Ought. Приложение 2. Методические рекомендации по подготовке презентаций. Common guidelines
Ought Глагол ought в сочетании с Indefinite Infinitive выражает моральный долг, желательность действия, относящегося к настоящему и будущему времени. На русский язык ought переводится - следовало бы, следует, должен. Инфинитив после глагола ought употребляется с частицей to: You ought to do it at once. Вам следует (следовало бы, вы должны) сделать это сейчас же. Глагол ought в сочетании с Perfect Infinitive употребляется в отношении прошедшего времени и указывает на то, что действие не было выполнено: You ought to have done it at once. Вам следовало бы сделать это сразу же (но вы не сделали). Глагол ought может выражать вероятность, предположение, возможность действия, обозначенного последующим инфинитивом, и в этом случае переводится на русский язык словами должно быть или должен. В данном значении глагол ought в сочетании с Perfect Infinitive указывает на то, что действие относится к прошлому. Need Глагол need в качестве модального глагола в сочетании с Indefinite Infinitive выражает необходимость совершения действия в отношении настоящего и будущего времени. Need употребляется в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях, а также в утвердительных предложениях, содержащих такие наречия с отрицательным значением, как hardly, scarcely - едва, с трудом. Need you go there so soon? -- Нужно ли вам (должны ли вы) ехать туда так скоро? You need hardly remind me of it. -- Вам едва ли надо напоминать мне об этом. I need not tell you how important that is - Мне не нужно говорить вам как это важно. Глагол needn't в сочетании с Perfect Infinitive употребляется в отношении прошедшего времени и означает, что лицу, о котором идет речь, не было необходимости совершать действие: You needn't have done it. -- Вам не нужно было этого делать. Глагол need в качестве самостоятельного глагола имеет значение нуждаться, требоваться. В этом значении need имеет обычные формы спряжения:
Here is the book you needed so much. -- Вот книга, которая была вам так необходима. ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ 2. МЕТОДИЧЕСКИЕ РЕКОМЕНДАЦИИ ПО ПОДГОТОВКЕ ПРЕЗЕНТАЦИЙ 1. Прочитайте методические рекомендации по подготовке презентаций и делового письма. Common Guidelines Giving a presentation is like taking your audience from start to finish on a journey. At the start, your audience requires some basic information before they can accompany you. Once they have the information they are ready to listen to you and to follow you up to the final message. An accurate start helps to create a good impression and your aim is to be grammatically accurate as well. Here are some common guidelines of how to make a Power Point presentation. One of the most challenging aspects of writing a presentation is the ability to organise information in a logical way. Introduce yourself. The amount of information about yourself and your work depends on the presentation you are giving. For example, for a presentation to your colleagues, you don't need to give your name or your professional background, while presenting a new product to a client, all those things will be necessary. Besides, make sure that you are comfortable talking about your past and present experience. Use the following phrases for welcoming and thanking the audience. Tell the audience your destination and the purpose of your presentation. If the audience does not know why they should listen, they won't support and accompany you. Don’t forget to use expressions for introducing the subject and outlining the structure of your presentation. Mention them in your closing summary and recommendations: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen Good evening, everyone Thank you for inviting me to speak about… Tonight I’m going to talk about… I would like to start with… I shall begin by… The purpose of the presentation is to introduce the range of … Let us begin with… However… As far as … is concerned … Moving on to… My third point deals with… And last but not least… So, in conclusion, you can see that… Let me summarise what I’ve said. Finally, may I remind you of the main points we’ve considered. Outline the main points that you are going to develop and the order in which you would like to present facts. Choose attractive background and suitable text colours. Presentation software can be fun to use. Be creative, but do not include too many effects which may distract your audience from your content. Make sure the text is large enough so that the audience can read it easily from any place. Also, use a standard font that is not too complicated or distracting. Use positive statements like ‘The figures show…’ rather than a vague language like ‘The data could possibly suggest…’ Your presentation will be effective if you know basic rules of working with slides. Don’t use too many slides: one or two per minute will be enough for your presentation. Don’t present information in sentences and paragraphs; divide it into individual parts. Try not to present more than six points on a slide. You should also reduce your text to the keywords and phrases: try to have no more than six words per line. Remember that a graph or a chart is much easier to understand than a text. Still, too many visuals may confuse the audience: don’t overload them with clips. Try to help the audience to understand the matter better by highlighting. Explain the most important information. Check all materials and equipment beforehand, and make several backups of your presentation. Don’t be too technical: adapt to the target audience, and don’t read out the text on the slides.
Use the following expressions for opening, directing and closing the meeting: 1. Right, shall we get started? 2. The first thing we have to discuss is… 3. I’d like to give the floor to… 4. Does anyone have any comments? 5 Would you like to come in here? 6. We seem to be losing sight of the main issues. 7. With respect, I don’t think that is entirely relevant. 8. Could we stick to the subject under discussion, please? 9. Perhaps we could come back to that later. 10. I’ll come to you in a minute. 11. Are there any other points anyone wishes to make? 12. To sum up, … 13. Are we all agreed on this? 14. Shall we take a vote? Are all those in favour? Are all those against? 15. I declare this meeting closed.
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