Insert the required prepositions (making prepositional adverbial modifiers)
Стр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒ GRAMMAR TEST N 1 (3 COURSE) Made by Aliya Sabirzyanova, 933. 1. Analyze the predicate in the following sentences, state its type. 1. I had been reading to Peggoty about crocodiles (the simple verbal predicate). 2. “I have been an apprentice & a workman ” (the compound nominal predicate). 3.... the little clock on the mantelpiece had just struck nine (the compound nominal predicate). 4. “I don’t want to explain that...” (the compound verbal predicate). 5. All the next day he remained at home... (the simple verbal predicate) 6. “You have grown. ”(the simple verbal predicate) 7. The path grew steep & the houses climbed slowly (the compound predicates). 8. The man was trying to wind up his car (the compound verbal predicate). 9. The weather continued calm (the compound nominal predicate). 10. “What am I to do?” (the compound verbal model predicate). 11. I was soon asleep (the compound nominal predicate). 12. The night had seemed strangely silent (the compound nominal predicate). 13. “You shouldn’t have done that” (verbal model predicate). 14.... he at last caught sight of Bosinney (the simple verbal predicate). 15. The garden had run wild, & half the windows of the house were shut up (the compound nominal predicate and the simple verbal predicate). 16. “ Could I have adrink of water?” Macomber asked (the verbal model predicate and the simple verbal predicate). 17. His father had died a poor man & after that the family had split up (the compound nominal double predicate and the simple verbal predicate). 18. Jan gave an uncertain laugh (the simple verbal predicate). 19.... the buses gleamed a brilliant red under the slaty sky (the compound nominal predicate). 20. As a little girl she used to lie in the grass, & make daisy-chain, in the fields at the back of her grandmother’s lodge at Norbiton (the compound verbal aspect predicates). 21.... the poplar tops showed sharp & dense against the sky (the compound nominal predicate). 22. I was very unwilling to leave... (the compound verbal predicate) 23. Vacation was almost over (the compound nominal predicate). 24. I was anxious to get a picture or two, but was prevently by the poor light (the compound verbal model predicate and the compound nominal predicate). 25. “Mr. Copperfield was very kind to me, & took a great deal of notice of me, & paid me a good deal of attention & at last proposed to me.”(the compound nominal predicate; the simple verbal predicates) 26. Out in the drive Mr. Ventar took a deep breathof the frosty air (the simple verbal predicate). 27. Her youngest brother was only five (the compound nominal predicate). 28. “I have been trying to take care of my old uncle,” she said (the compound verbal model predicate and the simple verbal predicate). 29. Sheldon looked the picture of despair (the compound nominal predicate).30. Not a single word did Peggoty speak (the simple verbal predicate). 31.... the clouds flew fast & thick... (the compound nominal predicate) 32.We’ d better go to Auntie & get away before the crowd (the compound verbal model predicate). 33. “& he is beginning to feel glad to have me. (the compound aspect nominal predicate)” 34. “Where are you going to have lunch? (the compound verbal model predicate)” 35. His first impulse was to give a positive refusal (the compound verbal model predicate).
2. Use the proper form of the verb instead of the infinitives in brackets. The horse as well as the rider has been hurt by the fall. 2. Not only the flowers, but even the grass has been withered. 3. Two hours’ study was not enough. 4. Have either of the boys gone? 5. Neither of them was at fault. 6. Not only the teacher, but the students themselves have done it. 7. His last sixpence has been lost. 8. I as well as they was highly satisfied with the report. 9. Not only the earth but also the planets are moving round the sun. 10. The company is entering the hall by different doors. 11. My family have been early risers. 12. That hundred rubles were here. 13. Mine was a large family. 14. The meeting was large. 15. Every man & every woman is to take part in the elections. 16. Neither John nor Emma was at home. 17. The Two Gentlemen of Verona is a play by Shakespeare. 18. Everyone of these pencils is mine. 19. The cattle is up in the hills. 20. The director & the secretary have come. 21. The council has been divided in its opinion. 22. The Committee consists of five members. 23. Bread & butter is a good kind of food at a tea time. 24. My aim & object is to make English Grammar clear to all. 25. Hasn’t anyone forgotten to sign his name? 26. I can wait; four weeks is not so long. 27. A variety of questions had been put to the lecturer. 28. The number of books which we have to read for this examination is considerable. 29. A great number of students were present at the conference. 30. “The great majority of architects, painters, or writers had no principles, like any other Forsytes.” 31. “I feel that the jury have already thought that you were out to side something.” 32. Police was running for the spot. 33. Con’s family was, in fact, in the process of having tea, when they arrived... 34. On the florid black hall stand there were a couple of periodicals & some letters that had come by the second post. 35. The ship proved to be a good ship, the crew was capable seamen... Translate the sentences into English using modal verbs. 1. Кто-то заходил к вам сегодня вечером. - Это, наверно, был мой товарищ. - Somebody has visited you today’s evening. - It must have been my friend. 2. Не может быть, чтобы он сказал вам такую вещь. Вы его не поняли.He couldn’t tell you such a thing. You have misunderstood him. 3. Должно быть, было очень поздно, когда я возвращался домой, улицы были совсем пустые. It must have been very late when I was returning home, streets were empty at all. 4. Это был последний автобус. Теперь вам придется идти на станцию пешком. It was the last bus. Now you have to walk to the station. 5. Ты могла бы позвонить и сказать, что задержишься! Мы так волновались. You could call us and say you would stay too long! We had been worried so much.
6. Незачем было так торопиться. У вас было достаточно времени. You hadn’t to hurry so. You had enough time. 7. Это должно было случиться. Никто не мог этому помешать. It must have happened. No one could prevent it. 8. Зачем нам помогать ему? Он просто не хочет работать. Why should we help him? He simply doesn’t want to work. 9. Ты сказал это шутки ради, а она обиделась. Нужно быть более внимательным к людям. You had told it for a joke, and she felt hurt. You should be more attentive to the others. 10. Они, должно быть, работают в лаборатории. Не следует им мешать. They must have been working at the laboratory. We shouldn’t trouble them. Translate the sentences using the required Oblique Mood. 1. We wished we had left him alone. 2. She looks as if she doesn’t know what to say. 3. He was looking at me as he had never seen me. 4. I would have done it long time ago if I knew it was so important. 5. I wish I stayed.
GRAMMAR TEST N 2. 1. Point out all the objects and state of what kind they are: 1. Mary opened the door (The Direct, expressed by a noun) for me (indir.)... 2. He gave her his arm and solemnly they went.(The Indirect, expressed by a pronoun),(The Direct, expressed by a noun) 3.....and then Peggoty opened a little door and showed me my bedroom. (The Direct, noun), (The Indirect, pronoun), (The Direct, expressed by a noun) 4. She was rather sorry for him. (The Prepositional O., pronoun) 5.... the valley was full of shadow. (The Prepositional O. noun) 6. “I wanted to showyou my fancy dress...” (The Prepositional O., expressed by Infinitive), (The Indirect, expressed by a pronoun), (The Direct, expressed by a noun) 7. “I ordered dinnerat my place...” (The Direct, expressed by a noun), (The Prepositional O. noun) 8. A glitter of sunshine made the early winter more like a late autumn. (The Direct, expressed by a noun) 9. We saw searchlight coming on and watched the beams move across the sky. (Complex, Gerundial Phrase), (The Complex) 10. Soames smiled a sneering smile, and said: “I wish you luck!”(Cognate O.)
2. Point out all the attributes and state in what way they are expressed: 1. She touched the white ruffles of the roses. - (Prepositional nominal phrase) Their fresh scent and cool, soft leaves reminded her of the morning-time and sunshine. (Adjectives(4) 2. A window in his Uncle’sold home blazed like a jewel in the sun’slast rays between the poplar trees. (A noun in a possessive case), (Adj.), (A noun in a possessive case), (Adj.), (A noun in the common case). 3. He could see the softblue-grey-baloon-shaped oaks. (Adj.), (Participle) 4. It was a prettily furnished room, with a piano and somelovely furniture in red and green, and some flowers. (Participle), (A pronoun(2), (Adj.(3) 5. But at dinner there were plans to be made. (Infinitive) 6. From outside came the shrill distant notes of train whistles, rather silvery and exquisite, bringing the yearning for travel... (Adj.(2), (Prepositional nominal phrase), (Gerund). 7. Soames put his catalogue before his face, and drawing his hat forward, gazed through the slit between.(Pronoun(2) 8....she was quite a child, perhaps seven or eight years old, slightly built, with a pale small-featured face, and a redundancy of hair falling in curls to her waist.(A numeral(2), (Participle(2), (Prepositional nominal phrase). 9. There was no room for us to sit together...(A pronoun), (Infinitive). 10. On the walls there were somecommon coloured pictures, framed and glazed...(A pronoun), (Participle(3),
3. Point out all the adverbial modifiers, state what kind they are and how they are expressed: 1. Under the shadowof the plane trees (place ), in the lamp-light (place) he passed slowly (degree and measure) along the railings of the Green Park (place ). 2. He began to walk with measured steps...(manner) 3. Half an hour later (time) they had started. 4. Fleur rose from her chair (place) - swiftly, restlessly (manner), and flung herself down at a writing-table.(place) 5. Clarice could hardly (manner) contain herself for excitement (purpose). 6. It was a fine calm day, though very cold...(concession) 7. He was tired from the day in the sun and the long hours in the lake and the surf... 8. I was too tired (result) even to dream. 9. I have walked a long way. (degree and measure) 10. She made no comment on it, except by a scornful movement of the lips. (exception) Insert the required prepositions (making prepositional adverbial modifiers) 1. “Won’t you sit down for a minute?” 2. “When I came back to France they all wanted me to go to college” 3. There was nothing the boy could do but run to the shelter of an old oak that stood at the edge of the river. 4. It rained for three days. 5. After a long and dangerous illness, he had been ordered to avoid the English winter... 6. In a few days I had far recovered my health that I could sit up all day, and walk out sometimes. 7.... he rose, and stood near the window looking down to the little walled strip of garden... 8. “Then I will say nothing, and you shall judge for yourself, sir”. 9. The moment I knocked at the door she opened it... He received me absolute enthusiasm. 10. The weather was wet and cold for quite a week, as it often can be at the west country in early summer, and we did not go down to the beach again.
Control Work N 3
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