Задание 1. Выполните письменный перевод профессионально-ориентированного текста.
Контрольная работа № 1 Задание 1. Выполните письменный перевод профессионально-ориентированного текста. The Economic System There are many forms of economic order, ranging from the mixed private enterprise system to partially or completely controlled economies. Regardless of their form, however, economic system is the system that a society uses for allocation and distribution of scarce resources. Private enterprise means that decisions about what and how much to produce are left to the discretion of owners and managers. In controlled economies such decisions are the responsibility of some governmental agency. There is, of course, no economy today that is completely free of governmental influence, nor is this condition necessarily undesirable. There are many beneficial services and 13 protections available from government. The question then is a matter of degree. Irrespective of the form of economic order, it performs certain valuable functions in the life of organizations of all types. Among the functions of the economic order the most important one is to provide some means of resource allocation. In a private enterprise this function is basically performed by the price mechanism. This simply means that demand for and supply of goods and services interact to set their market price. In the case of regulated utilities, there are governmental agencies such as public service commissions that determine the rates that may be charged by utility companies. These rates are set at the level that will allow a fair return on investments made by the companies. This form of regulated monopoly is considered, on balance, preferable to unchecked competition. This is true because of efficiency reasons. In taking actions in the area of employment, government is attempting to control the economy in such a fashion as to help the business community operate at the level of production that will yield full employment. Without a system of distribution economy simply could not exist. A major part of this distribution system is credit. Economy flourishes on credit or extended methods of payment. Such a system literally affects every link in the distribution chain from the supplier of raw materials to the ultimate consumer. Without this vital financing function being performed, the economy would doubtless be forced to a lower order of production. Economic goals for a nation include price stability, full employment, economic growth, and equitable distribution of income. Price stability contributes to the efficient allocation of resources and facilitates long-term planning. Full employment means that jobs are available for those seeking work. Higher standards of living require increased output per person (economic growth per capita). An equitable distribution of income means that the fruits of the economy are divided in a way that seems fair to the majority of the people. With the long-run trend toward a more sophisticated, highly integrated economic system, it is becoming increasingly important for an individual decision maker to be aware of the macroeconomic environment.
Задание 2. Найдите в тексте следующие профессионально-ориентированные слова и выражения, запишите их перевод и контекстное употребление в таблицу:
Задание 3. Переведите предложения: 1. В экономиках смешанного типа имеются правительственные ограничения того, что производить и как производить. 2.Рыночная цена – результат взаимодействия спроса и предложения на товары и услуги. 3.Экономика не может существовать без системы распределения. 4.Все решения – это отражение всех компонентов культуры. 5.Когда мы говорим о государственном секторе, мы подразумеваем бюрократический аппарат. 6. Если происходит нарушение закона, они знают, что у них есть защита. 7. Чтобы успешно конкурировать, организация должна иметь доступ к современным технологиям. 8. Все организации зависят от предложения рабочей силы. 9. Руководитель должно четко реагировать на все изменения в деловой среде. 10. В конечном итоге, успех организации определяют потребители. Задание 4. Ответьте на вопросы: 1. What is meant by the word «system»? How do you understand it? 2. What systems do you know? Give your examples. 3. What systems do you belong to? 4. What is a system? 5. What are three main concepts of a system? What do they imply? 6. What is an economic system? 7. What functions does economic order perform? 8. What do economic goals for a nation usually include? 9. What is the main division of economics? 10. What is macroeconomics «responsible for»?
Задание 5. Напишите эссе на английском языке (10-15 предложений) по экономике на тему «Наилучшая экономическая система – это та, которая максимально обеспечивает людей тем, в чём они больше нуждаются»
Контрольная работа № 2 Задание 1. Выполните письменный перевод профессионально-ориентированного текста. MARKET ECONOMIES A society may attempt to deal with the basic economic problems by allowing free play to what are known as market forces. The state plays little or no part in economic activity. Most of the people in the non-communist world earn and spend in societies which are still fundamentally market economies. The market system of economic organization is also commonly described as a free enterprise or laissez-faire, or capitalist system. We shall use all these terms to stand for a market economy. Strictly speaking the pure market of laissez-faire system has never existed. Whenever there has been some form of political organization, the political authority has exercised some economic functions (e.g. controlling prices or levying taxation). It is useful, however, to consider the way in which a true market system would operate be- cause it provides us with a simplified model, and by making modifications to the model we can approach the more realistic situations step by step. The framework of a market or capitalist system contains six essential features: private property, freedom of choice and enterprise, self-interest, competition, the price system, the role for government. The institution of private property is a major feature of capitalism. It means that individuals have the right to own, control and dispose of land, buildings, machinery, and other natural and man-made resources. Man-made aids to production such as machines, factories, docks, oil refineries and road networks are known as capital. Private property not only confirms the right to own and dispose of real assets, it provides the owners of property with the right to income from that property in the form of rent, interest and profits. Freedom of enterprise means that individuals are free to buy and hire economic resources, to organize these resources for production, and to sell their products in the markets of their own choice. Persons who undertake these activities are known as entrepreneurs and such people are free to enter and leave the industry. Freedom of choice means that owners of land and capital may use these resources as they see fit. It also means that workers are free to enter (and leave) any occupations for which they are qualified. Finally it means that consumers are free to spend their incomes in any way they wish. The freedom of consumer choice is usually held to be the most important of those economic 'freedoms'. In the models of capitalism, producers respond to consumers’ preferences – they produce whatever consumers want. Since capitalism is based on the principle that individuals should be free to do as they wish, it is not surprising to find that the motive for economic activity is self-interest. Each unit in the economy attempts to do what is best for it- ty is self-interest. Each unit in the economy attempts to do what is best for itself. Firms will act in ways which, they believe, will lead to maximum profits (or minimum losses). Owners of land and capital will employ these assets so as to obtain the highest possible rewards. Workers will tend to move to those occupations and locations which offer the highest wages. Consumers will spend their incomes on those things which yield the maximum satisfaction.
Задание 2. Найдите в тексте следующие профессионально-ориентированные слова и выражения, запишите их перевод и контекстное употребление в таблицу:
Задание 3. Переведите предложения: условиях СИФ. 1. Мы покупаем оборудование в этой фирме уже полтора года. 2. Наш менеджер сам говорил по телефону с г-ном Кларком и договорился с ним о встрече в пятницу. 3. Развитые страны достигают экономического успеха через специализацию. 4. В годы войны в стране всегда имеет место регулирование экономики правительством. 5. В экономиках смешанного типа имеются правительственные ограничения того, что производить и как производить. 6. Каждый менеджер принимает решения, как распределить ограниченные ресурсы наилучшим образом. 7. Мы не можем положиться на эти данные при планировании производства на следующий год. 8. При рыночной экономике регулирование производства и потребления осуществляется через цены. 9. По мере того как цена товара растет, требуемое количество его уменьшается. 10. Задача максимальной цены состоит в том, чтобы уменьшить цену для потребителей, а задача минимальной цены заключается в том, чтобы поднять цену для производителей и поставщиков. Задание 4. Ответьте на вопросы: 1. What does the underlined phrase mean in the text? 2. What is a major feature of capitalism? 3. What words do denote participants of the market? 4. Who determines the price in the market?
Задание 5. Сформулируйте в 7-10 предложениях на русском языке краткое содержание текста. Переведите эти предложения на английский язык. (Записываются оба варианта – русскоязычный и англоязычный).
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