Exercise 16. Restore the omitted parts of the extract.
Lesson 1. Part 2
Exercise 7. Restore the omitted parts of the extract.
Born in the heart of an e&&&&&r St. Petersburg is Russia’s a&&&ted child. So unlike the Russian cities that came b&&&&e St. Petersburg - with its strict geo&&&&&& lines and perfectly planned architecture - is almost too +++ to be Russian. And yet it is too +++ to be European. A powerful combination of both East and West, of things Russian and things European, St. Petersburg is, more than anything, a city born of the p&&sion of its founder, Tsar Peter the Great, to bring an un&&&&ing Russia into the fold of Europe and into the mainstream of &&story. That he did, and more. (Fodor’99)
Exercise 8. Answer these questions comparing your opinion with that of Western guides. 1. Are there many northern cities like St. Petersburg? 2. Is St. Petersburg an ancient city? 3. What role has St. Petersburg played in cultural history of Russia? 4. What is St. Petersburg’s contribution towards maritime history of Russia? 5. How did Peter the Great change Russia’s history? 6. What is specific about the construction of St. Petersburg? 7. What is the difference between cultural orientation of Moscow and St. Petersburg? 8. What Western cities does St. Petersburg resemble? Is it their mechanical copy? 9. How rich are the façades of St. Petersburg’s palaces? 10. What is the fate of the Russian tsars who reigned from St. Petersburg? Exercise 9. Restore the omitted parts of the text. Moscow and St. Petersburg are by far Russia’s two most cities - and a big co&&&&&t so try to fit both into your plans. As well as the best palaces, museums and theatres, they have the best restaurants, the best nightlife and the best hotels - plus &&&ent hostel-type accommodation geared to international b&&&&t travellers. There are many excellent short trips to be made out from both cities, too - especially to the ‘G&&&&& R&&&’ area of historic towns east of Moscow and the magnificent tsarist palaces and parks o&&s&&& St. Petersburg. North of St. Petersburg, the forests, rivers and lakes of Karelia offer some fine h&&&ng and kayaking, as well as an extraordinary collection of old Russian w&&&&n buildings on Kizhi Island in Lake Onega. Still further north, there’s the curiosity of a port city inside the A&&&&C C&&&&e (Murmansk) and some good &&&&bing and skiing on the Kola Peninsula. From Arkhangel’sk you can visit the +++ Islands in the White Sea, with their monastery that was once one of Stalin’s most infamous &&&&g camps, and (with luck) get a glimpse of nuclear +++ at Severodvinsk. (R, U &B) St. Petersburg’s l&&&&&de - level with Seward, Alaska and Cape Farewell, Greenland - gives it nearly 24-hour d&&l&&&t in midsummer but long, grey winters. From June to August, when temperatures usually reach 20 °C, the city is absolutely p&&&ed with foreign and Russian tourists. From December to March, when temperatures rarely exceed f&&&zing, the long nights have a twinkling m&&&c; the sun lazily lobs itself skyward at around 10 am and decides to call it a day around 3 pm.
(R, U & B)
Exercise 10. Back-translate this text into English and discuss the moral of the story. ПРИТЧА ОБ АМЕРИКАНСКОМ ХЛЕБЕ Жил-был американец, который отправился путешествовать в Европу. Куда бы он ни приезжал, он искал и не мог найти одну вещь - американский хлеб. Напрасно европейцы демонстрировали лучшие образцы своего искусства - длинные французские батоны, круглый хрустящий итальянский хлеб, испанский bollos, венскую плетенку, простой черный немецкий ржаной хлеб и хлеб, сделанный из грубой непросеянной ржаной муки (pumpernickel). Он был несчастен. Наконец, в один прекрасный день во Флоренции он наткнулся на ресторан для американцев, которым и владел американец, и там был выставлен добротный, безвкусный американский хлеб без корочки для сэндвичей. Безмерно радостный, американец с благодарностью написал на бумажном веере нижеследующие слова, сопроводив все своей подписью: “Наконец-то, ну наконец-то я нашел в Европе настоящий американский хлеб!” Веер-сувенир хранили в ресторане, чтобы все его могли увидеть и оценить. К тому времени, когда он попался мне на глаза, веер прошел через много рук. Один из американских туристов оставил свое мнение, написанное уверенным почерком: “Мистер, если американский хлеб вам так дорог, почему бы вам не остаться в своей Пеории, где его пекут во всех пекарнях?” (М. Pei. Talking Your Way.) TOURIST ROUTINE IN ST. PETERSBURG AND WHAT OUR GUESTS THINK ABOUT IT Умом Россию не понять... Ф. Тютчев Exercise 15. Restore the omitted parts of the extract and answer the questions supplied below. “You cannot understand Russia with your +++. You can’t measure it with universal dim&&&&&ns. Russia has something special. In Russia you must simply believe.” This simple s&&&za, written by the 19th-century Russian poet Fedor Tyutchev, has calmed many a tortured Western soul seeking to comprehend Russia or Russians by “rat&&&&&” criteria. Indeed, this vast country with its complex, ancient history seems in&&&&&&tely difficult for an outsider to understand by any means, rational or otherwise. (Fodor’99)
Answer the questions. 1. What is the original title of the poem? 2. What does the guide write about this stanza? 3. Do you think that it’s a good explanation for Rusiian cultural identity? Try to giveyour own.
Exercise 16. Restore the omitted parts of the extract. WEATHER Don’t forget your umbrella, +++ what the time of year or what weather forecast. It rains +++ some point almost every day in St. Petersburg, and you don’t need to get +++ to a wet start. (Fodor’99) In summer, bring a waterproof jacket or compact umbrella +++ occasional showers. You’ll also need some protection +++ mosquitoes; barrier or treatment cream is advisable and you can buy anti-mosquito plugs +++ St. Petersburg. In winter, late autumn +++ early spring, gloves, a hat or scarf that covers your face and thick socks +++ essential. Thermal underwear goes a long way +++ keeping your legs warm and a pair of boots +++ non-slip soles is recommended +++ the snow and ice. A pocket torch for dark stairwells also comes +++ handy. (Richardson)
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