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Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line.


Consumers can have a wide variety of problems. The following section will help you avoid some of these problems and will explain how to deal with difficulties that may arise.

Generally, making large purchases on impulse is not wise. When shopping for products or services, learn as much as possible about them before buying. Careful consumers always compare prices and products be-fore buying. This is called comparison shopping. They purchase the product only after considering other products that could also meet their needs.

For major purchases, careful shoppers read about competing brands in consumer publications. You should also speak with your friends to get recommendations about products.

Once you have determined what product you need, you may discover that it is available at more than one store in your community. Especially for important purchases, it makes good sense to buy from a store with a good reputation.

Several kinds of policies may differ among stores. For some products, there may be additional charges for delivery, installation, and service. A price that seems lower at one store may really be higher once extra charges have been added on. Also check on the store's return policy. A very low price at a store where all sales are final may not turn out to be such a good deal if you decide that you are unhappy with the product once you have it in your home. Sometimes a shopper may even spend a little more money to purchase an item from a store with an outstanding reputation for service or the ability to deliver the item quickly and install it free of charge.

Before making a purchase, you will want to read the warranty (also known as the guarantee) carefully. Different manufacturers and stores may provide different warranty coverage on very similar products. When studying the warranty, be sure to find out what you must do and what the store or manufacturer must do if you have a problem with the product. A warranty that requires you to ship a broken product to a far-away place for repair at your expense may not be of much value to you.

If you are required to sign a contract as part of the purchase, be sure that you read and understand the entire contract and that all blanks have been filled in before you sign. If you have trouble understanding the contract, ask the store for permission to take the contract to someone who can help you understand it before you sign it. You may not want to deal with a store that will not let you do this.

Finally, do not believe everything you hear from the seller. Later you will learn more about "puffing," or seller's talk. Just because a seller says "This is a real bargain!" does not make it true. You have to deter-mine whether it is a bargain through careful shopping.

ADVICE: Things to Consider Before Making a Purchase

• Determine exactly what product or service you need.

• Compare brands. Read about various brands and ask friends for recommendations.

• Compare stores. Check out a store's reputation. Find out if there are extra charges. Learn about the store's policy regarding exchanges or refunds.

• Read and compare warranties.

• Read and understand the contract. Determine the total purchase price.

1. Find the equivalents of the following words and expressions in the text:

осторожный покупатель, соответствовать запросам торговые марки конкурентов, крупные покупки, определить, какой товар вам нужен, быть в наличии, дополнительные издержки, доставить неисправный товар за свой счет, гарантийные обязательства, заполнить пропуски, удачная покупка

2. Answer the questions:

1. What problems can consumers have?

2. Why isn't it wise to make large purchases on impulse?

3. Where can you get the information about the product you need before buying it?

4. How should you choose the shop? What extra charges can be added on the price?

5. How do return policies differ in different stores?

6. What should you take into consideration when studying the warranty?

7. What can you do if you have to sign the contract, but you don't understand some points? Why can't you sign it if there are still some blanks?

8. Can we believe everything we hear from the seller?

3.Match the words on the left with the correct definition on the right:

charge a guarantee or promise made by a seller or manufacturer concerning the quality or performance of goods offered for sale
on impulse an exaggerated statement as to the desirability of a product or service
comparison shopping spontaneously
warranty compare prices and products before buying
puffing formal accusation of having committed a criminal offence
store on sale
available shop

4. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Неразумно делать большие покупки, предварительно не подумав.

2. Осторожные покупатели всегда сравнивают цены на продукты в разных магазинах перед покупкой.

3. Вы также можете найти информацию о товаре в библиотеке или получить рекомендации друзей.

4. Крупные покупки лучше делать в магазинах с хорошей репутацией.

5. Магазины могут предоставлять разные виды услуг. На некоторые товары устанавливаются дополнительные надбавки за доставку, установку и обслуживание.

6. Покупка может оказаться неудачной, если из-за низкой цены её нельзя вернуть

7. Разные производители и магазины предоставляют разные гарантийные условия на одни и те же товары. Иногда покупатели готовы заплатить чуть больше за товар, если магазин имеет отличную репутацию и товары доставляются и устанавливаются быстро и бесплатно.

9. Если по условиям гарантии вы должны сами доставить неисправный товар в удаленное от вас место для ремонта за ваш счет, следует воздержаться от покупки.

10. Если вы должны подписать контракт, прочтите его внимательно. Если вам что-то непонятно в условиях контракта, попросите дать его вам для получения разъяснений до его подписания

5. Role-play.

1. You are a careful consumer but you friend is not. You both are going to buy a washing machine and he/ she doesn't want to spend a lot of time on it. Try to persuade him/her.

2. You failed to convince your friend to make some necessary steps before buying the washing machine. Now he/she is facing some problems. Discuss them.


You and a friend are planning a summer bicycle trip across your state. You own a very old one-speed bicycle and have decided to shop for a new one to use on this trip. List all the ways you would gather information before making this purchase.

Has your city or county passed any consumer protection laws giving you greater protection than you already had under state and federal laws? If so, what do these laws cover? How are they enforced?

Why does a smart consumer compare shops before buying a bicycle?


Sometimes even careful shoppers have problems. When this happens, it is important to remain calm and be persistent. Often, smart consumers can solve their own problems. When they can't, it is very likely that an agency or organization in their community will be able to provide the needed help.

The first thing to do after buying a product is to inspect it. If you do not receive the exact product you purchased or if some defect reduces its value to you, take it back to the seller and ask for a replacement or refund.

In addition, you should always read and follow the instructions provided and use the product only as recommended by the manufacturer. If the instructions are unclear or seem incomplete, contact the seller. Misuse of a product may be dangerous and may also cancel your legal rights! Be sure to report any problem with a product as soon as possible. Trying to fix the product yourself could cancel the warranty.

If you experience a problem with a product, you should always try to contact the seller first. All contacts should be in writing or documented in a log or journal. Reputable business people are interested in a, customer's future business, and most problems and misunderstandings can be cleared up with a face-to-face discussion or a telephone call.

Provide the seller with all the necessary information — identify the item (including model and serial number), give the date and location of purchase, describe when and how the problem arose, and explain what you want done. Be sure to bring along your sales receipt, warranty, or other pertinent information. Be polite but firm. If the seller refuses to help or gives you the runaround, send a written complaint to the owner or store manager. Mention that you will take other measures if you do not receive satisfaction with-in a reasonable amount of time. Be sure to date the letter and include your name, address, and a phone number where you can be reached during regular working hours. Keep a copy of the letter along with any response for your records. To complete your records, make notes about any conversations you had with the seller. Include promises made, if any, and the date of the conversation.

If the seller still refuses to help you, consider contacting the product's manufacturer. If the seller is part of a chain store, consider writing to the corporate headquarters of the store.

1. Find the equivalents of the following words and expressions in the text:

быть настойчивым, обеспечить необходимую помощь, потребовать замену товара или возврат денег, неправильное использование, непонятная инструкция, попытка самостоятельно отремонтировать, непонимание, связаться с продавцом, торговый чек, бизнесмены с хорошей репутацией, беседа при встрече, дата и место покупки, письменная жалоба, принять меры, штаб-квартира корпорации

2. Answer the questions:

1. What is it important to do when any problem happens?

2. Who can provide the needed help if you fail to do it yourself?

3. Why should you always read and follow the instructions provided?

4. What can trying to fix the product yourself cancel?

5. What information should you provide the seller with?

6. Why is it necessary to make notes about any conversations you have with the seller?

7. What else can you do if the seller refuses to help?


ADVICE: Tips on Writing a Consumer Letter of Complaint

• Include your name, address, phone number(s), and account number, if appropriate.

• Be brief and to the point. Don't be sarcastic or angry.

• Include all important facts: date and place of purchase and information identifying the product (for example, model and serial number).

• Explain the problem, what you have done about it, and what you want to have done.

• Include copies of documents relating to your problem (for example, sales receipt). Do not send originals.

• Consider sending copies to your local and state consumer protection organizations.

• Keep a copy of whatever you send.

• Type the letter if possible. If this is not possible, print it neatly.

• Consider mailing the letter from your post office and paying the extra charge for requesting a return receipt. This receipt will be signed by the company when it receives your letter and then returned to you. If you wind up in court with your problem, the receipt is your proof that the company knew of the problem.

• Many companies have consumer affairs departments, but you may get faster action by writing di­rectly to the company president. State the facts clear­ly. Send photocopies of any important documents (such as canceled checks and past letters to the seller). Describe the problem. Explain what you've tried to do about it and what you want the company to do. Consider sending copies of your letter to local and state consumer protection organizations

4. Problem-solving.

Terry and Martha Tubman saw a newspaper ad for major-brand color TV sets on sale at Tally's Radio & TV Shop. They rushed down to Tally's, where they bought a 21-inch model for $435. Several weeks later, the TV completely lost its picture. A TV service mechanic who came to their home told them that the picture tube had blown and that repairs would cost $200. The next morning, Terry and Martha returned to the store and asked to speak to Mr. Foxx, the salesperson who had sold them the TV.

1. Role-play the meeting between the Tubmans and Mr. Foxx. What should the Tubmans say, and what should Mr. Foxx say?

2.If Mr. Foxx refuses to help, what should the Tubmans do? If they decide to write a letter of complaint, to whom should they send it? Make a checklist of information needed in the letter. Write a letter for the Tubmans.

3.What should the Tubmans do if they get no response to their letter?


ADVICE: How to Make a Complaint

Gather all the key facts. Save all important documents (such as warranties, bills, canceled checks, and repair estimates).Give the seller a chance to correct the problem. If this doesn't work, contact the manufacturer of the product or the store's headquarters (if it's a chain).

If you still aren't satisfied, take your complaint to a consumer protection agency, a media "action line," or a small claims court. You may also wish to contact an attorney at this point

1. Match the words on the left with the correct definition on the right:


replacement repair
refund goods sent in place of those which were damaged
fix a written acknowledgment by a receiver of money, goods, etc., that payment has been made
provide relating to the matter at hand; relevant
receipt give back money
pertinent give
corporate any centre or building from which ope­rations are directed
headquarters belonging to a united group; joint

2. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Если покупатели не могут сами разрешить свои проблемы, они обращаются в специальные агентства или организации,

2. Если купленный товар имеет дефекты, отнесите его назад продавцу и потребуйте замены или возврата денег.

3. Всегда используйте товар только так, как указано в инструкции. Если инcтрукция неполная, свяжитесь с продавцом. Неправильное использование товара может быть опасно. Попытка самостоятельно отремонтировать товар может привести к отказу продавца выполнять гарантийные обязательства. При возникновении любых проблем с купленным товаром необходимо прежде всего связаться с продавцом.

4. Предоставьте продавцу всю необходимую информацию о товаре.

5. Если продавец отказывается помочь, пошлите письменную жалобу владельцу магазина или менеджеру.

6. В случае, когда продавец не может помочь, свяжитесь с производителем товара.


Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line.


Nowadays, a great (1) .. variety.... of different food is available VARY

from large supermarkets. There are rarely any (2) SHORT

of fresh food, and there is far less (3) of our having LIKELY

to rely on (4) products. Does this mean that supermarkets have become the FREEZE

most (5) shops of all time? Certainly they seem to have made some SUCCESS

kinds of food less (6) and most people enjoy shopping in EXPENSE

them. There has been a (7) in the number of REDUCE

(8) made against supermarkets in recent years. The assistants are no COMPLAIN

longer (9), but smile and try to be helpful. Above all, supermarkets have POLITE

shown a (10) to listen to their customers, and to adapt to customers' needs. WILLING





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