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питаться ,сколько и какую надо пить воду ,какие упражнения необходимо делать на снижение веса и сколько .


Interest in phraseology has grown considerably over the last twenty years or so. While the general linguists view of phraseology before that time can probably be caricatured as “idiom researchers and lexicographers classifying and researching various kinds of fairly frozen idiomatic expressions”, this view has thankfully changed. Nowadays, the issues of identifying and classifying phraseologisms as well as integrating them into theoretical research and practical application has a much more profound influence on researchers and their agendas in many different sub-disciplines of linguistics as well as in language learning, acquisition, and teaching, natural language processing, etc.

So, the work is devoted to the research of peculiarities of translation into Russian of English phraseological units.

The object of the research – phraseological units.

The aim of this volume, then, is to explore the cultural dimension of a

wide range of preconstructed or semi-preconstructed word combinations in

English. These include highly opaque multiword units of the kick-the-

bucket type, collocations, irreversible binominals, phrasal verbs, com-

pounds, metaphorical expressions, similes, proverbs, familiar quotations,

catchphrases, clichés, slogans, expletives, and discourse markers such as

politeness formulae – all of which have been subsumed under phraseology,

or under idiom in the Anglo-American linguistic tradition.

At the decision of the formulated tasks the mixed methods in the research were used:

ü Distributive method

ü Method of contextual analyses

ü Method of translating transformations

It should be mention that this research work represents a great theoretical value for those willing to take up their future carrier in the field of translations as invaluable reference to the methods and the ways of translation of poetic literature.



National peculiarities people’s life are clearly reflected in phraseology.

Facts about country's history, geography, economy, lifestyle are all represented in the semantics of many phraseological units, thus we can talk about national cultural phraseological semantics. Today, many linguists recognize that a large layer of phraseology occurs precisely on a national basis.

Ethno-cultural elements of the semantics of praselological units can occur at three levels of the content:

1) the aggregate value of verbal phraseological complex (phraseological units may reflect the national culture through their idiomatic meanings). Some

idioms reflect such phenomena of the past and the present of the country,

which have no analogues in other cultures. For example, der Alte

Herr (former member of the student corporation; graduate (veteran) of

university); der vlaue Brief (a letter with unpleasant content):

1. official notice of dismissal (as well as the dismissal of the office);

2. Letter to parents from the school of misconduct or student underachievement.

2) the individual lexical components of phraseologisms (words-realities) or idioms may reflect national culture in one of the units of its composition, they can contain the words, which have no equivalents. For example, nach Adam Riese " absolutely right" " exactly " (based on the name of the author's of the first popular textbooks in arithmetic in German. (Adam Ries, 1492-1559); rangehen wie Blucher - act decisively; Blucher - Prussian Field Marshal of in the time of the wars against Napoleon.

3) the literal meaning of the total verbal complex, which reflects specific national situation, the underlying image which bears portable values of a ​​phraseologism or its prototypes, ie once free phrases, telling about the old customs of lifestyle people national games, children's games, etc. and then subjected to the change of meaning.

e.g., bei jmdm. in der Kreide stehen - to owe smb (from the custom of innkeepers to record debts on a special board using chalk)

National identity can manifest itself in the typical associations connected with one or the other image. This primarily refers to a phrase forming units taken from the field of flora and fauna. The image base of German and Russian phraseological units may be the same, but it generates units different in value, "as concepts themselves behind these images acquire different cultural and historical connotations " For example, in German the image of hare is associated with an experienced, knowledgeable man, great professionals (ein alter Hase), and in the

Russian language this image is associated primarily with a coward.


Thus, English idioms can give us a clue to the national character of the people of Great Britain, its culture, history and politics.

The national character of the English has been described in different ways, but most commentators agree over one quality, which they describe as a sense of superiority or “insular pride”. English patriotism is based on a deep sense of security. Englishmen as individuals may have been insecure, threatened with the loss of their job, unsure of themselves or unhappy in many ways. But as a nation they have been secure for centuries.
The English are a well-disciplined people and it is probably no exaggeration to say that they have the best manners in the world. They are all polite, they all know how to hold their knife and fork and how to behave in society. Besides they are never rude. Coarse expressions are hardly ever used. You may be struck by the fact that life in Britain is less noisy.
The English display a surprising unity in a crisis. They also have a strong sense for public order. The apparent coldness of Englishmen has been almost universally noted by the foreigners. But they also confess that once one gets to know an Englishman better, he turns out to be a very companionable fellow.
The typical feature of the English is their love of games. They love playing all of them. They play football and cricket; games are nowhere so popular as in England. But however childish at their games they are very serious in business.
The British have long been famous as a nation of animal-lovers. There is a pet in nearly every family and often the family dog or cat has a special chair near the fire, special food and a special place in the hearts of its owners. All this doesn't mean that the English differ from other human beings. They certainly feel the same emotions: jealousy, envy, joy and happiness as others— only their external reactions are different.
When one speaks of the English, one usually means all the nations living within the borders of the United Kingdom — Scots, Welsh or Irish. The difference between these nations is great enough for everyone who lives in Britain, but for the outside world it is less apparent.



питаться,сколько и какую надо пить воду,какие упражнения необходимо делать на снижение веса и сколько.

- хочу ещё снизить вес на 10кг. Отличное самочувствие,много двигаюсь, делаю дыхательную гимнастику на сжигание жира, уменьшаюсь в объёмах(с 62 размера на 54-ый р-р). 3кг.На данный момент у меня минус 18кг Здравствуйте меня зовут Светлана В первый месяц я снизила вес на 6 кг, второй- на 5кг,третий- 4кг, четвёртый-. Мне 45 лет. Я домохозяйка. У меня двое детей. Живу в Саратове уже 4-ый год. О клубе я узнала от своего спонсора из Ульяновска,она же и попросила Алексея-это мой тренер по питанию,он же и основатель клуба "Жемчужина" - позвонить и пригласить меня в свой клуб на консультацию.Благодаря своей подруге -спонсору я впервые узнала о компании ГЕРБАЛАЙФ в Ульяновске. Я пожаловалась ей о своих проблемах.Она мне рассказала свою историю и как она без вреда снизила вес и улучшила самочувствие.Я захотела того же и она меня пригласила в свой клуб. Там мне очень понравилась сама атмосфера в клубе,доброжелательность и поддержка окружающих меня людей,правильный завтрак и утренняя разминка в клубе -всё способствовало к получению хороших результатов- за 5 дней я снизила вес на 2кг500г(и мне было жалко уезжать оттуда, потому что в Саратове то не было таких клубов на тот момент и стала я бороться с лишними килограммами самостоятельно- у себя дома -заказывала и кушала продукт). Я снизила вес только на 8кг, потом бросила кушать продукт и опять набрала те же 8кг. Мой вес превышал 114 кг,плохое самочувствие, патологическая усталость (хотелось всё время спать),было трудно ходить, я не говорю просто перебежать через дорогу или подняться и спуститься по лестнице.В общем Алексей позвонил,я пришла и ради эксперимента начала ходить в клуб и получать знания: как правильно



2 part

In linguistics, phraseology is the study of set or fixed expressions, such as idioms, phrasal verbs, and other types of multi-word lexical units (often collectively referred to as phrasemes), in which the component parts of the expression take on a meaning more specific than or otherwise not predictable from the sum of their meanings when used independently. For example, ‘Dutch auction’ is composed of the words Dutch ‘of or pertaining to the Netherlands’ and auction ‘a public sale in which goods are sold to the highest bidder’, but its meaning is not ‘a sale in the Netherlands where goods are sold to the highest bidder’. Instead, the phrase has a conventionalized meaning referring to any auction where, instead of rising, the prices fall.

The basic units of analysis in phraseology are often referred to as phrasemes or phraseological units. Phraseological units are stable word-groups with partially or fully transferred meanings ("to kick the bucket", “Greek gift”, “drink till all's blue”, “drunk as a fiddler (drunk as a lord, as a boiled owl)”, “as mad as a hatter (as a march hare)”). According to Rosemarie Gläser, a phraseological unit is a lexicalized, reproducible bilexemic or polylexemic word group in common use, which has relative syntactic and semantic stability, may be idiomatized, may carry connotations, and may have an emphatic or intensifying function in a text.

English proverb Russian equivalent
A sound mind in a sound body. В здоровом теле здоровый дух.
After dinner sit (sleep) a while, after supper walk a mile. После обеда посиди (поспи) немного, после ужина с милю пройдись.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Кушай по яблоку в день и доктор не понадобится.
An early riser is sure to be in luck. Кто рано встает, того удача ждет.
An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening. Утро вечера мудренее.
Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. Будешь рано ложиться и рано вставать – станешь здоровым, богатым и мудрым.
Go to bed with the lamb and rise with the lark. Ложись с курами, вставай с петухом. Ранняя птичка носок прочищает, а поздняя глазки продирает.
Hasty climbers have sudden falls. Тише едешь – дальше будешь.
Не that will thrive, must rise at five. Кто рано встаёт, тому бог подаёт. Рано вставши, больше наработаешь.
Rome was not built in a day. Москва не сразу строилась.
The early bird catches the worm. Кто рано встаёт, тому Бог подаёт.
A word spoken is past recalling. Слово пуще стрелы.
Anger and haste hinder good counsel. Гневайся, да не согрешай. Во гневу не наказывай.
Be swift to hear, slow to speak. Побольше слушай, поменьше говори.
Better the foot slip than the tongue. Лучше оступиться, чем оговориться. Слово не воробей: вылетит – не поймаешь.
First think, then speak. Молвишь — не воротишь. Сначала подумай, а потом и нам скажи.
Give every man thy ear, but few thy voice. Слушай больше, говори меньше.
Не cannot speak well that cannot hold his tongue. Кто не умеет молчать, тот хорошо говорить не сможет.
Не knows much who knows how to hold his tongue. Умный слов на ветер не бросает.
Keep your mouth shut and your ears open. Поменьше говори, побольше слушай.
Least said, soonest mended. Чем меньше сказано, тем быстрее исправлено.
Silence is golden. Слово – серебро, молчание – золото.
A bargain is a bargain. Уговор дороже денег.



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