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If God doesn't have a body, how come man was created in God's own image?

If God doesn't have a body, how come man was created in God's own image?

If the God preached by Moses has no type of spiritual [nor physical] image, then why does Scripture state that man was created in God’s own image?
Well, the reason for it may be the following: The Creator [blessed be He] is an absolutely Glorious being who is totally perfect and complete. This Supreme Being contains all things within Himself, and therefore His glory isn’t increased [nor decreased] the least by anything we might possibly say or do.
In other words, He doesn’t really need our praise, our faith, our love, our obedience, our acknowledgement, etc. Besides, as the whole universe exists within Himself, He has a perfect knowledge of it’s Laws and regulations, one of which is the Law of “Measure for measure” (also known as “An eye for an eye”, “Action and Reaction”, Or “Sowing and Reaping”).
And this law of “Sowing and Reaping” means that each man is bound to reap the same fruit he has actively sowed upon his fellow creatures. Thus, our merciful Creator has decided to implement a clever scheme, aimed at encouraging us to “sow” upon our fellow creatures the same love and mercy who would wish to “reap” for ourselves. How? By asking us to love Him! (“And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might”- Deuteronomy 6: 5, KJV).
But how can you possibly love a Being who has no physical form nor spiritual shape [and therefore has no physical needs]? Can you hug such God? Can you kiss Him? Can you cure His wounds? Can you help Him heal from His sickness? Can you clothe His nakedness? Can you quench His thirst? Can you calm His hunger? Can you give Him consolation? Of course not!
But, since man was created in God’s own image [“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created He him”- Genesis 1: 27, KJV], each time you do [to your fellow human beings] any of the things formerly described you are in fact “killing two birds with a single stone”.
Why? Because you are [indirectly] loving God, while at the same time you are sowing upon your fellow human beings the love and mercy you are destined to [eventually] reap for yourself.
And the former might be the reason why even towering religious figures like Jesus of Nazareth [peace and blessings be upon Him] are quoted summarizing the whole of Hebrew Scripture as a straight process of “action, and reaction” [or “sowing, and reaping”]; as it is written, “Therefore, whatever you want others to do for you, do also the same for them, for this is the Law and the Prophets”- Matthew 7: 12, Christian Standard Bible.


What are Heaven and Hell?

How does Reformed Samaritanism explain the Hebrew Scripture's concept of Heaven and hell? The following parable might help us understand it: A man dies and is shown two different rooms. In the first room, he sees tables with sumptuous food, but all the people looked emaciated, and were moaning and crying.
He saw that the people all had long spoons in their hands, but had no elbows, and thus were unable to feed themselves any of this food. The man was told that this was hell.
The man was then brought to the other room. In there, he saw the same tables filled with sumptuous food. Here again the people had no elbows and had long spoons in their hands. These people seemed very happy, laughing and talking with each other.
The man then saw someone using his spoon to take some of the food, and then reaching across the table in order to feed the person seated at the opposite side of it. The recipient enjoyed the food, thanking the other person and returning the favor by offering a spoonful of food to that person. All of the people continued to be happy and well sated. The man was then told that this was heaven.
The message behind this simple parable is the following: Our actions will end up creating our own heaven or hell. It is true that we all have to face the same realities, but if we face them in a proud, godless and selfish fashion, we will turn them into a living hell; whereas if we are just, merciful, and humble (working to bless and care for each other), we can turn the same realities into a personal heaven.


Reformed Samaritanism teaches that Hell is absence of God; the state of consciousness naturally arising from the proud soul who willingly chooses to set his own course of life-- one with no regard for God's will, nor for the Divinely appointed order of Creation (the law of sowing and reaping). In fact, the only reason hell exists, is to preserve the freedom of choice which God grants to human souls






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