НОУ ВПО Сибирский институт бизнеса и информационных технологий
Кафедра ____________________________
по дисциплине «______________________________________»
специальность (направление)_ 080100.62 «Экономика» ___________
курс, группа_______________________________________________
форма обучения (очная/заочная)______________________________
№ вопроса
| Вариант(ы)ответа
НОУ ВПО Сибирский институт бизнеса и информационных технологий
Кафедра социально-гуманитарных дисциплин и иностранных языков
Форма контроля - экзамен
Количество правильных ответов
| Оценка
22 - 25
18 - 21
15 - 17
14 и менее
3 семестр
Письменное задание.
Задание 1.
Напишите письмо (только английский вариант) своему деловому партнеру, поблагодарите его за помощь в организации конференции и сообщите о дате и месте предстоящих переговоров.
Письмо должно содержать:
- логотипы и адреса обоих компаний;
- дату;
- приветствие;
- вступительную, основную и заключительную части;
- прощальную фразу и подпись с указанием должности.
Постарайтесь четко и лаконично выразить свои мысли и намерения. Адреса и названия придумываете сами или берете реально существующие. Помните о разнице в оформлении адресов в русском и английском варианте. Текст письма должен быть написан в официально-деловом стиле.
1). You are the president of your own company. The scheme of the organization is in the scheme below. Answer the questions and tell about your company in the written form.
2). You are going to expand your business. But you are not sure if it is really necessary. Collect a meeting and discus the future of your business with one of your employees.
| Research and Development
| President
| Marketing Research
Chief of the
| Executive
| Product Research
| Production
| Controller
Answer the questions in order to make a story about your company.
1. How many departments are there at the company?
2. How many managers do work at the company?
3. What is your opinion the most important department?
4. What department of your company is responsible for the development?
5. What department do you plan to expand?
6. Why do you believe that it is really necessary?
ТЕСТ № 3
по дисциплине
«Английский язык»
№ п/п
| Содержание вопроса
| Варианты ответа
| He is good _____ math and physics.
| a) in
b) about
c) at
| Are you interested _____ music and arts?
| a) by
b) in
c) with
| My mother was born _____ April 30, 1960.
| a) in
b) at
c) on
| When is he coming back _____ home?
| a) to
b) -
c) at
| He was _________ and could hardly make both ends meet.
| a) unemployed
b) unattractive
c) universe
| Princes Diana was deeply loved and __________ in Britain.
| a) determined b) admired
c) desperate
| How much ______ to study there?
| a) costs it
b) it costs
c) does it cost
d) does cost
| I’m very busy at the moment. I ______ for the business talks with our English partners.
| a) prepare b) am preparing c) am going prepare d) am prepare
| How many contracts a year______?
| a) sign you b) do you sign c) you sign d) are you signing
| The new catalogue of our production ______ next month.
| a) publishes b) is published c) will publish d) will be published
| Выберитесоответствие: конкуренция
| a) communication; b) competition;
c) consumption
| I thought you … be interested to hear about a new amplifier that we are pro-ducing.
| a) can;
b) may;
c) might;
d) have to
| They can ensure economic security only if they ________effectively with other companies.
| a) cooperate;
b) cooperated;
c) will cooperate;
d) would cooperate
| Would you like _______ at our hotel again?
| a) stay;
b) to stay;
c) stayed;
d) staying
| It is _______ by our manufacturing enterprise in Pennsylvania.
| a) produce;
b) produces;
c) produced;
d) production
| __________ your delegation visited our plant yet?
| a) have
b) has
c) did
d) was
| No, you... leave the car here – this is a “no parking” zone.
| a) mustn’t
b) don’t have to
c) must
d) have to
| You....bring all documents – your passport will be enough.
| a)must
b)have to
d)don’t have to
| What... to do for getting her money back?
| a) will she must
b) she will must
c) will she have to
d) she will have to
| My mother is a hairdresser by______.
| a) profession
b) education
c) trade
| He _______ Microsoft.
| a) works for
b) works in
c) works on
| Tomorrow I’ll meet my ____ employer.
| a) further
b) promissing
c) possible
| All unemployed people are registered at the ______.
| a) work center
b) job center
c) labour center
| Peter Brown _______ a programmer.
| a) works
b) works for
c) works as
| Выберите английский эквивалент к слову:
| a) welth;
b) welfare;
c) well-paid
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