims made by advertising, a wider choice of goods than ever before, and new places to shop. The prices of clothes, shoes, and make-up have gone sky-high, so it's vital that you do not waste your money and that you shop carefully for value.

Be sure of what you want — never shop vaguely, because when you get home your purchase may not match anything else you've got.

Shop around for the best price and quality. Start with a depart­ment store, where they stock a wide range of goods and souvenirs. There you can find many departments: haberdashery, hosiery, drap­ery, millinery, ladieswear, menswear, and footwear. If you are look­ing for a skirt and a top to go with it, you'll need "Separates". You'll find shorts or T-shirts in "Leisurewear", jumpers in "Knitwear", and a nightdress in "Nightwear". In "Accessories" they sell belts, gloves, and purses. Try on all the trousers or dresses they have in the line although it may be quite boring to wait if the changing room is occupied. Check out the racks with the sign "sale". Although it usu­ally seems to be the small sizes that are offered in sales, you can sometimes find some super buys.

Feeling cheered up by your new purchase, don't foiget to keep the receipt, in case an item turns out to be faulty. You'll need the re­ceipt if you want to exchange the item or have your money refunded. If you are a bargain-hunter, try clothes markets. They often don't have the high overheads of town shops and can therefore keep prices lower, though they can stock substandard goods. Flea markets are not the best place to buy anything. The prices are low, but the qual­ity is, too.

Don't put off the purchase of festive gifts until there are only two days left before a holiday. Department stores are swarming with last-minute shoppers, so you may haveto queue for half an hour at the checkout till. From everywhere you can hear people swapping rumours, 'They have sold out all the scarves', 'They have run out of that cream'. You inevitably get involved in exchanging remarks with other people in the queue or with salesgirls. Sometimes the talk gets so interesting that the cashier's question whether you want to pay in cash or by credit card takes you by surprise. Anyway, you pay and feel happy that you have made a bargain, which puts you in a good mood.

Dear friends, make shopping entertaining. Shop together with your friends. Enjoy attractively designed displays and well-dressed shoppers browsing through trendy items. Then you will definitely like it.

1. Look at the picture below and name all departments. Say what one can buy there.

2. Where can you buy the following items?

jewellery a pair of shoes

stockings buttons, zips

fabrics a suit

a swimsuit pyjamas

a hat a cardigan

3. What can you buy in the following shops?

an antique shop an art shop

a bookshop a boutique

a florist's/flower shop a furniture shop

a gift shop a hi-fi store

an ironmonger's a jeweller's

an optician's a pet shop

a photographic shop a radio shop

a record shop a sports shop

a stationer's a toy shop

4. Describe the best-known department store in your city. What does it sell? Do you like it? How do you get there? What attracts you and what annoys you in a big department store? Take the following points into account:

convenience choice service quality price

5. What would you personally never buy in a department store — and why?


A Devoted Shopper

(Extract from the book by Sue Townsend "The Queen and I". Abridged)

Sayako came out of the changing room in Sloane Street1 wear­ing this season's suit, as featured on the cover of English Vogue.2 Last season's suit lay on the changing room floor in an untidy heap. She surveyed herself in the full-length mirror. The manageress, svelte in black, stood behind her.

'That colour's very good on you,' she said, smiling professio­nally.

Sayako said, 'I take it and also I take it in strawberry and navy and primrose.'3

The manageress inwardly rejoiced. She would now reach this week's target.4 Her job would be safe for at least another month. God bless the Japanese!

Sayako walked over on stockinged feet5 to a display of suede loafers.

'And these shoes to match all suits in size four,' she said. Her role model was the fibreglass mannequin6 which lolled convincingly against the shop counter, wearing the same cream suit that Sayako was wearing, the loafers that Sayako had just ordered and a bag that Sayako was about to order in navy, strawberry, cream and primrose. The mannequin's blonde nylon wig shone under the spotlights. Her blue eyes were half closed as though she were encaptured by her own beauty.

She is so beautiful, thought Sayako. She took the wig from the mannequin's head and placed it on her own. It fitted perfectly.

'And I take this,' she said.

She then handed over a platinum card which bore the name of her father, the Emperor of Japan.

As the manageress tapped in the magic numbers from the card,7 Sayako tried on a soft green-coloured suede coat which was also be­ing worn by a red-haired mannequin. The suede coat cost one penny less than a thousand pounds.

'What other colours do you have this in?' asked Sayako of the assistants, who were packing her suits, loafers, bags and wig.

'Just one other colour,' said an assistant (who thought, Jesus, we'll have a drink after work tonight).

She hurried to the back of the shop and quickly returned with a toffee-brown version of the sumptuous coat.8

'Yes,' said Sayako. 'I take both and, of course, boots to match, size four.' She pointed to the boots worn by the red-haired manne­quin.

The pile on the counter grew. Her bodyguard standing inside the shop door shifted impatiently.

When the Princess and her purchases had been driven away, the manageress and her assistants screamed and yelled and hugged each other for joy.

Sayako sat in the back of the limousine and looked at London and its people. How funny English people are, she thought, with their wobbly faces and big noses and their skin! She laughed behind her hand. So white and pink and red. What bodies they had! So tall. It wasn't necessary to have so much height, was it. Her father was a small man and he was an Emperor.

As the car set off on its journey towards Windsor, where she was staying at the newly opened Royal Castle Hotel, Sayako's eyes closed. Shopping was so tiring. She had started at 10.30 in Harrod's lingerie department9 and now it was 6.15 and she had only taken an hour off for lunch. And when she got home she had that puzzling book to read, Three Men in a Boat. She had promised her father she would read at least five pages a day. It would improve her English, he said, and help her to understand the English psyche.

She had already ploughed through The Wind in the Willows,10 Alice in Wonderland and most of Jemima Puddleduck11 but she had found these books very difficult, full of talking animals dressed in the clothes of human beings.

At Hyde Park Comer the car stopped suddenly, the driver swo­re and Sayako opened her eyes. The bodyguard turned around to face her.

'A demonstration,' he said. 'Nothing to fear.'

She looked out of the window and saw a long line of mid­dle-aged people crossing the road in front of the car. Many of them were wearing beige anoraks that Sayako, a devoted shopper, identified as coming from Marks and Spencer.12 A few were car­rying signs on sticks.

Nobody appeared to take any notice of them, apart from a few impatient motorists.

Proper Names

Sue Townsend ['sju: 'taUns@nd] — Сью Таунсенд

Sayako [s@'j{k@U] — Саяко

Sloane Street ['sl@Un 'stri:t] — Слоун Стрит

Windsor ['wInz@] — Виндзор

Harrod's ['h{r@dz] — Хэрродз

Jemima Puddleduck [³I'maIm@ 'pödld@k] — Джемайма Падлдак

Hyde Park ['haId 'p¸k] — Гайд Парк

Marks and Spencer ['m¸ks @nd 'spens@] — Маркс и Спенсер

Vocabulary Notes

1. Sayako came out of the changing room in Sloane Street... — Саяко вышла из примерочной магазина на Слоун Стрит... (Прим.: Слоун стрит — улица Лондона, получившая извест­ность благодаря расположенным на ней в изобилии изысканным магазинам).

2.... as featured on the cover of English Vogue —... точно таком же, как был на обложке английского издания «Воуг» (прим.:

Vogue — журнал мод)

3.... I take it in strawberry and navy and primrose —... я беру такой же цвета клубники, темно-синий и бледно-жёлтый.

4. She would now reach this week's target:— Теперь она не­пременно выполнит недельный план.

5.... stockinged feet... ['stÁkIÎd] —... в одних чулках...

6. Her role model was the fibreglass mannequin... — Образцом для нее служил синтетический манекен...

7. As the manageress tapped in the magic numbers from the card... — Пока заведующая секцией пробивала в кассе магиче­ские цифры, перенося их с пластиковой карты...

8.... with a toffee-brown version of the sumptuous coat —... с таким же роскошным пальто цвета кофе с молоком (Прим.: бук­вально — коричневый, как сливочная тянучка)

9. She had started at 10.30 in Harrod's lingerie department... — Она начала в половине одиннадцатого с отдела женского белья в Хэрродз... (Прим.: Хэрродз — крупнейший универмаг Лондона).

10. She had already ploughed through The Wind in the Willows... — Она уже осилила «Ветер в Ивах» (Прим.: книга детского писателя К. Грэма).

11. Jemima Puddleduck — Джемайма Падлдак (Прим.: имя утенка из сказки Б. Поттер)

12.... identified as coming from Marts and Spencer. —... определи­ла, что они куплены в Маркс и Спенсер (Прим.: Маркс и Спенсер — известная сеть магазинов в Великобритании)

Comprehension Check

1. What was Sayako trying on in the changing room?

2. Why did the manageress inwardly rejoice?

3. What attracted Sayako's attention in the shop?

4. What was a role model for Sayako?

5. How was the mannequin dressed?

6. What else did Sayako buy in the shop? In what colours?

7. How did the manageress and her assistants react when Sayako had left?

8. What did Sayako think about English people?

9. Was Sayako tired of shopping? Why?

10. What was Sayako reading?

11. Was she reading for pleasure or not?

12. Whom did Sayako see in the street?

Phonetic Text Drills

○ Exercise 1

Transcribe and pronounce correctly the words from the text.

Suit, to survey, manageress, inwardly, to rejoice, target, suede, loafer, fibreglass, mannequin, to loll, nylon, to encapture, platinum, toffee, version, sumptuous, bodyguard, to yell, lim­ousine, wobbly, lingerie, psyche, to plough, anorak, to identify.

○ Exercise 2

Pronounce the words and phases where the following clusters occur.

1. consonant + D

On the cover, and these shoes, in the full-length mirror, in­side the shop, when the princess, in the back, and their skin, had that, found these books, in the clothes.

2. plosive + 1

Black, at least, bless, fibreglass, blonde, blue, closed, plati­num, impatiently, and looked, at London, people, ploughed.

3. plosive + r

Cream, primrose, tried, drink, princess, driven, screamed, and red, promised, would read, improve, crossing.

4. plosive + plosive

And placed, fitted perfectly, take both, and big, laughed behind, what bodies, bodyguard turned.

5. consonant + w

Job would be safe, card which, this week's, suede, coat which, cost one, just one, quickly, returned with, it was, it would.

○ Exercise 3

Pronounce after the announcer avoiding false assimilation. Comment on the phonetic phenomena.

This season's suit, as featured, as though, is so beautiful, as the car, was staying, was so tiring.

○ Exercise 4

Transcribe the following compound words.

Green-coloured, red-haired, toffee-brown, bodyguard, mid­dle-aged.

○ Exercise 5

Transcribe and intone the following exclamatory sentences.

How \funny "English "people "are, | she 'thought, | with their 'wobbly \faces | and 'big \noses | and their \skin! || What \bodies they "had! ||


Exercise 1

Reproduce the sentences in which the following words and phrases are used in the text.

To survey oneself in a full-length mirror, to be very good on somebody, to rejoice, to match, to be encaptured by some­thing, to fit perfectly, to try on, to shift impatiently, to set off, tiring, to plough through, to be a devoted shopper, not to take any notice of something.

Exercise 2

I. Find words opposite in meaning to the following ones from the text.

1. Untidy, safe, same, beautiful, sumptuous, funny, necessary, tiring, difficult, impatient;

2. Rejoice, place, fit, improve.

II. Give synonyms.

1. Heap, purchase, journey;

2. To survey, to place, to improve, to swear;

3. Sumptuous, tiring, puzzling

Exercise 3

Match the words on the left with their definitions on the right.

1. to loll A. correspond in quality, colour, design, etc.;

2. to rejoice B. change or move from one position to another;

3. to survey C. associate inseparably or very closely with smth.;

4. to hug D. show signs of great happiness;

5. to identify E. be of right measure, shape and size;

6. to match F. take a general view of smth.;

7. to order G. stand, sit or recline in a lazy attitude;

8. to fit H. squeeze tightly in one's arms, usually with affection;

9. to shift I. make a loud sharp cry (as of pain, excitement, etc.)

10. to yell J. command or direct.

Exercise 4

Say whether the following verbs have corresponding nouns. Comment on the difference in meaning and pronunciation.

feature match hand shift

survey order cost purchase

fit pack point promise

Exercise 5

Find in the text the words from the groups below and define to what part of speech they belong.

Convincingly — perfectly — wobbly;

shopping — tiring — puzzling;

feature — loafer — driver;

middle-aged — devoted — identified.

Exercise 6

Agree or disagree with the following statements. Give your reasons.


For disagreement: For agreement:

That's not quite right. That's right.

Oh no, quite on the contrary. Exactly.

It says in the text... I agree entirely.

1. Sayako was trying on the last season's suit.

2. The manageress felt irritated by the obtrusive customer.

3. Sayako admired the beauty of the mannequin.

4. Sayako was a devoted shopper, ready to buy clothes in bulk.

5. She didn't care how much money she spent on clothes.

6. The princess found English people funny.

7. Shopping didn't take her much time.

8. Sayako found English books entertaining.

Exercise 7

Find synonyms in the text for the italicized words and expressions.

1. Before buying an antique statue, Maggie looked at it care­ fully to find if it matched the design of her flat.

2. I can't wear my blue shoes with a black skirt, they don't look good together.

3. I've bought a blouse for Alison. It's a very pretty colour and just the right size too.

4. Why don't you put on these shoes to see if they are comfor­table.

5. They were shown into a luxurious dining hall.

6. Standing still for any length of time can be exhausting.

7. Do you think this colour makes me look attractive?

8. The children were delighted to see peace and comfort return into their home at last.

9. At last the band appeared on the stage and the crowd was thrilled with its music.

10. After reading so many heavy and difficult textbooks, it was a relief to pick up a novel again.

11. He's always rude to people. Don't pay attention to his words.

Exercise 8

Find the English equivalents for the following words and expressions.


Примерочная; костюм шестого размера; костюм про­шлого сезона; помещённый на обложке журнала; зерка­ло в человеческий рост; цвет Вам идёт; я это беру; полка, где выставлены уличные туфли; туфли в тон; манекен; прилавок магазина; недельный план продажи; заведую­щая; прожектор; собираться заказать; отлично подходить; быть в упоении; протянуть кредитную карточку; стоить; показать на что-либо; покупки; утомительный; отдел дамского белья; из магазина Маркс и Спенсер; любитель­ница покупок; стоить без одного пенса тысячу фунтов; упаковывать.


Быть в упоении; прожектор; показать на что- либо; не обращать внимание; валяться на полу; внутренне возли­ковать; переминаться нетерпелтво с ноги на ногу; обни­маться от счастья; отдохнуть часок за ланчем; психология англичан.

Exercise 9

Express the same idea using different wording and grammar.

1. Sayako came out of the changing room in Sloane Street wearing this season's suit, as featured on the cover of Eng­lish Vogue.

2. The manageress, svelte in black, stood behind her.

3. She would now reach this week's taiget.

4. And these shoes to match all suits in size 4.

5. Sayako walked over on stockinged feet to a display of suede loafers.

6. Her role model was the fibreglass mannequin which lolled convincingly against the shop counter.

7. Her blue eyes were half closed as though she were encap-tured by her own beauty.

8. She hurried to the back of the shop and quickly returned with a toffee-brown version of the sumptuous coat.

9. She had already ploughed through The Wind in the Willows. 10. Many of them were wearing beige anoraks that Sayako, a devoted shopper, identified as coming from Marks and Spencer.

Exercise 10

Fill in the gaps with one of the following expressions, changing the forms of the words if necessary.

The colour is good on somebody, to bear the name of some­body, to take an hour off for lunch, to laugh behind the hand, to be coming from Harrod's, to loll against, to fit perfectly, shoes to match, to take something in navy, to be wearing, a full-length mirror, to try on something.

1. The suit was well-cut and fashioned, but the colour seemed to be too pale. So Amanda thought that she would....

2. The cashier looked at the platinum card and saw that... the name of the President. She couldn't believe her eyes.

3. Though..., Dorothy thought that the coat was too wide and long, and decided not to buy it.

4. Her leather bag was so expensive that I immediately under­stood that it..., as I knew that only there they sold such luxurious things.

5. On that day the headmistress... an excellent stylish dress.

6. The dress..., there was not a single crease anywhere and the length was right.

7. As our shopping tour was tiring, we decided... and go to McDonalds.

8. There were no customers in the shop, there was absolutely nothing to do and the salesclerk... the counter.

9. The customer looked so comic in a striped suit and a big hat that when he turned away to look at himself in the mirror, the shopgirls....

10. Deborah had already... five dresses, but none of them suited her.

11. On my way home with a newly purchased raincoat I passed by a shopwindow with a nice display of shoes. The idea struck me at once: I had to buy....

12. It's a pity we do not have... at home. It's impossible to see yourself from head to foot.

Exercise 11

Speak about Sayako's shopping tour:

1. in the third person;

2. in the person of the manageress;

3. in the person of Sayako;

4. in the person of her bodyguard.

Exercise 12

Discussion points.

1. What kind of life do you think Sayako has?

2. What do Sayako's shopping items tell you about her?

3. Do you agree with Sayako's thoughts about English people?

4. How can purchases reveal a personality?

5. Do you believe that shop assistants remain indifferent when customers make purchases or not? Prove your point.

Exercise 13

Replace the gaps with one of the following verbs: to fit, to suit, to match, to become, to go with/together.

1. I'm sure you'll be able to find a suitable dress that.... You are a standard size.

2. 'I don't think this dress... me. I'd prefer something lighter.' 'Oh, no. I love you in that dress.'

3. The jacket... her like a glove. It looked as if it had been made for her.

4. In the lounge everything... the curtains: the sofa, the carpet and the cushions.

5. Do you think this sweater and this skirt...? No, not really, the colours don't quite....

6. This dress doesn't... her. It's tight in the waist.

7. For every outfit, Diana has a handbag and shoes....

8. Helen was trying on her pearls to see if they... her yellow dress.

9. She looked curiously young in her scarlet jeans and white sweater, although the clothes didn't... the occasion.

10. It's funny but the yellow walls and the black floor actually... quite well.

11. She has exquisite taste for clothing. Everything she wears... without fail.

Exercise 14

Below find a Christmas shopping list. Imagine that you give it to your teenage daughter and ask her to buy presents. Give her instructions where to buy things. You may even draw a shopping route for your daughter.

Things to Bye:

Exercise 15

I. Name at least three items which you can buy in different kinds of shops or departments when you look for birthday presents.

wo­ men's wear men's wear     chil­ dren's wear shoe depart­ ment ha­ berda­ shery stati­ oner's     an­ tique shop art shop     book­ shop     hi-fi store    


II. Have a look at the list of shops in task 3 to the Introductory Reading and Talk and exclude names of shops where

1) you usually do not buy birthday presents,

2) you do not buy second-hand goods.

Exercise 16

Discuss your shopping habits:

What do you look for when you shop? Why? What factors are important for you when you go shopping? List the factors below in order of importance.

friendly service low prices

the quality of goods the design of the shop interior

the size of the shop brand name goods on sale

shops that aren't crowded nearby entertainment/cafe

Exercise 17

Pair work. Pick out 5 items your groupmate has or is wearing that you ad­mire. Make up dialogues in which you should compliment your groupmate. You can use the following phases to start with:

That's a beautiful/pretty/nice/fantastic/great/sumptuous/... dress/coat, etc.

Those are really nice/pretty/good-looking/...

I really like your...

You can continue with the following:

Where did you get it/them?

I like the colour/style/material/...

You look good in... (colour).

... is good on you.

... suits you.

... matches/goes well with...

Exercise 18

In the sentences below only 3 variants are correct and the rest are wrong. Choose the correct words.

1. The... was crowded with shoppers on the Saturday before Christmas.

A. shopping centre. B. shopping precinct. C. mall. D. ki­osk. E. stall.

2. In department stores, customers are usually welcome to ex­amine and try on....

A. goods. B. objects. C. articles D. merchandise. E. mate­rials.

3. The meal was really..., we got at least six courses — all for under £10.

A. a bargain. B. valuable. C. worthy. D. a good value. E. a value for money.

4. How much is your T-shirt? I got four for only £30. They were....

A. on sale. B. on offer. C. on display. D. going cheap. E. dear.

5. I can't imagine how she affords to send her kids to that school — it must....

A. cost the earth. B. be priceless. C. be costly. D. be expen­sive. E. be a money spinner.

6. Unless Jaguar can..., they will soon be unable to compete on the American market.

A. cut the prices. B. give a discount. C. reduce prices. D. increase prices. E. raise prices.

7. We don't get many... on Mondays — Saturday is our busi­est day.

A. clients. B. merchants. C. vendors. D. shoppers. E. cus­tomers.

8. We... a large selection of European wines.

A. stock. B. sell. C. retail. D. have on sale. E. wholesale.

9. It was difficult to choose from such... of dishes on the menu.

A. a range. B. a selection. C. a choice. D. a mixture. E. a category.

10. Sales staff are trained to be...

A. helpful. B. courteous. C. humble. D. knowledgeable. E. obtrusive.

Exercise 19

Complete the following dialogues using the sentences given below.

I. At the millinery department.

Customer: I'd like to buy the hat in the window.

Assistant: There are several hats in the window....

Customer: Can you show me the one over there? The leather one.

Assistant: Ah! The leather one. Now, this is another leather hat, madam. It's better than the one in

the window....

Customer: I'd rather have the one in the window....

Assistant: Certainly, madam....

Customer: I'm not sure.

Assistant:... It is sixteen and a half.

Customer: Thank you very much. Assistant:...

1. What size do you take?

2. Would you like me to measure your head?

3. It's smoother leather.

4. It goes with my clothes.

5. Thank you for the purchase.

6. What sort of hat do you require? Felt, leather, the one with feathers or with a brim?

II. At the shoe department.

Customer: Excuse me....

Assistant: Certainly, madam. What can I show you?

Customer: I'd like to buy a pair of fancy dress shoes.

Assistant:... Leather, suede, glace or I can offer you glit­ter stiletto shoes.

Customer: I like them. Can I try them on?

Assistant: Certainly....

Customer: They're a bit tight. I have rather a broad foot and a high instep....

Assistant: I'm afraid not in that style....

Customer: Then, probably, leather shoes are better...

Assistant: Yes, they'll stretch.

Customer: Very well then. Thank you for your help.

Assistant: You're welcome.

1. They will give a little after wearing.

2. Have you got them in a wider fitting?

3. Can you wait on me?

4. How do they fit, madam?

5. Would you like to see another similar style?

6. What kind of shoes do you want, madam?

III. At the women's clothes department.

Assistant: Can I help you?

Customer: No thank you....

Assistant: We have suits on sale....

Customer: Which suit do you think is better?

Assistant:... It's warm and comfortable.

Customer: I'm afraid it's loose on me.... Have you got a smaller size?

Assistant: I'm awfully sorry.... The suits proved to be so popular that we sold out of them last week but we might have some more next week.

Customer: Well, thank you.


Customer: Maybe I'll come back later.

Assistant: You're welcome. Come again!

1. It's two sizes too large.

2. I'm just looking around.

3. May I hope that we can be of service to you again in the future, sir?

4. We've run out of the size.

5. You won't find a better bargain in town.

6. I think a wool single-breasted suit is a good bet for the season.

Exercise 20

Dramatize the situation "At a Shop".


You want to buy some clothes but you can't decide what to buy. Ask the assistant for help, try on the clothes. Explain why you don't want them.


You are the shop assistant. You serve the customer and suggest what to buy. Discuss prices, sizes and colours. Try to persuade the customer to buy something and make a sale.


For student A: For student B:

Can you wait on me? Can I help you?

Can I get... here? Are you being served?

I'm looking for... What size... do you take?

What colours have you got it in? This one is on sale.

Have you got it in red? It's only...

Would you measure me, please? You won't find a better

Have you got this in size...? bargain in town.

It doesn't fit. I'm afraid we are out

It's too tight/loose. of them at the moment.

Could I have the next We are expecting more in,

size up/down? maybe next week.

Can I try it on? Any particular colour?

I don't like it. Would you like to try it on?

Can I see something else? Does it fit?

No, thanks. I'll leave it. Would you like to try

I'll take/have it. a bigger/smaller size?

Thank you for your help. This one comes in grey,

brown and blue.

Exercise 21

Give a talk on the subject "How to Shop Sensibly". Include the following points:

which shop to check out;

what to wear;

what bag to take.

Make use of the following words and phrases:

to be a devoted shopper to afford

to be a spendthrift/a big spender to be extravagant

to spend/waste money on to cost the earth

Give your advice. Use the following structures:

I advise youto...

(I think) you'd better/should...

Why don't you...

It might be a good idea to...

Have you thought of...ing

I wouldn't advise you to...

You'd better not...

Exercise 22

I. Have you ever had problems like these? What did you do?

Your blouse has shrunk. The heel's come off.

The zip doesn't work. The strap has broken from

the side.

The sole's come unstuck. The stitching's come undone.

The colours ran. Your dress has come apart at

the seams.

Your pullover has stretched. Your boots pinch.

Your socks are different


II. In pairs take turns to imagine yourself in the following situations. Make use of the phrases below.

For complaining:

I'm sorry but...

I'm afraid...

I'm sorry to have to complain but...

For apologizing and offering to put things right:

I'm very/awfully sorry... I do apologize. I'll... All right, I'll see what I can do. Sony about that, I'll...

For accepting or refusing offers:

Thank you very much. That's very kind of you. I suppose that'll be all right. Thank you. That's just not good enough... No, that's quite unacceptable. I'll never...

Exercise 23

Translate into English.


По дороге в супермаркет Бренда заметила яркую вывеску в витрине бутика: «Сезонные скидки». Бренда решила по­смотреть, нет ли чего-нибудь подходящего. Она не была завсегдатаем распродаж, хотя и знала, что на вешалках с табличкой «Скидка 50%» можно найти только маленькие размеры. Разглядывая вещи, она случайно натолкнулась на блузку 14 размера. Она примерила её и та оказалась ей как раз впору. Бренда подумала, что эта блузка подойдёт к её любимой чёрной юбке. К тому же блузка была почти даром. Бренда заглянула в свой кошелёк и решила, что может позволить себе купить её. Больше не раздумывая, Бренда подала деньги продавцу.


Не успела Бренда выйти из магазина с новой отличной покупкой, как у неё отлетел каблук. А она купила туфли в этом месяце. Бренда направилась в обувной магазин, твердо решив обменять их. Продавец был готов обменять туфли, но в продаже не было обуви этой модели. Бренда провела полчаса в магазине, примеряя каждую пару свое­го размера. Но никакие туфли ей не подходили: одни были слишком широки, другие жали, у третьих был слиш­ком высокий каблук. Единственные туфли, которые ей понравились, были слишком дорогие. Продавец посове­товал ей зайти на следующей неделе, когда они получат новый товар.

Exercise 24

Write down the names of three major items you have bought recently. For each one, say whether you paid a lot, a little, or an average price, how long it took you to find the item. Then say what kind of shop you bought it in, and give reasons why.

Exercise 25

Discussion points.

1. Shopping is an important human activity.

2. It is worth spending a lot of time to get something cheap.

3. You should never buy things that harm the environment, however cheap or useful they may be.

4. Advertising provides useful information.

5. People often buy things they don't want because they are bargains.

6. Young people do not always buy wisely.

Exercise 26

I. Match the meanings on the left with the idiomatic expressions con­taining the word "shop" on the right.

1. to talk about work A. to be all over the shop

2. stealing from shops B. (on) the shop floor

3. workers; the place where C. to talk shop

ordinary workers do their


4. in disorder, scattered D. to go window-shopping

around different parts

of a place

5. looking at the goods in 5. shop-lifting

the windows of shops, but

not buying them

II. Explain the meaning of the italicized expressions with the word "money". Give their Russian equivalents.

1. She's always going out to parties and fancy restaurants. She must have money to burn.

2. Alison was careful with her money but her sister threw her money about. She went to restaurants and took taxis though she couldn't really afford it.

3. He spends money like there's no tomorrow. His parents left him an immense fortune.

4. You seem to be in the money these days. You're treating your friends to the most expensive dishes and drinks.

5. When he was a child, his pocket money was one pound.

Exercise 27

Translate the following quotations and comment upon them.

'To found a great empire for the sole purpose of raising up a people of customers, may at first sight appear a project fit only for a nation of shopkeepers. It is, however, a project altogether unfit for a nation of shopkeepers; but extremely fit for a nation that is governed by shopkeepers.'

Adam Smith.

'Do not buy what you want, but what you need; what you do not need is dear at a farthing.'

Cato the Elder.

'The customer is always right.'

H. Gordon Selfridge

'Advertising may be described as the science of arresting the human intelligence long enough to get money from it.'

Stephen Butler Leacock

Exercise 28

Role play: "Survey of People's Shopping Habits"

Setting: Lecture room in the University of Trade Manage­ment.

Situation: A group of psychologists are invited to a students' class with a talk. They ask questions about shopping habits to demonstrate the fact that people fall under different customer categories. Then they analyse answers and decide which description fits every stu­dent best. Finally they report their results to the class.

I. You are a Fun Shopper.

You enjoy it. You go shopping with your friends.

II. You are a Practical Shopper.

You get the best and the cheapest.

III. You are a Reluctant Shopper.

You hate doing it!

Find out:

whether they enjoy shopping and why/why not;

what things they like/hate to shop for the best/worst;

what kind of stores they like the most, why;

whether they like window-shopping, shopping around;

whether they enjoy lookingfor baigains;

what they think first about: the price, the quality, the name;

whether they take advice from shop assistants, friends, family, nobody;

whether they go shopping alone or with friends;

whether they spend their money on "things" or on enter­tainment;

if they had an unlimited supply of money, how they would spend it;

if they had less money and had to buy fewer things what they would stop buying.


Card I — The head of the group of psychologists, who opens and closes the discussion.

Cards II—V — Psychologists who ask questions and make conclusions.

Cards VI—XI — Students who give answers to the questions.


Exercise 1

Prepare to write a dictation, including the words in bold type from Introduc­tory Reading and exercise 1 on page 150.

Exercise 2

Prepare to write a reproduction of the following text.

Shopping in London

Most of London's big department stores are in Oxford Street and Regent Street. They are always crowded, but at sale times, in January and July, there are so many people that it is difficult to move and it is usually safer to go in the direction of the majority!

These days, it is often difficult to distinguish the goods in one large store from those in another. If you are looking for something "different" (but cannot afford the prices of Bond Street) it is certainly worth going to New Covent Garden. This used to be England's biggest fruit and vegetable market, but a few years ago, the market was moved to a new site on the other side of the River Thames. The old market, now called "New Covent Garden", was restored and converted into a shoppimg centre. There are now more than forty shops of many different kinds, and there are several places to eat and drink. The open­ing hours are different from most other shops: they open at 10 a.m. and close at 8 p.m. As well as shopping, there is entertain­ment with lunch-time theatre groups and classical, jazz, folk and pop music.

Kensington and Knightsbridge is an exclusive area of Lon­don. There you can find the department store that is the sym­bol of expensive and high-class living — Harrods. People say you can buy anything in Harrods, including wild animals — they even have a zoo which will sell you lion cubs as well as more common pets such as dogs, cats or parrots.

(from "Spotlights on Britain " by S. Sheerin, G. Seath, G. White)


A reproduction is a way of rendering a text as close to the original as possible. Preparing the students for a reproduction, the teacher gives them new words and phrases from the text and explains their meanings. They may be written on the blackboard or distributed on cards. The text may be read by the teacher or by the announcer if it is recorded. The students should listen to the text once or twice, and then write the gist of it trying to use the wording of the original. The main goal of writing reproductions is memory training.

Exercise 3

Write a short essay on one of the following topics.

1. Why I Like/Do Not Like Shopping.

2. My Memorable Purchase/Gift.

3. My Method of Shopping.

4. Men's and Women's Shopping Styles.

5. Shopping Styles of the Young and the Elderly.

6. The Presents We Give and Are Given.

7. Why I Never Buy Things in the Market/Boutiques.


Punctuation (continued from page 140).

A dash has the force of a strong comma, it marks sharper breaks in the continuity and achieves more definite effects of suspense than the comma.

A dash is put:

1) to mark a sharp or sudden turn in the thought or struc­ture of a sentence, or an afterthought (e.g. But Anne — well, Anne was Anne — seemed not to notice);

2) to separate a parenthetical expression from the main clause (e.g. Here she is perfiaps at her best — and in the best sense — as a woman sympathizing with the sorrows peculiar to women);

Commas or brackets may also set off a parenthetical expres­sion. The choice depends on several factors. If the parentheti­cal expression is relatively distant from the centre of the com­munication, one should prefer the brackets; if relatively near, the comma; if intermediate, the dash;

3) to set off a word or words summarizing a preceding se­ries (e.g. Ups and downs, joys and sorrows — this is human life);

4) to set off a word or words intended to effect suspense, climax, or anticlimax (e.g. No pains — no gains);

5) to mark an unfinished sentence (e.g. 'He did not lie, he -' 'Yes, what?').



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