ТГ 3. G c of the verb and the categories of the verb
ТГ 1. The main grammatical categories of the noun Noun is the central lexical unit of language. It is the main nominative unit of speech. 1. semantically – N names physical objects or abstract notions (in a general sense) morphologically – N has 3 categories: of case, number, gender syntactically – N can be the subject, attribute, adverbial modifier or compound nominal predicate 2.grammar-semantic classes of N: common (нариц) – proper (собств) common divided: countable(исчис), uncountable, collective (собир) count: concrete (animate одуш \boy\ & inanimate \table\) non-count: abstract \fun\ - material \bread\ collective: animate (nouns of multitude) – inanimate (collective proper \money, news, info\) 3.the cg of gender it does not find regular morphological expression. The distinction of male, female and neuter may a) correspond to the lexical meaning of the N:names of male beings – man, husband; names of female beings – woman, wife; names of inanimate objects – table, house. 4.the cg of number E N have singular (oneness, generalization, indiscreteness(неразделен)) & plural(the esistence of several objects, the inner discreteness, pluraletantum(glasses)) forms. T sg form is unmarked, t pl form is marked by t inflection –(e)s. It also can be expressed by vowel-change: man-men, tooth-teeth, mouse-mice. Or identical forms: sheep 5.the cg of case is a gram cg which shows relation of t N with other words in a sentence. Is expressed by t form of t N. E N have 2 cases – t common case & t genitive (possessive) c. There are certain N (inanimate objects) that cannot be used in the genitive case. T common c is unmarked. T genitive c. is marked by t apostrophe & suffix –s. T main meaning of t genitive c. is that of possession. T possessive c. is mainly used with animate nouns & sometimes with inanimate such as: 1) geographical names (town, country, England, world, Moon) 2) transport names (ship, car) 3) words denoting time & distance (a mile’s distance; an hour’s walk). T poss c. in E can function only as attribute before a determined noun. ТГ 2. General characteristics of the adjective and the categories of the a. The meaning of A. is the mean of property. According to this meaning all A. can be classified as qualitative(качественный) and relative(относительн). Formation of A. Many F. are formed from other parts of speech by adding different suffixes (Ex: -able, -ible, -al, -ish,-ful, -less, y, etc.). The A. has the forms of degrees of comparison: positive, comparative and superlative. Degrees of comparison are formed 1) by adding the suffixes – er and – est; 2) by using more and most before A. A few A. have irregular forms for degrees of comparison. Function in phrases A. May combine with nouns presiding and following them: big room, times immemorial. They also may combine with a presiding adverb: Very large.
A. can be followed by phrases: free from danger. They may combine with verbs: married young. Function in the sentence 1) An attribute(определ). A. used attributively usually precede the noun immediately. She had pleasant blue eyes and very long hair. A predicative (сказ) Simple predicative She is ill. The child is asleep. Part of compound verbal predicate He stood silent. An objective predicative She wore her hair short. A subjective predicative The door was closed tight. An adverbial modifier A. used adverbially are all introduced by conjunctions. When ripe, e apples are sweet. ТГ 4. Syntax as t science of constructing speech. T definition of the sentence. Syntax as part of grammar analyses the rules of combining words into phrases, sentences and supra-sentential constructions or texts. The main units of syntax are phrases and sentences. The phrase is a combination of two or more notional words which is a grammatical unit but is not an analytical form of some word. The main difference between the phrase and the sentence is in their linguistic function. The phrase is a nominative unit, the sentence is a predicative one. The sentence is the immediate unit of speech built up of words according to a definite syntactic pattern and distinguished by a communicative purpose. From the structural point of view all sentences are simple or composite. Comp. sentences are divided into compound (сочине) & complex (подчинен). Composite sentences are formed by 2 or more predicative lines. It expresses a complicated set of thought. The 2 main types of the connection of clauses: coordination & subordination. By coordin. Clauses are arranged as unit of syntactically equal rank. By subord. ….of unequal rank. One is categorically dominated by the other. ТГ 3. G c of the verb and the categories of the verb The verb is the most complex part of speech. Functions establishing the connection between the situation named in the utterance and reality. The general categorial meaning of the verb is process presented dynamically, that’s developing in time. Posses the following categories: person, number, tense, aspect, voice, mood, face, finitude (законченность). T grammatical categ. find their expression in syntactical & analytical forms. 1. According to the stem types: simple (go); sound-replacive (food-to feed); -stress-replacive (transport-to transport); -composite (blackmail-to blackmail-шантажировать); -phrasal (to have a smoke, to give up, to take care). 2. according to the gram. Meaning of transitivity: transitive(переход) & intransitive. 3. the nature of predication: The finite verb invariably performs the function of the verb- predicate. Finite verbs are subdivided into regular and irregular depending on the way the participle II are formed. Non-finite verbs perform different functions according to their intermediary nature (subject, object, adverbial modifier, attribute). 4. functional significance: 1. Verbs of full nominative value (notional verbs) that includes the bulk of the verbal lexicon; 2. Verbs of partial nominative value (semi-notional and functional verbs) that serve as makers of predication. These predicators include auxiliary verbs(be, have, do shall, will, should, may), modal verbs, semi-notional verbid introducer verbs (seem, happen), and link verbs(seem, appear, look, feel, become, get).
The category of tense. It expresses the correlation between the action and event and objective time. 3 principal tense forms in English: Present, Past, Future."Future-in-the-Past". This tense form is used when we want to say that the action is treated as Future in reference to some Past moment of time. The Present Tense is formed by the Infinitive without the particle to in the 3-rd person singular the verb takes the inflexion -s(-es). The Past Tense of the regular verb is formed with the help of the inflexion -ed. The Past Tense of the irregular verbs is formed in some different ways. The Future Tense is formed with the help of the auxiliary verb shall/will and the infinitive of the notional verb. The Future-in-the-Past is formed with should/would and infinitive of the notional verb without the particle "to". Traditional grammar speaks of 16 tense forms in English. The category of aspect. The aspective meaning of the verb reflects the mode of the realization of the process. The opposition of the continuous(progressive) forms of the verb to the non-continuous(non-progressive) represents the aspective category of development. It is built by the auxiliary be plus the Present Participle. There are some words that don’t occur with progressive aspect(feel, love, hate). The Category of voice. The Active Voice shows that the subject of the sentence is the doer of the action. The Passive Voice shows that the subject is acted upon (combination of the auxiliary be with the Past Participle of the notional verb.). The agent may be expressed in the sentence and it's usually introduced with the help of the preposition by. In accord with their relation to the passive voice, all the verbs can be divided into 2 large sets: the set of passivized verbs and the set of non-passivized verbs (see, become, have, belong, cost). The Category of Mood. The category of Mood expresses the relations between the action, denoted by the verb, and the actual reality from the point of view of the speaker. The speaker may treat the action/event as real, unreal or problematic or as fact that really happened, happens or will happen, or as an imaginary phenomenon. 6 mood forms: 1. The Indicative Mood 2. The Imperative Mood 3. Subjunctive I (expresses a problematic action. Subjunctive I is used in American English and in newspaper style. Subjunctive I coincides with the Infinitive without the particle to. God save the Queen!) 4. Subjunctive II (Subjunctive II denotes an unreal action and it coincides in the form with the Past Indefinite Tense (Subjunctive II Present) or Past Perfect (Subjunctive II Past). Ex .: I wish he had told the truth. If only he were here!) 5. The Conditional Mood (The Conditional Mood denotes an unreal action and is built by the auxiliary verb "world". But for the rain we would go for a walk.) 6. The Suppositional Mood (The Suppositional Mood also expresses a problematic action and is formed with the help of the auxiliary verb "should")
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