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I. Insert the necessary form


I. Insert the necessary form

1. 'You _______ put that shirt in the washing machine.' 'I know. It has to be dry-cleaned.'

a) aren’t b) mustn't c) couldn't d) needn’t


2. You needn’t have hurried. I _____ wait.

a) was able b) could c) could to d) had to



3. 'You _______ pay the bills today.' 'I know. I promise I won't forget.'

a) shall b) would c) must d) can



4. How long ___________ for your turn? Almost 2 hours.

a) have you been waiting b) have you waited c) were you waiting d) waited



5. I _______ lunch while he _______ the drinks.
a) cooked/ poured b) was cooking/ was pouring c) was cooking/ poured d) cooked/ was pouring


6. We ________ in the house for a year before we decorated the kitchen.

a) have lived b) lived c) were living d) had been living



7. We _________ of it for two hours, but still cannot find a solution.
a) think b) have been thinking c)thought d) were thinking



II. Paraphrase the sentences using

a) passive voice

  1. People always admire such flowers.
  2. They asked him several questions yesterday.


b) modal verbs

3. I don’t believe that he forgot to buy flowers.

4. I am sure he is a very clever person.

5. Of course, he misunderstood you yesterday.



III. Translate from Russian into English

1. Тихо! Студенты слушают текст нового урока. 2. Я не думаю, что они закончат эти упражнения к трем часам. 3. Моя сестра занимается танцами уже пять лет. 4. Я писал доклад уже два чаca, когда пришел мой друг. 5. Об этом фильме много говорят. 6. Мальчика положили в больницу, где за ним очень хорошо ухаживали. 7. Не может быть, что он был на лекции. 8. Ты можешь жить в моем доме, пока меня нет. 9. Ему не следует ездить так быстро. 10. Сколько лет вы работаете в этой школе?




I. Insert the necessary form

1. You ________ follow the doctor's advice. You are seriously ill.

a) must b) could c) are to d) needn’t


You'll _______work on Saturday

a) mustn’t b) could c) have to d) had to


3. Jane ___ to pass the exam as she was very well prepared.

a) was b)was able c)could d)should


4. I _______ here for 23 years and I am good at the history of the city!

a) have lived b) live c) lived d) have been living


5. I _______ to Mr.Crown when you came in.

a) spoke b) speak c) was speaking d) have spoken



6. My son _________ computer games from 5 till 6 yesterday.

a) had played b) played c) was playing d) has been playing



7. Sam was in hospital because he _________ his car.

a) crashed b) had crashed c) were crashing d) has been crashing


II. Paraphrase the sentences using

a) passive voice

1. They are trying a new medicine at the hospital.

2. Someone has broken my pen.


b) modal verbs

3. Perhaps the girl was frightened.

4. Of course, he is somewhere here

5. You look pale. Probably you are tired.


III. Translate from Russian into English

1. Я буду ждать тебя завтра в 8 часов утра. 2. Я могу принести тебе учебник завтра. 3. Сколько дней ты уже читаешь эту книгу? 3. Я не думаю, что они закончат эти упражнения к трем часам. 4. Он должен был принимать участие в гонках утром. 5. Ты можешь выбрать любое кольцо, какое тебе нравится. 6. Пол и Аня абсолютно разные. Им не следовало жениться. 7. Он, может быть, был на лекции. 8. Его лекции всегда слушают с большим интересом. 9. Моя сестра была больна уже несколько дней, когда я узнала об этом. 10. Ты знал, что он не написал сочинение?


I. Insert the necessary form


1. Must I come tomorrow? - No, you _________

a) mustn’t b) can’t c) needn’t d) aren’t



2. '_________ you drive?' 'Yes, but I haven't got my own car.'

a) May b) Can c) Shall d) Should



3. You _______park the car on the pavement.

a) shouldn’t b) can’t c) needn’t d) aren’t



4. _______ you speak any foreign language?


a) May b) Can c) Might d) Are



5. She ________ on the phone when her boss came in.


a) was talking b) had been talking c) talked d) has talked



6. Nick _________ the article for the whole day yesterday.

a) is translating b) has translated c) was translating d) translated


7. We ________ the tickets before we went to the theatre.

a) bought b) were buying c) had been buying d) had bought




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