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Пкояз. Англ. Яз. Профкурс (деловой)



Билет № 1


1. Translate into English: В системе свободного предпринимательства существует право выбора и любой, кто имеет капитал, время и опыт, может заняться любой деятельностью, которую он предпочитает, при условии, что он не будет использовать чужое имя и будет свободно конкурировать с любым существующим бизнесом.

2. Translate into Russian: Pricing strategy is concerned with establishing prices for products that will return a profit. Pricing decisions are influenced by how responsive a target market is to a high or low price, the psychological images created by prices and the actions of competitors.

3. Answer the question in 3-5 sentences: How will you get sales volume?

4. Idioms: Provide the correct Russian equivalent. On behalf of

5. Grammar drills. Fill in the blanks with the necessary prepositions.. A lot … delegations arrive … the USA … the invitation … Trade Unions.

6. Grammar drills. Use the right tense in the following sentence: Whyourprices (to be) higher than our competitors'prices?

7. Grammar drills. C. Subject-Verb Agreement: Choose the right form of the verb in parentheses. There ______ (is/are) a number of benefits to renting a home.

8. Make up a sentence using the following words: services, of, wholesale, and, money, retail, dealers, the, consumer, a, the, lot, of, cost.

9. Use the phrase in the Passive Voice: At that time sovereigns were giving their towns the privilege of conducting fairs.

10. Name the grammatical structure in the bold type. Comment on its function and translate the sentence into Russian: This is for you to decide.



Зав. кафедрой




Экзаменационный билет по предмету



Билет № 2


1. Translate into English: Менеджеры выполняют свою работу в организации. Они принимают решения, распределяют ресурсы и направляют деятельность других к достижению целей.

2. Translate into Russian: A contract gives rise to certain rights and obligations. But these rights and obligations cannot arise except between the parties to the contract. A contract may be binding upon one party to the contract and not upon the other.

3. Answer the question: All managers have a leadership role. How do you understand it?

4. Idioms: Provide the correct Russian equivalent. Object to the contract

5. Grammar drills. Fill in the blanks with the necessary prepositions: When there is a slack people buy goods only necessary … life.

6. Grammar drills. Use the right tense in the following sentence: Wewould like (to explain) to you first that we are heavy with orders now.

7. Grammar drills. C. Subject-Verb Agreement: Choose the right form of the verb in parentheses. Nobody _______ (wants/want) to live in poverty.

8. Make up a sentence using the following words: you, of, fair, have, what, visited, late

9. Use the phrase in the Passive Voice: We have to decide this problem.

10. Fill in the missing preposition(s). Name the grammatical structure in the bold type. Comment on its function and translate the sentence into Russian. We must try to cut ___ the amount of money we spend. We just can't make ends meet.


Зав. кафедрой




Экзаменационный билет по предмету



Билет № 3


1. Translate into English: Прибыль — это главная цель любого предпринимателя. Прибыль — это то, что остается после вычетов расходов предприятия, включая в них вознаграждение за управление (менеджмент). Прибыль - это индикатор того, что ваш бизнес является успешным.

2. Translate into Russian: A mere agreement is not a contract yet. The term “contract” is used by English lawyers to convey the idea of responsibility which arises from the voluntary engagement of one person to another.

3. Answer the question: What does the organizing function of management include?

4. Idioms: Provide the correct Russian equivalent. Legal addresses of the parties

5. Grammar drills. Fill in the blanks with the necessary prepositions: People must have buying power … cash or credit.

6. Grammar drills. Use the right tense in the following sentence: The European Union (to create) with the aim of constructing a United Europe.

7. Grammar drills. Subject-Verb Agreement: Choose the right form of the verb in parentheses. Either John or his wife (make/makes) breakfast each morning.

8. Make up a sentence using the following words: set, if, will, customers, you, up, how, in, you, get, business, how

9. Use the phrase in the Passive Voice: Goods-producing firms, such as construction and manufacturing firms, produce tangible products or goods.

10. Name the grammatical structure in the bold type. Comment on its function and translate the sentence into Russian: There was nothing to do.






Зав. кафедрой




Экзаменационный билет по предмету



Билет № 4


1. Translate into English: Чтобы добиться успеха на рынке, недостаточно выслушивать жалобы покупателей. Компания должна дать на них конструктивный ответ.

2. Translate into Russian: What does the term market mean? A market is a group of potential customers with authority and ability to purchase a particular product or service to satisfy their collective demand.

3. Answer the question: May the insured person be placed in a better economic position that he occupied before the insured loss occurred? Why?

4. Idioms: Provide the correct Russian equivalent. Packing and marking

5. Grammar drills. Fill in the blanks with the necessary prepositions. Pricing decisions are influenced … how responsive a target market is … a high or low price.

6. Grammar drills. Use the right tense in the following sentence: I (to learn) this from our conversation.

7. Grammar drills. C. Subject-Verb Agreement: Choose the right form of the verb in parentheses. On Sunday there __________ (was/were) a large number of customers at the market.

8. Make up a sentence using the following words: by, activities, would, subordinates, what, performed, be

9. Grammar drills. E. Use the phrase in the Passive Voice:
Under the concept of indemnity insurance covers only a financial loss.

10. Name the grammatical structure in the bold type. Comment on its function and translate the sentence into Russian: If A agrees with B, there being a consideration for the promise, that C shall receive a sum of money, C cannot enforce the payment.






Зав. кафедрой




Экзаменационный билет по предмету


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