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Universal Cylindrical Grinding Machine

This universal grinder is designed for external grinding of both cy­lindrical and tapered surfaces. Depending on its size the workpicce is either mounted between dead centres or is held in a chuck. It is widely used in piece and lot production plants.

The rigid and massive design of the machine ensures dependable operation. The workpicce can be ground with high accuracy and ex­cellent surface finish.

The hydraulic system accomplishes the following operations: re­ciprocating table traverse, rapid approach and withdrawal of the wheel-head.

The upper part of the table, the wheel head and the headstock can be swivelled and clamped in (he required position for taper grinding operations.

The one-piece cast-iron base is of box shape. It is rigid and stable, thus preventing the development of vibration during operation.

The base ways have a large bearing surface, reliably protected against dust.

By the beginning of the new millenium a great number of complex machine tools had been designed to speed up production. Although these tools include features of the basic machine tools and perform the same operations, they incorporate design modifications that let them perform complex operational sequences quicker. Furthermore, after the production machine has been set up by a skilled worker or machinist, a less skilled operator also can produce parts accurately and quickly.

There's one more improvement that had already been incorpo­rated in machine tools by the 21st century. This is a highly automat­ed machining system, called adaptive control that involves the use of a microprocessor. A microprocessor is a tiny electronic device that performs the work of a computer. The microprocessor regulates vari­ables in the machining process such as the speed of the spindle. That makes the process very efficient. It also receives information from sensors that measure force, temperature, and other variables. It uses the information to operate the system at the level that is safe for the machine tool and the workpiece. Specialists predict that by the year 2015 all major industrial works in Belarus will have been equipped with such machining centres.

Scientists consider that the oldest tools that are known to the mankind are 2,600,000 years old. They were used by people in manual operations and that is why they were called hand tools. By the begin­ning of the Industrial Revolution, people had already devised simple hand tools for cutting and shaping different materials. But in the 18th century there appeared machine tools that made mass produc­tion a reality in the 19th century. A machine tool is a power-driven machine that is used to perform different operations with metal or other material. Basic machine tools use mechanical power to bend, cut, drill, grind and hammer metal into desired shapes. More advanced machine tools use such power sources as electrical or chemical energy, heat, magnetism and ultrasound.

Nowadays machine tools play an important role in the manufac­ture of almost all metal products. Machinists (people who operate machine tools) use them in making automobiles, radios, refrigerators, television sets and so on. Every mechanical engineering workshop is equipped with machine tools. They are the main source for the manu­facture of component parts of all machines and mechanical devices.

There are about 500 kinds of machine tools. Some perform a sin­gle operation, such as grinding or drilling. Others, called machining centres, carry out several kinds of tasks. These numerous machine tool types fall into two categories. The first group is called "metal cutting". The machine tools of this group remove some material from the workpiece and they are much stronger than the workpiece itself. The examples of metal cutting machines are lathes, drill presses, milling and shaping machines.

The second group is called "metal forming". They shape the work-piece without the removal of any material from it. For metal forming operations we use a wide range of forging machines1, presses and press brakes2.

'ковочная машина 2прессовые тормоза


casing, n кожух, чехол, корпус

changer, n переключатель, механизм смены (инструмен­тов, валков и т. п.)

fixture, n приспособление, арматура

lathe, и токарный станок

machine, n станок cylindrical machine цилиндри­ческий станок prismatic machine призмати­ческий станок milling machine фрезерный станок

drilling machine сверлиль­ный станок, бурильная машина

grinding machine шлифо­вальный станок, заточный станок

boring machine расточный станок, сверлильный станок, бурильная машина multi-purpose machine многоцелевой станок machining centre многоцелевой станок

numerical control числовое программное управление, ЧПУ

computer numerical control (CNC) ЧПУ типа CNC direct numerical control (DNC) станок с централизо­ванным программным управлением

remove, v удалять, снимать

shape, v формировать, прида­вать форму

simultaneously, adv одновре­менно

tool, n орудие (производства); инструмент

hand tool ручной инструмент machine tool станочная (авто­матизированная) система cutting tool режущий инструмент, резец metal-cutting tool металло­режущий инструмент

abrasive materials абразивные ма­териалы

Accuracy точность

adjust регулировать

apron фартук (суппорта)

Axis ось

bearing подшипник

bed станина

box-shape коробчатой формы

bracket кронштейн

carriage суппорт

casting отливка

cast-iron чугун

clamp зажимать

column колонна

composition состав

control управлять

cross-rail поперечина (траверса)

cutter фреза

dependable надежный

diamond алмаз

dimension размер

drilling сверление

drive the motor приводить (в дви­жение) мотор

engine lathe токарно-винторезный станок

external внешний

face торец

facing торцевое точение

feed подача

flame furnace пламенная печь

finishing operation чистовая об­точка

grey iron серый чугун

grinder шлифовальный станок

grinding шлифование

guideways направляющие

handle рукоятка

deadstock передняя бабка

high-speed steel быстрорежущая сталь

hole отверстие

hydraulic unit гидравлический аг­регат

in-line production поточное произ­водство

length длина

lever рычаг

longitudinal direction продольное направление

lot production серийное произ­водство

machine-tool станок

mill фрезеровать

milling machine фрезерный ста­нок

multidisk friclion clutch многодисковая фрикционная муфта

mount устанавливать (монтиро­вать)

move двигаться

moveable (able подвижной стол

piece production штучное произ­водство

prevent мешать, предотвращать

reciprocating возвратно-поступательный

rigid жесткий

rotate вращать(ся)

roughing operation черновая об­точка

saddle салазки

screw cutting нарезание винтов

sot up налаживать (станок)

shape придавать форму

side head боковой суппорт

single lever единственный рычаг

sizes размеры

slide скользить

slot cutting прорезание пазов, канавок

speed скорость

speed gearbox коробка переклю­чения передач

spindle шпиндель

stable устойчивый, прочный

starting запуск

stopping остановка

suit соответствовать, подходить

support поддерживать

swivel поворачиваться

tailstock задняя бабка

tapered конический

the surface of the table поверх­ность рабочею стола

tool инструмент

travel передвигаться, переме­щаться

traverse поперечина, переклади­на

turning обточка

turning mill токарный станок

turret head револьверная головка

V-belt клинообразный привод­ной ремень

vertical turning mill вертикальный токарный станок

wheel head шлифовальный круг

wheel slide шлифовальный суп­порт

wheel spindle шпиндель шлифо­вального круга

withdrawal отвод

work (workpiece) заготовка (де­таль)


1. http://www.lingvo-online.ru/ru (онлайн словарь)

2. http://usefulenglish.ru/grammar/(английская грамматика)

3. http://www.ego4u.com/ (грамматика, словари по темам)

4. http://www.kakprosto.ru/kak-118156-kak-vyuchit-tehnicheskiy-angliyskiy



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