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The first, the second, the third.






для студентов I года обучения по темам:

«Зубы домашних животных»

«Желудок жвачных»

«Пищеварение животных»

«Дыхательная система»

«Процесс дыхания»

«Паразитарный гастрит»


УДК: 802.0(075.8):378.619


Методические указания по английскому языку предназначены для студентов факультета ветеринарной медицины 1-го года обучения. В них представлены 6 уроков, каждый из которых состоит из 2-х текстов ветеринарной тематики и большого количества лексико-грамматических упражнений. Целью пособия является выработка у студентов компетенций в сфере владения профессиональной лексикой и навыков общения в рамках специальности.



Составители: Дементьева Л.Г., Зебров Д.К., Мельник И.В.,
Нечаев А.Н., Рукавишникова Е.М., Сидорова О.И.,Форш В.Д., Чеченкова Н.В.



проф. Конопатов Ю.В.


Рекомендовано к печати методическим советом СПбГАВМ

(протокол № от)



Издание 2-ое, дополненное и переработанное



©ФГБОУ СПО «Санкт-Петербургская государственная

академия ветеринарной медицины», 2012





Text A The Teeth in the Domesticated Animals. 7

Text B.. 9


Text A The Ruminant Stomach. 12

Text B Eosinophylic Granuloma in the Cat 13


Text A Digestion in Different Animals. 18

Text B Traumatic Gastritis. 19


Text A Respiratory System.. 25

Text B Pharyngeal Cyst 26


Text A Respiration. 30

Text B Equine Cecal Fistula. 31


Text A Parasitic Gastritis. 35

Text B Leeches. 37

Краткий грамматический справочник. 39




Ex. 1. Repeat the following words after the teacher:

teeth, species, domesticated, peculiarities, mature, temporary, permanent, periods, eruption, to determine, completion, expert. molar, incisor, canine, arcade.

Ex. 2. Translate the following words:

incisor, teeth, molar teeth, temporary and permanent incisors, milk teeth, upper and lower arcades, upper and lower jaws.

Ex. 3. Find the translation of the following words in the right column:















моляр, коренной




Ex. 4. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the underlined words:

1) to improve = to become better (good – better – the best)

The patient slightly improved in health.

2) to replace (by, with) – заменять, замещать

Milk teeth are usually replaced by permanent ones.

3) Cancer usually results in death.

4) Influenza results from various bacteria.

5) His weight was 90 kilograms. He weighed 90 kgs.

6) Loss of weight is not always very good.

7) Loss of appetite is called anorexia.

8) appearance = зд. general condition

I don’t like the dog’s appearance because of the anorexia.

9) the specimen – образец

Blood and serum specimens were taken for analyses.

10) Abnormally frequent intestinal evacuations are called diarrhoea.

11) A man has 32 teeth.

12) jaw – челюсть

Both men and animals have jaws: the upper and the lower ones.

13) peculiarity = typical feature (особенность)

due to = thanks to, because of

The peculiarity of his character is due to his nature.

14) sign = symptom; examination = test of the general condition

At examination the veterinarian noticed the signs of an infectious disease.

15) vomiting – рвота

16) initial = the first (one)

The initial symptom of the intestinal diseases is vomiting.

17) respiration = breathing

When it is pneumonia, respiration becomes difficult.

18) initial – initially = early = previously

Previously tuberculosis was a fatal disease.

19) There are permanent and temporary teeth, the latter are milk teeth.

Ex.5. Listen and repeat:

one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve.

Запомните, что с 13 до 19 числительные образуются с помощью суффикса - teen.

thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen.

Числительные от 20 до 90 образуются с помощью суффикса –ty.

twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety.

Запомните! Числительные hundred, thousand, million (количественные) употребляются с артиклем «а» или числительным «one» (и другими) и не имеют окончания «-s», если им предшествуют другие числительные.

a hundred, a hundred and one, two hundred, nine hundred, a (one) thousand, a thousand and two, two thousand and one.

Ex. 6. Say in English: 109, 115, 120, 1004, 1113, 1240.


Даты читаются следующим образом:

1900 – nineteen hundred

1904 – nineteen [ou] four

1956 – nineteen fifty six

2003 – two thousand (and) three


Ex. 7. Say in English: 1800, 1905, 1917, 1853, 2011, 2036, 1977.


Ex. 8. Answer the questions.

1) How many hours has a day?

2) How many minutes has an hour?

3) How many days has a week?

4) How many months has a year?

5) How many days has a year?

6) How many days are there in a leap year?

Порядковые числительные от одного до трех надо запомнить!

the first, the second, the third.

Последующие числительные образуются с помощью суффикса
–th. Порядковые числительные употребляются с определенным артиклем.

Ex. 9. Listen and repeat:

the fourth, the fifth, the sixth, the seventh, the eighth, the ninth, the tenth, the eleventh, the twelfth, the thirteenth, the nineteenth, the twentieth, the eightieth, the twenty-first, the twenty-sixth, the one millionth, the five millionth.

Ex. 10. Answer the questions:

1) Which is the first month of the year?

2) Which is the second letter of the English alphabet?

3) Which is the twelfth month of the year?

Ex. 11. Listen and repeat:

Today is the 1st of April, 2011.

Ex. 12. Answer the question.

What is the date today?

10/V, 15/VI, 7/XI, 22/XI, 9/V, 1/V, 31/XII.

Ex. 13. Read the following dates.

October 17, 2004; May 9, 1945; November 18, 2011; February 23, 1981; July 4, 1776; March 8, 1979; January 1, 2012, September 16, 1863; 22nd of June, 1941; 10th of March, 1918.

Дробные числительные – Fractional Numerals.

В простых дробях числитель выражается количественным, а знаменатель – порядковым числительным.

Ex. 14. Read after the teacher:

– a (one) half – a (one) quarter

– a (one) third – a (one) fourth

Когда числитель больше единицы, знаменатель принимает окончание –s.


Ex. 15. Read after the teacher:

– two thirds

– a (one) fifth


1 – one and a half


– three quarters


– three fourths

- two fifths

2 – two and a (one) third


В десятичных дробях каждая цифра читается отдельно. Точка, отделяющая целое число от дроби, читается «point». Нуль читается “nought” или “zero”.

Ex. 16. Listen and repeat:

0.1 – nought point one, point one

0.001 – nought point nought nought one, point zero zero one

2.35 – two point three five

32.305 – three two point three nought five, thirty-two point three nought five

Ex. 17. Read the following fractional numerals with the word “ton”.

0.25 ton – nought point two five of a ton

1.25 tons – one point two five tons

23.76 tons – twenty-three point seven six tons



Ex. 18. Read the following numerals:

45; 76; 123; 205; 768; 1,050; 6,945; 100,000; 500,276; 5,479,350; 87,670,800,000; 3.45; 4.575; 37.23;

ton; kilometre; 2 metres; 8 hours; 16 feet;

0.7 ton; 4.2 tons; 1.75 kilograms; 12.25 metres; 14.05 miles.

Text A
The Teeth in the Domesticated Animals


The teeth differ markedly in the various species of domesticated animals due to anatomical peculiarities and the nature of the food.

The horse has six upper and six lower incisor teeth and twelve lower molar teeth. The temporary and permanent incisors have regular periods of eruption so that the animal’s age up to eight years may be determined by the expert. The milk teeth appear in order and they are replaced by permanent teeth. At four and one half or five years of age the horse has all of its permanent incisors.

Cattle, sheep and goats have only eight incisors and all are placed in the lower jaw. The upper jaw has no incisors. Age may be determined up to five years or up to the completion of eruption of the permanent incisors.

The dog has forty-two teeth – twelve molars are fixed in the upper and fourteen in the lower arcade.

The cat has thirty teeth – twelve incisors, four canines and fourteen molars, eight of the latter are in the upper jaw and six in the lower.



upper – верхний

lower – нижний

incisor – резец

arcade – аркада

molar – коренной

canine – клык

temporary – временный

permanent – постоянный


Vocabulary List


to improve

to replace

to result in

to result from

to weight





due to












tooth (teeth)



Ex. 19. Answer the following questions on Text A in English.

1) How many teeth has a pig? (44)

2) How many teeth has a horse? (36)

3) How many teeth has a sheep? (32)

4) How many teeth has a cow? (32)

5) How many teeth has a dog? (42)

6) How many teeth has a cat? (30)

7) How many incisors has a horse? (12)

8) How many incisors has a sheep? (8)

9) How many molars has a dog? (26)

10) How many canines has a dog? (4)

11) How many incisors has a dog? (12)

12) How many incisors has a cow? (8)

13) Has a cow any canines?

Ex. 20. Tell about the teeth in various animals in English.

Ex. 21. Translate from English into Russian.

1) The teeth differ in various domesticated animals.

2) The horse has six upper and six lower incisors.

3) The milk teeth are replaced by the permanent ones.

4) The upper jaw in cattle, sheep, and goats has no incisors.

5) Cattle, sheep, goats have only eight incisors and all are in the lower jaw.

6) The dog has forty-two teeth – twelve incisors, four canines and twenty-six molars.

7) Twelve molars are fixed in the upper and fourteen in the lower arcade.

8) The cat has thirty teeth – twelve incisors, four canines and fourteen molars.

9) Eight molars are in the upper jaw and six in the lower one.

Text B


In July, 2011 a 10-month-old dog weighing 45 lb (20.25 kg) was presented with the signs of lethargy and anorexia. Four weeks previously the dog had episodes of vomiting and diarrhoea that had resulted in a loss of 15 lb (6.75 kg).

At the initial examination the dog’s temperature was 101.8 F (38.8 C), the pulse was 48/min and respirations were 15/min.

Blood and serum specimens were taken for analyses.

The diagnosis was hypoadrenal corticism. After three days of therapy the dos’s clinical appearance was improved.


Ex. 22. Answer the following questions on Text B in English.

1) When was the dog presented to the clinic?

2) What was his weight?

3) What had the dog had before he was taken to the clinic?

4) What was the dog’s temperature?

5) What was the pulse rate?

6) What were the respirations?

7) What specimens were taken for analyses?

8) What was the diagnosis?

9) When was the dog’s appearance improved?

Ex. 23. Make up a dialogue between the vet and the owner of the dog.

Ex. 24. Retell Text B in English.

Ex. 25. Translate the following sentences into Russian.

1) The dog improved in appearance because it was treated.

2) Vomiting and diarrhea resulted in a loss of weight in a dog.

3) At the initial examination the dog’s temperature was high.

4) Man’s teeth differ greatly from the teeth of animals.


Ex. 26. Translate the following sentences into English.

1) Зубы домашних животных существенно отличаются из-за анатомических особенностей и пищи.

2) У лошади 36 зубов, из них 6 верхних и 6 нижних резцов и 12 верхних и 12 нижних моляров.

3) Молочные зубы сменяются коренными как у животных, так и у людей.

4) Возраст лошади можно определить по зубам.

5) На верхней челюсти коровы нет резцов, все 8 резцов находятся на нижней челюсти.

6) Признаки заболеваний желудка – рвота и диарея.

7) Прежде чем поставить диагноз, нужно тщательно обследовать больного.

8) Данные анализов приводят к постановке правильного диагноза.



Ex. 1. Repeat the following words after the teacher:

rumen, reticulum, omasum, abomasum, abdomen, mucous, papilla (papillae), cellule, muscle, posterior, glandular, compartment, quarter, lining, quite, surface, owner, suspect, tongue, respiration, breathing, lesion, specimen, weight,dorsal, ventral, membrane, sphincter, biopsy, collectively, structure, domestic, histologically.

Ex. 2. Repeat the following adverbs after the teacher, pronounce the adjectives corresponding to these adverbs and translate them:

collectively, normally, relatively, highly, slowly, histologically, commonly, locally.

Ex. 3 Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to the underlined words.

1) The stomach of the ruminant consists of four parts or compartments: rumen, reticulum, omasum and abomasum.

2) breathing – respiration

When the temperature is high the breathing becomes difficult.

3) The noun “difficulty” is formed from the adjective “difficult”.

The difficulty is that we have no medicine for this disease.

4) A cow and an ox are cattle. A cow is a female and an ox is a male.

5) surface – поверхность

The veterinarian found a lesion on the surface of the leg.

6) The weight of this pig is 50 pounds and the weight of that one is 55 pounds.

7) deep – глубокий

The wound on the back of the patient is deep.

8) There are some lesions on the front part of the head.

9) Veterinarians examine animals on the farms regularly.

10) Horses stand when they sleep and pigs lie when they sleep.

11) appearance – внешний вид

The appearance of the dog became better after the treatment.

12) The adjective “old” is the antonym of the adjective “young”.

This cat is rather old. It is 10 years of age.

13) Cows, horses, sheep, dogs, cats and many other animals have two jaws (челюсть). They are called the upper and the lower jaws.

14) Normally cats live ten years.

15) You know the adjective “ preventive ”. What is the meaning of the verb “to prevent”?

The task of the veterinarians is to prevent infectious diseases.

16) Some medicines are injected under the skin and other medicines are injected intramuscularly.

17) to fill – наполнять

They fill feeding troughs (кормушки) with fodder every morning.

18) to suspect – подозревать

The veterinarian suspects pneumonia in my dog.

19) to resemble – походить, иметь сходство

The lesion resemble s an abscess.

20) to refer to – рассматривать как; называть

Four parts of the ruminant stomach are referred to as “the stomachs ”.


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