The actuality of my research work. The history of the issue.
⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 -To change these tendencies our State plans to work out and realize a number of large-scale measures -to estimate such projects feasibility -The results of research concerning …. were adduced by professor…. -my personal contribution to this field will become research of such reconstructions technologies and conceptions, finding out the best ways and working out measures for …. with estimation of these enterprises feasibility. Scientific work and achievements of the department. -During my studying I’ve had an opportunity to get knowledge from remarkable teachers like professor …, candidates of science …, …, …. -They have achievements in economics, make research in this field of science, publish scientific works, take courses of lectures, and carry out seminars, tutorial and laboratory works. -Some of former teachers help me recommending useful books, articles or research methods. -I especially appreciate my scientific adviser professor …, who supervises my work. -I want to notice that at the department where I study we have many gifted students and postgraduate students. Many of them take part in different scientific conferences and seminars. As for me, I have … printed articles, took part in several conferences (in the … Institute and, in …, etc.) and seminars ("…..", etc.) My Scientific Adviser. -My scientific adviser is professor …. His biography includes 17 years of work at power plant as engineer and 30 years as a teacher at Polytechnical Institute. He has published about 200 scientific works and articles, has about 50 inventions and patents. Due to his great contribution to Russian science he has been conferred many honorary titles and state awards. -Professor….. is an incredibly energetic person and he's always busy delivering lectures for students, leading research of 15 postgraduate students, communicating with great number of industrial engineers and scientists from another institutes of our country. To tell the truth, he looks very exhausted at the end of the working day and I often surprised how he manages to find new strength for the following day. I admire his good spirit and willpower and suppose that my scientific advisor is the person, who completely fulfilled himself as an engineer, as a scientist and a personality as a whole. Research methods. The role of an experiment in scientific job. -to work on my thesis -to do research in the field of… -The success of the completion of the thesis greatly depends on the chosen research methods, because they help to achieve the necessary purpose. -One of the empiric methods of research is experiment. Experiment must meet a number of special requirements: activity, systematic character, clear purposes presence, a good plan. -The experiment must inform us about objective qualities and relations of objects and phenomena to become a basis of following theoretical and practical activities of people. - to publish papers in the leading journals.
The role of foreign languages in work on the thesis. -I suppose that knowing foreign languages is very important for research workers. -As for me, I study English because it’s a world language, a language of progressive science and technology. - We can read in English hundreds of scientific books, magazines, and newspapers. -In addition, English language helps to communicate with scientists of different countries directly during international scientific conferences and seminars, by means of e-mail or phone. -Another good thing, that scientist who knows foreign languages has chance to carry out joint experiments and researches. -As for me, high level of language knowledge gives me opportunity to get necessary information via the Internet, from world famous magazines like "The Economist. -Therefore, to know foreign languages is necessary for every educated person, especially for scientists now. - to work hard on my English -to speak English fairly well (fluently)
MASTER DEGREE A college graduate with a bachelor degree may find that degree to be insufficient for the type of profession they would like to have. It may often be necessary to pursue an advanced degree such as master degree to advance your career. Master Degree is a graduate academic degree awarded for completed courses of special professional knowledge and innovative skills, ability to use these knowledge and skills to produce new ideas, and to fulfill innovative professional tasks in the certain branch of economy, science, and engineering. Admission to the Master Degree program requires Bachelor Degree with sufficiently high grades. The Master Degree Course takes 4 semesters (2 years) to complete Master’s Thesis. Six months are set aside for the Master’s Thesis. The Master's Thesis will encourage the students to work independently and in a structured and scientific way. It is guided by a professor or associate professor.
Good morning! My name is ____________. I graduated from the faculty of computer science in 20___ and now I study the post-graduate course of the theory and methods of training of computer science. I would like to say a few words about my investigation. The subject of my investigation is "construction the system of lessons on the basis of new information technologies". Research of this problem began with the idea of my chief ___________. And I appreciate the opportunity to work with such a scientist. The subject of my investigation seems to me very interesting, because now we have a modernization of the system of education. That is: the new pedagogical ideas are developed, there is a computerization of education, and the ways of perfection of classes and lessons, methods and forms of trainings are reconsidered and of course there is a question of preparing teachers to their lessons. So my goal is to create the computer program that will help a teacher to prepare to lessons and will make that process much easy. I appreciate my investigation, because it includes the elements of pedagogic and computer science. I've been already working on my investigation for more than a year. During all this time I was writing articles. I think it is very important for young researchers to print the results of their scientific works periodically. It makes everybody know that some one has already taken investigation on that problem. And other scientists can give you fresh ideas and may be help you somehow.
Besides I took part in the conference. Conference is an important event in researcher's life. Especially it is inspiring for young researchers. Sometimes it is said that a scientific conference is the best school for young scientists who wants to advance science. That is why I wanted to take part in that conference. Conferences are intended to let scientists to share their achievements and opportunity for every one to exchange opinions and discuss scientific and organization problems of common interests. I think, that making a personal contacts with people is sometimes much more important than reading papers. The goal of conference is to encourage researchers to solve problems of modern science and to stimulate international ties. I competed with other young researchers in taking grants. Now it is very popular. If you win a grant, it will help you to improve a financial point of you investigation. And at last I began to create a computer program. Thank you for your time and attention.
MY RESEARCH WORK I am an engineer. My special subject is... I combine practical work with scientific research. I am doing research in... This branch of knowledge has been rapidly developing in the last two decades. The obtained results have already found wide application in most varied spheres of the country's national economy. I am particularly interested in... which includes... I have been working at the problem for... years. I got interested in it when I was a student. My work is primarily of practical importance, it is based on the theory developed by the collaborators of our department. So I can say that I work in close cooperation with my colleagues. We also closely collaborate with several enterprises of our city. There are several research teams at our department. The team I work in is headed by Doctor of Technical sciences... He is my scientific adviser. I always consult him when I encounter difficulties in my research. We often discuss the obtained data. As I am rather an experimentator than a theoretician I make use of different equipment.... The obtained data enabled me to define more precisely the theoretical model of.... I have not yet completed the experimental part of my thesis, but I am through with theoretical part. For the moment I have... scientific papers, some of which were published when I was a student. Two of them were published in the journals of Moscow and... I take part in various scientific conferences where I make reports on my subject. I willingly participate in scientific discussions and debates. I am planning to finish writing the thesis by the end of next year and prove it in the scientific Council of the... Institute. I hope to get a scientific degree of a Master of Technical sciences.
Questions for discussion 1. What higher educational establishment do you study at? 2. Why have you decided to study at Master’s Degree Courses? 3. Where do you do research? 4. What field of knowledge are you doing research in? 5. What is the theme of your thesis? 6. How long have you been working on your thesis? 7. What problems does your thesis deal with? 8. Why have chosen this theme? 9. Do you find difficulties in your work? 10. Who is your scientific adviser? 11. Does he help you a lot? 12. What are your adviser’s current research interests? 13. Tell us some words about your supervisor. 14. Have you already published articles in any journals?
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