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Третья часть. Задания, оцениваемые в 5 баллов

Дом Учителя Уральского федерального округа

XII Международная Олимпиада по основам наук

Второй этап. Высшая лига

Научный руководитель проекта по предмету: Шустрова Елизавета Владимировна, доктор филологических наук, профессор объединенной кафедры английского языка, методики и переводоведения Института иностранных языков УрГПУ, г. Екатеринбург

Автор заданий: Питолин Данил Викторович, аспирант кафедры английского языка, методики и переводоведения Института иностранных языков УрГПУ, г. Екатеринбург


Английский язык 10 класс

Проводится в честь Илона Маска

Время выполнения работы 1 час 15 минут


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Инструкция по выполнению работы

На выполнение олимпиадной работы отводится 1 час 15 мин. Работа состоит из 4 частей и включает 25 заданий.

Часть 1 состоит из 5 заданий (1 – 5), оцениваемых в 1 балл. В данных заданиях необходимо выбрать один правильный ответ из нескольких предложенных.

Часть 2 состоит из 5 заданий (6 – 10), оцениваемых в 3 балла. В данных заданиях (6 – 10) необходимо выбрать три правильных ответа из нескольких предложенных.

Часть 3 состоит из 10 заданий (11-20), оцениваемых в 5 баллов, из которых: 5 заданий (11-15) – на установление соответствия и 5 заданий (16-20) – на последовательность. В заданиях 11–15 необходимо установить соответствие между содержанием первого и второго столбцов. В заданиях 16-20 – нужно установить правильную последовательность.

Часть 4 состоит из 5 наиболее сложных заданий (21–25) открытого типа, оцениваемых в 6 баллов. Ответы записываются в таблицу ответов, начиная с первой клеточки (без артикля). Каждую букву пишите в отдельной клеточке, буквы должны быть печатными. При записи ответов пробелы и другие символы не используются. Баллы, полученные вами за выполненные задания, суммируются.

Постарайтесь выполнить как можно больше заданий и набрать наибольшее количество баллов. Внимательно прочитайте каждое задание и проанализируйте все варианты предложенных ответов. Постарайтесь выполнять задания в том порядке, в котором они даны. Для экономии времени пропускайте задание, которое не удается выполнить сразу, и переходите к следующему. К пропущенному заданию вы сможете вернуться после выполнения всей работы, если останется время.

В случае выполнения заданий на бумажном носителе, заносите ответы в специальную таблицу ответов. В заданиях на соответствие ответы нужно вписывать таким образом, чтобы буква из второго столбца соответствовала цифре первого столбца. В заданиях на последовательность и хронологию ответ нужно записывать в виде правильной последовательности цифр (без пробелов и других символов). В заданиях открытого типа ответ записывается в таблицу ответов печатными буквами, начиная с первой клеточки. Каждую букву необходимо писать в отдельной клеточке. Рекомендации внесения ответов даются к каждому заданию открытого типа.


Первая часть. Задания, оцениваемые в 1 балл.

Choose the correct option in every task (1–5)

1. Elon Musk received two bachelor degrees in…

1) Economics and Computer science.

2) Chemistry and Economics.

3) Linguistics and Physics.

4) Economics and Physics.

5) Computer science and Physics.

6) Physics and Engineering.


2. Choose one grammatically correct sentence.

1) I don’t know nothing about Mozart.

2) He read everyone from these books.

3) All of my friends are so helpful.

4) No one can’t remember everything.

5) Pamela asked her classmates, but anyone knew the answer.


3. Choose one sentence with a mistake.

1) Would you like to have a rink?

2) I don’t feel like to go there

3) What is he like?

4) I like going to restaurants.

5) It sounds like her voice.


4. Which of these companies didn’t Elon Musk participate in as a founder or co-founder?

1) PayPal

2) SpaceX

3) Google

4) Tesla Motors

5) SolarCity


5. Choose one sentence which can be used with get.

1) Let’s ____ some drinks for the road.

2) You ____ me happy.

3) The sun____ in the East.

4) Hurry up if you want to _____ the plane.

5) His health condition _____ a lot.

Вторая часть. Задания, оцениваемые в 3 балла.

6. Musk’s SpaceX manufactures a number of products for space, including:

Launch rockets



Space food

Rocket engines


7. Which 3 of these statements about Elon Musk are false?

1) Musk went to university when he was 16.

2) He sold his company to eBay.

3) He has no children.

4) Musk appeared in an episode of a cartoon “the Simpsons”.

5) His parents were university professors.

6) He coded his first computer game when he was 12.


8. Choose three correct facts about the UK

1) The United Kingdom consists of England, Wales, Scotland (which together make up Great Britain) and Northern Ireland.

2) The United Kingdom is a Presidential democracy – this means the government is elected by the people. The President leads the government with the support of the cabinet and ministers.

3) The capital city of the UK is London, which is also the capital of England. For Wales the capital is Cardiff, for Scotland it is Edinburgh, and for Northern Ireland it is Dublin.

4) English is spoken throughout the UK, but there are other official languages too, such as Welsh, Scots and Gaelic

5) The currency of the UK is pounds sterling

6) The Queen is Head of State in the United Kingdom. It means she rules the country along with the Parliament

9. Choose three grammatically correct sentences.

1) She would have called the police if she saw a burglar in her house.

2) The police would have arrested her if she had robbed the bank.

3) If she saw a mouse in the kitchen she would run away.

4) If she eats so much she would get fat.

5) If she was late to work she would have been fired.

6) She would have lunch, if she had had time.

10. Choose 3 sentences with mistakes in articles.

1) Look! Sun is rising!

2) I always have tea with a milk.

3) I live in Ekaterinburg.

4) Dolphins can’t breathe under water.

5) I would like to have a drink.

6) Eiffel Tower is beautiful.

Третья часть. Задания, оцениваемые в 5 баллов

11. Complete the sentences (1–5) with the prepositions (A–F). One variant is extra.

1) The Beatles were popular ___the 1960s A) after
2) I'm going to need a lot of rest _____ this busy week B) in
3) I work _____Michael, he is great! C) on
4) She left London _____ the 4th of March D) by
5) Lucy went to New York _____New Year. E) at
  F) with

12. Fill in the gaps with one of the words (A–F). One variant is extra.

1) The children did the drawing by …! A) yourselves
2) Help … to some food – there’ plenty of it! B) another
3) It’s a self-service restaurant so we have to get the food … C) each other
4) Tom and Dick, are you enjoying … here? D) ourselves
5) Why are you looking at … like that? E) yourself
  F) themselves


13. Match the phrasal verbs (1–5) with the sentences (A–F). One definition is extra.

1) get out of A) It’s a strange place, let’s _______ here.
2) get over B) I’d like to ______ really early tomorrow.
3) get up C) He doesn't ______ his mother-in-law.
4) get along with D) It took her a long time to ______ their separation.
5) get away with E) Those little kids ______ making a lot of noise because they are so cute.
  F) Sarah had finished watching the video, so now it was time to ________ preparing her presentation.


14. Match the words (A – F) with prefixes (1 – 5) to make negative forms. One variant (A – F) is extra.

1) dis- A) replaceable
2) un- B) polite
3) in- C) pleased
4) im- D) literate
5) ir- E) tidy
  F) complete


15. Fill in the gaps with one word. Choose from the words given below.

IPhone, Beats by Dr. Dre, Louis Vuitton, Xbox, Bentley... Many people want to buy the newest gadget, the fastest car and the most expensive watch – but what are these things really 1)_____? For some people, these items give them status. They’re cool because they have a cool car, or they’re better at the newest Xbox game. Lots of people say that 2)______ new things makes them happy. They like having new, pretty, impressive things. The problem is that people don’t 3)_____ happy and the 4)_______ you get when you buy something new fades. There’s a new IPhone. You stop 5)_______ your car. Your friend had Beats in a different colour and they’re so much nicer! Things get old, outdated and tatty, and someone else always has something better.

A. feeling B. liking C. stay D. worth E. buying F. live

16. Put the parts of the paragraph in the correct order.

1) cats, dogs, horses, even cows! In spring they start to moult,

2) covered in dog hair or trying to rip off my beard because some cat hair got into it. My face goes very red and I have to scratch it all the time.

3) is that I am also allergic to all animals that have fur. That means

4) to change their fur. Everywhere I go now with my tissues I end up

5) Having hayfever is bad. What makes it worse

17. Put the lines of a dialogue in the correct order.

1) Seems fine to me, maybe you should drink less coffee.

2) Oh, there’s no need to be so bossy!

3) What’s the matter with this one?

4) We need a new mattress.

5) It’s not comfortable, I toss and turn all night.


18. Put the parts of the sentence in the correct order.

1) the weather is

2) in the fields

3) spring has arrived –

4) the new baby animals are

5) getting nicer and

19. Put these sentences in chronological order.

1 I came to the UK eight years ago.

2. I work in an art gallery.

3. I have lived in my little flat in Soho for almost a year now.

4. Before I moved to London I had lived in Russia.

5. I’m going to open my own gallery next year!


20. Put the parts of the text in the correct order.

Little White Dog

1) The woman wouldn’t allow the dog on the bed with her, but if she became frightened or had a nightmare, she would put her hand down to the little white dog and he would lick it reassuringly.

2) The woman turned out the lights and tried to sleep, but she was frightened, and tossed and turned fitfully. Finally, she reached down to where the little white dog slept. Sure enough, a warm, wet tongue began to lick her hand. The woman felt reassured and safe, and left her hand dangling off the bed as she turned and settled in comfortably.

3) There was an old woman who had no family still living. Her only friend was a little white dog who went everywhere with her — with one exception. The dog loved the fireplace in winter, and after the old woman went to bed he would sometimes go and lie in front of the warm coals. Usually though, the dog slept at the very edge of the bed on a throw rug.

4) One night the woman was reading her newspaper just before going to sleep. She shivered and pulled the comforter up around her as she read that a mental patient had wandered off from a nearby hospital. No one knew if the patient was dangerous of not; he was a suspect in the murders of several women who had lived alone.

5) She opened her eyes for a moment and looked through the open door into the living room. There in front of the fireplace, sat her little white dog, gazing at the coals and wagging his tail. Down beside the bed, something was still licking her hand.


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