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Special Questions

Special Questions

293. Who …America? (did discover; does discover; discovered)

294. Why …the navigators…to find new trade routes in the 15th century? (do…tried; has…tried; did…try)

295. What…booms and depressions in free economies? (causes; is caused; does cause)

296. What role…G. Washington…in the American revolution? ( had been…played; is…played; did…play)

297. Where…Washington, DC …? ( does…locate; is…located; has been…located)

298. How many imposing buildings…in Washington, DC? ( there are; are there; are where)

299. When…the Civil War…? (did…end; had…ended; was…ended)

300. How long…you to answer all the questions? (was it take; did it take; it took)




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