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Word study. Comprehension.   follow-up. 1. Pre-listening task



1. Find in the text the words to match the following definitions.


  1. done willingly and without being forced;
  2. relating to human society and its organization, or the quality of people's lives;
  3. an amount of money that is collected and kept for a particular purpose;
  4. a general idea or belief that influences people's behaviour and attitudes;
  5. the people who live in the same area, town etc; a group of people who have the same interests, religion, race etc;
  6. to give someone the courage or confidence to do something; to persuade someone to do something;
  7. relating to all the ordinary people in a country, who are not members of the government or do not have important jobs; available for anyone to use;
  8. someone who gives blood or a body organ so that it can be used in the medical treatment of someone else;
  9. relating to the particular area you live in, or the area you are talking about;
  10. an ability to do something well, especially because you have learned and practised it;



2. Give the antonyms to the words.


  Paid, popular, able, similar, voluntary.


3. Make derivatives of the words.


Volunteer, enjoy, develop, elect, depend, treat.


4. Insert the pre- and postpositions.


  1. --- instance, people who like animals may volunteer --- an animal shelter, a place --- animals which have been treated cruelly.
  2. Other work is longer term, such as that --- the US organization Habitat --- Humanity which builds houses --- poor people.
  3. School children visit old people --- hospitals or homes, and students --- college often raise money --- charities.
  4. The nationwide Citizens Advice Bureau, which offers free advice --- the public --- a wide range --- issues, is run mainly --- volunteers.
  5. Political parties use volunteers --- election time, and churches depend --- volunteers to keep buildings clean.


5. Match the words.


1. voluntary                                      a. opinion

2. social                                            b. news

3. raise                                              c. communities

4. ethnic                                            d. donor

5. encouraging                                  e. area

6. public                                            f. skill

7. blood/organ/kidney                       g. funds 

8. local                                               h. issues 

9. practical                                         i. work/service



6. Insert the words.


1. How will a ---authority solve all these problems?

2. On the course you will develop ---in business management.

3. Do you belong to a ---organization?

4. Governments have made efforts to improve women's ---and economic status.

5. The government is not allowed to aid religion in U. S. ---life.

6. Some patients die before a suitable ---is found.

7. They also hope to raise ---for vital research into brain tumours.

8. A new Puritan ---was introduced.

9. We meet once a month to discuss ---problems.

10. I want to thank everyone who has -----and supported me.



Donor, voluntary, local, community, funds, social, public, skills, ethic, encouraged.




1. Answer the questions.


  1. What is the main aim of voluntary work?
  2. What is the attitude of people towards voluntary work?
  3. What are the reasons for volunteering?
  4. How can be voluntary work characterized?
  5. What categories of people are usually involved in voluntary work?
  6. Are there any benefits in volunteering?
  7. What is the purpose of voluntary organizations overseas?




Think over and tell to your group mates what kind of voluntary work would you like to participate in and why.



                                         LISTENING. PART 1.


1. Discuss with your partner:


a. What are the motives of involving with charity?

- want to create a good environment for teenagers in the deprived area of the town;

- faith is one of the motives of involvement with voluntary work;

- wish to improve local community;

b. What is the range of voluntary activities?

- rattling collection boxes in the streets;

- improving wild life habitat;

- manning telephone help lines for children and parents;

- running youth clubs;

- organizing seminars to solve different problems;

- raising necessary funds;

- visiting housebound people;

- extra help and home care for elderly;

- visiting the asylum seekers and refugee camps;

- doing bereavement counseling;

c. What do people get out of the voluntary work?

- it’s nice to have a sense of worth;

- it’s pleasant to bring a little bit happiness into someone’s life;

- you give something back to your community;

- you make life pleasant for old people;

- you get a great deal of satisfaction;

d. What’s the difference between voluntary and paid work?


2. Work in groups to decide on the answers to these questions.

a. Compared to the situation 10 years ago, do you think more or fewer people in your

  country regularly give money to help people in need?

b. What are the main causes of poverty and hunger in the Third World? Try to put these

  causes in order of importance: droughts, floods, armed fighting, debts to other countries.

c. Who do you think are the poorest of the poor people in the world: poor farmers, poor

women, poor workers, ….?

  1. How much of a charity’s money should be spent on administration and on the people the

charity is helping?  


  2. LISTENING                                                                                                                                   


Look at the grid and make sure you understand all the words. Then listen to the man from Oxfam and the woman from War on Want talking about their organizations, and try to complete the grid.


       Oxfam War on Want
Mentions small-scale projects    
Has a women’s officer    
Has field officers overseas    
Involves local people    
Works in almost every Third World country    



                                      LISTENING. PART 2.



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