An Egyptian prototype of the main features of the pŒmandres’ cosmogony
VI AN EGYPTIAN PROTOTYPE OF THE MAIN FEATURES OF THE PŒ MANDRES’ COSMOGONY THE HIGHER CRITICISM OF THE “PŒ MANDRES” One has only to read through the remains of the Trismegistic literature preserved to us to assure himself that the whole of it looked back to the Pœ mandres instruction as the most primitive form of the tradition in the language of Greece. The extant form of our “Pœ mandres” sermon is clearly not the most primitive form; but whatever that form was, it must have contained the cosmological part. Now, if we regard this cosmogenesis as a purely literary compilation, the task of the higher criticism will be to try to sift out the various elements in it, and if possible to trace them to their sources. But before making any attempt of this nature, it will be as well to consider the nature of the literary art of our document. It purports itself to be an apocalypse, or rather the record of an apocalyptic vision, and not a purely literary compilation from already existing literary sources. It declares itself to be the work of a seer and prophet and not of a scribe or commentator; it claims to be an inspired document, a scripture, and not the work of a schoolman. Of this class of writing we have very many examples in other scriptures, and it will be as well to consider p. 129 briefly the nature of such documents. In the original form of apocalypses we do not as a rule find that prior formal literary material is used—that is to say, we do not find that previously existing written sources are incorporated; what we do find is that in almost every case the seer uses the forms and terms of previously existing ideas to express what he sees. These forms and terms are found in already existing written and oral traditions, and the prophetical writer is compelled to use the thought-language of his own mind and of that of his age to express himself. This, however, does not negate the possibility of his having seen a true vision, of his having been inspired. It is evident that whoever wrote the “Pœ mandres” must have been saturated with the religious, mystical, philosophic, and scientific thought of his age, clothed in the forms of the thought-language of his day; and it is also clear that whatever “newness” there may have been in him, was owing to the nature of the “touch” of inspiration he had received. This striking of a new keynote, as it were, in his inner nature, enabled him to regroup and reconstruct the previous ideas he had imbibed from his studies. A PROTOTYPE OF ITS COSMOGENESIS Now as far as our cosmogenesis is concerned, it has not yet been found possible to trace the exact verbal forms of its elements to any precise literary sources, but it has been found possible to point to written sources which contain similar ideas; and not only so, but with regard to the main features of it, a distinct prototype has been found in Egypt itself. This discovery is due to Reitzenstein (pp. 59 ff. ), and the prototype is to be found in an Egyptian inscription in the British
p. 130 [paragraph continues] Museum, which was first read correctly and interpreted by Dr J. H. Breasted. 1 Before using it, however, Reitzenstein got his colleague Professor Spiegelberg to go through it; and again when Maspero, in reviewing 2 Breasted’s work, had further confirmed the view of it which Reitzenstein had in his mind, Spiegelberg again revised certain points in the translation owing to Maspero’s suggestions. The inscription itself is dated about the eighth century B. C., but it states that it is the reproduction of a then old written text from the temple of Ptah at Memphis. The chief content has to do with the Osiris-myth, but into this is inserted the distinctive Ptah-doctrine. Ptah is supposed by some to have originally been simply the god of handicraft, seeing that he is equated by the Greek interpreters of god-names with Hephaistos. He was, however, rather the Demiurgus, for in very early times he is found in the closest connection with the Gods of Heaven and Gods of Light, and is conceived as the Dispenser of all life. In our text Ptah is brought into the closest relations with the Supreme Deity (Atum). This “God the Father” emanates from himself eight deities (the Ogdoad). Each one of these is Ptah with a distinctive epithet. To the fourth 3 of them, “Ptah the Great, ” a theological system is attached, which, though not entirely ignoring the former presentation, is but loosely interwoven with it. Before, however, Reitzenstein proceeds to deal with this, he gives Professor Spiegelberg’s translation of a p. 131 [paragraph continues] Prayer to Ptah, of the time of Ramses III. (c. 1233 B. C. ), from the Papyrus Harris (I. 44, 3 ff. ), in order to make clearer the circle of ideas into which we shall be introduced. This Prayer is as follows: A PRAISE-GIVING TO PTAH “Hail to thee! Thou art great, thou art old, Tatenen, 1 Father of the gods, p. 132 Who let Rā come to make them glad, There are other hymns of an exactly similar nature in which other gods are praised, especially Thoth and Horus. And now to turn to our inscription, and to that part of the text assigned to the fourth of the Forms of Manifestation, or Aspects or Persons, of Ptah.
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