Абсолютный причастный оборот (the Nominative Absolute)
1. When the powers of the House of Lords were reduced in 1911, the maximum duration of Parliament was reduced to five years, because it was thought that, the effective powers of the House of Commons having been increased, the majority ought to secure a renewal of its mandate more often. (J.Jennings) 2. To the bulk of these people Britain is a strange land, and there are some who do not speak its language. Many are Maltese of origin, but strangers in Malta, having spent their whole live in Egypt. ("The Times") 3. With the North Atlantic Treaty Organization rent with dissension over Suez, now is the time to get rid of all military pacts and blocs. ("DW") 4. In many ways it might have been preferable if, the split having occurred, the party had immediately rallied round Mr. Todd and confirmed under his leadership. ("The Times") 5. During the Festival several halls in the Moscow State University will be taken over for dancing each evening, orchestras of different nations playing in each. ("DW") 6. Some 3,000 will leave the Electric and Musical Industries works in September, some of the workers having had 40 years service with the firm. ("DW") Given
Given (в начале предложения) означает учитывая, в случае... 1. These target figures are not wildly extravagant, given the rate of development which Russia has already achieved. (" The Times") 2. Given the present industrial climate, the arrangement which grants the personnel no voice in determining the modes of payment or in the management of the enterprise seems to have proven insufficient to bring about the improvement of labour-management relations necessary for greater productivity. ("Economic Issues") 3. Given good weather the campaign should greatly help the supply of fodder. ("The Times") Пассивная конструкция 1. Such trifles should be put up with. 2. The drowning man was thrown a rope. 3. This poor old blind man is never read to. 4. The ship was lost sight of. 5. Are we really meant to learn this by heart? 6. The room could be entered through a massive oak door. 7. This case of mental illness should be dealt with separately. 8. Edgar Рое is felt to be of insane mind in his later poems. 9. Such results are not to be wondered at. 10. His presence was taken no notice of. 11. This boy is not spoken to. 12. I don't understand why I am asked such a question. 13. John is not to be relied upon. 14. The bed was not slept in. 15. The house was not lived in. Модальные глаголы Pay attention to patterns modal verb + Past Participle. A. Must, can, may, ought, might, to be 1. His early years are but little known to biographers. Yet, he must have started studying music at a much earlier age than is generally presupposed. (Biography) 2. You must have read about many acts of violence directed against the negro communists of South Africa. Yet there may and, indeed, there must have been others which have never reached the columns of the press.
3. The Algerians could never have committed the atrocities the bourgeois press alleges they have done. ("DW") 4. The Costa-Rica Government may have incurred heavier debts than those officially started. (" The Economist") 5. War preparations in Germany must have started earlier than was announced in the newspapers. 6. Development in India is to proceed at a faster rate than hitherto, the Indian Times announced yesterday 7. We are just to start immediately! Please none of your "Just another minute please". The steamer is leaving and we can't afford to miss it. (S. Brown) 8. The relaxation of international tension may yet prove to be a more potent factor than many continue to think. 9. What we ought to do with all our might is to put struggle and struggle again against the infiltration of American comics in Great Britain. ("DW") B. Would 1. "Chris is a business woman," said Roy Drover and Roy would know. (S. Lewis) 2. He wondered what had become of the boys who were his companions; they were nearly thirty now; some would be dead but others were married and had children. (W.S. Таugham) 3. As World War II also underscored, the Latin American countries control much of the mineral and other natural resources that the U.S. needs to supplement its own. That would appear a guarantee of instability of the Western Hemisphere. ("The New York Times") 4. Some of your remarks about hay fever in your topics of Aug. 6 would indicate that your knowledge is based upon American experience only. Глагольное подлежащее 1. Mention has been made of a new material 2. Application should be made by post. 3. Use is made of a new machine. 4. Advantage has been taken of these factors. Эллиптические конструкции 1. The students have very limited, if any, opportunity to speak Russian outside of school. ("The Modern Language Journal") 2. Sacco and Vancetti were electrocuted many years ago. The intervening time has enhanced, if anything, the importance of the case. ("The Nation") 3. Harriman, the head of the ticket was, if anything, an even more ardent upholder of the cold war line than his opponent. (" The Worker) 4. On the whole, Canada appears to have shown much wisdom in developing its end of the expanding neighbourly relationship with the U.S. Rather than inhibiting Ottawa's world position, the process has, if anything, increased it. ("The New York Times") 5. I do not believe for one moment that a merger of our armed services would save the taxpayer one thin dime. If anything, I am sure that merger might bring about greater expenditure. 6. In general she has changed little, if at all, in the two years of her absence. 7. The inhabitants of his real saw him, if at all, only in passing. 8. Some 2 billion people — three quarters of the world's population - speak languages that are rarely, if ever, taught in the U.S. ("The Modern Language Journal") 9. Thus the U.S. was under pressure to come forward with a serious reply to the Russian proposals — if only for the sake of public opinion in an apprehensive world. ("The New Times")
10. With French consent, the United States was becoming officially involved for the first time in the Algerian question, if only, on its fringes. ("The New York Times") 11. Under no circumstances must the Labour movement permit divisions to arise between workers, whatever the colour of their skin. In strike after strike — with the London bus strike as the most recent example — the coloured workers have stood firm with their colleagues against the boss.("DW") 12. Whatever the outcome, the emphasis of both parties is more on "liberal" candidates. ("The Times") Двузначные глаголы 1. But the Volga cascade pales into insignificance beside the new schema for tapping the electric power resources of Russian rivers like the Ob, the Yenisei, the Angara and others in Siberia. (" DW") 2. We are not in all truth, big enough or powerful enough to simply scare the world into adopting our image of what it ought to be. (" Wall Street Journal") 3. Anti-labour legislation in California, Ohio, Washington, Idaho, Colorado and Kansas, helped to string Labour into activity in these and other States but that alone is not the answer. ("DW") 4. There is danger in the very fact that we are becoming accustomed to the idea of the bomb. We have lived with it for so long that we may be lulled into a feeling that there is no harm in living with it for ever. ("The Times")
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