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II. How do you like your native town or city? Complete the questionnaire, and then discuss your answers with your partner.

  Like it a lot Like it a little Don’t like it
public transportation      
air quality      
the economy      

· What changes or improvements can you suggest for your native town or city? You can use the following word combinations:

bring more business here; build new highways; open some clubs or discos; build more parks downtown; open a restaurant that serves seafood; have a few cheap stores

· Write a small paragraph about your native town or city.


III.How do you like Polotsk State University? Complete the questionnaire, and then discuss your answers with your partner.

  Like it a lot Like it a little Don’t like it
range of courses      
the staff      
computer service      
the library      
sport facilities      
social support      
cultural life      

· What changes or improvements can you suggest for Polotsk State University? You can use the following word combinations:

plenty of opportunities; a variety of; to discover or disclose one’s potential and talents; a special spirit of studentship; highly-qualified teachers; to improve the system of training and retraining specialists; to carry on research.


· Write a small paragraph about our University.


Учебный элемент 1 (УЭ-1)



1. Think of the word combination “my native town”. What comes to your mind?

2. Where do you feel most “at home”?

3. Where are your roots? Are they in the place you live? Are they in the place your parents came from? Are they in your language, in your family name, in the town where you were born?


I. Vocabulary Work.

1. Pronounce the following words and memorize them:

approximately(adv) - приблизительно
authorities - органы власти
bank (n) - берег
boundary (n) - граница
dweller (n) - житель
encampment (n) - лагерь, место лагеря
enrollment(n) - зачисление
enterprise (n) - предприятие
facilities - удобства
landscape (n) - ландшафт
majority (n) - большинство
monument (n) - памятник
museum (n) - музей
native (adj) - родной
north (n) - север
output (n) - выпуск продукции
picturesque (adj) - живописный
population (n) - население
pram (n) - коляска
proof (n) - доказательство
ravine (n) - овраг, лощина
relaxed (adj) - располагающий к отдыху
region (n) - область
settlement (n) - поселок
stake (n) - доля капитала
to complete(v) - заканчивать
to contribute (v) - делать вклад
to host (v) - принимать гостей
to remodel(v) - реконструировать
to rush (v) - спешить, стремиться
to stretch (v) - простираться
title (n) - заглавие
tournament(n) - турнир
venue (n) - место сбора; встречи
warm (adj) - сердечный, отзывчивый
works (n) - завод, мастерские

2. Pronounce the following word combinations and memorize them:

feature film - художественный фильм
high skilled - высокопрофессиональный
merry-go-round - карусель
oil-refining - нефтеперерабатывающий
places of interest - достопримечательности
Shrovetide Carnival - масленица
the Chemical Works «Polymir» - химический завод «Полимир»
the Measuring Devices Works - завод измерительных приборов «Измеритель»
the Oil Training College - нефтяной техникум
the Protein and Vitamin Concentration Works - завод белково-витаминных концентратов
the Oil-Refinery Plant - нефтеперерабатывающий завод (НПЗ)
the state of health - состояние здоровья
to be famous for - быть знаменитым
to be held - проводиться
to be in bloom - быть в цвету
to be situated - быть расположенным
to be surrounded - быть окруженным
to take care of - заботиться

3. Match these words with the definitions below:

boundary; to remodel; encampment; facilities; landscape; museum; population; in bloom; tournament; settlement; pram; output; title; authorities; warm

1) rooms, equipment or services that are provided for a particular purpose;

2) the number of people living in a particular area, country etc;

3) the people or organizations that are in charge of a particular country or area;

4) a small vehicle with four wheels in which a baby can lie down while being pushed;

5) with the flowers fully open;

6) the amount of goods or work produced by a person, machine, factory etc;

7) the official line that marks the edge of a town, a country etc;

8) a large temporary camp, especially of soldiers;

9) a group of houses and buildings where people live, in area where no group lived before;

10) friendly in a way that makes you feel comfortable;

11) a competition in which players compete against each other in a series of games until there is one winner;

12) the name given to a particular book, painting, play etc;

13) an area of a country-side or land, considered in terms of how attractive it is to look at;

14) to change the shape or appearance of something;

15) a building where important cultural, historical or scientific objects are kept and shown to the public.

4. Arrange the following in pairs of synonyms:

1) to complete; 2) to be well-known; 3) friendly; 4) greater part; 5) to look after; 6) resident; 7) picturesque; 8) a tournament; 9) to remodel; 10) beautiful; 11) to reform; 12) a competition; 13) warm; 14) majority; 15) to finish; 16) to be famous for; 17) to take care of; 18) dweller.

5. Arrange the following in pairs of antonyms:

1) to complete; 2) bloom; 3) inexperienced; 4) to rush; 5) majority; 6) warm; 7) picturesque; 8) proof; 9) to be famous for; 10) to linger; 11) decline; 12) to begin; 13) hard-hearted; 14)high skilled; 15) disproof; 16) minority; 17) to be unknown; 18) dull.


6. Translate the Russian words given in brackets:

1) Only (жители) can drink in the hotel bar.

2) Which country is going (принимать) the next World Cup?

3) In the picture you can see a (живописный) New England village.

4) Bring a passport as (доказательство) of identity.

5) Wrangell is Alaska’s second oldest (поселок).

6) This 5-star hotel has fantastic (удобства).

7) We (спешили) home to find out what had happened to Julie.

8) Please, give a (сердечный) welcome to our special guest.

9) The plane will be landing in (приблизительно) 20 minutes.

10) Who (заботится) the dog while you are away?

7. Make up your own sentences using the following words and word combinations:

feature film; the state of health; to host; merry-go-round; to be surrounded; places of interest; a starting point for; downtown’s high-risers; to attract attention; to be famous for; high skilled;to be in bloom; to extend boundaries; well-known personalities; to visit something for pleasure.

II. Reading Comprehension


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