How do you send and receive messages?
Once you have subscribed to SMS through your service (1)___, receiving messages is easy. Most phones will display an (2)___message alert graphic on the screen. Depending on the device, you may also set a tone to sound when an incoming (3)___arrive. Once a message is (4)___, you can use the scroll keys on your phone or pager to view the message text. Options to store, reply, or forward each message will be available at that time. It is also easy to send a message. The exact procedure varies from device to device, but it usually (5)___the recipient’s phone number or e-mail address, and then (6)___the message with the phone keypad. You may have the options to send the message (7)___or store it for later delivery.
EXERCISE EXERCISE 6 Complete the text by putting the verbs in brackets into the future form
The future of mobile phones We know that mobile phones are no longer just phones. There are many models with radio, calculator, MP3 player, or with access to the Internet. In the future mobile phones ______(be) a lot better and more important – says Dr.Raynolds from the University of Technology in Baltimore. – they _____(be) more complicated with more functions, sort of all-in-one device. First of all, people_____ (have) better access to the Internet than they have today. Mobile phones _____ (have) LCD displays – this ____(help) to read Internet documents and also see the person you are speaking to. With a mobile phone people _____(buy) tickets for the cinema or concert, people _____(order) things from shops, they _____ (pay) bills, and watch films. The new mobile phones _____ (have) fast processors and a big memory just like computers. And this is going to happen soon. There are new technologies, new inventions and new ideas every day and telephone companies are doing their best to attract clients.
EXERCISE EXERCISE 7 Read the text. Parts of the sentences are missing. Put them in the correct place and translate the text a) people carried a phone from place b) daughter and my grandchildren c) in touch with people very d) More and more people started e) of clients calling me every f) started working in 1979 in g) very developed and only twenty-three conversations
Why people use mobile phones
The invention of the cell phone or mobile phone dates back to the year 1947. The cellphone was a two-way radio. The technology wasn’t(1)_______ were possible in one area. In 1968 there was already a system of towers, each was a “cell”, and could broadcast waves for a few miles. When (2)_____to place, telephone conversations passed from one tower to another. The first commercial cellular phone system (3)_______ Tokyo. In 1982 the USA had a sellular system that everybody could use. (4)_____ using cellphones and suddenly they were everywhere. Tim, 31, a businessman: I use my phone for work. I’ve got lots (5)______ day and without a phone I couldn’t do my business.
Nick, 40, a teacher: I just can’t imagine my life without a mobile phone. I call people very often. I thinkit’s a great invention. You can get (6)_____easily. I especially like sending text messages. Dorothy, 63, retired: I’m glad I’ve got my mobile. I don’t use it very often but I know that I can always call my (7)_____ and I’m always happy when they call me. Angelica, 17, a schoolgirl: I use my phone to call my boyfriend. We get in touch very often because we can’t live without each other. EXERCISE EXERCISE 8 Speak about how to use a mobile phone
EXERCISE EXERCISE 9 Read the text and then decide which word (A, B, C or D) best fits each space. The exercise begins with an example (0). Help always at hand: a mobile is a girl’s best friend
If it fits inside the pocket, keeps you (0) A as well in touch with your office, your mother and your children, it is (1) _____worth having. This is the (2)_____ of the (3)_____ ranks of female mobile-phone users who are beginning to (4)_____ the consumer market. Although Britain has been (5)_____ to be one of the most expensive places in the world to (6)_____ a mobile phone, both professional women and (7)____ mothers are undeterred. At first, the mobile phone was a rich man plaything, or a businessman’s (8)-_____ symbol. Now women own almost as many telephones as men do – but for very different reasons. The main (9)_____ for most women customers is that it (10)____ a form of communication back-up, wherever they are, in case of (11)_____. James Tanner of Tancroft Communications says: “The (12)_____ of people buying phones from us this year were women – often young women – or men who were buying for their mothers, wives and girlfriends. And it always seems to be a questionof (13)____ of mind. “Size is also (14)_____ for women. They want something that will fit in a handbag,” said Mr Tanner. “The tiny phones coming in are having a very big (15)_____. This year’s models are only half the size of your hand.”
UNIT X SMART STUFF EXERCISE 1 Read the words and word combination below and give their English equivalents: Increasingly, electronic gadgets, become familiar with, accessories, fingermarks, pocket-sized computers, tiny sensor, frown, eventually, ready-to-wear items, otherwise, to improve technology, predict, fashionable items, useful application, succeed, crazy inventions, to pop up, easily-wearable accessories.
EXERCISE 2 Read the instructions, the title and the first paragraph. Be ready to answer: • What does the title refer to? • What kind of products do you think the rest of the article will talk about? EXERCISE 3 Read the rest of the text and find out: • what products are mentioned. • what applications they have. EXERCISE 4 Read the article about the latest developments in computer technology and be ready to answer the questions after the article, choose the answer (А, В, С or D) which you think fits best according to the text. SMART STUFF INCREASINGLY over the last few years, we have become familiar with the range of small electronic gadgets that come under the heading 'smart' accessories. Joggers, for example, run with heart-rate monitors, and shop assistants carry pocket-sized computers. But these are just the first examples of a whole range of new products that promises to change our lives in all sorts of surprising ways. As a scientist at Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Media Lab, Rosalind Picard tries out all kinds of smart accessories before they go on the market. One of these was the so-called «frown headband». It came as a shock to Rosalind to realize just how often she frowned. Stuck in a traffic jam recently, waiting for the cars to move forward, Rosalind kept hearing the sounds of the tiny sensor inside the band worn around her forehead — each time she frowned in frustration, the sensor gave out a signal. Headbands that check facial expressions are just one of the things she and her colleagues have designed. Their aim is to make ready-to-wear items that both look good and give the wearer useful feedback. Body sensors, like those in Rosalind's headband, can detect physical changes that the wearer might not otherwise be aware of. Hidden inside watches, rings or shoes, these sensors can check for signs of stress, give information and offer advice. Another computer scientist, Steven Feiner, is working on a pair of glasses that will do more than help you to see. Imagine you want to try a restaurant in a foreign city but you're not familiar with the dishes on the menu. If you are wearing a pair of Steven's glasses, all you have to do is glance above the restaurant's doorway and your glasses will immediately become windows to the Internet, offering you full details of the meals served inside. Are you one of those people who lack confidence when giving a talk to an audience? Look to the right and the glasses will flash your notes in front of your eyes. They could also prove useful for cooks who want to check a recipe without leaving sticky fingermarks all over their cookery books. At the moment, Steven's invention looks more like a pair of ski goggles than a pair of glasses. It's a headset connected to a hand-held computer and a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver, which tracks the wearer's position. Students who don't mind being stared at have tried out the Star Trek-like device on campus. But Steven says that these head-worn displays will eventually get smaller, lighter and smarter as technology improves. As they will be relatively cheap, he foresees them replacing the notebooks and manuals that workers have to carry. He predicts that they will be useful to surgeons, giving them instant access to a patient's medical notes while carrying out operations. And, of course, this new technology has a fashionable as well as a useful application. A chemical engineer named Robert Langer has invented a new microchip that, if put inside a ring, can give off different scents according to a person's mood. That, of course, may or may not appeal to you. And, in the end, it is shoppers, not scientists, who will determine which of these smart accessories will succeed as fashionable items and which are destined to join history's long list of crazy inventions. Steven Feiner, concerned that vanity may prevent some people from wearing his glasses, is already working on the idea of contact lenses with the same features.
It is clear, however, that as small computer displays get brighter and cheaper, they will pop up in all sorts of easily-wearable accessories, even in the buttons on your coat. What's more, this is something that's going to happen a lot sooner than we all expect. QUESTIONS: 1. When Rosalind wore the headband, she was surprised at A. how well the sensor worked. В. how affected she was by the traffic. С. how strong the signal was. D. how comfortable it was to wear. 2. What does «Their» in the text refer to? A. facial expressions В. headbands С. colleagues D. ready-to-wear items 3. 'glance' in the text describes a way of A. wearing something В. looking at something С. pointing to something D. finding something 4. Steven's glasses will help people who are giving a talk by A. telling them if they forget to say things. В. checking how nervous they're feeling. С. signaling if they make a mistake. D. helping them to remember things. 5. What is the current problem with Steven's glasses? A. where they are worn В. how much they cost С. what they look like D. the way they've been tested 6. What is the writer's view of Robert Langer's invention? A. It is unlikely to work successfully. В. It is a bad use of new technology. С. Не is sure people will laugh at it. D. He is uncertain whether people will buy it. 7. In general, what does the writer think about 'smart' accessories? A. They will soon be widely available. В. Much more research is needed into them. С. Only a few of them will prove to be useful. D. They will only affect the lives of certain people. EXERCISE 5
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