Библиографический список изученной литературы
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1. Abulafia D, The impact of Italian banking in the late middle Agesand the Renaissance 1300—1500 / A.Teichova et al. (eds), Banking, Irade and industry, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1997. 2. Amita Batra, Zeba Khan (AUGUST 2005), Reveled Comparative Advantage: an analysis for India and China. Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations, Working Paper NO. 168. ‑ 91 p. 3. Behrman J. N. Some Patterns in the Rise of the Multinational Enterprise / J. N. Behrman // University of North Carolina, School of Business, Research Paper No. 18, 1969. 4. Belarus Alexander Globalism: Integration or imperialism? [Electronic resource] / Oleg Bilous. - Mode of access: http://soskin.info/ea/2002/6/20020690.html 5. Buffett, W.E. (1981). Berkshire Hathaway Annual Report – Chairman's Letter. NY: Berkshire Hathaway Annual Reports. Vol. 47. 6. Caves R. E. Multinational Enterprise and Economic Analysis / Caves R. E. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press – 1982. – 322 р. 7. Chesnais F. La mondialisation du capital, new edition, Paris: Syros, 1997. 8. Dunning J. Whiter Global capitalism // Global Focus. - 2000. – Vol. 12(1) 9. Dunning J., Lundan S. Multinational enterprises and the global economy, second Edition, MPG Books Ltd. Bodmin Cornwall, 2008. – 455 p. 10. Europe: European Union: Economy overview [Електронний ресурс]. — Режим доступу: www. cia.gov. 11. Exploring Corporate Strategy: Text and Cases / Gerry Johnson, Kevan Scholes, Richard Whittington Financial Times/ Prentice Hall; 7 edition – 1072 p. 12. Fabac, R., Schatten, M., Đuričin, T. – Social Network Mixing Patterns In Mergers & Acquisitions – A Simulation Experiment // BUSINESS SYSTEMS RESEARCH. – 2011. – Vol. 2, No.1, 1–48 – Р. 36–44. 13. Fayerweather J. International Business Management: A Conceptual Approach. – N.Y.,1969 – 325 p. 14. Fortune global 500 [Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу: http://money.cnn.com/magazines/ fortune/global500/2013/full_list/?iid=G500_sp_full 15. Germanian, R. The international organization of credit, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997. 16. Germino D. Political Philosophy and the Open Society. – Louisiana state University Press, 1982 17. Global Overview/ Monthly M&A insider [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: www.mergermarketgroup. com. 18. Grazia Ietto-Gillies. The role of Transational corporations in the globalization process, In Michie, Jonathan (ed.) The Handbook of Globalisation, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2003. – Рр. 139–149. 19. Held D., A. McGrew, D. Goldblatt, and J. Perraton. Global Transformations: Politics, Economics and Culture. Polity and Stanford University Press, 1999. 20. Hirst P., G. Thompson. Globalisation in Question, Cambridge: Polity Press, 1996. 21. Hunt, E. The Medieval Super companies: A Study of the Peruzzi Company of Florence, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994.
22. Hymer S.. The multinational corporation and the international division of labor / S.. Нymer // In: Cohen R. B. et al. (eds.). The Multinational Corporation: A Radical Approach. Papers by Stephen erbert ymer. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. – 1979. – 534 p. 23. International Business: New Challenges, New Forms, New Perspectives / Simon Harris, Olli Kuivalainen, Veselina Stoyanova. — London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. - 288 p. 8. Loh P. Global IT Outsourcing: key issues and trends / P. Loh. — Singapore, 2005. - 116 p. 24. James Petras Fragrance imperialism / James Petras / / Economic Journal, 2002, No 3. - P. 27 - 30. 25. Jensen, M.C. (1986). The Agency Costs of Free Cash Flow: Corporate Finance and Takeovers. American Economic Review, 76(2): 323–329. 26. Jorben M. Andersen, Iryggvi Ihor Herbertsson. Measuring Globalization. — Bonn IZA DPSIZ, 2003.— 21 s. 27. Kindleberger Ch. The Theory of Direct Investment / Ch. Kindleberger // International Trade and Finance. – London, 1975. 28. Kojima K. Direct Foreign Investment: A Japanese Model of Multinational Business Operations / Kojima K. – London: Croom Helm., 1978. 29. Kolde E.L. International Business Enterprise. – N. Y., 1968. – 120 p. 30. Lewis A. The Rate of Growth of World Trade 1830—1973. 31. Luca De Benedictis, Massimo Tamberi. (December 2001) A note on the Balassa Index of Reveled Comparative Advantage: [Електронний ресурс]. ‑ Режим доступу: http://www.deu2.univpm.it/guaaderni/pdf/158.pdf 32. M. Hardt, Negri A. Empire (Translated from English., Ed. G. Kamensky, Mikhail Fetisov) [Electron resource] / M. Hardt, Antonio Negri. - Mode of access: http://www.gumer.info/bibliotek_Buks/Polit/hardt/ 33. Matthews R.A. The Multinational Corporation and the World of Tomorrow. The Canadian Institute of International Affairs, Behind the Headlines, 1970. 34. Measuring Globalization: Economic Reversals, Forward momentum by FOREIGN POLICY, A. T. Rearney. March/Aprile 2004//www.foreignpolicy.com 35. Newfarmer R. S. Profits, Progress and Poverty: Case Studies of international industries in Latin America.ñ Notre Dam (ind.) / Newfarmer R. S. – 1985. 36. O. Bilous, O. Vlasov Globalistics - new synthetic science / O. Bilous, O. Vlasov / / Bulletin of the NAS of Ukraine, 2010 - No 3 - P. 17 - 26. 37. OECD Handbook on Economic Globalization Indicators.— OECD, 2013 // www.oecd.org 38. Ohmae, K. The End of the Nation State. The Rise of Regional Economics. How New Engines of Prosperity are Reshaping Global Markets, London: The Free Press; 1996 edn, Harper Collins Publishers. 39. Orlova T. Humanity is at the stage of globalization / Tatiana Orlova / / Modern World History: Study Guide. - K.: Knowledge, 2008. - 552 p. 40. Palma, J.G. Why neo-liberal reports of the end of history turned out to be premature / Cambridge Journal of Economics, 2009. – No. 33, 4. – Р. 29–69. 41. Panchuk L.V. Multinationals: socio-economic nature / L. Panchuk / / Formation of a market economy. - 2011. - No 26 - P. 51 - 58. 42. Perlmutter H. V. The Torturous Evolution of the Multinational Corporation / Perlmutter H. V. // The Multinational Enterprise in Transition. Selected readings and essays. Princeton. – 1972. – 528 р.
43. Porter M. E. The Competitive Advantage of Nations / Porter M. E. – New York, 1990. – P. 72. 44. Ramonet Ignacio. Géopolitique du Chaos. Paris. «Galilée». - 1997. - 163 p. 45. Robbins S.M. and Stobaugh R.B., Money in the Multinational Enterprise, New York: Basic Books, 1983. 46. Robertson R. Globalization. Social Theory and Global Culture / Roland Robertson SAGE Publications Ltd, 1992. – 224 p. 47. Roll, R. (1986). The Hubris Hypothesis of Corporate Takeovers. Journal of Business, 59(2, part 1): 197–216. 48. Scott DeCarlo The World's Biggest Companies [Електронний ресурс]: журнал «Forbes» / DeCarlo Scott. – Режим доступу: http://www.forbes.com/sites/scottdecarlo/2012/04/18/the-worlds-biggest-companies/2/ 49. Stopford J. M. Managing the Multinational Enterprise / Stopford J. M., Wells L.T. – New York, 1972. – 223 р. 50. Terekhov E.M., O. Prokopenko. The influence of multinationals on the development of national economies / EN Terekhov, OV Prokopenko / / Bulletin of Sumy State University. Series: Economics. – Sumy, Sumy State University, 2010. - No 1 - P. 103 - 113. 51. The Impact of FDI on Growth in Developing Countries: An African Experience / Sarumi Adewumi. – Jön- köpig, September 2012. – 18 p. 52. The World Economic Order. Past and Prospects. - L. - 1981. 53. UNCTAD. World investment prospects to 2011: foreign direct investment and the challenge of political risk / The Economist Intelligent Unit. – United Kingdom, London, 2012. – 248 p. 54. UNCTAD. World investment prospects to 2012: foreign direct investment and the challenge of political risk / The Economist Intelligent Unit. – United Kingdom, London, 2013. – 248 p. 55. Vernon R. International investment and international trade in the product cycle / R. Vernon // Quarterly Journal of Economics. – 80 (May). – 1966. – P.190-207. 56. Vernon R. Multinational enterprises in developing countries, in Aper, D. E. and Goodman, L.W. (eds.), The Multinational Corporation and Social Change, New York: Praeger, 1976. 57. Vernon R. The Product Cycle Hypothesis in New International Environment / R. Vernon // Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics. – 1979. 58. Viele Hürden auf dem Weg zur Traumehe // Handelsblatt. - 16 März 2006. 59. Vilar P. A. H(Y)istory of gold and money, 1450—1920, London: Verso. 1991. 60. Wainright M. E. Managing Information Technology: What Managers Need to Know / M.E. Wainright. - New Jersey: Prentice -Hall, 2002. - 761 p. 61. Watson, A. Back to gold and silver. History Review, 1967. - 20. 62. Wilkins M. The Maturing of Multinational Enterprise / Wilkins M. // American Business Abroad from 1914 to 1970. – Cambridge, 1974. 9. Представление результатов научной работы и участие в работе научных и научно-практических конференций различных уровней
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