The United States of America
New words [Names
the United 0u:'naitid] States of America — Соединенные Штаты Америки Russia ['гл[э] — Россия Canada [kaenada] — Канада China ['tjaina] — Китай North America — Северная Америка the Pacific Ocean [pa'sifik 'oujn] — Тихий океан the Atlantic Ocean [atlaentik 'oujn] — Атлантический океан Alaska [alsska] — Аляска Hawaii [ha'wai-i] — Гавайи Mexico ['meksikou] — Мексика District of Colombia ['distriktavka'lAmbia] — округ Колумбия Washington ['wojigtan] — Вашингтон the Rocky Mountains — Скалистые горы the Cordillera [,ko:di'jcaraj — Кордильеры the Sierra Nevada [si'era nivaeds] — Cbepj)a-Кевада Momst McKinley ['maunt ms'kinli] — гора Мак-Кинли the Mississippi [misi'sipi] — Миссисипи the Missouri [mi'zuari] — Миссури the Rio Grande [ri:o(u)'graend] — Рио-Гранде the Columbia [kalAmbia] — Колумбия the Great Lakes — Великие озера (5 озер: Мичиган, Онтарио, Гурон, Верхнее озеро и Эри) the Gulf of Mexico ['gAlfavmeksikou] — Мексиканский залив Florida [florida] — Флорида Los Angeles [tas'send3alas] — Лос-Анджелес Chicago [fi'ka:gou] — Чикаго Philadelphia [.fils'delfia] — Филадельфия Detroit [di'troit] — Дет1)ойт San-Francisco [.ssnfran'siskou] — Сан-Франциско the Congress ['koogres] — Конгресс the Senate [senit] — Сенат the House of Representatives [.repri'zentativzj — Палата представителей the Republican [ri'pAblikan] and the Democratic [.dema'krajtik] parties — Республиканская и Демократическая партии
Vocabulary to occupy ['okjupaij — занимать southern ['зла an] — южный to stretch — тянуться, простираться to Include [in'klu:d] — включать total area ['tout! 'earia] — общая площадь to border ['bo:da] on — граничить с sea-border — морская граница federal ['federal] — федеральный lowlands [loulandz] — низменность, долина, низина to be located [lou'keitid] — находиться, быть расположенным to vary [vcari] — меняться, варьировать arctic [a:ktik] — арктический continental [,konti'nentl] — континентальный subtropical LsAb'tropikl] — субтропический typhoon [tai'fu:n] — тайфун coast ['koust] — побережье highly developed [di'veiapt] — высокоразвитый copper — медь oil ['oil] — нефть iron ore [aisn,o:] — железная руда
coal ['koul] — каменный уголь manufacturing [.msenju'fektjario] — промышленный aircraft ['cakra:ftj — самолеты, самолетостроение textile [-tekstail] — текстиль armament [a:mamant] — вооружение origin [orid3in] — происхождение Chinese [tjaini.z] -— китайский;китаец according [s'ko:dig] to — в соответствии с, согласно, по powers [pauaz] -— полномочия branch [bra:ntj] — ветвь the executive [ig'zekjutiv] — исполнительная власть the legislative [,!ed3is'leitiv] — законодательная власть THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
The United States of America is the third largest country in the world in population, and it is the fourth largest country in area. Until the 1500s, what is now the United States was largely a wilderness. Small groups of Indians lived scattered over the land between the Atlantic and the Pacific. People in Europe saw in this vast "new world" a chance to build new and better lives. Through the years large numbers of immigrants from Europe and from almost every other part of the world settled in the country. Except for black Africans brought in as slaves, these immigrants came seeking the rights and the opportunities that had become part of the American way of life. As a result of this immigration, the United States today has one of the world's most varied populations. It has been called "a nation of immigrants". The texts given in the first chapter speak about the country with its differences and similarities which has become a place where people from many lands have come together and formed a unified culture.
Read the text and try to find the answer to the question: What are the country's differences due to? The United States of America, commonly called the United States or simply America, lies in the central part of the North American continent with the Atlantic Ocean to the East, the Pacific to the West, Canada to the North, and Mexico and the Gulf of Mexico to the South. The United States covers an area of 3,618,770 square miles (9,372,571 sq. km) and has a population of more than 249.6 mln. Being the leading capitalist country it has covered a most complicated and contradictory way of development in the more than 200 years of its existence. The USA past shows scientific, industrial, agricultural growth and welfare and alongside with this fantastic economic crises and high rates of unemployment. The USA is divided into 50 states and the District of Columbia (the territory under the capital Washington), the seat of the national government. The USA is a country of great differences. At the same time, it has surprising similarities when one considers its size. The differences are partly a result of the geography. One cannot generalize about the weather, the landscape, or even the way of living because the nation occupies nearly half of a continent. In it can be found high mountains and the flattest of prairies, tropical heat and arctic cold, fertile valleys and deserts. There is a variety of natural resources. All sorts of products are raised, and there are industries of every kind. Some of the most densely and most sparsely populated areas of the world are found in the United States.
If you want to go from San Francisco to New York by train, you must ride more than three thousand miles. On your way you will pass fertile plains of the famous fruit-rising area, the Sierra Nevada mountains with their snow-capped peaks and clear mountain lakes, the Salt Lake desert, the plains of sheep and cattle country known as the land of cowboys, and the richest industrial region of the country. You finally arrive in New York, the largest city in the USA. The trip will not show you all of America, of course. Besides, you should bear in mind that each region of the United States has characteristics of its own. There are many large and modern cities, but a great proportion of the country consists of open land dotted with farm-houses and small towns. In some regions small communities are still provincial. In spite of this, however, and in spite of the size of the country, there are striking uniformities in the American scene that surprise foreign observers. There is an appearance of the country as a whole that might be said to be typically American. The usual town of average size, in any part of the United States, has its "main street", with the same types of stores selling the same products. Every town has the same type of drug-store and supermarket. There is some variety of architecture, due to the differences in climate, locality, and national backgrounds of the people. Yet, many American residential areas, especially new ones, tend to have a similar look. The similarities result from the extreme mobility of the population and the interchange of goods. Come and see for yourself!1 1 Come and see for yourself! — Приезжайте и посмотрите сами!
Answer the questions.-(смотри контрольные вопросы.)
.Give Russian equivalents: There is an appearance of the country as a whole that might be said to be typically American. The usual town of average size, in any part of the United States, has its "main street", with the same types of stores selling the same products. Every town has the same type of drug-store and supermarket. There is some variety of architecture, due to the differences in climate, locality, and national backgrounds of the people. Yet, many American residential areas, especially new ones, tend to have a similar look. The similarities result from the extreme mobility of the population and the interchange of goods. 3.Translate into English.
В США много крупных современных центров, но основная часть населения состоит из открытых эемель, застроенными фермерскими хозяйствами или небольшими городами. США- страна больших контрастов Чатично это вызвано географическим положением, Нельэя обобщённо говорить о погоде, пейэаже или образе жизни т.к. страна занимает почти половину континента. Здесь можно обнаружить высокие горы и равнинные прерии, тропическую жару и арктический холод плодордные равнины и пустыни. Встране находится разнообразие природных ресурсов.
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