Juice. Types of Juice. When to Apply Juice
⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 19 из 19 Juice Reference: Juice it or lose it - a talk by Martin Jonasson & Petri Purho Types of Juice ● Color: Simply having distinct colors for each element in the game improves appeal ● Tweening / Easing: ○ Elements to apply Easing to: ■ Position ■ Scale ■ Rotation ■ Color ○ Offset: If multiple elements all use the same element, you can add a slight delay to some elements for a more dynamic effect ● Sound: ○ Effects: The more unique sound effects, the better ○ Music ● Particles ○ Directed: Particles fly in a given direction (can be used to match the direction of travel of the source) ○ Burst: Particles travel outward in all directions ○ Trace: Traces the path of a moving instance ● Screen Shake: ○ Translate ○ Zoom ○ Rotate ● Flash: Illuminating the background to a bright color ● Human features: ○ Eyes: ■ Make them big ■ Make them blink ○ Smile When to Apply Juice ● Rapid movement: When something is moving very quickly ● On Collision: If one object hits another, it feels better to have the momentum of one object apply to the other ● Sympathetic Collision: Something else on screen reacts when you do something; (destroying one block makes all other blocks shake)
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