The United Kingdom of Great Britain and
NORTHERN IRELAND occasion – событие, случай to comprise – включать, содержать custom – обычай, традиция to surround – окружать convenient – удобный landscape – ландшафт, пейзаж scenery – вид, пейзаж, ландшафт mountain range – горная цепь mild – мягкий temperate – умеренный humid – влажный plain – равнина valley – долина manufacture – производство trade – торговля raw materials – сырье to recognize – признавать to approve of – одобрять, утверждать machinery – оборудование, машины banner – знамя, флаг, стяг sign – знак, символ the House of Lords – Палата лордов the House of Commons – Палата общин elected – избираемый, назначаемый на должность hereditary – наследственный, передаваемый по наследству the English Channel (La Manche) – Английский канал (пролив Ла-Манш) the Strait of Dover (Pas de Calais) – Дуврский пролив (Па-де-Кале) the Channel Tunnel (Euro Tunnel or Chunnel) – железнодорожный тоннель, проходящий под проливом Ла-Манш (Евротоннель или «Чаннел») the Highlands – зд. Северное нагорье, Северошотландское нагорье the Lowlands – зд. Шотландская низменность Union Jack – «Юнион Джек», государственный флаг Великобритании The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is the official name of the state that was formed in 1921. On official occasions the country is called the United Kingdom and in everyday speech it’s shortened to the UK. In speaking or writing and also in press people use Britain. The country is geographically situated on the British Isles which are made up of two large islands – Great Britain and Ireland and a number of smaller islands. England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales are all unique countries with their own customs, cultures and traditions. The United Kingdom is one of the smallest countries in the world. Its total area is about 245,000 square kilometers (94,250 square miles), but the population of the UK is over 61 million people. The capital of the United Kingdom is London. Great Britain is surrounded by water all around. Its eastern coast is washed by the North Sea and the western coast is washed by the Atlantic Ocean. There is the Irish Sea between Ireland and Great Britain. The English Channel and the Strait of Dover separate Great Britain from the continent of Europe. The Channel Tunnel is a great tunnel constructed under the English Channel, it links the UK with France. Thanks to this tunnel it is possible to travel by train from Paris to London which is extremely convenient.
Britain has many rivers but they are not very long. The main rivers are the Thames, the Severn and the Clyde. The UK is known for its beautiful lakes. Most of them are in Scotland and north-west England. The UK is well known for its wide variety of landscapes and scenery. Each part of Great Britain has its own mountain range. There are many mountains in the north of England and in Scotland, this part of the country is called the Highlands. The highest mountain is Ben Nevis (1,343 metres high). In the south there are many beautiful plains and valleys, this part of the country is known as the Lowlands. The climate of the UK is mild, temperate and humid. Thanks to the Atlantic Ocean and the warm waters of the Gulf Stream the climate is rainy and foggy. The weather in the country is very changeable. The British people say, "Other countries have a climate, in Britain we have weather". The United Kingdom is a highly developed industrial country. It lives by manufacture and trade, exporting machinery, vessels, motors and many other goods. Britain imports food products and raw materials from many countries of the world. The country is not rich in mineral resources. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a constitutional monarchy, where Queen Elizabeth II is recognized as the head of state, and the elected Prime Minister is the head of government. The legislative power belongs to the Parliament, which consists of the House of Lords and the House of Commons. The seats are hereditary in the House of Lords, but the members of the House of Commons are elected every 5 years. Britain’s flag was approved of in 1801, and it is known as Union Jack. It is a combination of the banners of England (St. George’s flag which is a red cross on a white field), Scotland (St. Andrew’s flag – a white cross on a blue field) and Ireland (St. Patrick’s flag – a red cross on a white field). Questions on the topic 1) What is the official name of the country? How many parts does the country consist of? What are they? 2) What is the total area and population of the country? 3) What is the geographical position of the country? What is it washed by? 4) Are there many rivers and mountains there? What are they? 5) What kind of climate does it enjoy? What is the weather like? 6) What can you tell about industry and mineral resources of the country? 7) What is its political system? Who is the head of the country? 8) Whom does the real power belong to? What does the Parliament consist of? 9) What can you tell about the national flag and symbols? 10) What else can you tell about this country?
Additional information The origin of UNION JACK
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