Список использованных источников
1. Керниган Б., Ритчи Д. Язык программирования Си\ Пер. с англ., 3-е изд., испр. – СПб.: «Невский диалект», 2001. – 352с. 2. Информатика: Базовый курс \ С.В. Симонович и др. – СПб,: Питер, 2001. – 640 с. 3. Алферов А.П., Зубов А.Ю., Кузьмин А.С., Черемушкин А.В. Основы криптографии: Учебное пособие, 2-е изд., испр. И доп. – М.:Гелиос АРВ, 2002. – 480с., ил. ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ А
Блок схема алгоритма функции формирования подписи ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ Б
Блок схема алгоритма функции проверки подписи ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ В
Листинг программы Sign.cpp #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "Interfs.h" #include "function.h" #define LOWORD(T) ((unsigned short)(T)) #define HIWORD(T) ((unsigned short)(T>>16)) #define MAKELONG(a,b) ((((unsigned long)(a))<<16)+b) #define S 32 /*addition*/ void add(unsigned short add_a[], unsigned short add_b[],unsigned short add_c[], int add_l_a_b) {unsigned long T; unsigned short d; d=0; for(int i=0; i<=(add_l_a_b-1); i++) {T=(unsigned long)add_a[i]+(unsigned long)add_b[i]+d; add_c[i]=LOWORD(T); d=HIWORD(T);} add_c[add_l_a_b]=d;} void sub(unsigned short sub_a[], unsigned short sub_b[],unsigned short sub_c[], int sub_l_a_b) {unsigned long T; unsigned short d; d=0; for(int i=0; i<=(sub_l_a_b-1); i++) {T=(unsigned long)sub_a[i]-(unsigned long)sub_b[i]-d; sub_c[i]=LOWORD(T); if(HIWORD(T)==0) d=0; else d=1;} sub_c[sub_l_a_b]=d;} /*multiplication c=a*b*/ void mul(unsigned short mul_a[], unsigned short mul_b[],unsigned short mul_c[],int mul_l_a, int mul_l_b) {unsigned long T; unsigned short d; for(int z=0; z<=(mul_l_a-1); z++) {mul_c[z]=0;} for(int i=0; i<=(mul_l_a-1); i++) {d=0; for(int j=0; j<=(mul_l_b-1); j++) {T=(unsigned long) mul_c[i+j]+(unsigned long) mul_a[i]*(unsigned long) mul_b[j]+d; mul_c[i+j]=LOWORD(T); d=HIWORD(T);} mul_c[i+mul_l_b]=d;}} /*c=(a*b) mod m*/ void mul_mod(unsigned short mm_a[], unsigned short mm_b[], unsigned short mm_n[], unsigned short mm_ost[], unsigned short w1[], int mm_l_a_b_n, int t) {unsigned short *mm_d; mm_d=new(unsigned short[mm_l_a_b_n+t]); mul(mm_a, mm_b, mm_d, mm_l_a_b_n, t); Div(mm_d, mm_n, w1, mm_ost, mm_l_a_b_n*2, mm_l_a_b_n);} /*c=a(exp b) mod n*/ void exp_mod(unsigned short exp_mod_a[], unsigned short exp_mod_b[], unsigned short exp_mod_n[], unsigned short exp_mod_c[], unsigned short w1[], int exp_mod_l_a_n, int exp_mod_l_b) {unsigned short *exp_mod_c_dop; exp_mod_c_dop=new(unsigned short[exp_mod_l_a_n]);
int e; for(int l=1; l<=(exp_mod_l_a_n-1); l++) {exp_mod_c[l]=0; exp_mod_c_dop[l]=0;} exp_mod_c_dop[0]=1; exp_mod_c[0]=1; for(e=(16*exp_mod_l_b-1); e>=0; e--) {mul_mod(exp_mod_c, exp_mod_c, exp_mod_n, exp_mod_c_dop, w1, exp_mod_l_a_n, exp_mod_l_a_n); if(exp_mod_b[e/16] & (1<<(e%16))) {mul_mod(exp_mod_a, exp_mod_c_dop, exp_mod_n, exp_mod_c, w1, exp_mod_l_a_n, exp_mod_l_a_n);} else {for(int h=0; h<=exp_mod_l_a_n-1; h++) {exp_mod_c[h]=exp_mod_c_dop[h];}}}} /*сравнение*/ int comp (unsigned short a[], unsigned short p[], int S1) {int x=1; for(int i=0; i!=S1; i++) {if (a[i]!=p[i]) x=0;} if(x==0) return 1; else return 0;} /*чтение из файла*/ int file_read(unsigned short t[], long curpos, int sz) {FILE *fp; unsigned short k; fp=fopen("initial data.txt","r"); for(int i=0;i<sz;i++) {fseek(fp,curpos,SEEK_SET); fscanf(fp,"%x",&k); t[i]=k; curpos=curpos+5;} fclose(fp); return curpos;} /*запись в файл*/ int file_write(unsigned short t[], long curpos, int sz) {FILE *fp; fp=fopen("signature.txt","w"); for(int i=0;i<sz;i++) fprintf(fp,"%x ",t[i]); fclose(fp); return curpos;} unsigned short sign[S]; int main() {FILE *fp1; unsigned short p[S]; unsigned short a[S]; unsigned short q[S/2]; unsigned short x[S/2]; unsigned short m[S/2]; unsigned short k[S/2]; unsigned short y[S]; long curpos=3; long cp=file_read(p,curpos,S); curpos=cp+7; cp=file_read(a,curpos,S); curpos=cp+7; cp=file_read(q,curpos,S/2); curpos=cp+7; cp=file_read(x,curpos,S/2); curpos=cp+7; cp=file_read(m,curpos,S/2); curpos=cp+7; cp=file_read(k,curpos,S/2); curpos=cp+7; cp=file_read(y,curpos,S); char symb; int c; printf("------------------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("|Select action: |\n"); printf("|1.Serial calling rountines \"Get signature\" and \"Verify signature\". |\n"); printf("|2.Get signature |\n"); printf("|3.Verify signature |\n"); printf("|Press 0 to exit |\n"); printf("----------------------------------------------------------\n\n"); do {symb=getch(); c=atoi(&symb); int rs; switch(c) {case 0: return 0; case 1: signature(p,a,q,x,m,k,sign); file_write(sign, 0, S); rs=verify(p,a,q,y,m,sign); fp1=fopen("verification result.txt","w+"); if(fp1==NULL) printf("Error: couldn't open file"); if(rs==0) fprintf(fp1, "Verification successful: u=r', signature is authentic\n"); else fprintf(fp1, "WARNING: verification unsuccessful: u!=r', signature is non-authentic\n"); printf("Operations complete. Result of operation writed to \"verification result.txt\"\n"); fclose(fp1); break; case 2: signature(p,a,q,x,m,k,sign); file_write(sign, 0, S); printf("Operation complete. Result of operation writed to \"signature.txt\"\n"); break; case 3: verify(p,a,q,y,m,sign); rs=verify(p,a,q,y,m,sign); if(rs==0) fprintf(fp1, "Verification successful: u=r', signature is authentic\n"); else fprintf(fp1, "WARNING: verification unsuccessful: u!=r', signature is non-authentic\n");
printf("Operation complete. Result of operation writed to \"verification result.txt\"\n"); break; default: printf("Wrong number. Try again\n"); break;}} while(1);} Function.cpp #include "function.h" #include "INTERFS.h" void signature(unsigned short sign_p[], unsigned short sign_a[], unsigned short sign_q[], unsigned short sign_x[], unsigned short sign_m[], unsigned short sign_k[], unsigned short sign[]) {unsigned short w[S*2]; unsigned short res[S]; unsigned short result[S]; unsigned short tmp[S/2]; unsigned short tmp1[S/2]; unsigned short sum[S+1]; unsigned short s[S+1]; exp_mod(sign_a,sign_k,sign_p,res,w,S,S/2); Div(res,sign_q,result,tmp,S,S/2); mul(sign_x,tmp,res,S/2,S/2); mul(sign_k,sign_m,result,S/2,S/2); add(res,result,sum,S); Div(sum,sign_q,s,tmp1,S,S/2); for(int i=S/2-1, j=S-1; i>=0; i--, j--) {sign[j]=tmp[i]; sign[j-16]=tmp1[i];}} int verify(unsigned short p[],unsigned short a[],unsigned short q[],unsigned short y[], unsigned short m[],unsigned short sign[]) {unsigned short v[16]; unsigned short q_2[16]; unsigned short w[S]; unsigned short s[S/2]; unsigned short tmp[S]; unsigned short tmp_[S]; unsigned short tmp_1[S*2]; unsigned short tmp_2[S*2]; unsigned short tmp1[S/2]; unsigned short z1[S/2]; unsigned short z2[S/2]; unsigned short r_[S/2]; for(int i=S/2-1; i>=0; i--) q_2[i]=q[i]; q_2[0]=q_2[0]-0x0002; exp_mod(m,q_2,q,v,w,S/2,S/2); for(int b=S/2-1, j=S-1; b>=0; b--, j--) {s[b]=sign[b]; r_[b]=sign[j];} mul(s,v,w,S/2,S/2); Div(w,q,tmp,z1,S,S/2); sub(q,r_,tmp1,S/2); mul(tmp1,v,w,S/2,S/2); Div(w,q,tmp,z2,S,S/2); exp_mod(a,z1,p,tmp,w,S,S/2); exp_mod(y,z2,p,tmp_,w,S,S/2); mul(tmp,tmp_,tmp_1,S,S); Div(tmp_1,p,tmp_2,tmp,S*2,S); Div(tmp,q,tmp_,s,S,S/2); return comp(s,r_,S/2);}
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