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 consumerism. Consumerism as a new religion.  the consumer society



Consumerism seems to have gotten into every aspect of modern life. Even those areas of life that were not previously affected by the marketplace, have to adapt to the new reality, where consumer is in control. Consumerism has become “the religion of the late twentieth century”.

Consumerism is a phenomenon that was always immanent in the relatively developed societies, where people purchased goods and consumed resources excessive to their needs. However, there was a major change after the Industrial Revolution, when the scarcity of resources was overcome and a huge variety of goods in unlimited amounts became available to a wide range of people.

To buy and to own has become Western society's essential urge. As the information technologies developed, the power of mass media grew. To support a profit-based capitalist economy the ruling class, which owned the means of production had to convince the middle and lower classes to buy and generate profit. And here's when mass media stepped in. Advertising - as the main engine of sales process, has played a huge role in consumerism's spreading and development. Newspapers, TV commercials and billboards screamed about new ketchups, cars and cottages, convincing us to buy and buy and buy. The mass media also made modern consumerism borderless and international. With satellite TV channels and Internet you can sell anything to anyone in the world. International consumerism is a result of globalization, which reduces the number of borders in our world. It is done so by the establishment of transnational corporations, development of transportation, industrial, information and communication technologies.

In Western developed societies culture is profoundly connected to and dependant upon consumption. Without consumer goods modern developed societies culture would loose key instruments for the reproduction, representation, and manipulation of their culture.

So, modern consumerism has been formed under the influences of corporate politics, the commercialization of culture (more and more intellectual, cultural and spiritual “goods” are produced) and the impact of mass media. People started to have more money - and they started to consume more.

Indeed, consumerism is based on constant purchasing of new goods and services, with little attention to their true need, it is driven by advertising which creates a desire to follow trends and results in materialism as a major life philosophy.

Consumerism replaces normal common sense desire to have life's necessities with artificial and insatiable search for things and money to buy them with. An intended consequence which is promoted by those who profit from consumerism is the acceleration of discarding of the old, either because of durability or a change in fashion.

So what is the solution? Can we do anything to change the consumerist society? Yes, we can and more than that - we have to. What the anti-consumerists propose is - to own less and to enjoy what you own more. Basically, many things we buy we don't need. As it goes in an anonymous quote “We buy things we don't need to impress people we don't know”. And therefore, thoughtful consuming will finally get us to the point of rational usage of natural resources. In order to change, we will have to get rid of a throw-away mentality. “Reduce, reuse, recycle” is a simple anti-consumerist mantra. And it does work, even if you think that you alone will hardly make any difference.

                          THE CONSUMER SOCIETY

In the consumer society, " I am what I have" is the operative definition of self. In today's society consumerism is often portrayed to be a negative aspect of people's lives and purchasing behaviors, which inevitably leads to materialism. But, if looked at in a positive light, consumerism have certain positive characteristics.
Consumerism has emerged as part of a historical process that has created mass markets, industrialization, and cultural attitudes that ensure that rising incomes are used to purchase an ever-growing output. Consumerism rests on the assumption that human desires are infinitely expandable; if there are an infinite number of ways to be dissatisfied; there are boundless opportunities to create new products to meet those desires. Every day companies compete by inventing a new product to satisfy consumer's need. Some of these things are very useful and make some people wonder how they would live without them. Many of these products don't have much impact on society and fade out throughout the years.
Although it has been said that money is the root of all evil, many people actually believe that they would be happier if they were wealthier. People often want more than they have now, more money, a better car, a bigger house, more shoes and cloths. They will never be satisfied, because every day there is new ads for new cars, clothes and electronics. Nowadays, big companies and corporations try to make people buy their products by using more and more advertising techniques. TV commercials, posters on the walls, newspaper ads and a variety of different flyers are just some examples of the massive propaganda used by businesses. Not only have advertisers learned to identify specific products that appeal to men and women, but they have also found that the " want" of the consumer can be turned into a " need" for the advertised product. Many of the beauty product companies advertise their products as a " need" which ultimately appeals to a vast majority of women.
There are many ways that consumerism can effect the environment. Consumerism can cause air and water pollution, land contamination, and forest degradation. Consumption itself, plus the production and waste of products used in consumption is related to pollution. Industrial waste (especially when just dumped into the rivers and oceans), waste from the tourist industry (including cruise liners, air travel, etc. ), waste from industrial agriculture, and automobile emissions are examples of air and water pollutions caused by consumerism. Tobacco production, for example, can lead to soil degradation and land contamination.
Worried about the negatives effects on environment by consumerism, Ted Dave, a Canadian artist, founded the " Buy Nothing Day", which is an informal day of protest against consumerism. The " Buy Nothing Day" is a good way to show people how addicted to shopping they are, and it is a good way to make people think how consumption is destroying the planet. I personally do not think that the " Buy Nothing Day" would affect the country's economy, because this protest lasts only 24 hours and what people do not buy that day will be bought at a later date.

Consumerism can actually have some positive effects on society. The economy depends on people buying stuff. If people only bought the absolute necessities, most of the country would be unemployed and unable to make enough money to buy those absolute necessities. The growth of demand for consumer goods also encourages investors to put their money into expanded production so consumption growth also stimulates economic growth.
Consumerism increases consumption, more consumption requires more production, more production means more jobs and more income in society, and more income means more consumption. This is the cycle which if managed properly can bring growth and prosperity to society. Consumerism is essential to our economy, but authorities should imply rules and laws to make sure that consumerism does not destroy our planet.


                          THE EFFECTS OF CONSUMERISM

Consumerism is becoming the hallmark of most world economies. In the West, it is a common phenomenon, but now even developing countries in the world are resorting to it.

Consumerism refers to the consumption of goods at a higher rate. The economy is judged by the production and selling of goods. The gross national product is the sum total of goods and services produced for a specific period at a specific time. The more goods produced and consumed by society the higher the growth rate of the economy. The prosperity of a nation is judged by the per capita income of individuals residing in it. The economy is considered to be” doing well” if the purchasing power of the people is high.

In consumer society, people replace their goods with newer ones. They purchase goods, use them and throw them away. New goods when they become old are replaced by newer ones. The question of repair does not arise People have money to purchase goods in plenty. In case, they do not do so as it leads to recession and depression and also results in unemployment.

What are the effects of the consumerism?
Consumerism is appreciated in Western economies since a person’s standard of living is valued by his or her material possessions. There are certain positive effects such as:

Positive Consumerism Effects:

  • More industrial production.
  • A higher growth rate economy.
  • More goods and services available.
  • More advertising since goods manufactured have to be sold.
  • Increased production will result in more employment opportunities.
  • A variety of goods and services to choose from.
  • More comforts for a better living style.

There are always certain pitfalls to a given situation in a society. Material prosperity may be there in consumerism but, it has its negative effects on the people and society at large.

Negative Consumerism Effects:

  • Craving for goods is high. The wants and desires of the people increase. The better their income, the better their purchasing power. But in case, they are not able to do so, then they feel dissatisfied.
  • One is in a rat race to earn more and is forced to cope up with stress and other work related tensions.
  • Material wealth is the deciding factor about whether a society is highly developed or not. Spiritual values are underplayed. This may not be suitable to a person from the East, who generally is appreciative of spiritual values.
  • Over-dependence on labor saving devices.
  • A car for each individual would mean gradual erosion of public transport.
  • Crime rate also increases as wants to possess expensive gadgets increase. Thefts become common and daylight robberies take place.
  • Personal relationships also get affected as people are busy trying to earn more to maintain their standard of living.
  • Cheaper goods are imported from other goods affecting the growth of locally based manufacturing industries.
  • Consumerism has also resulted in ecological imbalances. The natural habitat is being destroyed to create more goods and build more buildings affecting the weather. Global warming will eventually result in health problems. Industrial pollution is affecting people in many ways.
  • People lifestyles have also changed in the sense they are more lavish, full of material comforts rather than focusing on simplicity. The Eastern spiritualism and philosophy has always laid emphasis on simplicity. Gandhian principles and values favor a non-materialistic approach to life. Even well known sages such as Jiddu Krishnamurthi have also eulogized simplicity in one’s lifestyles and thinking.
  • Consumerism is also depleting the natural resources of the respective country.
  • Psychological health also can get affected if one’s desires are not meant such as depression. Jealousy and envy can lead to crime.

The United States is a consumer economy and is known for its material growth and prosperity. But presently, the economy is reeling under the pressure of recession. People who have lost their jobs are finding it difficult to meet both their ends. In the East, India is also progressing towards materialism, although this goes against its ancient philosophical approach towards materialism, which favors a simple, non-materialistic life.



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