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C. Match the words with their definitions

1. cosmopolitan   A. the power of persons or things to affect others, seen only in its effects
2. influence   B. to cause to be encircled on all or nearby all sides
3. to surround   C. to have in it: hold, enclose, or include
4. to contain   D. common to or representative of all or many parts of the world
5. inner city   e) the quality of being worthy of esteem or honour; worthiness
6. to spread   f) to come together in a large group
7. splendour   g) the sections of a large city in or near its centre, esp. When crowded or blighted
8. dignity   h) to dwell or live in
9. to crowd   I) to distribute over a surface or areas
10. to inhabit   j) great luster or brightness; brilliance


Task 6. Fill in the prepositions.

A. in (3) B. by (2) C. on (2) D. of (3) e) to (2) f) from g) over (2) h) at I) for j) with (2) k) above


1. London was founded … the first century A. D. … the Romans.

2. London draws people … all … the world.

3. Some come … business, some come to study, to work or … holiday.

4. London spreads its influence … much … the southern areas … England; it gives work … millions … people.

5. Buckingham Palace was built … 1703 by the Duke of Buckingham.

6. The Prime Minister’s residence … No. 10 Downing Street isdirectly connected Whitehall.

7. Piccadilly Circus is now famous … its theatres, clubs and shops.

8. The streets in London are crowded … traffic. High ‘double-decker’ buses rise … the smaller cars and vans.

9. In the city the medieval buildings stand side … side … modern glass high-rise offices.

10. The parks of London form 313 hectares of open parkland … the heart of London.



Task 7. Look at the words and fill in the table.

Words Prefix Base word Suffix
Government - govern ment

Task 8. A. Find in the text the sentences with the Passive Voice and translate them into Russian.

B. Choose the right variant and explain your choice.

1. This bridge … in 1867.

A. was building B. were built C. was built

2. Such modern glass high-rise offices … here in 3 or 5 years.

a) will construct B. will be constructed C. were being constructed

3. The East End … by the workers and the poor.

A. inhabited B. will inhabit C. is inhabited

4. The bronze fountain topped by a figure of a winded archer … as Eros, the pagan god of love.

a) is known B. will know C. was knowing

5. This old monument … at the moment.

A. is reconstructed B. is reconstructing C. is being reconstructed

С. Revise your Grammar. Check yourself, consulting the following rules:

the Passive Voice использование: the passive (страдательный залог) используется в тех случаях, когда неизвестен или не важен тот, кто выполнил действие. Более важным является само действие Пример: My watch was stolen. Образование: Present Simple: am / is / are + V3: Пример: Fruit is grown in the south of the country. Past Simple: was / were + V3: Пример: The road was closed because the river flooded. Переход предложения в страдательный залог: Active:They make fresh bread every morning. Passive:Fresh bread is made (by them) every morning.

See also Lessons 6 and 14.

Task 9. Make up your own sentences, using the Passive Voice.

Task 10. Choose the right sentence.


A. It will be finished tomorrow.

B. It will being finishing tomorrow.


A. The house was painted when I arrived.

B. The house was being painted when I arrived.


A. Over 25 models have been produced in the past two years.

B. Over 25 models are produced in the past two years.


A. “The flight to Brunswick” was written in 1987 by Tim Wilson.

B. “The flight to Brunswick” was being written in 1987 by Tim Wilson.


A. Fords were being made in Cologne.

B. Fords are made in Cologne.


Task 11. Answer the questions choosing the proper variant.

1. Who founded London?

A. Indians B. Celts C. Romans

2. Why do most people from all over the world come to London?

A. to work, to study, on holiday or on business

B. to buy some flowers

C. to order some furniture

3. What is the official London residence of the Sovereign?

A. the Houses of Parliament B. the Treasury C. Buckingham Palace

4. What area in London is now famous for its theatres, clubs and shops?

A. Whitehall B. Piccadilly Circus C. Downing Street

5. What is the City of London?

A. it is its commercial and business centre

B. it is the richest part of London

C. it is the districtinhabited by the workers and the poor

Task 12. Complete the sentences.

1. The Prime Minister’s residence at No. 10 Downing Street is directly connected to …

2. The daily ceremony of the Changing of the Guards takes place in its ….

3. … was built in 1703 by the Duke of Buckingham.

4. … is a street in central London running from Trafalgar Square to the Houses of Parliament.

Task 13. True or false.

1. You can hardly call London very cosmopolitan.

2. London gives work to millions of people who live only in the inner city areas.

3. There are many buildings in London that express all the different areas of its history.

4. There is not much in London which fascinates visitors and inspires the affection of Londoners.

5. Buckingham Palace was built in the 18th century by the Duke of Buckingham.

6. The Cenotaph is the memorial to the English Queen.

7. At the heart of Piccadilly Circus there is a bronze fountain topped by a figure of Eros, the pagan god of love.

8. St. James’s Park, Green Park, Hyde Park, and Kensington Gardens form 13 hectares of open parkland in the heart of London.

9. Buckingham Palace is the official Washington residence of the Sovereign.

10. The heart of London is the City – its commercial and business centre.

Task 14. A. Match the following points of the plan with the corresponding passages of the text. One is extra.

1) London as a centre of attraction

2) London as a business centre

3) London parks

4) London sights

5) London as a city of great contrasts

6) London traffic

7) London as a capital

B. Write out the key sentences for each point of the plan.


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