Give an outline of the text.
Стр 1 из 4Следующая ⇒ МИНИСТЕРСТВО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ ВСЕРОССИЙСКИЙ ЗАОЧНЫЙ ФИНАНСОВО-ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИЙ ИНСТИТУТ АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК Тексты для дополнительного чтения на английском языке Для студентов I курса по направлениям 521600 «Менеджмент» (бакалавр), 521600 «Экономика» (бакалавр) МОСКВА 2009 Тексты для дополнительного чтения составили: доктор филологических наук Чикилева Л.С., Зиннурова Ф.Ф. (филиал ВЗФЭИ в г. Уфа)
Учебно-методическое издание одобрено на заседании Научно-методического совета ВЗФЭИ
Проректор, председатель НМС, профессор Д.М. Дайитбегов
Введение …………………………………………………..…....…….4 Case 1 (part 1) Where’s the Beef? Mcdonald's Sells Hamburgers in a Hindu Country ………………………..…………………………………..5 Case 1 (part 2) Where’s the Beef? Mcdonald's Sells Hamburgers in a Hindu Country …………………….......................................................7 Case 2 (part 1) Ted & Harry's Ice Cream Factory: the Russian Experience ……………………………………………..….9 Case 2 (part 2) Ted & Harry's Ice Cream Factory: the Russian Experience ……………………………..…………...….. 12 Case 3 The Toledo Bicycle Company: Peddling into Eastern Europe …………………………………………………..….. 15 Case 4 The Great Oklahoma Oil Company: MNC Joint Venture Responsibilities ………………………………………………….……..…..17 Case 5 Problems Taxing the Demon Weed: Tobacco and Gray Market Activity …………………….……………………………………………...20 Case 6 Tonia Motorbikes: a Case of Chinese Piracy ……………....23 Case 7 Pegasus Footwear: Trampling on Religion …………..…….25 Bibliography ………………………………………………...............29
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Case 1 Part I
WHERE'S THE BEEF? MCDONALD'S SELLS HAMBURGERS IN A HINDU COUNTRY In 1954, a milkshake mixer salesman named Ray Kroc traveled to San Bernardino, California, to see why one restaurant had ordered so many of his Multimixers. The McDonald brothers had invented a new concept in the restaurant business and Kroc wanted to see for himself why the business was so popular. Dick and Mac McDonald had pioneered fast food based on high volume, low prices, limited menu, and quick service. The restaurant was a success, and Ray Kroc wanted it. He negotiated an agreement with the McDonald brothers in which he would become the exclusive franchiser of the McDonald name. In 1955, the first McDonald's franchise opened in Des Plaines, Illinois. The McDonald's empire would be based on four core values—providing customers with quality, service, cleanliness, and value (QSCV). Kroc believed that consistency in these core values would allow McDonald's to build a strong brand image throughout the United States. He was right. The concept was a success, and by 1963 McDonald's was selling one million hamburgers a day. The first international McDonald's opened in Canada in 1967. McDonald's continued its international expansion into Japan, Germany, Australia, France, and England in the 1970s. Additional outlets were established in Latin America, the Middle East, Central and Eastern Europe, Russia, and China. The motive for McDonald's international expansion was the realization that most potential sales existed outside the United States. As Kroc had said in 1954, when he witnessed the McDonald brothers' original restaurant concept, "This idea can sell anywhere." Based on the need for additional sales growth and the belief that the concept could be exported, McDonald's embarked on an aggressive international expansion effort beginning in the 1970s. Today, McDonald's has restaurants in over 100 countries and derives approximately 60% of its profits from sales overseas. On average, the company opens a new restaurant somewhere in the world every five hours, and a McDonald's can be found on every continent except Antarctica.
Prior to 1996, McDonald's did not have a restaurant anywhere on the Indian subcontinent. With a population of over one billion, many view India as a market with enormous potential. India's population is second only to China, and, with differing birth rates, India will become the most populated country in the world by 2020, according to some estimates. 1. Find the English equivalents for the following words and expressions: рост продаж, огромный потенциал, согласно некоторым оценкам, большой объем, темпы рождаемости, низкая цена, продажи за рубежом, быстрое обслуживание, продавец; основываться на главных ценностях, создать известный брэнд, создать новую концепцию, открыть торговую точку, извлекать прибыль, быть успешным, быть инициатором организации быстрого питания; 2. Translate into Russian: to invent a new concept; to pioneer fast food; to be based on core values; to provide customers with quality; to build a strong brand image; to be a success; to establish an outlet; to derive profits; salesman; high volume; low price; aggressive expansion; potential sales; sales growth; sales overseas; enormous potential; birth rates; according to some estimates; quick service;
3. Match the following: 1. quick a. value 2. core b. service 3. strong c. volume 4. high d. expansion 5. potential e. brand image 6. aggressive f. sales 7. enormous g. potential
4. Say whether these statements are true or false: 1. Kroc knew for sure that this idea could sell anywhere and that is why he became the exclusive franchiser of the McDonald name. 2. A new concept in the restaurant business turned out to be unpopular across the globe. 3. McDonald’s continued its international expansion into India because it was completely sure of the enormous potential of the Indian market. 4. It was consistency in the four core values and not other factors that made McDonald’s so popular.
Point out the facts that turn out to be new for you
Case 1 Part 2 WHERE'S THE BEEF? MCDONALD'S SELLS HAMBURGERS IN A HINDU COUNTRY India represented a big challenge to McDonald's because most Indians could not eat the main menu item—the beef hamburger. Over 80% of the Indian population is Hindu and this religion prohibits the consumption of cow products. Also, approximately 40% of Indians are strict vegetarians and eat no meat of any kind. A significant percentage of the Indian population is Muslim, which also prohibits the consumption of pork products. India is a federal republic, which gained its independence from Great Britain in 1947. After many years of British rule, Mahatma Gandhi led a mass movement for independence. Since that time, India has been as its constitution states, a "sovereign, socialist, secular, democratic republic." The economic self-reliance or "swadeshi" begun under Gandhi influenced public policy in India for over 40 years. India finally began to liberalize economic policy after experiencing a severe foreign currency crisis. In 1991, major changes occurred that made foreign investment easier, including reduced tariffs, removal of non-tariff barriers to trade, and loosened foreign investment restrictions and currency controls.
India still remains a poor country and a difficult market for Western companies. Per capita GDP is $420 and at least 350 million Indians live on less than a dollar a day. The government recognizes eighteen languages, with Hindi being the most widely spoken. English is also spoken, especially in urban areas and among the better-educated component of the population. Violent religious clashes occur between Hindus and Christians and between Hindus and Muslims, and there is a current movement to establish an all-Hindu India. The religious and social class tolerances advocated by Gandhi do not seem to be as well accepted by many in India today. India is a country divided by languages, religion, and caste. In 1996, McDonald's opened its first restaurant in India. The first McDonald's in India was located in Delhi and was the only McDonald's outlet worldwide not to offer beef on its menu. Due to dietary restrictions imposed by religion, McDonald's had to be creative in its product offerings. Without the possibility of serving beef or pork, McDonald's offered the lamb patty and a veggie burger. The Big Mac was named the Maharaja Mac and substituted ground lamb for beef. After opening its second restaurant in India, this one in
Mumbai (Bombay), McDonald's had invested $14 million, yet the company was not completely sure of the potential of the Indian market. Although business was brisk at both locations, some concerns were raised. Some consumers complained about the bland taste of the food. Accustomed to the spicy traditional Indian food, McDonald's meals seemed too plain for some consumers. There was also a concern about the political stability of the country and long-term acceptance of McDonald's in India. The Indian government did not support the entry of McDonald's into the country and some Indians protested the arrival of the American multinational. Previous American franchises have been the target of vandalism in India in the past. KFC, Dominos Pizza, and Pizza Hut all have several locations in India, and some of the restaurants have experienced difficulties with political mobs. McDonald's is perhaps in an even more vulnerable position because its primary product worldwide (beef) is viewed by many Hindus as not appropriate for consumption. As one protestor remarked, "They are the chief killers of the cow." Other protestors see McDonald's as a symbol of the exploitation of the world's poor by rich American multinationals. Faced with the difficulties of product acceptance, low purchasing power among consumers, and the ever-present potential of political conflict, McDonald's must decide if further expansion in India is a good investment. 1. Find the English equivalents for the following words and expressions: устранять барьеры для развития торговли, испытывать жестокий кризис, вводить ограничения, ослабить ограничения, представлять большую проблему, снижать тарифы, находиться (в каком- либо месте), испытывать трудности;
важные изменения, многонациональная корпорация, основной продукт (в меню), низкая покупательная способность, уязвимое положение, потребление, потребители, предложение товара, значительный процент, на душу населения. 2. Translate into Russian: to represent a challenge; to experience a severe crisis; to reduce tariffs; to remove barriers to trade; to loosen restrictions; to be located; to impose restrictions; to experience difficulties; significant percentage; major changes; consumers; a multinational; consumption; primary product; vulnerable position; low purchasing power; per capita; product offerings.
3. Match the following: 1. big a. crisis 2. significant b. business 3. severe c. percentage 4. major d. position 5. reduced e. challenge 6. brisk f. changes 7. vulnerable g. tariffs
4. Say whether these statements are true or false: 1. The McDonald brothers did not realize that India represented a big challenge, otherwise they would not have entered the Indian market. 2. The McDonald brothers did their best to follow the advice “think globally and act locally”. 3. The economic and political environment in India contributed heavily to a successful operation of McDonald’s in India. 4. McDonald’s menu in India was culturally correct.
5. Discuss the following questions: 1. In your opinion, is India a good market for McDonald’s? 2. Has McDonald’s responded to the advice often given transnational companies to “think globally and act locally”? 3. Do you think McDonald’s will be a success in India? Why?
Give an outline of the text.
Case 2 Part I
In 1975 Ted Cooper and Harry Greenberg began selling ice cream in a converted church in Little Rock, Arkansas. The two young men, who had recently completed a correspondence course in ice cream making, seemed an unlikely pair to eventually lead a multimillion-dollar enterprise, which would challenge corporate America's sense of social responsibility. The company began to manufacture, and sell on the retail level, a premium ice cream with unusual sounding names such as Silly Strawberry Surprise and Harry's Very Berries. The pair sold their product through retail shops, which they called Ted & Harry's Ice Cream Factory, and consumers could order ice cream by the scoop, or in packaged form for home consumption. By 1985 Ted & Harry's was a publicly traded company with over 50 retail operations in the United States. Gross sales were in excess of $35 million and the company had taken a very proactive stance in the area of social responsibility. The company employed disadvantaged members of society and donated 15% of its pretax profit to various charities. Ted and Harry were also actively involved in a worldwide peace movement and openly supported the bilateral disarming of the United States and the Soviet Union. In 1989 Ted Cooper visited Russia and decided that international peace could be promoted through cooperative business ventures. Since domestic sales growth was still very strong, Ted & Harry's had not branched out into any foreign markets. In 1992 it was decided that Ted & Harry's would establish foreign direct investment in Russia. Although promotion of peace was a main objective, it was intended that the Russian venture would make a profit and provide a return on invested capital. It was hoped that profit from the operation would allow for further campaigns for peace and generate an entrepreneurial spirit in the Russian people. Ted & Harry's developed a manufacturing and distribution capacity in Russia that included six ice cream shops. Ted & Harry's Russia sold its regular products, such as Whitewater Crunch and Kookie Chocolate, along with products unique to Russia, such as a vodka-laced ice cream, called Russian Holiday. Most of the products sold in Russia were identical to the products sold in the United States, including identical product packaging. Although Russian labels were placed over some of the packaging, the product was essentially the same product sold in the United States. The product was unique to Russian consumers, who were used to smooth ice cream as opposed to the "chunky" variety sold by Ted & Harry's.
Originally Ted and Harry planned on hiring a bilingual American to head the Russian operation. An external recruiting effort was undertaken, and recent business school graduates were interviewed from some of America's best business schools. Ted and Harry had hoped that a bright M.B.A. who spoke Russian, possessed significant business experience, and shared the vision of the company in terms of social responsibility could be hired. It was felt that someone with good business training and a strong sense of social accountability could spark an entrepreneurial spirit in the Russian people and be a good role model for others. When no suitable candidate could be found, the search shifted to internal recruiting. The internal search resulted in the selection of Billy Bob Whitson. Billy-Bob had been with Ted & Harry's for nine years, moving up from factory worker to production manager, Billy Bob did not speak Russian, and he had not received any business training other than on-the-job training at Ted & Harry's. He had never lived outside Arkansas; however, he did have a strong interest in Russia, and his enthusiasm impressed the selection team. He was appointed general manager of Ted & Harry's Russia, and the selection team was confident that he could handle the responsibility. There was a general belief that experience with product quality and acceptance of corporate values were more important than experience with Russian culture. Billy Bob was technically well qualified to supervise the making of ice cream and he possessed the character Ted sought for the position.
1. Find the English equivalents for the following words and expressions: бросить вызов чему-либо, превышать, руководить предприятием, работать в компании, получать прибыль, обеспечить прибыль на инвестированный капитал, развивать производственную мощность, контролировать производство мороженого, нанимать на работу, продавать в розницу, быть назначенным на должность менеджера; валовой объем продаж, обучение без отрыва от производства, должность, чувство социальной ответственности, потребление, прибыль до вычета налогов, рост продаж, корпоративные ценности, качество продукции, менеджер по производству.
2. Translate into Russian: to lead an enterprise (to head the operation); to challenge something; to sell on the retail level; to be in excess of; to employ (to recruit); to make a profit; to provide a return on invested capital; to develop a manufacturing capacity; to be with a company; to be appointed manager; to supervise the making of ice cream; a sense of social responsibility; consumption; gross sales; pretax profit; sales growth; production manager; on-the-job training; corporate values; position; product quality.
3. Match the following: 1. gross a. profit 2. social b. spirit 3. manufacturing c. capital 4. corporate d. capacity 5. entrepreneurial e. values 6. pretax f. responsibility 7. invested g. training 8. on-the-job h. sales
4. Say whether these statements are true or false: 1. Ted & Harry's had taken a very proactive stance in the area of social responsibility and that is why the company employed disadvantaged members of society. 2. The only objective of Ted & Harry's in Russia was promotion of peace.
3. It was felt that having good business training and a strong sense of social accountability was enough to spark an entrepreneurial spirit in the Russian people. 4. Billy Bob was thought to be quite the man to act as general manager, because he possessed the character Ted sought for the position.
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