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Вопросительные предложения в косвенной речи

Прямая и косвенная речь. Согласование времен

Direct and Indirect / Reported Speech. Sequence of Tenses

Если в словах автора (He said, …) глагол стоит в прошедшем времени, то при переводе прямой речи (“We are listening to music.”) в косвенную, глагол придаточного предложения должен стоять в одном из прошедших времен:

He said (that) they were listening to music.

Повествовательные (утвердительные и отрицательные) предложения вводятся

say(s)/said that… tell(s)/told smb. that...

object, deny, interrupt, promise smb., inform smb., warn smb., whisper, regret, notice, complain, advise, declare, add, suppose, remark, announce, explain to smb.

Вопросительные предложения вводятся

ask, wonder = want to know, I’d like to know, I’m not sure, I have no idea, Tell me

Порядок слов прямой (ПСДО.)

специальные вопросы: what/where/when…+ ПСДО.

общие вопросы: if + ПСДО.

альтернативные вопросы: whether + ПСДО.

4. Повелительные предложения: просьба – ask(ed); приказ – tell/told, order(ed):

to V/ not to V.


5. Если глагол в главном предложении в прошедшем времени, то:

Present Indefinite V/V-(e)s Past Indefinite V-ed/V2
Present Continuous am/is/are+V-ing Past Continuous was/were+V-ing
Present Perfect have/has+V-ed/V3 Past Perfect had+V-ed/V3
Past IndefiniteV-ed/V2 Past Perfect had+V-ed/V3
Future Indefinite shall/will+V Future-in-the Past should/would+V


now then/immediately
today tonight that day that night
yesterday the day before/on the previous day
last week the week before/the previous week
ago an hour ago before an hour before/earlier
tomorrow the next day/the following day
next week/Monday the following week/Monday
here there
this that/the
these those

Местоимения также заменяются

8. Note: Some tense forms do not change when direct speech becomes indirect:

‘I wish my children would eat vegetables,’ she said.

She (said she) wished her children would eat vegetables.

Будущее в прошедшем

Future-in-the Past

Direct Speech Indirect Speech
  1. Jack said, “ I shall be fifteen years old soon.” 2. Bob said, “ I won’t be late again.” 3. John said, “Will you go to the cinema tomorrow?” 4. Mary said, “ We shall come to the university in time.”   1. Jack said (that) he would be fifteen years old soon. 2. Bob said (that) he wouldn’t be late again. 3. John asked if I would go to the cinema the next / following day. 4. Mary said (that) they would cometo the university in time.  

Verbs to introduce the Indirect/Reported Speech

(Reporting Verbs)

Asking Expressing feelings
to ask спрашивать to apologise извиняться
to wonder интересоваться to be sure/ sorry/glad. быть уверенным / сожалеть / радоваться
to inquire осведомляться, справляться to blame обвинять
to beg просить, умолять (о чем-л.) to boast хвастаться
to request просить, обращаться с просьбой to complain жаловаться
Answering to condemn осуждать, порицать
to answer отвечать to doubt сомневаться
to explain (to) объяснять (кому-л.) to murmur шептать
to reply отвечать, отзываться to offend обижать, задевать, оскорблять
to respond (to) отвечать, отзываться (на что-л.) to regret сожалеть
Giving information to reproach упрекать
to add добавить to scream кричать, вопить
to announce объявлять, заявлять, докладывать to sigh вздыхать
to advise советовать Expressing opinion
to declare объявлять, заявлять, провозглашать to admit допускать, соглашаться
to inform информировать to assure убеждать, уверять
to lie лгать to convince убеждать
to mention упоминать to deny отрицать
to recall вспоминать, воскрешать (в памяти) to encourage поощрять, побуждать
to recollect вспоминать, припоминать to explain объяснять
to warn предупреждать to interrupt прерывать, вмешиваться
to remark подмечать, замечать, делать замечания to remind делать напоминание, напоминать

Direct and Indirect/Reported Speech

Прямая и косвенная речь

Повествовательные (утвердительные и отрицательные) предложения

В косвенной речи

Direct Speech Indirect Speech
1. Ann said, “ My brother goesto school.” (Present Indefinite) 2. Bob said to Peter, “I am writing a letter to my best friend in Japan now. ” (Present Continuous) 3. Mary said, “ My cousin has bought a new car.” (Present Perfect) 4. Ned said, “ I shall go to the USA next year. ” (Future Indefinite) 1. Ann said (that) her brother went to school. (Past Indefinite) 2. Bob told Peter (that) he was writing a letter to his best friend in Japan then. (Past Continuous Tense) 3. Mary said (that) her cousin had bought a new car. (Past Perfect) 4. Ned said (that) he would go to the USA the following year. (Future-in-the Past)


I. Change the following into Indirect Speech:

A. 1. They said, “We have a lift but very often it doesn’t work.”

2. Ben said to Tom, “I’ve been to London for a month but so far I haven’t had time to visit the Tower.”

3. Bob said to Peter, “If you think it over, you will see that I am right.”

4. Mary said, “Rose is flying to Rome tomorrow. She will send me a telegramme as soon as she arrives.”

5. Benjamin said to his mother, “I haven’t gone shopping yet. I’ll go and buy some milk, a loaf of white bread and butter.”

6. He said, “I have practice in my pronunciation almost every day.”

7. Charles said, “Ann has bought a new car.”

8. Tom said, “I want to go on holiday next week.”

9. I thought, “John is going to give up his job.”

10. Jane promised, “I’ll speak to the manager about him.”

11. Mary said, “I cannot type now but I shall learn it.”

12. Mike told us, “I didn’t see Jimmy at the party last week. I have to visit him today.”

13. Mark said to me, “Something is wrong with my car.”

14. The manager said, “Mr. Jackson is the right man for the job, experienced and pleasant to deal with. But Mr. Dixon is incompetent and inefficient. He has no experience at all. He will do everything in the wrong way.”

15. “Mr. Mason has gone out,” the secretary told me.

16. “I don’t want to go swimming,” Andrew said.

17. He told his boss, “I passed my driving test in 1999.”

18. We said to them, “We won’t be home late.”

19. “She is going to America for six months,” Ann said.

20. “The last strike did no one any good,” said the manager.

B. 1. “I am going to New York next summer,” said Christina.

2. “Martin speaks very good German,” said the teacher.

3. “I think I forgot to lock the front door this morning,” said Rosemary.

4. “I come from Turkey,” said Patrick’s wife.

5. “I haven’t seen Mario for ages,” said John.

6. “He broke out of prison yesterday,” said the police inspector.

7. “Simon has just passed his driving test,” said Debbie.

8. “I work eight hours a day, except when the children are on holiday,” said Susan.

9. “I’ll help Joe as much as I can,” said Mrs. Burke.

10. “They are building a museum in the main square of the city,” said the guide.

11. “I’m working tonight,” Daniel said.

12. “I moved to this flat just one week ago,” said Gordon Swift.

13. “I don’t like the colour of the walls in this room,” said my mother.

14. “Trisha has got a lovely view over the river,” said Chloe.

15. “I’m going to visit you soon,” said my friend.

16. “I can help you paint the walls in this room if you like,” said my cousin.

17. Jane said to me, “I hurt my leg playing tennis.”

18. Sally said to her mother, “I’ve passed my exams successfully and now I am going to leave for New York for two weeks.”

19. “I’m good at flower arranging,” she said.

20. Alice said, “Englishmen make good husbands because they are nearly always willing to help in the house.”

Вопросительные предложения в косвенной речи

А. Общий, разделительный и альтернативный вопросы в косвенной речи

Direct Speech Indirect Speech
1. Jack asked her, “Are you hungry?” (Present Indefinite) 2. Ben asked his friend, “Do you like tennis?” (Present Indefinite) 3. Sam asked Tom, “Did you find your key?” (Past Indefinite) 1. Jack asked her if she was hungry. (Past Indefinite) 2. Ben asked his friend if he liked tennis. (Past Indefinite) 3. Sam asked Tom if he had foundhis key. (Past Perfect)
4. Bob’s mother asked him, “Are you hungry or thirsty?” (Present Indefinite) 5. I asked my sister, “Did you go to the cinema on Saturday or on Sunday?” (Past Indefinite) 6. My friend asked me, “Will you go to the university by bus or on foot?” (Future Indefinite) 4. Bob’s mother asked him whether he was hungry or thirsty. (Past Indefinite) 5. I asked my sister whether she had gone to the cinema on Saturday or on Sunday. (Past Perfect) 6. My friend asked me whether I should go to the university by bus or on foot. (Future-in-the Past)
7. Tom asked Mary, “You are thirsty, aren’t you?” (Present Indefinite) 8. The teacher asked his students, “You have done your homework properly, haven’t you?” (Present Perfect) 9. My daddy said to me, “You will be at home at 5 in the evening, won’t you?” (Future Indefinite) 7. Tom asked Mary if she was thirsty. (Past Indefinite) 8. The teacher asked his students if they had done their homework properly. (Past Perfect) 9. My daddy asked me if I should be at home at 5 in the evening. (Future-in-the Past)

II. Change the following into Indirect Speech:

A. 1. Mary said, “Is anybody coming to see me today?”

2. My friend said to me, “Will you write a test or a dictation on Monday?”

3. I said to Jason, “Are you going to play football on Friday or on Saturday?”

4. The teacher asks the pupil “Is the United States in North or South America?”

5. Pete said to his younger brother, “Are you going to buy a new suit for the party?”

6. Bob said to Helen, “Is Tokyo in the east of Asia?”

7. The children said, “Is father coming on Saturday, Mum?”

8. My friend said to me, “Do you want to go to the Crimea or to the Caucasus for the vacation?”

9. Sally said to Ben, “Did you take your little sister to the Zoo last week?”

10. I said to Richard, “You passed your exams successfully, didn’t you?”

11. Rose asked Jimmy, “You like playing computer games, don’t you?”

12. Steve said to Kyle, “Are you going to call on your grandparents?”

13. Pat said to me, “Do you often see Alice?”

14. The doctor asked Pam, “Did you take the medicine I prescribed you?”

15. Paul said to his sister, “You are glad to meet your former classmates, aren’t you?”

16. Sam said to Nick, “Will you arrive in two or three days?”

17. Father said to me, “Didn’t I tell you to remember the names of the people you have to deal with?”

18. John asked the mechanic, “Will it take long to repair the car?”

19. “Have you got a double room?” I asked the hotel receptionist.

20. Martin said to the policeman, “Can I park my car in West Street?”

21. “Can I see you tomorrow, Mel?” asked Ann.

22. “Did the Browns arrive on time?” asked Sally.

23. “Have you ever been to Yaroslavl?” James asked his friend David.

24. “Does Jonathan like a water melon?” asked Chloe.

25. “Did you come to the University last week, Jane?” asked the tutor.

26. “Do you always go to church on Sunday?’ he wondered.

27. “Have you seen John recently?” she asked me.

28. Ann asked, “Will Ted and Alice be at the party too?”

29. “You like Chinese food, don’t you?” asked Bob.

30. Mary asked me, “Will you be coming to the concert or not?”


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