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About the author and his work


1 appearance of a new trend

2 appreciate a work of art at its full value

3 break ground in an earlier novel for the subject matter

4 bring smth forth in living images

5 craft of writing; craftsmanship

6 derived from personal experience

7 distinguished stylist

8 drawbacks of...

9 driving aim, force

10 ensnare and capture

11 excel in one's art

12 extremely keen and faithful eye for...

13 faults of taste

14 foundation of smb's talent lies in...

15 fundamental characteristics (of a novel, etc.)

16 handle the subject matter magisterially

17 have an immediate success

18 innovations in writing

19 inspired by...

20 in the field of fiction

21 lacking in imagination

22 lead the reader on quietly

23 light humourist

24 magic of art

25 novel etc. deals primarily with...

26 one of the foremost novelists of our (his) time

27 one of the novel's, etc. great virtues

28 popularity and fame came...

29 popularity is founded on...

30 power of observation, (ironic insight)

31 the reader is spellbound and enthralled

32 receive general recognition

33 receive a number of distinguished awards

34 reveal smb's (one's) considerate talent as a writer

35 sure instinct of a novelist, etc.

36 write fiction

37 writer makes us see

38 writer is successful (unsuccessful)

About the composition of the work of fiction

1 at the precise сеntre of the book, novel, story, etc.

2 central theme of...

3 chaotic composition

4 climatic events are packed into...

5 delay the action

6 episode is symbolic

7 dramatic climax

8 final episode

9 flashback in time

10 form the subject matter of

11 invented scene

12 last, etc. scene shows

13 leading theme of...

14 main thread of the story

15 make a shift of scene

16 make the most of atmosphere and suggestion

17 novel, story, etc. gains momentum

18 on the background of

19 parallel plot

20 pattern of movement

21 plot develops towards a violently dramatic incident

22 resolution comes quickly

23 scene is static

24 story is narrated by

25 story is simple and uncomplicated

26 structure of conflict

27 subject-matter of...

28 tension springs from


About the writer's style

1 artistically effective

2 as if reported by a detached observer

3 become the dominant images

4 cap a comic moment with a final extravagant act

5 capture the essential truth of...

6 complex narrative

7 detailed examination of...

8 digress, digression

9 go on to particulars

10 heavy prose

11 humorous and sardonic tone

12 piece of technical virtuosity

13 becomes a powerful symbol

14 prose is clear and simple

15 prose quickens

16 remorseless irony

17 report the speech of...

18 see smth through the eyes of...

19 simplicity (complexity) of style

20 skill in narrative

21 speak of one's esthetic sense

22style may be clear, direct, illuminated by a perfectly unaffected sincerity, sufficiently pointed to carry...

23 well under control

24 strive to express

25 understatement that runs through...

About the characters


1 contrast between the characters of...

2 dispose the characters around...

3 figure of strong outline

4 major characters

5 main character

6 minor (secondary) characters

7vigorous, vivid character

Mixed Bag



1 abundance of

2 accentuate/point out / admit/ emphasize/ state

3 account of events

4 achieve the effect, the effect is achieved

5 add weight to...

6 admit/ point out / emphasize/ state/ accentuate

7 affect one's imagination/ intellect/ emotions

8 affinity

9 allow/ give choice to the reader

10 allow the reader an insight into

11 ample characteristics / characterization

12 appeal / entreat/ persuade

13 art /skill / craftsmanship

14 art of making a few phrases / words go far

15 assailed / overwhelmed with feelings / emotions

16 attach to / attribute to

17 attach meaning to

18 attitude (the author's..., to suggest the...)

19 attribute to / attach to

20 author's stand / outlook / choice of vocabulary

21 author's message




1 based on

2 begin / initiate / usher

3 belief (erroneous..., breed a..., stem from the,.. that)

4 bitterly criticize

5 blend

6 blended (... narration / description)

7 blended with.

8 breed a belief that

9 brief description

10 brimful of meaning

11 build



1 calm narrative

2 carry the idea / meaning / emotional charge

3 casual (to sound...)

4 centered upon the image / personality

5 characteristic of economy of words

6 characterization (ample...)

7 charge (emotional..., emotive...)

8 clue to (to give a clue to)

9 comedy

10 comment on / dwell on / speak on / touch on / enlarge on

11 compile a character

12 conditionv / create / make / build

13 connotation

14 connotative meaning

15 contrapose

16 contribute to...

17 conversational (... vocabulary / word-choice)

18 convey much while saying a little

19 co-occur (words of different stylistic layers...)

20 core of vocabulary (the author's...)

21 cow (be cowed, uncowed)

22 create an effect

23 craftsmanship / art / skill

24 criticize




1 decorative

2 deduce, be deduced

3 denotation

4 denotative meaning

5 denote / mean

6 depict /describe / portray / present

7 describe / depict / portray / present

8 description

9 details (sparingly given...)

10 dialogue

11 direct meaning

12 discern (... right and wrong,... right from wrong)

13 disclose / unfold

14 discrepancy

15 disguise

16 disparity

17 drama

18 dramatic (... monologue / effect)

19 draw an analogy

20 dwell on / speak on / touch on / enlarge on / comment on



1 economy of words (characteristic of...)

2 effect (stylistic..., emotional..., produce an...,... achieved, gain an...)

3 effective (emotionally..., stylistically...)

4 elaboratev

5 elaborateadj

6 elaboratedadj

7 elaborately

8 elaboration

9 eloquent

10 embodiment

11 emphasis

12 emphasize

13 emotional charge

14 emotionally coloured

15 emotive charge

16 emotive / stylistic quality

17 employ / use

18 enable the reader to visualize / imagine

19 enlarge on / expand on

20 entreat / appeal / persuade

21 enumerate (... scrupulously)

22 erroneous (... belief)

23 essential / main (... principle)

24 essential issues of life

25 esthetic (also aesthetic)

26 evil (the...)

27 exercisev influence (... on the reader)

28 expand on / enlarge on

29 expose / unfold / reveal / mirror

30 extract under discussion / consideration / study

31 extremely effective in conveying



1 face value (take things at their...)

2 fact (take into consideration the...)

3 feeling / emotions (be overwhelmed / assailed with)

4 figure of speech

5 flood of thoughts / impressions

6 give smth a dynamic...)

7 flowery (... word choice / vocabulary)

8 futility / hopelessness



1 gain an effect

2 generalize

3 get aware of / see well enough / realize

4 give a peculiar tint to...

5 give smth a dynamic flow

6 give the reader choice

7 give details sparingly

8 give ground to / prove

9 give one's grounds

10 gravity / seriousness of the problem / issue

11 grotesque

12 gusto (with too much..., with great...)




1 hackneyed / trite / off-beaten (... phrase)

2 have a sharp eye for

3 hold a clue to

4 humorous effect



1 illustrative of

2 image

3 image of real life

4 impact on the reader

5 impassioned concern

6 implied meaning

7 implication contained

8 imperceptibly blended with

9 impersonal objective quality

10 impose one's personality upon

11 indicative of...

12 individualize (... an image / portrait / character)

13 inner world of the character / protagonist (create the …)

14 interior monologue

15 interlocutor

16 interplay of the direct and the implied meanings

17 intricately involved writing

18 inversion


1 juxtapose

2 juxtaposition



1 keenly concerned with



1 leit-motif

2 lend colour to /tint

3 lend colouring / nuance to

4 let / permit the reader judge / think / observe / pass his judgement




1 main / essential principle

2 make / create / build

3 make the reader share smb's disgust / sympathy

4 manifesty, manifested

5 manner (reserved...)

6 marked by simplicity / tenseness / intense objectivity

7 matter-of-fact

8 meaning (metaphorical / implied / direct..., brimful of...)

9 meditate / speculate / ponder

10 mention in passing / touch on (ant. dwell on / scrupulously enumerate)

11 message (the author's..., to convey one's...)

12 metaphorical meaning

13 method of character drawing / depicting

14 mirrorv/ reveal / unfold / expose

15 missing links (permit the reader to supply the …)

16 monologue

17 moral and mental make up



1 narrate, narrated

2 narration of (to do the...)

3 narration (first / second person / anonymous …)

4 narrativen (calm / pathetic / unaffected / simple...)

5 narrator

6 novel

7 novella (pl -lle)

8 novelette

9 nuance / colouring (lend …)



1 observe (let the reader...

2 obviously expressed

3 opposite / prominent (stand …)

4 optimistic (sound...)

5 outlook / stand (the author's …)



1 pass one's judgement

2 penetration into the character / character's inner world

3 perception

4 permit the reader to judge / think / observe / pass his judgement / supply the missing links / visualize the scene

5 personify

6 persuade / appeal / entreat

7 phrase

8 plain / conversational (... vocabulary / word-choice)

9 plot story / action story

10 point out / admit / emphasize / state / accentuate

11 ponderous / plain / conversational (... vocabulary / word choice)

12 portraiture

13 prevail

14 prevalent

15 present / depict / portray / describe

16 presented in a non-committal seemingly impersonal objective way

17 principle of incomplete presentation

18 principle of analogy and contrast

19 principle of recurrence

20 problem / issue (gravity / seriousness of the...)

21 protagonist

22 prove / give ground

23 psychological short story / character short story




1 quote

2 quotation




1 reader is given the choice

2 realize / see well enough / be aware of

3 recur

4 recurrence

5 recurrent

6 regard / take into consideration (the reader... the fact)

7 (in) regards (to)

8 refer to, be referred to

9 refuse

10 reiteration / repetition / scrupulous enumeration

11 relevant

12 remarkable for care and precision

13 reserved manner

14 rest on

15 retard

16 retardation

17 reveal / expose / unfold / mirror

18 reveal the idea

19 reveal (... the good / beautiful / evil / ugly / just / unjust)



1 scanty / sparingly given (… description)

2 scene (visualize the …)

3 shape / mould

4 sharp eye for (to have a...)

5 shift / change (... in / of mood)

6 short story (psychological / character or plot / action …)

7 simple (... language)

8 simplicity (marled by...)

9 skill / art / craftsmanship

10 soliloquy

11 sophisticated (... language)

12 soundv (... casual / indifferent)

13 sparingly given details

14 speak on / dwell on / touch on / enlarge on / comment on

15 speak volumes

16 speculate / meditate / ponder

17 state / point out / admit / emphasize / accentuate

18 stemv (... form smth)

19 story (psychological / character..., plot / action...

20 straightforward / direct (... word / phrase)

21 strike smb / impress smb, be struck

22 study / discussion / consideration (extract / story under...)

23 style (humorous / turgid / lucid / lofty / delightful / florid)

24 stylistic / emotive quality

25 stylistic reference

26 substantiate one's idea

27 succession

28 suggestive of...

29 supply the missing links (permit the reader to...)




1 take into consideration / regard (… the fact)

2 take sides with

3 take the stand on all essential issues of life

4 take the tradition

5 take things at their face value

6 tint / lend colour to...

7 tragedy

8 trite / hackneyed / off-beaten (... phrase)

9 trope

10 typify




1 uncowed

2 underlying (... thought)

3 unfold / expose / reveal / mirror / disclose

4 usher / begin / initiate




1 view-point /opinion

2 views (emotionally coloured...)

3 vocabulary / word-choice (conversational / plain / ponderous / embellished / flowery / less decorative...)

4 volubility




1 warm humour

2 word-choice / vocabulary (conversational / plain / ponderous / embellished / flowery / less decorative...)

3 worked up (... suspense)

4 writing (intricately involved...)


1) the brackets show the most likely combinations;

2) the three dots show the position occupied by the word or phrase under consideration in these combinations;

3) the slant line introduces various combining units, sometimes synonymic.


The vocabulary presented makes up the core of the metalanguage of stylistic analysis, the information given is but rudimentary. For more exhaustive knowledge of making the analysis you must refer to the books listed below.



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