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Match the word with its translation.

Solve the crossword.


  1. This animal is orange with black, grey or brown stripes; it’s a big cat.
  2. This animal has one or two humps, is usually brown and lives in deserts.
  3. This animal lives in the forest, has horns.
  4. It’s a very beautiful big brown and orange “cat” with black spots.
  5. It’s a big grey animal that has a horn on its nose.
  6. It’s a very dangerous poisonous snake with a hood.
  7. This huge animal has got tusks and very big ears.


2. Read the text on page 66. Mark the text with the signs: √ / + / - /? /. Fill in the table below:

+ - ?
I know it It’s absolutely new for me It’s opposite to what I know I’d like to learn about it

Compare the charts with your partner.


Write the verbs with -s or -es.

  • (bite) it _____________
  • (cry) she _____________
  • (hide) he ____________
  • (relax) Tom _____________
  • (swim) Sandra ______________
  • (wash) the cat ______________


4. Complete the sentences. Use:

take swim use hunt carry hide


· Mike always ______________ a shower every morning.

· Tigers _____________ big animals, like deer.

· Tim ______________in the swimming pool every Saturday.

· Lisa is very good at computers. She ____________ her computer a lot.

· Dogs ____________ bones in the ground.

· Kangaroos _____________ their babies in a special bag.


Complete the sentences. Use present simple.


  1. Tom always gets to school early. (get)
  2. I ______________TV very often. (watch)
  3. Lisa ____________her hair every morning. (wash)
  4. My parents _____________ in a big company. (work)
  5. Helen ______________ not far from the zoo. (live)
  6. They _____________to the gym every day. (go)
  7. Julia ______________her homework every evening. (do)


Write the third person singular.

I work – she _____________

They stay – Tom _____________

I wash – my mum _____________

You see – he _____________

We read – Jack _____________

You catch – she _____________

I swim – Sarah _____________

I drive – he _____________

Tom and Jack play – Sandra _____________

You change – the pupil _____________

We hurry – he _____________

Lisa and Helen visit – Greg _____________

I talk – she _____________


Put the verbs from exercise 6 in the correct column in third person singular. Read them out.


/s/ /z/ /iz/



5b At the zoo


Play the game “tic-tac-toe” (крестики-нолики). You can put a cross or a zero if you say a sentence with the word correctly.




Complete the dialogue. To check your answers use the dialogue in SB, p.68

Ben: Do you ___________ the zoo, Ann?

Ann: Yes, I ____. It’s great. What’s that ___________ over there?

Ben: Which one? What _________ it _________ like?

Ann: It has a long __________ and __________ legs.

Ben: That’s a _____________. They are so ______________.

Ann: Yes, they ________. Look, what’s that up in the ______?

Ben: It’s a ___________.

Ann: Ah! I __________ like monkeys.

Ben: Why not?

Ann: They are __________.

Ben: I find them ___________. Anyway, let’s ______ and ______ the bears.

Ann: OK.

Act the dialogue out.


3. Look at the picture. Choose one animal that you like most of all. Describe it (speak about where it lives, what it eats, how it looks like) and let your partner/ classmates guess the animal.





Write the negative.

  1. Elephants eat tigers.
  2. Bears fly.
  3. I like snakes and spiders.
  4. She finds monkeys noisy.
  5. Giraffes live in Europe.
  6. Peacocks are noisy.
  7. We work very hard.
  8. You do your morning exercises every morning.
  9. Kate knows Tom’s telephone number.
  10. He feeds his dog seven times a day.





Make questions from the words in brackets.


1. (where/ live/you)


2. (Sue/ early/ get up/ always)


3. (mum/ for dinner/ want/ what)


4. (feed/ your cat/ how often/you)


5. (they/ travel/ a lot)


6. (to the cinema/ you/ often/ go)



Write short answers.

  1. Do you often go to the zoo? _________________________
  2. Does it rain a lot in Moscow? _________________________
  3. Do you sing a lot? _______________________
  4. Do you often skate? _______________________
  5. Do you play the guitar? ______________________


5 c. My pet


Solve the chainword. Circle the words.




Give Russian equivalents.

Привет! (2 варианта)  
У тебя есть домашнее животное?  
Кто-нибудь еще любит собак?  
весь день  
Как ты думаешь?  
Больше всего я люблю попугаев.  
Я выгуливаю собаку в парке каждый день.  



Use the words below to reconstruct the message from Sarah. Speak from her name (от её имени). Start with: I’ve got a dog.




3 years old


golden fur

take him for walks


Animal quiz.


  1. black and white _________________
  2. grey _________________
  3. brown _________________
  4. black and yellow _________________
  5. red __________________
  6. green __________________



English in use and Extensive reading


Match the word with its translation.


flea попугай

wing боль в ухе

toothache блоха

earache зубная боль

parrot комар

have a look at крыло

mosquito взглянуть на


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