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Exercise 30. Make the sentence interrogative and negative.

Indefinite Tenses

Exercise 28. Use the proper tense of the verbs in brackets:

1. What is the time? It (to be) 2.30. 2. It (to be) not necessary to carry passport everywhere with you but it (to be) advisable to carry some document of identity. 3. (to be) there a garage behind the hotel? 4. As the things had gone wrong there (to be) nothing to do but wait. 5. I (to be) glad to meet you. 6. He (to be) from TST Systems. 7. Our partners (to be) interested in our production. 8. The commercial Director (to make) an appointment with his business partner yesterday morning. 9. I (to show) you our factory tomorrow.10. I (to have) an appointment with my lawyer at 9 a.m. 11. In future you (to deal) with our Sales Manager. 12. I (to work) as a Personnel Manager two years ago. 13. Our company always (to provide) advanced technology. 14. There (to be) some letters for the secretary to type on the table. Where are they now? 15. I hope you (to enjoy) your visit to Moscow. 16 There (to be) many quests at the conference yesterday.


Exercise 29. Use the proper tense of the verbs in brackets:

1. What (to be) your first impressions of Moscow? 2. We (to reserve) for you a single room but on the top floor. 3. You (to have a good trip? 4. The parties (to introduce) additions into the contract a couple of hours ago. 5. Yesterday we (to receive) six letters. 6. He often (to send) Mr. Pospelov faxes. 7. In 1998 my friend (to buy) a nice car. 8. She often (to write) letters to her parents. 9. He (not to draw up) an invoice last week. He (to be) going to do it today. 10. They (not to conduct) negotiations in such a way. 11. It (to suit) me all right. 12. You (to discuss) the terms of payment yesterday? 13. When your partner usually (to effect) payments? 14. There (to be) three computers in our office next week. 15.There (to be) a man downstairs who wants to see you. 16. Last month there (to be) a meeting of shareholders in our firm.


Exercise 30. Make the sentence interrogative and negative.

1. There is a fax for our CEO on the table. 2. Yesterday we conclude an agreement with our partners. 3. They will sing the contract tomorrow. 4. A Sales representative contacts many people. 5. John works as a Manager. 6. Victor became a President of a big company. 7. This is a difficult question. 8. The Commercial Director introduces all his staff to me. 9. A change will do me good 10. Their prices are competitive in the world market. 11. Three applications came for an interview. 12. The wholesale will be the major focus of our efforts next year. 13. Our company concludes two contracts a day. 14. I find $ 500 a fair salary. 15. We plan to expand our activity on English – speaking countries. 16. Our competitors made efforts to purchase technology from a foreign firm. 17. The Manager will assume responsibility for this decision. 18. There were four good business proposals from our partners 19. The candidates submitted their Cover letters and Resumes. 20. The Directors get a lot of papers. 21. I am accustomed to work under pressure.22. He was skillful in negotiations. 23. There will be five questions on the agenda. 24. He has a good record. 25. It took me twenty minutes to get to the airport.


Exercise 31. Put questions to the underlined words:

1. They want to make their goods competitive in the world market. 2. Reliability, loyalty and energy are his three main strengths. 3. You have excellent references from your previous job. 4. I suppose to find supportive environment in your firm. 5. There is great demand on their goods. 6. Our Salesrepresentatives conducted the negotiations to reach a reasonable agreement. 7. The buyer usually effects payments at the end of each month. 8. We need a team of creative persons to make our company competitive in the world market. 9. Our partners will improve the performance of our equipment. 10. The engineers adapted the equipment to our needs. 11. We shall extend the service life of our machines. 12. They are very promising specialists. 13. He will open a letter of credit later. 14. I spent twice as much last month. 15. It will take me two hours to draw up the invoice. 16. If thedelivery is delayed you will pay penalty.


Exercise 32. Put questions to the underlined words:

1. The supplier got a bill of lading to transport the good. 2. The Internet provides us with a reliablealternative to expensive telecommunications systems in Ukraine. 3. The supplier declined all responsibility for losses. 4. My friend applied for the position of a Sales Manager in person. 5. He will discuss with the CEOthe main principles of his contract in detail. 6. Yesterday we sold the goods at agood price. 7. It is easy to make a decision. 8. We run training programs here to have excellent staff. 9. I have a lot of work as a secretary. 10. There were a lot of candidates for an opening position of aPersonnel Manager. 11. They will study your requirements when you come to them. 12. He appreciates the opportunity to work on his own initiative. 13. The customer paid cash for the goods. 14. Our firm will reduce the prices next month. 15. The businessmen always expect new trade fairs topromote their goods. 16. He makes contacts with people very easily. 17. Our Manager assumed responsibility for the contractual obligations. 18. I shall show you our factory tomorrow.


Exercise 33.Translate Into English:

1. Заместитель нашего управляющего по сбыту имеет отличные рекомендации с предыдущего места работы. 2. У нас есть вакансия бухгалтера. 3. Сейчас я зарабатываю $ 100 в месяц. 4. Перемена пойдет вам на пользу. 5. Как дистрибъютеры они имеют широкую сеть рынков сбыта. 6. Наши зарубежные партнеры осуществляют платежи дважды в год. 7. На прошлой неделе наша фирма провела переговоры, чтобы достичь соглашения по этой проблеме. 8. Мы заинтересованы в вашем оборудовании. 9. Мы знаем несколько компаний, которые производят такое же оборудование. 10. Вы будете отвечать за наши контакты с английскими партнерами.11. Наш управляющий по сбыту успешно ведет переговоры. 12. В прошлом году наша фирма переехала в Севастополь. 13. Три претендента на должность коммерческого директора подали письменные заявления лично. Они пришли на собеседование и предоставили сопроводительные письма и резюме. 14. Я заполню анкету и отдам ее начальнику отдела кадров. 15. На конференции было много вопросов о новом оборудовании. 16. Мы приложили усилия, чтобы создать хорошую рабочую обстановку в нашей фирме. 17. Они планируют расширять свою деятельность в англо – язычных странах. 18. Обязанности менеджера – это проводить переговоры, отвечать на запросы, писать отчеты и покупать оборудование. 19. Мы хотели сделать нашу фирму конкурентно-способной на мировом рынке. 20. Наш директор отвечал за выполнение договорных обязательств. 21. Покупатель всегда прав. 22. Я легко завожу контакты с людьми. 23. Они сняли с себя ответственность за убытки. 24. Наш исполнительный директор был в командировке в США В прошлом месяце. 25. Мы обсудим условия оплаты и доставки завтра утром.


Exercise 34. Translate into English:

1. Как долго вы работаете в фирме «Консоль»? 2. Кто контролирует качество товаров? 3. Вы платите наличными?. 4. Сколько фирм в нашем городе предоставляют данные услуги населению?. 5. Сколько денег вы заплатили за этот товар вчера?. 6. Это вас устраивает?. 7. Вы рады, что будете работать в нашей фирме?. 8. Как часто наш партнер осуществляет платежи?. 9. Он получил коносамент и купчую?. 10. Какую зарплату вы считаете достойную вас?. 11. Как вы выдерживаете повседневные нагрузки?. 12. Они заключили много контрактов на ярмарке в прошлом месяце?. 13. Каков конечный срок подачи заявления?. 14. Вам нужны рекомендательные письма?. 15. Нужно ли претендентам иметь определенный опыт работы?. 16. Каковы мои обязанности?. 17. Их цены не были конкурентно – способными. 18. У меня нет характеристик с предыдущего места работы, так как я окончила институт только в прошлом месяце. 19. Не снимайте с себя ответственность за проект. 20. Бухгалтер не составил вчера счет – фактуру, потому что был занят другой работой. 21. Мы не заплатим за ваши товары сегодня. 22. На нашей фирме нет никаких вакансий. 23. Директор не подписал его заявления на должность управляющего по рекламе. 24. Она не прошла курсы маркетинга. 25. Вы по натуре лидер?. 26. Как он составляет соглашение?. 27. Кто может за вас поручиться?. 28. Плановая экономика предотвращает любые колебания цен. 29. Я раньше работал в этой фирме. Теперь больше не работаю.


Exercise 35. Translate into English:

1. Я дам вам знать, как только получу эту партию товаров. 2. Он откроет аккредитив, как только у него будет достаточно денег. 3. Если вы предоставите письменное заявление, сопроводительное письмо и резюме, мы будем рассматривать вас как кандидата на должность управляющего по маркетингу. 4. Как только они найдут хороших надежных партнеров, они создадут открытое акционерное общество с ограниченной ответственностью. 5. Если вы снизите цены, то мы купим больше товаров у вас. 6. Когда вы увеличите срок службы вашего оборудования, мы разместим у вас крайне большой заказ. 7. Когда вы предоставите нам свои каталоги и прайс–листы, мы изучим в деталях образцы вашей продукции. 8. Если вы задержите доставку, то заплатите штраф. 9. Мы обсудим с вами сроки платежа, как только я освобожусь после совещания. 10. Если вы поговорите с нашим коммерческим директором, вы подпишите этот контракт. 11. Они обсудят договорные обязательства после того, как составят этот контракт. 12. Если вы будете говорить немного медленнее, я пойму вас. 13. Как только вы пройдете курсы по маркетингу, вы получите продвижение по службе. 14. Как только они расширят свою деятельность за границей, у них будет много вакансий. 15. Когда он составит счет – фактуру, я отправлю его по факсу. 16. Он раньше работал на компьютере. Теперь больше не работает. 17. Вы раньше курили? – Да. Теперь больше не курю. 18. Он раньше не рассказывал нам о своей деятельности.


Continuous Tenses

Exercise 36. Use the Present Continuous instead of infinitive in brackets:

1. He (to buy) an air ticket to London. 2. You (to fly) alone? 3. They (to look through) the catalogues. 4. We (to extend) our business on English – speaking countries now. 5. This firm (to move) to Kiev that is why I (to leave) right now. 6. TST Systems (to look for) candidates for an opening position of a Commercial Director. 7. We (to present) the interview with our Sales Manager. 8. Where is she? She (to visit) an Ukrainian company that wants to purchase equipment produced by them. 9. They (to go) to see their works? 10. We (to discuss) the main principles of our future agreement. 11. Our company still (to provide) advanced technology and efficient service. 12. We (to expect) a new fair in London soon. 13. An applicant (to fill) in the application form now. 14. They still (to make) efforts to improve the performance of their equipment. 15. I (to earn) at present $ 150 per month. 16. He (to study) your legal agreement at this moment. 17. Mr. Smith is busy now. He (to make up) an invoice. 18. Where is your Chief Executive Officer? He (to carry out) negotiations in the conference hall. 19. Who (to run) training programs here now? 20. Wait a minute. They (to study) your requirements right now.


Exercise 37. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Indefinite or the Present Continuous:

1. It (to take) them two days to effect payments? 2. What they (to do)? They still (to conclude) an agreement. 3. He (to work) as a foreman at our company. 4. They (to stay) at work from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m. 5. Our manager (to meet) customers now? 6. You often (to sing) contracts? 7. Where the company (to sell) its goods? 8. She always (to reserve) a single room at this hotel? 9. They still (to book) one- way tickets to Boston. 10. I (to be) sorry Mr. Black (to be) busy at the moment. He (to phone) Mr. Cartwright. 11. I (to have) a lot of work as a secretary. 12. This enterprise (to increase) still their prices of goods. 13. We usually (to introduce) additions into the contract. 14. You (to type) these documents now? 15. They never (to reduce) the service life of our equipment. 16. She (to have) an appointment with the lawyer at 9 a.m. 17. Their company (to import) a lot of modern equipment from western countries. 18. The responsibility (to rest) with the author. 19. They seldom (to place) money on deposit. 20. She (not to draw up) a contract now? 21. Tom never (to pay) cash. 22. They sometimes (to give) a 5% discount to their regular clients. 23. The plane that you (to look) at now just (to take) off for Paris. 24. Stop! You (not to see) the notice? 25. What your terms (to be) of payment?

Exercise 38. Put the verbs in brackets either into the Past Indefinite or the Past Continuous:

1. Ann (to eat) dinner when her friend (to call). 2. While we (to study) their prices? They (to make up) the contract. 3. When you (to conclude) an agreement? 4. Last summer we (to go) to the Caucasus. 5. The students (to pass) their exam at that time yesterday. 6. While Nick (to write) a report? Dick (to look through) the magazines. 7. I (to draw up) the contract when the light (to go out). 8. She (to have) a bath when the telephone (to ring). 9. What you (to do) at 10 o’clock a.m. yesterday? We (to have) an appointment with the Commercial Director. 10. While I (to talk) to Mr. Smith somebody (to walk) into my office and (to steal) the computer. 11. Export market (to increase) always in developed countries at one time. 12. I (to go) to see how she (to be) and found she (to cry). 13. He (to sign) an agreement when he was called to the telephone. 14. Explorers (to belief) that the river (to run) into the Atlantic. 15. When I (to walk) I found that the water (to run) down the walls. 16. The Loudspeaker (to announce) that the flight 506 for London (to board) at gate 3. 17. They (to discuss) a new project when I (to enter) the room. 18. The children (to play) in the yard the whole day yesterday. 19. What you (to do) yesterday? I (to translate) a very long article. 20. At this time yesterday we (to study) your advertising materials. We (to want) to see your samples but you (not to submit) them to us.


Exercise 39. Put the verbs in brackets either into the Past Indefinite or the Past Continuous:

1. They (to meet) the delegation at the station two hours ago. 2. We (to be) in a hurry because only fifteen minutes (to be) left before the beginning of the performance. 3. While mother (to cook) dinner, I (to do) homework. 4. At half past ten yesterday I (to speak) to my partner on the phone. 5. When she (to read) the newspaper yesterday, she (to come) across an interesting article about the joint venture which she (to be) interested in. 6. When we (to look) for business partners, we (to get) some attractive proposals. 7. They (to sell) their goods at the market the whole week, but they (not to sell) much. 8. The employer (to invite) all the candidates to go into the assembly hall. 9. From 4 till 7 o’clock yesterday the Board of Directors (to study) the samples of the goods of their competitors. But they (not to like) any of them. 10. They were astonished at what they (to find) a man (to lie) on the top of a pile of woolen goods! 11. Why you (to sleep) at seven o’clock yesterday? 12. The CEO (to conduct) negotiations with our business partners the whole day yesterday. 13. I (not to draw up) an invoice yesterday. I (to feel) bad. 14. The old man (to think) about his plan when he (to fall) asleep yesterday. 15. They (to get) ready to go out when it (to begin) raining. 16. Last year our Commercial Director (to go) to the United States. 17. You (to go) to Great Britain last year? No, I (to go) to Italy. 18. Our partners (to effect) payments yesterday. 19. When they (to ship) the goods last week, the storm (to break) out and they had to stop it. 20. You (to load) the samples of new production yesterday?


Exercise 40. Put the verbs in brackets into the Indefinite or the Continuous Tenses:

1. The prices at the market always (to increase). It (to get) on my nerves. 2. I (not to like) windy weather because my head always (to ache) at this time. 3. Where your brother (to work)? He (to work) for this firm. 4. Yesterday our boss (to be) late; he (to enter) the office at half past nine when we all (to do) our work. 5. What your friend (to do) the whole evening yesterday? 6. Tomorrow the whole day we (to visit) the firm of our partners. 7. What young sister (to do) tomorrow? 8. I (to fly) to London in a day. 9. We (to deliver) the goods by train next week. 10. He (to recognize) us but he could not get off as the bus (to be) overcrowded. 11. At that very moment we (to hear) Mike’s voice behind us. How funny, “he (to say), “I (to go) to your place when I suddenly (to see) you here. I (to be) so you. 12. My brother can skate very well. He (to skate) every Sunday. 13. What you (to do) at five o’clock yesterday? I (to work) in the library. I (to be) there too but I (not to see) you. 14. When I (to come) home yesterday I (to see) that all my family (to sit) round the table. Father (to read) a letter from my uncle who (to live) in Spain. 15. We (to get) your Cover Letter yesterday where (to be) your application? I (to write) it the whole evening yesterday but it is not ready.16. The climate (to get) warmer. 17. Unemployment (to increase).18. I (to make) supper for a hour.19. He always (to lose) his key. 20. They (to decline) the responsibility for losses.


Exercise 41. Put questions to the underlined words:

1. He was discussing the perspectives of the development of his firm with the partner whole dayyesterday. 2. Theywere loadingtrucks from 9 till 5 o’clock. 3. We shall discuss all the points of theagreement in detail tomorrow. 4. They will be dancing the whole evening. 5. Petrov spoke to us about his plans yesterday. 6. He opened a deposit account with our banka week ago. 7. Our manager takes responsibility for the terms of delivery. 8. They were already at their office at 8 o’clock a.m. to meet their partners. 9. He makes contacts with people easily. 10. The book – keeper will be making up a balance sheet the whole day tomorrow. 11. Our Executive Manager concludes transactions with some famous firms. 12. He applied for a position of a Sales Manager in person. 13. She gets to London by trainbecause she lives in the suburbs. 14. He was on a business trip to Paris because she had a lot of deals to conclude there. 15. We shall place money on depositnext week.


Exercise 42. Translate into English, using the Indefinite and Continuous Tenses:

1. Вы будете путешествовать самолетом? Да, конечно. 2. Как правило, мы продаем украинским гражданам билеты в оба конца. 3. В какое время ваш рейс прибывает в Лондон? 4. Я заказал номер для вас в этом отеле. 5. Мы изучили главные пункты соглашения и решили принять ваше предложение. 6. Я скажу вам код Лондона через минуту. 7. Я просматривал каталоги и прайс – листы, когда ты позвонил. 8. Переговоры были, безусловно, самыми плодотворными. 9. Мы уверены, что наши цены будут, безусловно, самыми конкурентно – способными на мировом рынке. 10. Мистер Блэк занят сейчас. Он перезвонит вам попозже.11. Мне внесли задаток? 12. Каким классом вы летите: экономическим или бизнес классом? 13. Они вас встретят станции. 14. Как долго вы планируете пробыть в этой стране?


Exercise 43. Translate into English, using the verbs either in the Indefinite or Continuous Tenses:

1. Как часто вы путешествуете на поезде? 2. Сколько весит ваш багаж? Наш иностранный партнер позаботится об этом. 4. Автобусы ходят согласно расписанию. 5. Две бутылки спиртного не облагаются пошлиной.6. Вы видели знак? 7. Собрание акционеров состоится в пятницу в 10 часов утра. 8. Мы защитили свои товары от повреждения при перевозке. 9. Мы маркировали товары весь день вчера. 10. Мы оплатим расходы, как за обработку груза, так и за его упаковку. 11. Они принимают деньги только в иностранной валюте. 12. Правительство будет поддерживать экспортную торговлю длительное время. 13. Они финансировали экспорт и давали преимущества торговцам весь год. 14. Правительство предоставило помощь и налоговые скидки экспортной торговле. 15. Наша фирма рассчитывала на своего партнера.


Exercise 44. Translate into English, using the Indefinite or Continuous Tenses:

1. Большой бизнес поглотил маленькие компании в нашем городе в прошлом году. 2. Наша компания застраховала товары на огромную сумму. 3. Наши конкуренты повысили грузовые тарифы в прошлом месяце. 4. Все будет зависеть от условий погрузки. 5. Как оптовики, так и торговцы в розницу были заинтересованы в нашей продукции. 6. Мы обратились за визой, но они нам ее не предоставили. 7. Если вы бросите мусор здесь, то заплатите штраф в 50 долларов. 8. Они любят ездить автостопом. 9. Он прошел таможню час назад и сейчас регистрирует свой багаж. 10. Наши партнеры предоставили нам расширенные кредитные условия. 11. У нашего экспедитора всегда много работы. 12. Совет директоров изучает сейчас возможности нашей фирмы. 13. Доходы от налогов пополняют бюджет города. 14. Наши соперники вовлекают нас в жестокую конкуренцию. 15. Они будут выполнять договорные обязательства точно: деньги, заработанные за границей, продвинут вперед нашу фирму.



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