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Chapter 5 8 страница

'Aaah, ' he said, raking the hair back from his eyes, and belched.

'So what's the story, deerslayers? You all just felt like coming out here to study the vegetation? '

There was a rustle and a slight, deprecating cough from the direction of the woods.

'Well, not exactly, ' said a cool voice.

Bunny turned, startled -1 did, too – just in time to see Henry step out of the shadows.

He came forward and regarded Bunny pleasantly. He was holding a garden trowel and his hands were black with mud.

'Hello, ' he said. 'This is quite a surprise. '

Bunny gave him a long, hard look. 'Jesus, ' he said. 'What you doing, burying the dead? '

Henry smiled. 'Actually, it's very lucky you happened by. '

'This some kind of convention? '

'Why, yes, ' said Henry agreeably, after a pause. 'I suppose one might call it that. '

'One might, ' said Bunny mockingly.

Henry bit his lower lip. 'Yes, ' he said, in all seriousness. 'One might. Though it's not the term I would use myself Everything was very still. From somewhere far away, in the woods, I heard the faint, inane laughter of a woodpecker.

'Tell me, ' Bunny said, and I thought I detected for the first time a note, of suspicion. 'Just what the Sam Hill arc you guys doing out here anyway? '

The woods were silent, not a sound.

Henry smiled. 'Why, looking for new ferns, ' he said, and took a step towards him.




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