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Ads That Appeal to Our Emotions


Janine Gomez received a mailgram addressed to her with the word URGENT in bold letters across the front. She opened the envelope and read the letter. It told her she was a guaranteed prizewinner. The two prizes listed in large, bold letters were a brand new jeep and a big-screen color television. In much small-er print, the letter said that there were other valuable prizes that she could win instead. No matter what, she was preselected as a certain winner.

All she had to do to claim her prize was call a direct number: 1-900-NEW-JEEP. In even smaller print, the letter informed her that the call would cost $5 for the first minute and $3 for each additional minute and that it would take from three to five minutes to adequately discuss her prize. Although this was an expensive call, Janine decided that the prize she would get would be worth the cost of the call.

1. Assume that the prize Janine is offered is a kitchen appliance available in grocery stores for less than $2. What should she do?

2. What mistake, if any, did she make in deciding to respond to the mailgram?

3.Have you or has anyone in your family ever received notice of a guaranteed prize in the mail? How did you respond? What, if anything, was deceptive about the mailgram?

1. Match the words on the left with the correct definition on the right:

ad influence
amendment get rid of
prohibit make effective
eliminate advertisement
restrict an investigation or analysis of a market
beneficial change proposed or made to a rule, regulation, etc.
enforce a telegram delivered by the postal service with the regular mail
survey helpful
mailgram limit
impact forbid

2. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Ежедневно на потребителей обрушивается поток рекламы на улицах, дома и на работе

2..За последнее время реклама стала более агрессивной, более настойчивой и коварной.

3. Люди пытаются избавиться от рекламы, переключая телевизор, выбрасывая нераспечатанные конверты с рекламой.

Реклама является выражением свободы слова, однако, правительство может запрещать определенные виды рекламы.

5. Самым противоречивым видом рекламы является реклама табачных изделий, так как их употребление может явиться причиной смерти.

6. Ежегодно в США от курения умирает больше людей, чем от спида, аварий, пожаров, убийств, самоубийств и вождения в нетрезвом состоянии, вместе взятых.

7. Реклама табачных изделий запрещена на радио и телевидении, но разрешена в других средствах массовой информации.

8. Исследования показали, что большинство рекламных щитов с рекламой табака находятся в тех местах, где живут бедные люди.

9. Реклама может приносить пользу: информировать потенциальных покупателей о новых товарах и услугах, предоставлять другую необходимую информацию.

10. Реклама может также вводить в заблуждение и сбивать с толку, взывая к эмоциям, а не предоставлять достоверную информацию о товаре.

11. Существуют законы, запрещающие неправдивую рекламу.

12. Часто в рекламе используется очевидное преувеличение, что не является незаконным. Разумные покупатели должны понимать, что это просто рекламный трюк.

13. Разницу между преувеличением и незаконной рекламой иногда сложно заметить.

Ads That Appeal to Our Emotions

For many consumers, the biggest problem is not false advertising. Rather, it is legal advertising that influences them to buy things they really don't want, need, or know much about. Many ads try to sell products by appealing to the emotions.

Some ads associate products with popular ideas or symbols, such as family, motherhood, wealth, or sex appeal. These ads try to convince you that purchasing the advertised products will associate you with the same ideas or symbols. Nearly all perfume ads in magazines, for example, include photos of beautiful women. The message to consumers: Use this perfume and you will appear to be as beautiful as the woman in our ad

The bandwagon approach is a technique that pro-motes the idea that everybody's using the product. Automotive manufacturers sometimes claim, for ex-ample, that their car, truck, or minivan is "best selling in its class in America... three years running." The message: Because others have bought our product, you should, too.

Related to this is celebrity appeal This technique involves having famous athletes or movie stars advertise the product. The best-known celebrity ads show professionals athletes promoting sports equipment. These people bring glamour and style to ads, but this does not necessarily mean the products are of high quality.

Still other ads try to convince consumers by resorting to the claims of authorities, such as doctors, or by citing test results or studies that appear scientific. Ads for certain medicines include the phrase, "recommended by doctors." Of course, smart consumers would want to know which doctors recommended it, and for what symptoms.

A common television technique is based on the notion that seeing is believing. A popular television ad shows a housekeeper cleaning two areas of bathroom tile, one with the recommended product and the other with the product of a leading competitor. After one quick stroke, one area of tile sparkles, and the other is still dirty. Consumers tend to remember this picture when thinking about cleaning products.

Some ads appeal to emotion simply by trying to make us laugh or feel good. One airline ran an ad frequently in winter months showing a tanned, rested couple lounging on a warm, sunny beach. The idea was to make customers feel good and think of that airline first for travel to warm vacation spots in the winter.

Other ads include catchy musical jingles. One cola company contracted with a famous rhythm-and-blues performer to play the piano and sing in its ads. Consumers remembered both the jingle and the product.

Some advertisers have been successful in getting consumers to connect one brand name with a certain product. For example, consumers often say jello when they may mean gelatin and kleenex when they may mean tissue. The people who make the ads for these products know that many shoppers select nationally advertised brands even though local or store brands may cost less and be of equal quality

1.Find the equivalents of the following words and expressions in the text:

обращение к чувствам; лидер продаж; увидеть — значит поверить; легко запоминающиеся мелодии; торговая марка; спортивное оборудование; ссылаться на результаты тестов; загорелая, отдохнувшая пара; рекламный прием

2. Answer the questions:

1. What is the biggest problem for many consumers with advertising? Is it the same with you?

2. What advertising techniques are mentioned in the text? Explain the meaning of each of them. Give your own examples.

3. Which technique influences you most? Why?

4. Can you separate the product from the characters and images in its ads?


3. Problem-solving.

Read and analyze the following ads. For each, answer the following questions: What technique or ap peal is used? Is any important information missing? To whom is the ad trying to appeal — children, adults, women, men, or some other group?

a. "Show your love to a friend and to Mother Earth. Use the greeting card made from recycled products."

b. "Nine out of 10 doctors recommend 'Super Strength' Pain Reliever."

c. A famous actress says: "If you want to get that special man in your life, use Avec Moi Perfume."

d. "Going out of business! Bargains galore! Everything at the Pants Palace is priced to sell, sell, sell."

e. "Your mother used Stuart's Baby Powder; shouldn't you?"

f. "For the time of your life, drink Brewmeister Beer."

g. "You've come a long way, baby. Why not smoke a woman's cigarette?"

4. Match the words on the left with the correct definition on the riqht:

bandwagon approach technique involves having famous athletes or movie stars advertise the product
celebrity appeal a common television technique
claims of authorities technique that promotes the idea that everybody's using the product
seeing is believing convince consumers by citing test results or studies that appear scientific

5. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Реклама часто взывает к эмоциям покупателей, призывая людей покупать те товары, которые им не нужны, о которых они мало что знают.

2. Некоторые рекламы связывают товар с популярными идеями или символами, например, с семьей, материнством, благосостоянием, привлекательностью.

3. Существует такая рекламная техника, навязывающая мысль о популярности данного товара. "Все уже купили наш товар, Вам тоже пора."

5. Часто знаменитости рекламируют товары.

6. Некоторые рекламные объявления пытаются привлечь покупателей, приводя высказывания докторов и фразу "рекомендовано специалистами".

7. Телевизионная реклама обычно основывается на принципе "лучше один раз увидеть, чем сто раз услышать".

8. Часто реклама смешна. Часто рекламодатели используют популярные мелодии или пытаются связать название торговой марки с самим продуктом.

9. Какими бы рекламными приемами ни пользовались рекламодатели, покупатель должен научиться критично относиться к любому рекламному образу.


Identify an advertisement for a product you would consider buying. If the ad appeared in a newspaper or magazine, cut it out and bring it to class. If it appeared online, print it out. If it was aired on the radio or television, either tape the ad or write a description of it and bring it to class.

Answer the following questions about your ad:

a. What product or service does the ad promote?

b. Who is the intended target audience for this product or service?

c. If the ad appeared on radio or television, at what time and during what program did it appear? If it appeared in print or online, in what publication or Web site did it appear? Why do you think the advertiser chose to run the ad at this time, place, and context?

d. What information do you need in order to make a wise choice about this product or service? How much of this information does the ad provide? What information does the ad not provide? Where could you get this information?

e. How does the ad try to persuade you to buy the item? What makes the ad effective?


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