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Translate sentences paying attention to Complex Subject.

Методические указания


Т.А. Фуфурина


Методические указания по чтению литературы на английском языке по специальности

«Холодильная, криогенная техника, кондиционирование»



Изд-во МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана

2004 г

                                                            UNIT 1

I. Read and learn the following words and word combinations:


cryogenics- физика низких температур,

cryogenic engineering – криогенная техника;

refrigeration – искусственное охлаждение;

to involve – включать, вмещать;

permanent – постоянный, непрерывный;

refrigerant- хладагент;

to be concerned with –быть связанным с чем-то; 

as contrasted to – посравнению с;

rather than – а не;

clear-cut – ясно выраженный, четкий, определенный;

to be familiar with-хорошо знать  что-либо;

petroleum refinery – нефтеперерабатывающий завод;

steering – рулевое управление;

braking - торможение;

to refer to – ссылаться на что-то;

liquefaction- сжижение, ожижение, разжижение.


2.Read and translate the following international words:

production, phenomena, physics, physicist, principles, components, automobile, transportation, cryogenics, refrigerator, techniques, process, system.


3. Translate the following word combinations into Russian:

the production of icy cold, on the temperature scale, in the ordinary sense of the term, a logical dividing line, normal boiling points, in the field of cryogenic engineering, low-temperature physics, common engineering systems, electric generating power plant, air-liquefaction plant, helium refrigerator.


4. Find English equivalents of the following words;

физика низких температур, зависеть от чего-то, практическое применение, основное исследование, азот, выполнять определенную функцию, физические явления, рассмотреть систему, водород, хладагент.

hydrogen, physical phenomena, a basic research, a refrigerant, to depend upon, cryogenics, nitrogen, practical utilization, to consider a system, to perform a definite function.


5. Make verbs of the following nouns and translate them into Russian:

production, definition, consideration, involvement, development, utilization, collection, generation, transportation, liquefaction, extraction, expansion, determination, insulation.


6. Read the Text 1A and answer the questions:

1). What does the word “ cryogenics” mean? 2). Why are temperatures below –150 C or –240 F considered to be a logical dividing line? 3). What does cryogenic engineering primarily involve? 4).What should the engineers and physicists be familiar with? 5) What is a system? Give the examples of common engineering systems. 6). Give the definition to the term “cryogenic system’.



The word cryogenics means, literally, the production of icy cold; however, the term is used today as a synonym for low temperatures. The point on the temperature scale at which refrigeration in the ordinary sense of the term ends and cryogenics begins is not sharply defined. The workers at the National Bureau of Standards at Boulder, Colorado, have chosen to consider the field of cryogenics as that involving temperatures below –150 C (123 K) or –240 F (220 R). This is a logical dividing line, because the normal boiling points of the so-called permanent gases, such as helium, hydrogen, neon, nitrogen, oxygen, and air, lie below –150 C, while the Freon refrigerants, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, and other conventional refrigerants all boil at temperatures above –150 C.

In the field of cryogenic engineering, one is concerned with developing and improving low-temperature techniques, processes, and equipment. As contrasted to low-temperature physics, cryogenic engineering primarily involves the practical utilization of low-temperature phenomena, rather than basic research, although the dividing line between the two fields is not always clear-cut. The engineer should be familiar with physical phenomena in order to know how to utilize them effectively; the physicist should be familiar with engineering principles in order to design experiments and apparatus.

 A system may be defined as a collection of components united by definite interactions or interdependencies to perform a definite function. Examples of common engineering systems include the automobile, a petroleum refinery, and an electric generating power plant. In many cases the distinction between a system and a component depends upon one’s point of view. For example, consider the transportation system of a country. An automobile is a system also; however, it would be only one part or subsystem of the entire transportation system. Going even further, one could speak of the power system, braking system, steering system, etc., of the automobile. In general, we shall use the term cryogenic system to refer to an interacting group of components involving low temperatures. Air-liquefaction plants, helium refrigerators, and storage vessels with the associated controls are some examples of cryogenic systems.

7. Translate the following group of words:

1). The energy is thought to be….; 2). The physicist is said to be…; 3). These forces are believed to act…; 4) The liquid fuel seems to be…; 5). The speed of particles happens to change…; 6). The device is assumed to be in operation…; 7) Nitrogen is likely to be liquefied…; 8). These principles are unlikely to be valid.

Translate sentences paying attention to Complex Subject.

1). The cryogenic engineering is considered to be concerned with developing and improving low-temperature techniques. 2). Permanent gases are thought to be boiled at temperatures below – 150 C. 3). The engineer is believed to be familiar with physical phenomena. 4). This point of view is unlikely to be clear-cut. 5). The direction of the current is assumed to be changed. 6). The expansion engine is taken to be developed for the production of ice.7). Heat was thought to be a material substance. 8). The Polish scientists were reported to determine the physical properties of liquefied gases. 9). A giant step forward in preserving cryogenic liquids appeared to be made in 1892. 10). The concept of vapor shielding proves to be used today.                       


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