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Questions. References. Internet sources. Appendix 1. Speaking in academic contexts. Useful language: academic Presentations


1. The conversation between Jake and Rita is used to give an example of …

a. the way we learn languages.

b. the changes that occur in our brains over time.

c. the fact that it is easier to learn a language at a young age.

2. What did Michael Falkenstein discover?

a. Seniors take longer to complete tasks but with greater accuracy.

b. Older people do not cope well with new technology.

c. Older people solved the problems just as effectively but by different means.

d. The importance of young and old people doing things together.

3. What can be concluded about the role of brain regions in solving problems?

a. They undermine mental sharpness.

b. They determine hemispheres` processes.

c. They are in line with particular mental activities.

4. What was shown by researchers at the University of Michigan?

a. Old people use both parts of their brain more than young people.

b. seniors are more active in language recognition and interpretation.

c. older brains solve problems just like men and women who are decades younger.

d. accuracy can offset speed.

5. The passage states that elderly people solve problems effectively but by different means. Which evidence from the text supports this conclusion?  

a. The speed of each hemisphere's process is slower.

b. They are much less active in language recognition and interpretation.

c. Regions of older brains responsible for attentiveness are more active.


Барановская Т. А., Захарова А. В., Поспелова Т. Б., Суворова Ю. А. English for academic purposes = Английский язык для академических целей: учеб. пособие для бакалавриата и магистратуры / под ред. Т. А. Барановской. М.: Юрайт, 2018. 198 с. (Бакалавр и магистр. Академический курс). Текст: электронный // ЭБС Юрайт [сайт]. URL: https: //biblio-online. ru/bcode/433465 (дата обращения: 23. 08. 2019).

Вдовичев А. В. English for Graduate and Postgraduate Students = Английский язык для магистров и аспирантов: учебно-методич. пособие. М.: Флинта, 2017. 248 с. Электронно-библиотечная система: сайт / А. В. Вдовичев, Н. Г. Оловникова. ISBN 978-5-9765-2247-3 URL: https: //e. lanbook. com/book/70327 (дата обращения: 23. 08. 2019).

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Михельсон Т. Н. Как писать по-английски научные статьи, рефераты и рецензии. СПб.: Специальная литература, 1995. 246 с.

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Сборник лексико-грамматических тестов по английскому языку для магистрантов / сост. Р. С. Рашитова Уфа: БПГУ им. М. Акмуллы. Электронно-библиотечная система: сайт. URL: https: //e. lanbook. com/book/72543 (дата обращения: 23. 08. 2019).

Чикилева Л. С. English for public speaking = Английский язык для публичных выступлений (B1-B2): учеб. пособие. М.: Юрайт, 2018. 167 с. Текст: электронный // ЭБС Юрайт [сайт]. URL: https: //biblio-online. ru/bcode/433465 (дата обращения: 23. 08. 2019).

Bailey S. Academic Writing. A Handbook for International Students. 4th Edition. Devon: Florence Production, Ltd., 2015. 284 p.

Hewings M. Cambridge Academic English. An integral skills course for EAP. Upper-intermediate. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012. 176 p.


Internet Sources

Authentic Assessment Toolbox. URL: http: // http: //jfmueller. faculty. noctrl. edu/toolbox/workshopstandard. htm

English for Specific Purposes. URL: https: //www. teachingenglish. org. uk/sites/teacheng/files/pub_F044%20ELT-35%20English%20For%20Specific%20Purposes_v3. pdf

ESL Independent Study Lab-Reading. URL: https: //ru. scribd. com/document/145362071/ESL-Independent-Study-Lab-Reading

How to write an inquiry letter. URL: http: //www. perfectyourenglish. com/

Irregular plural nouns. URL: https: //grammarist. com/grammar/irregular-plural-nouns/

Linguistic Laboratory. URL: http: //www. unt. edu/

English Grammar. URL: https: //www. english-grammar. at/

Online Technical Writing. URL: https: //www. prismnet. com/~hcexres/textbook/

Sample FOIA Request Letters. URL: https: //www. nfoic. org/

Using English for Academic Purposes for Students in Higher Education. URL: http: //www. uefap. com/

Английские словари и англо-русские словари. URL: http: //voxbook. ru/stati/publication/anglijskie-slovari

Словарь Мультитран. URL: http: //www. multitran. com/

English-English Dictionary. URL: http: //www. dictionary. com/

Online dictionary: English-Russian translation of words and expressions, definition, synonyms. URL: https: //dictionary. reverso. net/english-russian/

Online Dictionaries. URL: http: //www. onelook. com/

YourDictionary. com. URL: https: //universal_ru_en. academic. ru/285781/YourDictionary. Com

Appendix 1


Useful language: Academic Presentations

Academic seminars and presentations often take the following form.


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