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Program of language practice



Department of «Ecology and Nature Management"




On the language practice of the second year student

Specialties 5В060800 «Ecology» Orynkul Gulzhaz

Student Orynkul G.N II course, EL-21 group


Place of practical training Department of "Ecology and Nature Management"



The deadline for the practice is 22.05. 2017 - 28.05.2017


The author of the report is: Orynkul G.N

Head of practice: Kushayeva A.M.

The report is protected __. 05.2017

Evaluation ___________



Uralsk 2017

Objectives of practice:


1. Acquaintance of students to be familiar with the basics of theory and practice (interpretation and translation)

2. Clamping and expansion of theoretical and practical knowledge and skills by means of audio, video material

3. Obtaining practical skills in the field of language communications

4. The extension and consolidation of skills translation of specialty

5. Increase the vocabulary building in the relevant specialty



Educational language practice was held from May 22, 2017 to May 28, 2017 in Zhangir khan West Kazakhstan Agrarian-Technical University at the Department of Ecology and Nature Management.

Educational language practice is an important part of the curriculum of vocational training for students in the direction of English language preparation. In the course of practice, students are trained for professional activities under the guidance of a teacher.

Language practice is the initial stage of the future university graduate preparation. The type of practice is the acquisition of the primary professional skills. It is based on the knowledge received by the student in the institution of general secondary education, and therefore has a dual purpose - to identify the existing level of language culture and literacy, as well as to form the necessary skills in working with the text.


Explanatory note

This program of language practice determines the procedure, content and methodology for conducting the practice of students in the specialty "Ecology" of the full-time course of study. The program of practice is intended for students and leaders of practice from the university (department), enterprises (organizations, institutions).

Organization of practice includes the following stages: drafting a task for language practice; Individual and group training; Language practice with the receipt by the student of the recall of the enterprise about its passage and drawing up of the individual report of the student about the passage of the language practice; Organization and implementation of the protection of reports on language practice.


Purpose of practice

Language practice of students is an integral part of the educational process and is aimed at consolidating and deepening in a foreign language the theoretical knowledge obtained in the learning process, as well as deepening the practical knowledge of a foreign language for professional communication.


Objectives of practice

1. Acquaintance of students to be familiar with the basics of theory and practice (interpretation and translation)

2. Clamping and expansion of theoretical and practical knowledge and skills by means of audio, video material

3. Obtaining practical skills in the field of language communications

4. The extension and consolidation of skills translation of specialty

5. Increase the vocabulary building in the relevant specialty


The content of the practice

The content of the practice and the report on its results in a foreign language depend on the characteristics of the economic activity of the object of practice and on the form of the practice. The content, form and report on the practice are agreed with the practice leaders from the department and from the enterprise (institution, organization).



During the practice, the student selected the relevant documentation (forms, forms, diagrams, instructions, etc.) necessary for the performance of an individual task, which is illustrated by his report.

At the end of the practice, the student presents a report and a practice diary to the chair. The report must be signed by the practice leader from the organization and stamped. All sections of the diary must be completed, signed by the head of the practice from the enterprise and certified by the seal in the designated locations.

Students are allowed to protect their reports, provided they comply with all of the above requirements for the report and the practice diary.

In the event of difficulties in the translation process, it was possible to seek the help of the practice leaders from the university and the enterprise, which facilitated the adequate translation of these texts, additional information could be found in additional literature and the Internet, so there was hardly any difficulty.

In general, the translation practice was successful and informative.


Program of language practice

1. Acquaintance of students to be familiar with the basics of theory and practice (interpretation and translation)


In West Kazakhstan there are several types of environmental problems. One of them this is – afforestation, water supply southern region and disposal of waste water. Specifically noted pollution air basin motor vehicle emissions. Today their share of 57%.

One of the main problems it is reset pollutants in the Ural River. Water from the washing of filters and horizontal sediment tanks is sent without purification into the river, which is the source of drinking water supply of the population.

In Uralsk there are about 40 industrial enterprises: machine-building plant "Zenith", instrument-making plant "Omega", factories "Metallist", "Agroremmash", "Metalware" and others.Due to the lack of a specialized landfill, more than 200 tons of toxic waste of increased concentration since 1985 are temporarily stored on the territory of the enterprise on specially equipped sites in metal containers, which, as they wear out, are changed to new ones and actual ones are "delayed time".


2. Clamping and expansion of theoretical and practical knowledge and skills by means of audio, video material

1. Earth pollution video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_IwkgsK_GQ

2. Water pollution: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgLIMaZAJj0


3. Obtaining practical skills in the field of language communications



4. The extension and consolidation of skills translation of specialty



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