XI. Look through the studied material again and write your own composition “The Main Stages of Design Development”, be ready to discuss it.
UNIT II INTRODUCTION INTO SPECIALITY Vocabulary 1. trial and error – пробы и ошибки; 2. objective – цель; 3. a cloak of secrecy – завеса секретности; 4. emerge – появляться; показываться; выходить; возникать; появиться; выходить (откуда-либо); 5. sparkle – искриться, сверкать; 6. blend – сочетание; 7. collaboration – сотрудничество; совместная работа; 8. launch – начинать; пускать в действие; 9. scrutiny – внимательное изучение; рассмотрение; 10. market-beating – покоряющий рынок; 11. scrutiny – внимательное изучение; 12. in-house colleagues – коллеги по цеху/ремеслу; 13. hands-on – практический, связанный с жизнью; 14. crucial – решающий; ключевой; 15. market share – зд. роль; вес на рынке; 16. implementation – реализация; 17. come to the fore – выдвигаться вперёд; 18. user-friendliness – дружественность по отношению к пользователю; удобство для пользователя; 19. catch up –догнать; нагнать; догонять; наверстать идти в ногу; 20. overseas counterparts – заграничные партнеры; 21. saturated market – насыщенный рынок; 22. vial – пузырек; 23. would-be – потенциальный; начинающий; желающий стать (кем-то); 24. special – зд. дополнительный; 25. credits – заглавные надписи; заглавные титры; 26. appeal – обращение; 27. layout – план (макет) работы; 28. ease – свобода; лёгкость; удобство; 29. bitmapped graphics – растровая графика; 30. vector graphics – векторная графика; 31. illustration package – пакет иллюстрационных программ; 32. computer-aided design (CAD) – системы автоматизированного проектирования САПР; 33. rendering – визуализация предметов (в машинной графике); семейство фильтров программы Adobe Photoshop, использующееся для обработки картинок путём их расцвечивания и/или затенения; рендеринг; 34. desktop publishing (DTP) – настольные издательские средства; настольная издательская система; подготовка публикаций с помощью настольных издательских средств;
35. clip-art – графическая вставка; иллюстративные вставки; 36. wireframe – режим просмотра рисунка, объекты которого представляются только их контурами; 37. geographic information systems (GIS) – географическая информационная система (ГИС). I. Read the following international words and guess their meanings:
project social statistics client mathematical career parameter formulae interior organisation camera function economy realism emotional electronic lecture psychology practice seminar final II. Choose the correct translation of the following English words: successful успешный иметь успех успех creative творчество создавать творческий solution решать решение разрешимый competition конкурировать конкурент конкуренция consumption потреблять потребление потребляемый definition определять определение определяющий efficiency эффективный давать эффект эффективность implementation применение применять применимый illustration иллюстрировать иллюстрационный иллюстрация special дополнение дополнительный дополнять objective иметь целью цель целевой III. Look at some basic design terms and try to guess their meanings by matching them with their definition:
IV. Discuss the following question: Which adjectives from the list below can describe the design process? Give your reasons. interesting difficult creative unusual easy various constructive surprising boring intensive laborious engrossing trivial hard mysterious common V. Now read Text I and see how many of your ideas are mentioned. TEXT I THE DESIGN PROCESS Design is not just the object you take off the shelf for checking and discussing – it is about and error and a series of decisions that starts before you even know your objective.
The design process is not a mysterious activity designers carry out behind a cloak of secrecy, magically emerging with a sparkling new market-beating product or service. It starts when decisions about why, how and even whether to go ahead with a project are being taken. Although designers provide a particular blend of skills and creativity, the design process works best when it is a collaboration between the design team and the people it works with and for, either in-house colleagues or clients. Design work begins with a brief setting out the aims and objectives of a project and outlining certain targets and parameters for its completion. But, ideally, the design team needs to be involved before the brief is even written for two reasons – first, its members will understand the brief better if they have had a hand in composing it and, secondly, the customer-focused, creative skills that designers possess can help decide the direction the project should take. An organisation and its designers need to ask certain questions right at the start - why is design work needed? Is it to respond to changing markets or to customer trends? Maybe new competition has appeared on the market or the company just wants to increase its market share. Perhaps the organisation wants to make its service more efficient, or perhaps it faces a decision between improving an existing product or service or launching something completely new. By understanding both the organization's strategic objectives and customer needs, designers can define the problem before working towards a solution. The reason for the design will inform how the designers go about conducting research. Research needs to be carried out both before and during the design process, especially if the project will take some years to complete. Market research includes trends analysis, scrutiny of competitors' products and wider research such as the state of the economy, upcoming legislation and relevant social changes such as birth rates and patterns of prosperity. Design research centres on the user. It makes use of information about customers supplied by the organisation but also takes a more hands-on approach in the form of user testing and prototyping. Observing customer behaviour not only makes it easier for designers to create something that fulfils a need, it can also provide creative inspiration. Along with visualization, it also helps to represent the designers' ideas to the organisation at a large scale. To plan a project effectively, companies and organizations need to take into account all the internal resources, people and information the project will require, from materials to customer-service support. The design team will need to be aware of these too. There is no point in a design requiring a certain manufacturing techniques or tooling, for instance, if these are not available. The relationship between the designer and the organisation or department that has commissioned the design work is crucial. The best relationships are a two-way street, where each party is receptive to the concerns of the other. Communication needs to be maintained throughout the design process. The need for communication was summed up by designer Wayne Hemingway during the Design Council's Design in Business Week 2002: “There is no point sitting designers in a room and letting them design. They have to work with you and be a part of the business”. The final stage is implementation – by manufacturers, engineers, IT (Information Technologies) experts or service providers – but that does not mean the designers exit the scene. It is important to allow for redesign and the designers also have a vital role to play in representing their ideas to all those involved in executing them.
NOTES _____________________________________________________________________
Brief– the design documents that encapsulate all of the specification and to which the design team will work.
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