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Неделя 6. Тема: Мир природы. Охрана окружающей среды. Глобальные проблемы человечества и пути их решения.


Познакомьтесь со значением приведенных ниже слов и выражений:

Quiz ˗ тест, опрос

Continent ˗ континент

Freezing cold ˗ жуткий холод, трескучий мороз

Desert ˗ пустыня

Inhabited ˗ населённый

Sea level ˗ уровень моря

Average ˗ средний

Volcano ˗ вулкан

Waterfall ˗ водопад

Boiling hot ˗ нестерпимая жара

To get smth ready ˗ приготовить, иметь наготове

Прочитайте текст. (При необходимости пользуйтесь словарем).


What do you know about planet Earth? Read the questions and circle the correct answer.


What do you know about planet Earth?

1. The coldest continent on Earth has a recorded temperature of -89C. Brrrr, that's freezing cold! Where is it?

A. Asia B. Antarctica C. America

2. In the driest place in the world it rains 1 mm every year. Where is it?

A. The Sahara Desert in Africa B.The Gobi Desrt in Asia C. The Atacama Desert in Chile

3. The highest inhabited place in the world is 4,900m above sea level. Where is it?

A. Tibet B. India C. Holland

4. In the warmest sea in the world the average temperature is 22C. Mmmm, perfect for swimming. Which sea is it?

A. The Mediterranean Sea B. The Red Sea C. The Black Sea

5. The largest ocean in the world is 165 million square km. Which ocean is it?

A. The Pacific B. The Atlantic C. The Indian

6. The highest mountain on Earth is 8,850m high. That's a long way to climb to the top! Which mountain is it?

A. Mont Blanc in the Alps B. Mount Everest in the Himalayas C. Mount Kenya in Kenya

7. The longest river in the world is 6,650km long. That's more than the distance between London and New York. Which river is it?

A. The Amazon B. The Loire C. The Nile

8. The largest volcano in the world is called Mauna Loa. Where is it?

A. Hawai B. Japan C. Iceland

9. The highest waterfall in the world, Angel Falls, is 979m high. That's a big drop. Where is it?

A. Brazil B. USA C. Venezuela

10. The hottest recorded temperature on Earth is 57.8C. That's boiling hot!Where is it?

A. Libya B. Nicaragua C. Australia

11. The wettest place on Earth has 13.3m of rain a year. Get your umbrella ready! Where is it?

A. Britain B. Spain C. Colombia

12. In the world's windiest place, Commonwealth Bay, winds blow at 240km an hour. It's always a bad hair day! Where is it?

A. Australia B. Canada C. Antarctica

(Адаптировано с сайта: http://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/uk-now/read-uk/sleep)

Соедините слова из текста с их значениями:

1) Freezing a) occupied
2) Desert b) A very large body of water
3) Inhabited c) Holland
4) The Netherlands d) A waterless, desolate area of land with little or no vegetation, typically one covered with sand
5) Ocean e) A cascade of water falling from a height
6) Waterfall f) Below 0°C


Заполните пропуски словами, соответствующими содержанию текста:

Образец: The warmest sea in the world is … for swimming. ˗ The warmest sea in the world is perfect for swimming

1. The highest … place in the world is about 5,000 m above sea level.

2. Angel Falls is the highest … in the world.

3. Mauna Loa is the … volcano in the world.

4. Commonwealth Bay is the … place in the world.

5. The Nile is the … rive in the world.

Определите истинность высказываний.

1. The warmest continent on Earth has a recorded temperature of -89C.

2. In the driest place in the world it rains 3 mm every week.

3. The highest mountain on Earth is 8,850m high.

4. The wettest place on Earth has 13.3m of rain a month.

5. In Commonwealth Bay winds blow at 240km an hour.


Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What’s the coldest recorded temperature on Earth?

2. What’s the temperature of the warmest sea in the world?

3. How big is the largest ocean on the planet?

4. How long is the longest river in the world?

5. What’s the coldest recorded temperature on Earth?



Ознакомьтесь с информацией о деятельности Всемирного фонда дикой природы (WWF) в интернете. Заполните factfile. Расскажите о деятельности WWF, используя информацию из factfile.

Foundation date Founders Full name Headquarters Slogan Official websites     … … … … … …


Неделя 7. Тема: Образ жизни современного человека в России и за рубежом.


Выйдите по ссылке http://www.listenaminute.com/m/mobile_phones.html на аудио.

Познакомьтесь со значением приведенных ниже слов и выражений:

Public telephone ˗ телефон-автомат

Telephone box ˗ телефонная будка

To wonder ˗ задаться вопросом, спрашивать себя

Convenient ˗ удобный, подходящий

For sure ˗ несомненно

Nuisance ˗ (досадная) помеха

To be on a date ˗ быть на свидании

Conversation ˗ разговор, беседа, диалог

Прослушайте аудиофайл «Mobile Phones».

Подчеркните слово соответствующее содержанию текста.

Образец: People still managed to phone /invite their friends and do business.

1. In the1980s there weren’t any mobile/smart phones.

2. There were more cell/public phones.

3. There was a telephone number/box on every street.

4. Telephones are very comfortable/cheap.

5. Telephones can be a nuisance/discomfort.

Прослушайте текст еще раз и подберите к вопросам соответствующие ответы.

1) Did people call their friends back in 1980s? a) There was a telephone box pretty much on every street corner.
2) Were there any public phones? b) They are very convenient, but they can also be a nuisance.
3) There were a lot of telephone boxes, weren’t there? c) There’s nothing worse than talking to someone and then they ignore you for ten minutes while they answer their phone.
4) Is mobile phone a good or a bad thing? d) In the 1980s there were no mobile phones.
5) Why do people ignore you sometimes? e) People still managed to phone their family and friends and do business.
  f) I wonder whether mobile phones are a good or bad thing.
  g) There were more public telephones then.


Заполните пропуски словами, соответствующими содержанию текста:

Образец: Would you … listening to other people’s conversations on the train?- Would you miss listening to other people’s conversations on the train?

1. People … to phone their family and friends and do business.

2. There was a telephone box on … street corner.

3. I wonder whether mobile phones are a … or … thing.

4. For sure, they are very convenient, but they can be a ….

5. How would your life … if you didn’t have a mobile?


Ответьте на вопросы.

1. Did people call their friends and colleagues back in 1980s?

2. Were there any mobile phones in 1980s?

3. What kind of telephones were there on every street?

4. Are mobile phones a good or bad thing?

5. Did phones help to do business?


1. Перейдите по ссылке http://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/skills/writing-skills-practice/social-network-site и прочитайте блог.

Выполните задания “Check your understanding: true or false” (нужно определить истинность высказывания: верно/неверно) и “Check your writing:punctuation - capital letters” (нужно исправить пунктуационные ошибки).

Используя блоги из задания 1 в качестве образца, составьте краткое описание себя и своих интересов.


Неделя 8. Тема: Образ жизни современного человека в России и за рубежом.


Познакомьтесь со значением приведенных ниже слов и выражений:

Instant ˗ мгновенный

Success ˗ успех

Riots ˗ мятеж, бунт, беспорядки

To shut down ˗ закрывать

To swap ˗ менять, обменивать

Unnecessary ˗ необязательный

Weakness ˗ слабая сторона

Rioter ˗ протестующий

Sophisticated ˗ сложный, современный

Isolated ˗ изолированный

Прочитайте текст. (При необходимости пользуйтесь словарем).


In 2005, BlackBerry brought instant messaging to the mobile phone and the company was just entering its period of success. Then, the iPhone was still just an idea and BlackBerry’s innovations made its smartphone one of Canada’s biggest exports.

Six years later, in the summer of 2011, there were riots in London and other UK cities. Rioters used BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) and politicians wanted the service to shut down. But, two years later, the users themselves are leaving BBM.

Fewer and fewer people want BlackBerry phones. There are now many alternative products, from Facebook’s and Apple’s instant messaging applications to independent apps such as WhatsApp and Kik (which is also Canadian). They are free to download and use, and they use the internet to swap text messages, pictures, voice clips, ‘stickers’ and even videos between most types of phones.

BBM is trying to keep its customers and you can now use it on Android and Apple phones. There are many other apps people can use, but lots of people want to use the BBM app – more than 20 million people downloaded it. But many people believe BBM will not survive. “The move to bring BlackBerry to the iPhone is four or five years too late,” says James Gooderson, a technology blogger. “WhatsApp has made BlackBerrys unnecessary for young people.

BBM says it has 80 million monthly users after its upgrade, but WhatsApp has 300 million. Other services show BBM’s weaknesses: Skype and Viber have video or voice calls, but BBM doesn’t; Path does location sharing, but BBM doesn’t; there is no video sharing, as on iMessage; and the stickers, that kids around the world like, are also absent. Even the contacts and calendar sharing that BBM made possible on BlackBerry phones are not on the Apple and Android versions.

Messaging is now becoming visual. Photos that are uploaded to Instagram get instant comments and Snapchat’s pictures have opened a world of other possibilities. Like BBM, all of these services are free for any phone with an internet connection. But, in 2011, BBM was so powerful that it helped to start a revolution in Egypt; and at the time of the London riots, people used BBM, not their televisions, to find out quickly what was happening.

Nearly 80% of young smartphone owners regularly use a social networking application but two-thirds use more than one. 60% of 16- to 24-year-olds use Facebook every day, but 46% use alternatives. “It’s much more complex,” says Benedict Evans, a digital media specialist. “All of these apps use your smartphone. Apps rise and fall like fireworks. Some, like Instagram, last; others just disappear.

Thirteen-year-old Bennett has three phones. He keeps his BlackBerry for messaging, he uses an iPhone to play games, and he makes phone calls on an Android phone. His friends are still on BBM. At the touch of a few buttons, you can send a single BlackBerry message to several hundred people; on WhatsApp, the limit is 50. But, for Bennett, Instagram is now a major social network. “Instagram is Facebook without parents,” he says. “Facebook is now for older people.

The low cost of buying and using a BlackBerry is still an advantage. Anyone with a second-hand phone and a £7-a-month deal from a telecoms company can use unlimited BBM messages. But people no longer trust the privacy of BBM. Business people, revolutionaries, demonstrators and rioters used to believe that their messages were secret. The arrests that followed the riots showed that wasn’t true.

In the rich London district of South Kensington, the older pupils at one school all have Apple phones. They all use WhatsApp. For many, BBM is a distant memory. “I still have a Blackberry, but I’m the only one,” says one teenager. And how does that make him feel? “Isolated,” he says.

Соедините слова из текста с их значениями:

1) An innovation a) someone who is involved in violent protests
2) An app b) a new idea, method, piece of equipment etc.
3) A rioter c) a piece of software that is designed to do a particular job, especially one that people use on a smartphone
4) Isolated d) to give something to someone in exchange for something else
5) To swap e) is a piece of equipment or software that is designed to make a computer or mobile phone more powerful
6) An upgrade f) alone and unhappy

Соедините начало и конец предложения.

  1. BlackBerry used to be … 2. Now there are … 3. During the riots in London in 2011, rioters … 4. You can now use BlackBerry Messaging on … 5. WhatsApp has a lot more users … 6. BlackBerrys are cheap …     a. … than BBM. b. … the most popular instant messaging service in the UK. c. … to buy and use. d. … a number of alternative products. e. … Android and Apple phones. f. … used BlackBerry to send messages to each other.  

Ответьте на вопросы.

1. When did BlackBerry bring instant messaging to the mobile phone?

2. Where are BlackBerry phones from?

3. When did the London riots take place?

4. How many downloads did BBM have when it was released on Apple and Android phones?

5. How many monthly users does BBM have after its upgrade?

6. What percentage of 16- to 24-year-olds in the UK use Facebook every day?

Заполните таблицу словами из текста.

noun (существительное) adjective (прилагательное)
1. power  
2. month  
3. smile  
4. vision  
5. society  
6. isolation  



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