Format of lecture: informative
Format of lecture: Topic overview Glossary: (content)
Introduction. Social pedagogy sciences
Independent work - is a special kind of training activities aimed at the self-fulfillment of the didactic tasks, the formation of interest in cognitive activity and replenishment of knowledge in a particular field of science. Independent work is related to the implementation of practical tasks, ensuring the development of logical thinking, creativity, research approach in the development of teaching material.
The subject of social pedagogy, the main categories and objectives
The development of the course “Social Pedagogy” allows students to realize themselves through: formation of historical and pedagogical culture in the logic of the main components of historical consciousness; developing creative pedagogical thinking on the basis of acquaintance with the leading pedagogical ideas and concepts of the past; awareness of the value of the world’s historical and educational experience in terms of its predictive value; development of structured information on the basic laws, traditions and trends of development of pedagogical culture. The peculiarity of this course is to establish a diverse and multi-level links the history of education in the socio-cultural pattern with philosophy, sociology, cultural studies, history, religion, economic and political doctrines and other subsystems in accordance with their mutual determination. Bibliography: Main resources: 1. 1. Anthology of pedagogical thought Kazakhstan / Comp. K.B.Zharikbaev, A. The S.K.Kaliev, 2005. 2. 2. Chronology: Theory. History. Methodological sources of Russian history: Textbook / I.E.Danilevsky M. et al., 2008. Optional: 1. 1. History of Education // In. “Educational Encyclopedia” T 2. 2. Zhuravlev VN Pedagogy in the system of the human sciences. - M., 2000. 3.
Theme № 2 Lecture № 2
Socialpedagogy–education sector Plan: (list of questions covered in the lecture)
1.The principles of social teaching practice and as a science 2.Social pedagogy and its value
Format of lecture: informative Glossary: (content)
The principles of social teaching practice and as a science
Performing of the ISUS and ISofUSI will allow students to: - Know: the basic educational system in the context of different models of historical and cultural development of countries; types of schools in their historical development; education reform; author's pedagogical ideas and concepts of various educational thinkers of the past; the main trends of contemporary development of the global educational process. - Be able to: establish a communication between the main author’s pedagogical ideas and their reflection in the primary sources; establish links between the main representatives of educational thought and writings.
Social pedagogy and its value
Increased demands on the level of training of graduates, in accordance with modern concepts and innovative technologies in various spheres of human life, the ability to increase the role of the future experts to self-education, self-production of information. In addition, a professional specialist growth is directly dependent on its ability to think independently, to optimize their activities, to take non-trivial solutions, and skills of the job he gets, studying in higher educational institutions. Effectively organized ISUS is not only the form, but also to educate. It is in the independent work of the students is most can manifest the motivation, determination and self-organization and other personal qualities.
Bibliography: Main resources: 1. Social pedagogy: The course of lecture / under editor Galaguzov MA - M.: 2000. S.162-165 2. Social Pedagogy: The course of lecture: text edition for High school studentsunder the editor M.A.Galaguzovoy. M.: Humman. editor ALADOS, 2001. 414 pp.
Optional: 1. Konurbayeva S. Currently, opportunities for socialization of children and their families. Almaty. / "National education" magazine, 2011.
1. Тема № 1 Лекция № 1
Показать полностью… Формат лекции: обзор темы Введение. Социальная педагогика Независимая работа - это особый вид учебных мероприятий, направленных на самореализацию дидактических задач, формирование интереса к познавательной деятельности и пополнение знаний в определенной области науки. Независимая работа связана с реализацией практических задач, обеспечивающих развитие логического мышления, творчества, исследовательского подхода в развитии учебного материала. Тема социальной педагогики, основные категории и цели Развитие курса «Социальная педагогика» позволяет студентам реализовать себя посредством: формирования историко-педагогической культуры в логике основных компонентов исторического сознания; развитие творческого педагогического мышления на основе ознакомления с ведущими педагогическими идеями и концепциями прошлого; осознание ценности исторического и образовательного опыта мира с точки зрения его прогностической ценности; развитие структурированной информации по основным законам, традициям и направлениям развития педагогической культуры.
2. M. Tazhin, Ayaganov B. Fundamentals of sociology. Almaty: Mother tongue, 1993. - 143 p. 3.
Лекция № 2 Социально-педагогический сектор 1. Принципы социальной педагогической практики и как наука Формат лекции: информативный Принципы социальной педагогической практики и как наука Выполнение ISUS и ISofUSI позволит учащимся: Социальная педагогика и ее ценность Повышенные требования к уровню подготовки выпускников, в соответствии с современными концепциями и инновационными технологиями в различных сферах человеческой жизни, умение повышать роль будущих специалистов в самообразовании, самопроизводство информации. Кроме того, рост профессионального специалиста напрямую зависит от его способности самостоятельно мыслить, оптимизировать свою деятельность, принимать нетривиальные решения и навыки работы, которые он получает, учиться в высших учебных заведениях.
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