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of his Spirit Mephostophiles. A Disputatio Concerning the Prior State. of the Banished Angels

of his Spirit Mephostophiles


Now after Doctor Faustus had for a time carried on such a very fine matrimony with the Devil (as was reported above), his spirit committed unto him a great book containing all manner of sorcery and nigromantia, wherein he indulged himself in addition to his devilish wedlock (these dardaniæ artes later being found with his famulus and son Christoph Wagner). Soon his curiosity did prick him and he summoned his spirit Mephostophiles, with whom he desired to converse and to whom he said: Tell me, my servant, what manner of spirit art thou?

The spirit answered and spake: This disputatio and question, if I am to elucidate it for thee, my Lord Fauste, will move thee somewhat to discontent and to contemplation. Moreover, thou ought not have asked such of me, for it toucheth on our arcana. But I must obey thee.

Thou shalt know therefore that the Banished Angel at the time of his fall was still graciously and kindly disposed toward man, who had just been created. But soon the leaf did turn and Lucifer, become enemy to God and all mankind, presumed to work all manner of tyranny upon men--as is every day manifest when someone falleth to his death; another hangeth, drowneth or stabbeth himself; a third is stabbed, driven mad, and the like other cases which thou might have observed. Because the first man was created so perfect by God, the Devil begrudged it him. He beset Adam and Eve and brought them with all their seed into sin, and out of the Grace of God. Such, sweet Fauste, is the onslaught and tyranny of Satan. Likewise did he unto Cain: He caused the people of Israel to worship him, to sacrifice unto strange gods and to go lustfully in unto the heathen women. It was one of our spirits who pursued Saul and drave him into madness, pricking him on til he took his own life. Another spirit is amongst us, Asmodeus, who slew seven men in lechery. Then there is the spirit Dagon, who caused 30, 000 men to fall way from God, so that they were slain and the Ark of God was captured. And Belial, who did so prick David's heart that he began to number the people, and 60, 000 perished. It was one of us who sent Solomon awhoring after false gods. Without number are our spirits that do insinuate themselves among men and bring them to fall. To this very day we still distribute ourselves over all the world, using every sort of guile and rascality, driving men away from the Faith and urging them on to sin and wickedness, that we may strengthen ourselves as best we can against Jesus by plaguing his followers unto death. We possess of course the hearts of all kings and rulers of this world, hardening them against the teachings of Jesus and of his apostles and followers.

Doctor Faustus answered and spake: So hast thou possessed me also? Sweet fellow, tell me the truth.

The spirit answered: Well why not? As soon as we looked upon thy heart and saw with what manner of thoughts thou didst consort, how thou couldst neither use nor get another than the Devil for such an intent and purpose, lo, we then made those thoughts and strivings yet more impious and bold, and so prurient that thou hadst no rest by day nor by night, all thine aspirations and endeavors being directed toward the accomplishment of sorcery. Even while thou didst conjure us, we were at making thee so wicked and so audacious that thou hadst let the very Devil fetch thee before thou hadst forsaken thy purpose. Afterward, we encouraged thee yet further until we had planted it into thy heart not to falter in thy cause until thou hadst a spirit subservient unto thee. In the end, we persuaded thee to yield thyself to us finally and with body and soul. All this, Lord Fauste, thou canst confirm in thine own heart.

It is true, quoth Doctor Faustus, there is no turning from my way now. I have ensnared myself. Had I kept god-fearing thoughts, and held to God in prayer, not allowing the Devil so to strike root within me, then had I not suffered such injury in body and soul. Ay, what have I done, etc.

The spirit made answer: Look thou to it.

Thus did Doctor Faustus take his despondent leave.

A Disputatio Concerning the Prior State

of the Banished Angels


Doctor Faustus again undertook a discourse with his spirit, asking: How, then, did thy master, Lucifer, come to fall?

This time, Mephostophiles asked of him a three-day prorogation, but on the third day the spirit gave him this answer: My Lord Lucifer (who is so called on account of his banishment from the clear light of Heaven) was in Heaven an angel of God and a cherub. He beheld all works and creations of God in Heaven and was himself with such honor, title, pomp, dignity and prominence as to be the exemplary creature before God, in great perfection of wisdom, yea in such brilliance that he outshone all other creatures and was an ornament beyond all other works of God, gold and precious stones, even the sun and stars. For so soon as God created him He placed him upon the Mount of God as a sovereign prince, and he was perfect in all his ways.

But so soon as he rose up in insolence and vanity and would exalt himself above Orient he was driven out from the House of Heaven, thrust down into fiery brimstone which is eternally unextinguished and tormenteth him forever. He had been honored with the crown of all Heavenly pomp. But since he sat in spiteful council against God, God sat upon His Throne of Judgement and condemned him to Hell, whence he can never more rise up.

Doctor Faustus, having heard the spirit concerning these things, did now speculate upon many different tenets and justifications. He went in silence from the spirit into his chamber, laid himself upon his bed and began bitterly to weep and to sigh, and to cry out in his heart. For the account by the spirit caused him this time to consider how the Devil and Banished Angel had been so excellently honored of God, and how, if he had not been so rebellious and arrogant against God, he would have had an eternal Heavenly essence and residence, but was now by God eternally banished.

Faustus spake: O woe is me and ever woe! Even so will it come to pass with me also, nor will my fate be the more bearable, for I am likewise God's creature, and my insolent flesh and blood have set me body and soul into perdition, enticed me with my reason and mind so that I as a creature of God am strayed from Him and have let the Devil seduce me to bind myself unto him with body and soul, wherefore I can hope no more for Grace, but must needs be, like Lucifer, banished into perpetual damnation and lamentation. Ah woe and ever woe! To what perils I am exposing myself! What is my purpose with myself? 0, that I were never born!

Thus did Doctor Faustus complain, but he would not take faith, nor hope that he might be through penitence brought back to the Grace of God. For if he had thought: The Devil doth now take on such a color that I must look up to Heaven. Lo, I will turn about again and call upon God for Grace and Forgiveness, for to sin no more is a great penance. Then Faustus would have betaken himself to church and followed Holy Doctrine, thereby offering the Devil resistance. Even if he had been compelled to yield up his body here on earth, his soul would nevertheless have been saved. But he became doubtful in all his tenets and opinions, having no faith and little hope.

A Disputatio Concerning Hell,


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