Bring Happiness to Your Daily Life
The writer, a senior citizen, came on an eight-week holiday to America. Far away from my home in India, I had doubts whether it would be possible for me to maintain my calm and happy state of mind, which I have been cherishing for many years. However, soon after my arrival I discovered, for me and for persons like me it is possible to live without any basic change in the daily routine. I could design my time and day to fit in with my basic objective of being happy. It proved to be an enlivening and enriching experience preserving the peace I treasured most. Overcoming the jet lag, daily I get up at 5 a.m. brush my teeth and gulp a glass of cold water. Prayer, followed by reading of scriptures for forty-five minutes, is the next event. I perform my regular physical exercise consisting of various postures of yoga for the next forty minutes. This is done with rhythmic breathing, which tones up the system. Resting for fifteen minutes I go for a long walk at 7 a.m. with my wife, inside the subdivision of Cobb County along the side path enjoying and appreciating the sight of beautiful tall trees skirting the roads, backyard of homes, the colourful gardens and well-laid lawns on either side. To match the distance of four miles which I daily covered in my home land, I go round the cul de sacs in the entire subdivision, walk up to the exit road leading to the highway, return and complete one full round of the subdivision. The weather and breeze add to my pleasant feeling and well - being.
Lesson 6. My Weekend. Pre-reading Task 1. Answer the following questions. 1) What is your favourite day of the week? Why? 2) What do you usually do at the weekend? 3) Do you like to spend time with your family at the weekend or not? Task 2. Rank the following weekend activities from the most important to the least important for you. Justify your answer. Compare your answers with a partner.
Task 3. Read and translate the text given below. My Weekend (1) Every weekend is important to my family. During the week we don’t have very much time for each other, but we spend mostly all the time together at the weekend. (2) On Saturday morning I can sleep more, so I get up later than usual. I get up slowly and try to enjoy every second of my rest. At last I go to the bathroom to trim myself. When the teeth are brushed and the face is washed I come to the kitchen. Breakfast is already cooked by my mother. While we are eating, we discuss our plans for the weekend. But of course, first business, then pleasure. (3) After breakfast cleaning begins. The washing-up is done by my sister, the carpets are hoovered by my father and linen is ironed by me. At that time Mum is cooking something special for dinner.
(4) We are a very active family, so on Saturdays we tend to enjoy the outside life. We love cycling, running and riding, although I must admit I’m not nature’s greatest horseman. Then there is swimming - just to get rid of all the week’s aggression. In the evening, tired but happy, we have a tasty meal and watch TV in the living-room. Sometimes, when I am in the mood, I go clubbing with my sister. (5) And Sunday means meeting with family friends and lunch. There are a number of excellent cosy cafes in our town and we would normally meet up with friends in one of them. After a good talk the afternoon is usually turned into a picture of laziness. In the evening my sister, who is a professional pianist, organizes some concerts for us. Meanwhile I have time to arrange everything for the coming week. (6) Finally I give a big kiss to my parents and go to bed. Another weekend is gone, and I am already looking forward to the next one to be with my family. Vocabulary Task 4. Find English equivalents to the following words and phrases. 1) на выходных; 2) приводить себя в порядок; 3) пылесосить; 4) гладить белье; 5) наслаждаться отдыхом на природе; 6) наездник; 7) лень. Task 5. Find synonyms to the following words and phrases. 1) to wash the dishes; 2) clothes; 3) to stop; 4) to have a good disposition; 5) to go to dance; 6) first-class; 7) to wait with desire. Word Formation Task 6. Find and translate the words which have suffixes and prefixes. Fill in the table. The first line is done for you.
Grammar Task 7. A. Find sentences in which Passive Voice is used. B. Explain the use of Present Simple Passive in each case. Check yourself consulting the following rule: Страдательный залог. (Passive Voice) Залог (voice) - это форма глагола, которая показывает отношение действия, выраженного этим глаголом, к лицу или предмету, выраженному подлежащим предложения. Если подлежащее предложения обозначает лицо или предмет, который сам совершает действие, то глагол сказуемое стоит в действительном залоге. Если подлежащее предложения обозначает лицо или предмет, который сам испытывает действие, совершаемое другим лицом или предметом, то глагол сказуемое стоит в страдательном залоге. Форма страдательного залога образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be и третьей основной формы смыслового глагола (to be + V3). Следует отметить, что временным изменениям подвергается только глагол to be, а третья форма глагола всегда остается неизменной.
В форме старательного залога могут быть только переходные глаголы. Переходным в английском языке называется любой глагол, после которого в действительном залоге стоит прямое дополнение. Непереходными глаголами называются такие, которые не требуют после себя дополнения. Страдательный залог употребляется обычно тогда, когда неизвестно, кто совершает действие. Важно лишь, какое действие совершается, и кто его испытывает. Например, I am asked to do it. Меня просят это сделать (а не вас). Здесь важно, что просят именно меня, а не другого; кто просит, не важно. Если нужно указать, кто совершает действие в страдательном залоге, используется предлог by. The house is cleaned by Mary every week. Дом убирается Мэри каждую неделю. Формы глагола в страдательном залоге в настоящем простом времени (Present Simple Passive) выглядят следующим образом:
Страдательный залог в английском языке употребляется значительно чаще, чем в русском.
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