Образование Past Continuous
Past Continuous образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be в Past Simple (was, were) и причастия I смыслового глагола.
I was driving We were working She was talking They were leaving
Вопросительная форма Past Continuous образуется путем постановки вспомогательного глагола перед подлежащим:
Was she talking? Were they talking?
Отрицательная форма образуется при помощи частицы not, которая ставится после вспомогательного глагола:
I was not (wasn’t) driving. They were not (weren’t) working.
Употребление Past Continuous. Past Continuous употребляется: 1. Для выражения длительного действия, которое происходило в определенный момент времени в прошлом. Этот момент может быть указан: a. обстоятельством времени: At three o’clock yesterday afternoon I was watching a chat show. - What were you doing at 8 o’clock last night? - I was having dinner at a restaurant. b. другим действием в Past Simple: We were walking in the park when it started raining. The phone rang when I was leaving.
2. Для выражения длительного действия, которое совершалось в определенный период времени в прошлом, но не происходило непрерывно. He was working on his thesis in summer. At that time I was reading for my exam in English. Past Continuous, наряду с Past Simple, может употребляться с такими выражениями как all day long, all day yesterday, the whole evening/morning, all that year, etc. При употреблении Past Continuous подчеркивается процесс совершения действия, а при употреблении Past Simple – факт его совершения. I lived in the country in 1972. I was living in the country in 1972.
It was raining hard all day. It rained hard all day.
He was working in the garden all weekend. He worked in the garden all weekend.
Past Continuous, как правило, не употребляется для передачи таких действий, длительность протекания которых указана. We waited for a long time. I looked at him thoughtfully for a moment. For two years he studied history at Bristol University and then dropped out.
3. Past Continuous используется для описания обстановки или для передачи атмосферы, на фоне которых происходили описываемые действия.
The airport was full of people. Some were sleeping, some were shopping, others were reading. Everyone was waiting for the news of the delayed plane.
Harvey looked up from his page and stared out of the window. All around him, the others were working hard. Ian was writing steadily, Mindy was frowning over a difficult problem, and Ingrid was running her hands through her hair and chewing the end of the pencil.
4. С наречиями always, constantly Past Continuous, как и Present Continuous, используется для передачи негативной оценки говорящим происходящих событий. When Sue was at school, she was always loosing things. My mum was always nagging me about mess in my room.
Примечания. В сложноподчиненных предложениях с придаточными времени, вводимыми союзами while, as и when, возможны следующие основные варианты употребления Past Simple и Past Continuous:
He hurt his leg while he was playing football. She was listening to the news on television while I was doing my homework. I watched her as she drank her coffee.
Exercise 5. Put verbs in brackets into either the Past Simple or Past Continuous. 1. At a quarter to five I (sit) still my exam. 2. I (take) my coat, because it (rain). 3. I first (meet) Harry when we (work) at the bank. 4. While I (look) through my papers I (find) a lot of unpaid bills. 5. When we (be) at school she always (show off). 6. We (wait) for that bus for twenty minutes and when it came it was overcrowded. 7. He (turn) the car and (start) back towards London. 8. She (fall asleep) while she (do) her English exercises. 9. When I last (see) her she (wear) her hair long. 10. For the next five minutes we (sit) in silence. 11. When I (return) they (sit) still at the table. 12. When we (approach) the town one of the front tires (burst). 13. For some fifteen minutes he (write) in silence without raising his eyes from what he (write). 14. I (can) not see his face, he (sit) so that it was in shadow. 15. When she (work) as an estate agent people always (ring) her late in the evening. 16. I (wait) an hour, then (pay) for my drink and (leave). 17. When I last (hear) from him, he (live) in Buenos Aires. 18. She (look) at him for a long time and then (shrug). 19. When I last (hear) from him, he (live) in the Hague.. 20. I (wonder) why he (laugh). I (can) see nothing funny in what (go on). 21. Can you remember what you (do) ten years ago today?
Exercise 6. Translate into English. 1. Я сломал ключ, когда пытался открыть дверь. 2. Куда вы шли, когда вас остановил полицейский? 3. В течение нескольких минут мы шли молча, а дорога с каждым шагом становилась все хуже и хуже. 4. Весь день вчера я пытался связаться с тобой. Где ты был? 5. В школе я не любил учителя математики, потому что он постоянно придирался ко мне.
6. Я 20 минут вчера ждал этот автобус. 7. Я ждал автобус и вдруг увидел ее. Она переходила улицу. 8. Вчера после занятий мы три часа репетировали. 9. Когда мы репетировали, вдруг погас свет. 10. Когда он был моложе, он постоянно попадал в неприятности. 11. Вчера мы два часа писали контрольную работу. 12. Почему я тебя не видел во время перерыва? – Мы писали контрольную работу. 13. Вчера у нас не было первой лекции. Мы просидели это время в кафе. 14. Окно было открыто, и в комнате было шумно, так как во дворе играли дети. 15. Я заглянул в кафе. Они пили кофе и разговаривали.
Unit 3. Present Perfect and Past Perfect
Present Perfect
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