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Тренировка в употреблении лексики.

Занятие №1

Our college.

New words

1.To be a student of the medical college-быть студентом медицинского колледжа;

2. educational establishments-образовательные учреждения;

3. grad­uates-выпускники;

4. to be the most highly trained specialists-быть наиболее подготовленными специалистами;

5. departments-отделения (колледжа);

6."Nursing Affair”-сестринское дело;

7. to give qualification-давать квлификацию;

8. a nurse of general practice- медсестра общей практики;

9. to be a chief assistant of a doctor-быть главным помощником врача;

10. to provide uninterrupted medical health-обеспечить непрерывным медецинским обслуживанием;

11.to include preventive and rehabilitation measures-включать профилактические и реабилитационные меры;

12. houses for aged people- дома для престарелых людей;

13."Curative Affair" department-фельдшерское (лечебное) отделение;

14.to work independently in the policlinics, emergency ambulances and hospitals-работать самостоятельно в поликлиниках, на станциях скорой помощи и больницах;

15. prescription and perfor­mance of preventive, curative and diagnostic measure –назначение и выполнение мероприятий по профилактике, лечению и диагностике;

16. to be waited for at the stations of emergency medical help, in the country-side hospitals and in the military hospitals- ждать (специалистов) на станциях скорой помощи, в сельских больницах и военных госпиталях;

17. "Obstetrician Affair"-отделение акшерства;

18. the pregnant women and patients with gynaecological diseases-беременные женщины и пациенты с гинекологическими заболеваниями;

19.to work independently or under the guidance of a senior doctor-работать самостоятельно или под руководсвом старшего доктора:

20. Medical-prophylactic affair"-медико-профилактическое отделение

21.to prevent appearance and spread­ing of infections and other kinds of the diseases-предотвращать возникновение и распространение инфекции и заболеваний других видов;

22.the influence of the conditions of work and life on a person's health-влияние условий труда и жизни на здоровье человека;

23.to take some measures to prevent this harmful in­fluence of the surroundings-принимать меры по предотвращению этого вредного влияния окружающей среды;

24. laboratories of different branches-лаборатории различных отраслей;

25. " Orthopedic stomatology" departments-отделение ортопедической стоматологии;

26. to make artificial teeth and crowns, plastics and porcelain teeth-изготавливать искусственные зубы и коронки, пластиковые и фарфоровые зубы;

27. to provide the population with different medicines-обеспечивать население различными лекарственными средствами;

28. the rules of herb's preparation-правила приготовления трав;

29. to work in chemist's, pharmacological enterprises-работать в аптеках, фармакологических предприятиях.


Our college.

My name is Sveta Popova. I'm 17. I'm a student of the medical college. Our college is one of the oldest educational establishments of the region with its own traditions. Its grad­uates are considered to be the most highly trained specialists in the region. There are 7 departments in our college. I would like to tell you about them.

"Nursing Affair" gives qualification of a nurse of general practice. A medical nurse is a chief assistant of a doctor. She provides uninterrupted medical health, including preventive and rehabilitation measures. Our graduates work in the polyclinics, hospitals, kinder-gardens, schools and houses for aged people. If you want to become a doctor assistant you should study at the "Curative Affair" department A doctor assistant of general practice is a highly-trained specialist who works independently in the policlinics, emergency ambulances and hospitals. His main task includes prescription and perfor­mance of preventive, curative and diagnostic measures. The graduates of this department are waited for at the stations of emergency medical help, in the country-side hospitals and in the military hospitals.

"Obstetrician Affair " is another interesting department, it offers qualification of an obstetrician. An obstetrician provides preventive and curative medical help to the pregnant women and patients with gynaecological diseases.

Boys and giris whose future profession is dentist study at the "Stomatology". A dentist is a highly-trained specialist who works independently or under the guidance of a senior doctor who provides preventive and curative medical help for the population. "Medical-prophylactic affair" gives qualification of a san­itary doctor assistant, who prevents appearance and spread­ing of infections and other kinds of the diseases. He controls the influence of the conditions of work and life on a person's health and takes some measures to prevent this harmful in­fluence of the surroundings. They work in the centres of state sanitary inspectors and laboratories of different branches. A dental mechanic-while studying at the "Orthopedic stomatology" departments a future specialist learns to make artificial teeth and crowns, plastics and porcelain teeth. On graduating from the college they usually work in the dental mechanic laboratories. As for me I am a student of the "Pharmасу" department. My future profession is pharmaceutist. I'll be provided the population with different medicines. My future work will demand the knowledge of preventive rules, the rules of herb's preparation and so on. The graduates of our department will be able to work in the chemist's, pharmacological enterprises, laboratories. I like to study at our college very much.

Приложение № 5

Тренировка в употреблении лексики.


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