По теме: «Sergei Yesenin – a master of poems.»
Урок по английскому языку для 10 класса (профильный уровень) Задачи: Развитие навыков говорения и аудирования в процессе творческого общения учеников друг с другом и учителем на основе изучаемой темы. Форма: заседание литературного клуба. Наглядность: 1. Портрет поэта, картины мест, где он жил и работал; стенгазета; стихи с рисунками детей – иллюстрации к его стихам. 2. Компьютер: фонограмма; слайды – пейзажи России (темные шторы). Оформление доски: «A poet so pure and so Russian» Maxim Gorky about Sergei Yesenin. Начало урока: Звучит песня на стихи С.Есенина 2min Teacher: Good morning, dear friends! As you understand, our lesson is dedicated to the greatest poet of Russian literature, Sergei Yesenin. I hope all of you take an active part in it. And now some facts from Sergei Yesenin's biography. 5min Доска:
Students: 1895: S. Yesenin was born on October, 4, 1895, in Konstantinovo, a village lying on the high right bank of the Oka in Central Russia. 1905, 1909: He went to the village school from 1905. Then in 1909, at the age of 14, was enrolled at the spas – Klepiki teacher training school about 30 kilometres away. There he received the grade of elementary school teacher. 1912: In 1912 he went to Moscow, intending to devote himself seriously to studies and poetry. 1915, 1916: A turning - point in his life was the spring of 1915. He wrote the book of poems «Radunitsa», that was published early in 1916. It is the poet's own voice, his own song of his native land that we hear. 1921: In 1921 Yesenin married Isadora Duncan. Then they went by air to Germany. He spent nearly two years abroad touring almost the whole of Europe and travelling to America. 1924: In 1924 Yesenin went to the Caucasus, where he wrote the cycle of lyrical poems entitled «Persian Themes». The beauty of Oriental landscape is entrancing, and the poets heart is light when he is with his beloved. But thoughts of home do not leave the poet even here. 1925: On the night of December 27, 1925, Yesenin comitted suicide in the Hotel Angletere in Leningrad. A day before his tragic end Yesenin wrote the poem «Goodbye, my friend, good bye…». Teacher: His poems were very popular during his life, and they are loved now. As you told S. Yesenin was the greatest poet. His poems are very popular and loved by our people.
Listen to some of them. (приложение 1) Ученики читают стихи С. Есенина. Во время чтения показ иллюстраций о России. («Береза», «Kрай любимый», «Гой, ты Русь…») Teacher: 1. What are these poems about? 2. What do you feel listening to these poems? 3. Do you like poetry?
Teacher: Now, I propose you the text about Yesenin. After reading this text you must tell about his life and poetry. (приложение 2)
(приложение 1)
Famous people about Sergei Yesenin. (приложение 2) S. Yesenin was born on October 4,1895, in Konstantinovo, a village lying on the high right bank of the Oka in Central Russia. Yesenin spent his childhood in Konstantinovo. Flowers, rustling reeds, the lapping of waves -the beauty of the countryside inspired poetry. As an adolescent, Yesenin was already writing lyrical poems about nature. "I began writing verse early, when I was about nine, but I date my serious writing to the age of 16 or 17," - he said later. Blok had seen and heard many poets in his lifetime, both budding poets and famous ones. Little could surprise him. Yet Yesenin did surprise, or rather, excite him. "Fresh, clear and resonant verse," - he noted. The poet Sergei Gorodetsky and the writer Mikhail Murashev did all they could to help Yesenin. Shortly after wards a reviewer wrote about Yesenin’s poems: "Listening to this verse, the weary, sated townsman senses the forgotten aroma of the fields, the cheerful scent of freshly - ploughed earth, the working life of the peasant he knows so little about, and his sluggish heart sophisticated by its searching and ordeals, begins to beat with something new and joyful." "Poetry is everywhere. One must only be able to sense it... In Yesenin there speaks the spontaneous feeling of the peasant. Nature and the countryside have enriched his language with wondrous colours... There is nothing more precious for Yesenin than his native land." This highly appreciative and penetrating comment on Yesenin's first book was made by professor P.N. Sakulin, a great lover and connoisseur of Russian poetry. Yesenin was a truly great national poet. His work does not fit into the framework of "peasant poetry". Yet during his lifetime Yesenin was firmly relegated by the critics to the group of "peasant poets". There can be no doubt than the roots of Yesenin's poetry lie in the Ryazan countryside. He speaks with pride about his peasant origin: "My old man, he was a peasant, here am I - a peasant's son." Maxim Gorky, Alexei Tolstoy, Dmitri Furmanov and other prominent men of letters paid tribute at that same time to the unfading strength of his verse, and hailed him as a great national poet. The figure of Yesenin, the poet and man, a striking and unique personality, is emerging ever clearer in our day. Yesenin could not stand falsity, hypocrisy or affectation, he “was always himself”. Truthfulness was the main trait of his talent. He had every justification to say of himself and his poetry: "I never lie at heart". Open - hearted and ready to give people everything he had, Yesenin was by no means as simple as he appeared to some of his contemporaries. The writer Nikolai Nikitin noted: "He was a man both complex and simple in his own way." The poet Boris Pasternak observed. "Since the days of Koltsov the soil of Russia has produced nothing more indigenous, spontaneous, fitting and native than S. Yesenin... The poet Nikolai Tikhnov has said: "The man of the future will also read Yesenin as people read him today... His poems cannot grow old. In their veins flows the everlastingly young blood of everlastingly throbbing poetry." While much in Yesenin's poetry is uniquely national, appealing above all to Russian hearts, and much has dated, the main elements of his poetry which will ever continue to entrance people of all nations remain unaffected by time or place: the supremely dramatic quality of his thoughts and feelings in an era of unprecedented social transformations, and his ardent love for his native land and nature. This last aspect of his poetry makes him even dearer to present - day readers.
Задания к тексту. 1. Find the synonymes to the words To inspire, aroma, to feel, force, famous, youth, poem… 2. Find the words with the prefix un, suffixes ly, er, ful. Give Russian equivalents of the words. What parts of speech they are? 3. Give Russian equivalents of the complex words from this text. 4. Ask questions about Yesenin's life and poetry.
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