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Russia. General information



1. country['k۸ntri] -1. страна; 2. родина

a highly developed[di'veləpt] country -высокоразвитая страна

a developing country - развивающаяся страна

2. nation [neiʃn] - 1. страна, государство; 2. народ, нация, народность

3. nationality[,næʃә'næliti] -национальность

4. peopl e ['pi:pl] - 1. народ, нация; 2. люди

5. population[,pכpju'leiʃ(ә)n] -население

6. density ['densiti] - плотность: The density of the population is 158 inhabitants [in'hæbitәnts] per square kilome tres. Плотность населения составляет 158 человек на кв. км.

7. ocean['ouʃ(ә)n] - океанthe Atlantic[әt'læntik] Ocean (the Atlantic),the Pacific[pә'sifik] (Ocean ): In the east Ja pan is washed by the Pacific (Ocean).

8. sea [si:] -море the Baltic['bכ:ltik ] Sea the Mediterranean[,meditә'reinjәn] Sea

9. island['ailәnd], isle[ail] -остров: Australia [כ:s'treiljә] is an island. The British IslesБританские острова

10. peninsula[pi'ninsjulә]- n полуостров: the Balkan ['bכ:lkәn] Peninsula

11. area ['еәriә] -1. площадь; 2. район, область, зона: The area of the USA is about 9,400,000 sq. km. Japan has an area of 372,200 sq. km.

12. border['bכ:dә], frontier['fr۸ntjә], boundary ['baund(ә)ri] -граница: The border (the boundary) between Europe and Asia lies along the Urals ['juәr(ә)lz]. In the south the frontier of Russia runs over a number of mountains.

13. total area - общая площадь

14. a plain - равнина

15. a mountain chain - горная цепь

16. climate - климат (arctic - арктический, continental - континентальный, subtropical - субтропический)

17. vast mineral resources - богатые запасы полезных иско­паемых

18. a branch - власть (как часть правительства) (legislative - законодательный, executive - исполнительный, judicial - судебный

19. the Federal Assembly - Федеральное собрание

20. a chamber - палата

21. the Council of Federation - Совет Федерации

22. commander-in-chief - главнокомандующий

23. court - суд (the Constitutional Court - Конституционный суд, the Supreme Court - Верховный суд, regional court - региональный суд

24. the state symbol - государственный символ

25. a banner - знамя

26. a hymn - гимн

27. national emblem - национальный герб

28. minute of silence - минута молчания

29. fireworks - фейерверк

30. a custom - обычай

31. Christmas - Рождество

32. Easter - Пасха


1. to occupy['כkjupai] an area, to cover['k۸vә] an area -занимать площадь: Turkey [tə:ki] occupies a small area on the Balkan Peninsula.

2. to lie[lai], to be located[lou'keitid], to be situated['sitjueitid] -быть расположенным, находиться, лежать: to be situated in the northern ['nכ:ð(ә)n], southern ['s۸ð(ә)n], eastern ['i:st(ә)n], western ['west(ә)n] part of the country; Italy lies south of France. Volgograd is located on the Volga.

3. border (on, upon) - граничить (с): What countries does Italy border on?

4. to stretch - простираться, тянуться

5. to separate - отделять

6. to flow into - впадать (во что-либо)

7. to be set up by smth - быть учрежденным, основанным в соответствии с чем-либо

8. to be checked by smb - контролироваться кем-либо

9. to be balanced by smb - балансироваться, уравновеши­ваться кем-либо

10. to be vested in - осуществляться кем-либо

11. to initiate a legislature - внести законопроект

12. to approve a bill - принять законопроект

13. to be signed by smb - быть подписанным кем-либо

14. to veto the bill - наложить вето на законопроект

15. enforce a law - проводить закон в жизнь

16. to appoint a minister - назначить министра

17. to be represented by smb - быть представленным кем-либо

18. to be elected by popular vote - быть избранным всенародным голосованием

19. to celebrate - праздновать


С определенным артиклем употребляются а) названия сторон света: the North, the South, the East, the West; б) названия рек: the Volga; в) названия морей и океанов: the Black Sea, the Arctic Ocean; г) названия горных хребтов: the Alps, the Urals; д) названия некоторых регионов и областей: the Caucasus ['kכ:kәsәs], the Crimea [krai'miә], the Ukraine [ju:'krein], the Far East; e) названия полуостровов и групп островов: the Balkan Peninsula, the British Isles; ж) названия стран, включающие такие слова, как union ['ju:njәn] союз (государственное объединение), kingdom ['kiŋdәm] королевство, state [steit] штат, republic [ri'р۸bliк], federation федерация: the Russian Federation, theSoviet Union (the USSR), the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ['aiәlәnd], the United States of America (the USA), the Federal Republic of Germany.

Артикли не употребляются: а) перед названиями стран, состоящими из одного слова— France, Italy; б) перед названиями городов — Kiev, London; в) перед названиями континентов — Europe ['juәrәp], Asia ['eiʃә].

Text 1

Exercise 1. Read and get ready to do the exercises.


Russia is the largest country in the world. It covers half of Europe and a third of Asia. It is situated in Eastern Europe and Northern Asia. It borders on different countries. These countries there are Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Byelorussia, Ukraine, Abkhazia, Georgia, South Ossetia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia, the Korean People’s Democratic Republic, Japan, the USA with which we have only water frontier.

Russia is washed by the Arctic Ocean in the north, by the Pacific Ocean in the east. Then there is the Black Sea, the Caspian Sea and the Azov Sea in the south. There is the Baltic Sea in the west.

The land of Russia varies a lot from heavy forests to barren deserts, from high peaked mountains to deep valleys. Russia is located on two plains. They are: the Great Russian Plain and the West Siberian Plain.

There are three main mountain chains in Russia. The Urals, the longest mountain chain, separates Europe from Asia but this barrier is quite artificial. There are several other mountain chains in Russia. They are the Altai, the Sayans and the Caucasus

On the territory of Russia there are a lot of rivers. Among the greatest are the Volga, the Don, the Lena, the Yenissei, the Amur. The broad Volga River system is of great historic, economic and cultural importance to Russia. It became the cradle of such ancient towns as Vladimir, Tver, Yaroslavl, Kazan, Nizhni Novgorod.

Among the lakes the deepest one is the Baikal, which contains about 20% (per cent) of the world’s fresh water supply. Numerous canals join all the rivers in the European part of Russia, making it the largest inland water transportation route in Europe.

On the vast territory of Russia there are 4 climatic zones. They are the arctic, the subarctic, the temperate and the subtropical zones. The arctic and the subarctic zones have the coldest climate. The subtropical zone is the warmest. We live in the temperate zone. The climate is moderate. In our zone we have four seasons which differ in weather greatly. The winter lasts about 4 months. There is usually much snow in winter. Summer is warm and sunny.

The European part of Russia is densely populated. There are a lot of cities, towns and villages there.

Russia is rich in natural resources. It has large reserves of oil, natural gas, copper, lead and other minerals.

Most of them are situated in Asian part of Russia, in Siberia.

The history of Russia dates back to the year 862. Now Russia is a Presidential Republic.

Russia has always played an important role in the world. It is one of its leading Powers.

Exercise 2. Choose the correct variant. Use your own knowledge about geography of Russia if necessary.

  1. There are Baltic countries, Byelorussia and Ukraine to the (east, west, north, south) of Russia.

2. There is Georgia, Azerbaijan, Abkhazia and Ossetia to the (east, west, north, south) of Russia.

3. There is Japan and the USA to the (east, west, north, south) of Russia.

4. There is Arctic in the (east, west, north, south) of Russia.

5. There is the Pacific ocean in the (east, west, north, south) of Russia.

6. The Altai is in (European, Asian) part of Russia.

7. The Caucasus is in (European, Asian) part of Russia.

8. The Volga, the Don and the Desna are in (European, Asian) part of Russia.

9. The Lena, the Amur, the Kolyma and the Tom are in (European, Asian) part of Russia.

10. Lake Ladoga, Lake Onega and Lake Seliger are in (European, Asian) part of Russia.

11. Moscow is in (the arctic, the subarctic, the temperate and the subtropical) zone.

12. Sochi is in (the arctic, the subarctic, the temperate and the subtropical) zone.

13. Murmansk is in (the arctic, the subarctic, the temperate and the subtropical) zone.

Exercise 3. Correct the following statements. Use suitable patterns of disagreement.

  1. Russia covers half of Europe and a fourth of Asia.
  2. Russia borders on Georgia, Azerbaijan, Abkhazia, Ossetia and Armenia in the Caucasus.
  3. Russia is washed by three oceans and two seas.
  4. The landscape of Russia is the same everywhere.
  5. There are no mountain chains in Russia.
  6. The broad Oka River system is of great historic, economic and cultural importance to Russia.
  7. Lake Baikal contains 50% of the world’s fresh water supply.
  8. The climatic zones on the territory of Russia are arctic, subarctic, temperate, subtropical and tropical.

There are little deposits of mineral resources on the territory of Russia.

Exercise 4. Do the puzzle.


How well do you know Russia? Match up the clues on the left and the answers on the right.


1. Two oceans   2. Two seas   3. Two mountain chains   4. Two rivers   5. Two lakes   6. Two neigbouring countries   7. Two mineral resources   8. Two animals   9. Two branches of industry   10. Two cities   a. bear b. Caspian c. Ufa d. China e. Caucasus f. Lena g. wolf h. oil i. gas j. Pacific k. Norway l. Urals m. Norilsk n. engineering o. Baikal p. Atlantic q. aircraft r. Baltic s. Dvina t. Black    

Exercise 5. Answer the questions (if necessary, use your own knowledge).

  1. What territory does Russia occupy?
  2. What countries does Russia border on?
  3. What oceans and seas wash Russia?
  4. What plains is Russia situated on?
  5. What mountain chains are there in Russia?
  6. What rivers do you know in Russia?
  7. What lakes do you know on the territory of Russia?
  8. There are 3 climatic zones on the territory of Russia, aren’t they?
  9. What are the climatic zones?
  10. What mineral resources does Russia possess?
  11. Is the history of Russia long?

Text 2

Exercise 1. Read the text and do exercises given below.

Notes: walrus – морж

Seal – тюлень

Reindeer – северный олень

Lynx - рысь

Sable – соболь

Ermine -горностай

Elk – лось

Roe – косуля

Wild boar – дикий кабан

Birch – береза

Pine – сосна

Oak – дуб

Cedar – кедр

Larch – лиственница

Fir-tree – ель

Iron tree – железное дерево

Cork tree – пробковое дерево

Ginseng - женьшень


In the north of Russia live the walrus, the seal, the white bear, the polar fox and the reindeer. In the forest zone live the bear, the wolf, the fox, the lynx, the sable, the ermine, the elk, the roe, the wild boar and in the Far East the tiger and the leopard.

Among the trees growing in the European part of Russia there is the birch, the pine and the oak, in Siberia – the cedar, the larch and the fir-trees, and in the Far East – the iron and the cork trees, the lotus, the ginseng and the lianas.

There are 150 volcanoes in Kamchatka peninsular, 30 of which are active. Three quarters of the country’s minerals and fuels, including oil, natural gas, coal, diamonds and gold are concentrating in Siberia and the Far East. There also ferrous ores near Kursk and in the Urals where half of the world’s variety of minerals can be found.

There are many villages in Russia famous for their specific crafts: painted boxes in Palekh, wooden tableware in Khokhloma, and toys in Dymkovo. Log houses, usually decorated with wood carving are typical for Russian villages.

Not long ago people in Russia villages performed traditional khorovods (a kind of round dance) and chastushki (folk chanted rhymes) and rode in troikas (carriages drawn by teams of three horses abreast). Village residents still prefer to drink tea from samovars.

Traditional Russian cooking includes porridges, pancakes, various aspics, cabbage, chicken and fish soup, pirozhki (turnovers), and kvass (a beverage made from fermented rye bread). Siberian cuisine has such dishes as stroganina (frozen fish) and pelmeni (meat-filled dumplings).

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences.

  1. In the north of Russia live …
  2. In the forest zone live…
  3. In the Far East live…
  4. In European part grow…
  5. In Siberia grow…
  6. In the Far East grow…
  7. In Kamchatka there are …
  8. Mineral resources of Russia are …

Exercise 3. Make up pairs. Use your knowledge if necessary.

Palekh toys

Khokhloma painted iron trays

Zhostovo a brand of Russia ceramics painted white and blue

Ivanovo painted boxes

Dymkovo wooden tableware

Tula laces

Gzhel fabrics

Kizhi shawls

Pavlov Posad wooden architecture

Vologda samovars

Exercise 4. Pick out things connected with Russia. Use your knowledge if necessary.

Riding in troikas, dancing gopak, performing khorovods, eating pancakes, eating pudding, riding in dogs’ team, bathing on Epiphany, eating sushi, letting paper lanterns with candles to flow along the river.

Text 3

Exercise 1. Read and answer the questions.


The Russian Federative Republic is set up by the Constitution of 1993.

Under the Constitution Russia is a Presidential Republic. The federal government consists of three branches: legislative, executive and judicial. Each of them is checked and balanced by the President.

The legislative power is vested in the federal Assembly. It consists of two chambers. The Upper Chamber is the Council of Federation. The Lower Chamber is the State Duma. Each Chamber is headed by the Speaker. Legislature may be initiated in either of the two Chambers. But to become a law a bill must be approved by both Chambers and signed by the President. The President may veto the bill.

The President is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. He makes treaties, enforce laws, appoints members of the executive departments to be approved by the Federal Assembly.

The executive power belongs to the Government which is headed by the Prime Minister. The first action of the Prime Minister on the appointment is to choose the Ministers who are responsible for framing Government policy.

The judicial branch is represented by the Constitutional Court and a number of regional courts.

The members of the Federal Assembly are elected by popular vote for a four-year period.

Today the state symbol of Russia is a three coloured banner. It has three horizontal stripes: white, blue and red. The white stripe symbolizes the earth, the blue one stands for the sky, and the red one symbolizes liberty. It was the first state symbol that replaced the former symbols in 1991. The hymn of Russia has the same melody as the hymns of the USSR which was written by Aleksandrov. The lyrics were written by Sergei Mikhalkov, who also made lyrics for two hymns of the Soviet Union. A new national emblem is a two-headed eagle. It is the most ancient symbol of Russia. It originates from the heraldic emblem of the Rurikovichies.

Exercise 2. Answer the questions.

  1. When was the Russian Federative Republic set up?
  2. What kind of the Republic is Russia?
  3. How many branches are there in the federal government?
  4. What is the structure of the legislative power?
  5. How does a bill become a law in Russia?
  6. What are the functions of the President?
  7. What is the structure of the executive power?
  8. What is the judicial branch represented by?
  9. What is the state symbol of Russia? What do the stripes mean?
  10. What do you know about the history of our hymn?
  11. What do you know about our emblem?

Text 4

Exercise 1. Read and do the exercises


There are a lot of holidays in Russia. They can be divided into 4 groups. They are: public holidays, religious holidays, professional holidays and adopted holidays.

First of all we shall speak about public holidays. The year begins with the New Year. We celebrate this holiday at night of the 1st of January. Usually people begin to celebrate it in the evening of the 31st of December. Before the holiday we decorate the New Year Tree and children write letters to Father Frost and ask him to present them some special things. At midnight we congratulate each other on the beginning of the New Year and drink Champaign. The streets of cities are decorated with the illumination. At night people have parties either family ones or parties with friends.

The next holiday is celebrated on the 23rd of February. It is the Day of the Defender of Motherland. On this day women congratulate men and give them small presents.

In March we have the International Women’s Day. It is celebrated on the 8th of March. On this day men present small gifts to their mothers, wives, daughters, sisters, etc.

At the beginning of May we also have some holidays. On the 1st and the 2nd of May we have the Holiday of Spring and Labour. Formerly people had demonstrations on this day but now they are rare cases and usually people only have a rest or organize some parties as a rule in the open air.

The next great holiday in our country is the 9th of May. It is called Victory Day. In 1945 Soviet Army defeated German fascists. This holiday is widely celebrated in our country. On this day people usually have parades together with the veterans. In every city and village there are meetings devoted to this event. People lay flowers and wreaths to the Tombs of the Unknown Soldier and monuments connected with the Great Patriotic War.

On June 12 there is the Day of Independence. Some parties have political meetings on this day.

In November we have a holiday connected with the victory of Russian people over the Polish invaders. On the 4th of November people’s levy under the leadership of Minin and Pozharsky liberated Moscow. We celebrate this day and the Holiday of People’s Unity.

On December 12, there is the Constitution Day. Formerly is was a day off, but now it is an ordinary week day.

Now we shall speak about religious holidays. There are a lot of them in the calendar but we celebrate widely only some of them. On the 7th of January we have Christmas. On this day people go to churches, make presents to each other, and sometimes have parties.

On January 19, Orthodox believers celebrate Epiphany. The main traditions of this holiday are taking holy water from churches and bathing in the consecrated water.

The next holiday which we celebrate is the Easter. On this day people go to churches too, but we usually do it at midnight. By day people have a special dinner and eat specials dishes. Also people exchange painted eggs as one of the traditions.

Other religious holidays are not so widely celebrated as those ones.

The third group includes professional holidays. Nearly all professions have their special days in the calendar. The most widespread is the Teachers’ Day. It is so because nearly all people are connected with education in this or that way. Children who go to school, their parents, students, teachers and their parents celebrate this holiday. Every school has its own tradition of celebrating this holiday. 25th of January covers both a religious holiday and a professional one. On one hand it is the day of Saint Tatiana, on the other hand it is the holiday of all students.

The forth group contains adopted holidays. Among them we speak about Catholic Christmas which is celebrated on the 25th of December, Halloween which they have on the 1st of November. Certainly, the most favourite holiday of young people is the 14th of February which they call the Day of Lovers. On this day people exchange small gifts and postcards with special pictures and greetings.

Certainly all people have their own special holidays. Among them we distinguish our birthdays, family holidays and anniversaries and others. Each family has own traditions of spending these holidays.

Exercise 2. Read the following sentences translating Russian words into English.

  1. They can be (разделены) into 4 groups.
  2. (Прежде всего) we shall speak about public holidays.
  3. The next great holiday is (День Победы)
  4. On this day people usually have parades (вместе с ветеранами)
  5. On the 4th of November (народное ополчение) under the (предводительством) of Minin and Pozharsky liberated Moscow.
  6. On this day people (ходят в церковь), make presents to each other, and sometimes have parties.
  7. (Это потому, что) nearly all people are connected with education (тем или иным образом)
  8. (С одной стороны) it is the day of Saint Tatiana, (с другой стороны) it is the holiday of all students.

Exercise 3. Make up sentences. Pay attention to the correct reading of the dates.

A Holiday of Spring and Labour   is celebrated January 1
Christmas February 23
The Victory Day March 8
The New Year May 1
The Day of Saint Tatiana May 9
Halloween November 4
Catholic Christmas January 7
The day of Lovers January 25
The Day of People’s Unity November 1
The Day of the Defender of Motherland December 25
Women’s Day February 14
Epiphany   December 12
The Constitution Day   January 19
The Independence Day   June 12

Text 5

Exercise 1. Read and translate the following dialogue.

English student: Hello, Sasha! I am going to write a report on famous Russian people. Can you help me?

Sasha: With pleasure! What can I do for you?

ES: Can you give me some information concerning Russian outstanding personalities? What people must I concentrate my attention on?

S: Of course, I’ll do my best. Every country is proud of its outstanding people. Russia can be really proud of its great people.

ES: Who glorified Russia?

S: Russian scientists and inventors made a great contribution to the development of arts, science, technology, medicine. Their names are world-known. Almost in every field of human activity they achieved great results. Mikhail Lomonosov was one of the most learned men in Europe. He was an outstanding innovator both in the humanities and sciences. Also Mendeleyev’s greatest discovery was the Periodic System of Elements. And Russia is rightly called the mother of aviation and interplanetary navigation.

ES: Who else can you name?

S: I admire the achievements of the Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov. He is known chiefly for his development of the concept of the conditioned reflex. He emphasized the importance of conditioning in his pioneering studies relating human behaviour to the nervous system.

ES: Was Pavlov’s work appreciated?

S: Yes, certainly. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for physiology in 1904.

ES: Who else glorified Russia?

S: Konstantin Tsiolkovsky did.

ES: What is Tsiolkovsky noted for?

S: He is the father of rocket flying. He was among the first to work out the theoretical problems of rocket travel in space. He is the greatest Russian research scientist in aeronautics and astronautics. He pioneered the use of wind tunnels for aerodynamic studies.

ES: As far as I know, Russia is proud of its outstanding people in cultural aspect. Who can you tell me about?

S: I can mention the name of Vasily Perov. He was the leader of the critical movement of the 1860s. In his paintings Perov expressed his protest against the unjustice of the society.

ES: Can you tell me about one of Perov’s well-known works of art?

S: “The Last Inn at the City Gate” is considered to be one the best art works of Russian painting. The artist depicts the sity outskirts on a dark winter evening. Everything in the picture attain a symbolic meaning. The dark, muted colours convey the feeling of loneliness in the cold estranged work.

ES: What other famous people of art can you name?

S: I can say some words about Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, an outstanding Russian composer. He created wonderful music: 10 operas, 3 ballets, 6 symphonies, 7 large symphonic poems and a lot of other musical pieces, a new type of opera, which was a great success all over the world.

ES: What contemporary outstanding people can you remember?

S: Well, maybe one of the world-known people of nowadays Russia is Andrei Sakharov. He was an outstanding scientist and public figure worked on hydrogen bomb and came to the conclusion that any atomic and nuclear weapon should be banned. Abroad he was recognized as a civil rights activist and received the Nobel Prize. He said that our society should develop in a new direction and foresaw the changes that are taking place now.

ES: Thank you for your story.

S: Never mind. I hope that my story will help you. Good luck.

Exercise 2. Make up your own dialogue (you can choose any aspect of the topic).

Cities of Russia


NOUNS 1. a birthplace – место рождения 2. a cathedral – собор 3. a cemetery – кладбище 4. a church – церковь 5. a cradle – колыбель 6. a customs point – таможенный пост 7. deed – подвиг 8. a dome = a cupola – купол 9. an ensemble – ансамбль 10. entrance – вход, въезд 11. an exile – ссылка 12. a fair – ярмарка 13. fate - судьба 14. a fight – битва, борьба 15. a fortress – крепость 16. an icon – икона 17. an invention – изобретение 18. an item – экспонат 19. outskirts = suburbs - окраины 20. a peasant – крестьянин 21. scenery – пейзаж 22. a settlement – поселение, населенный пункт 23. a structure – зд. конструкция 24. a subsidiary – филиал 25. a temple – храм 26. a tomb – могила 27. a tower - башня 28. trade – торговля 29. an uprising – восстание     VERBS 1. to admire – восхищаться 2. to build – строить 3. to burn down – сжигать дотла 4. to commemorate – увековечить, служить напоминанием 5. to construct – строить 6. to contribute –вносить вклад 7. to date back – датироваться 8. to defeat – наносить поражение, разгромить 9. to defend – защищать 10. to destroy – разрушать 11. to devote – посвящать 12. to erect – воздвигать, возводить 13. to exhibit – выставлять 14. to face – сталкиваться, смотреть на 15. to found – основывать 16. to head – возглавлять 17. to include – включать в себя 18. to make an impression = to impress - производить впечатление 19. to preserve – сохранять 20. to reign – править, царствовать 21. to restore – восстанавливать 22. to save – спасти 23. to strike – 1) бить, отбивать 2)поражать, впечатлять 24. to survive – выжить 25. to unite – объединять ADJECTIVES 1. graceful – грациозный 2. interior – внутренний 3. magnificent - величественный 4. picturesque - живописный 5. precious – драгоценный 6. sincere – искренний 7. splendid – роскошный, великолепный 8. truthful – правдивый, настоящий

Some proper names

the Church of Cover on the Ditch /’k۸və כn ðә’dit∫/– церковь Покрова-на-рву

the Church of St. George “past the hill”/snt’ʤכ:ʤ ‘pa:st ðə ‘hil/ – церковь Георгия-за-верхом

St. Trinity Cathedral /snt ‘triniti/– Троицкий собор

the Church of Women Myrrh Bearers /’wimin ‘mә: b E әrәz/– церковь Жен Мироносиц

the Church of John the Precursor /’ʤכ:n ðә pri’kə:sə/– церковь Иоанна Предтечи

the Church of Nicolas the Miracle Worker /’nikələs ‘mirәkəl ‘wə:kə/– церковь Николая Чудотворца

the Church of Lord’s Transfiguration /’lכ:dz,trænsfigju:’rei∫n/– церковь Преображения Господня

the Cathedral of Kozma and Domian /’kכzmə ənd ‘dכmiən/– собор Козьмы и Домиана.

the Eternal Flame /i’tə:nəl ‘fleim/– Вечный огонь

the Local Lore Museum /’lכkəl ‘lכ: mju:’siəm/– краеведческий музей

the Art Museum – художественный музей

the Representation Church of Pafnuty-and-Borovsk monastery – подворье Боровско- Пафнутьевского монастыря

Text 6

Exercise 1. Read the text and do the test in exercise 2.

The history of Kaluga dates back to the 14th century. Kaluga was founded as a fortress in 1371. Since that time the land of Kaluga had been a defender of Russian lands. For several centuries it had defended the Moscow State’s borders from the raids of nomads, Tatar-Mongolian Horde, Polish-Lithuanian invaders, Napoleon’s army and German fascists.

Truthful sons of the Motherland showed examples of courage and spirit fortitude over not so large territory of the land. In 1238 Kozelsk was called “an angry town” for a long-term defense of the town. In 1480 the Horde yoke having been lasting for 300 years finished on the banks of the Ugra River. In 1606-1607 Kaluga was the centre of the peasant uprising headed by Ivan Bolotnikov. In 1610 citizens of Borovsk together with prince Volkonsky defended the Russian land against Polish invaders.

In the war of 1812 Kaluga played an important role. It was the main supply base of the Russian army. In the village of Tarutino the Russian army “saved Russia and Europe”. In October 1812 French soldiers were defeated in the battle at Maloyaroslavets.

In 1941 thousands of soldiers defended their Motherland at the approaches of Moscow. Bloody fights with fascist invaders were taking place on this land till September 1943. The most important battles were at the Ilyinsky Defense Lines, on Zaitsev Hill, near Kremyonky, on Unknown Hill. The song “On Unknown Hill” is devoted to this very episode of the war.

Kaluga region is the birthplace of many heroes. Among them we can’t help mentioning the name of G.K. Zhukov.

Time cured the war wounds, but it cannot reign over man’s memory. Honourable history of the foregoing generations is kept and passed to new ones in created memorial complexes, museums and monuments. One can see them on the bank of the Ugra in memory of the Great Standing, near Tarutino, Maloyaroslavets, the settlement Ilyinskoye, Rubezhenka. One can visit museums in Maloyaroslavets, Lyudinovo (the museum devoted to young partisans), Zhukovo.

One can see monuments to the war in Kaluga. They are: the monument to the liberation of Kaluga, the monument to Victory with the Eternal Flame and the memorial in Victory Square devoted to those who were in fascist concentration camps, to Tankmen, to the Medical Nurse, the Square of Marshal Zhukov, Karpov square, the memorial in the city cemetery.

The memorial connecting the Patriotic War and the Great Patriotic War is situated in Moskovskaya Street.

The memorial devoted to people who fought in Afghanistan and other “hot points” is not far from Victory square.

The memorial complex devoted to the history of Kaluga was opened in 1978. It is at the entrance of the city in Gagarin Street.

Exercise 2. Choose the correct variant of the ending of each sentence.

1) The history of Kaluga dates back to …

a) the 13th century b) the 14th century c) the 15th century

2) Kaluga was the defender of Motherland…

a) during the Patriotic and Great Patriotic Wars

b) in the whole course of its history

c) during Polish-Lithuanian invasion

3) In 1238 Kozelsk was called “an angry town” because …

a) there were a lot of angry people there

b) the Horde yoke finished here

c) of the long and heroic defense of this town

4) Russian army “saved Russia”…

a) near Tarutino b) near Borodino c) near Maloyarolsavets

5) One of the memorial places in Kaluga region connected with the Great Patriotic war is associated with …

a) a poem b) a novel c) a song

6) In Moskovskaya street we can find a monument devoted to …

a) the liberation of Kaluga b) the heroes of Patriotic war c) two Patriotic Wars

7) The memorial devoted to people who … is not far from Victory Square.

a) fought in Afghanistan b) fought in Afghanistan and Chechnya

c) fought in Afghanistan and other different so-called “hot points”

Text 7


Exercise 2. Read and translate the text.

Kaluga is one of the oldest Russian cities. It stands on the banks of the Oka River. At every step we can come across with many fine monuments dating back to the 16th-17th centuries. In different parts of the city we can see old churches and cathedrals. The oldest of them are church of the 17th century “of Cover on the Ditch” and the Cathedral of St. George “past the hill” of the same period. Several years ago St. Trinity Cathedral renewed its work. There are a lot of other churches here. The most famous are “of Women Myrrh Bearers”, of St. John the Precursor, of St. Nickolas the Miracle Worker, the Church of St. Kozma and Domian, the Church of Lord’s Transfiguration which is the Representation Church of Pafnuty-and-Borovsk monastery.

There are many other architectural monuments in Kaluga. Among them there is the building of the Local Lore Museum. The museum itself was established in 1897. Since 1922 it has been placed in the former town estate of the merchant Zolotaryov that was built in 1805-1808. Remained wall and ceiling murals, highly artistic bas-reliefs and encrusted floor belong to the work of first-class painters, architects and marble-masters in Russia of the beginning of the 19th century, worked in the workshop of Compioni. Two exposition departments – of history and nature of the land of Kaluga – are arranged in the museum halls. The museum unites 10 subsidiaries, situated in the region districts.

One of the most precious private residences of the first decades of the 19th century of the Bilibins (Chistokletovs) merchants houses the Regional Art Museum. It was organized in 1918 on the bases of the collection of doctor Nikanor Ivanovich Vasilyev, the gratis given to the city. At present the museum contains about 7000 works of painting, graphics, architecture and decorating and applied art. Over 200 of them are exposed in the halls of ancient Russian (16th-18th centuries), Russian (18th-20th centuries) and West-European (16th-19th centuries) art. Art works of painters, such as Tropinin, Levitsky, Aivazovsky, Shyshkin, Polenov, Yaroshenko, Surikov, Savrasov, Korin, Grigoryev, Fonvizin and others are exhibited in the museum. The museum has two subsidiaries: in Tarusa and Ulyanovo picture galleries.

The Korobovs’ Chambers is the first stone building in Kaluga built in the 17th century. According to the legend Marina Mnishek lived in this house but the documents say that the building was constructed several years later her coming. Now it is the branch of Kaluga Local Lore museum. The Makarovs’ Chambers are of the similar design.

The Stone Bridge across the Berezuyevsky Ravine was built in 1780 in honour of Kathenine II’s visit to Kaluga. There are only a few bridges of such design in Europe. The whole architectural complex including the Central Park of Culture and Rest, the Stone Bridge and the building of Prisutstvenniye Mesta (Places of the Attendance) was designed by the architect Nikitin.

An Inn Yard (Gostiny Dvor) was built in memory of the past. It was an old trade centre in the 18th-early 19th centuries.

Many famous people visited Kaluga. N.V.Gogol spent several years in Kaluga and wrote here a part of his famous “Dead Souls” (Myortviye Dushi). There is a memorial in the place of the house where he lived. You can see it in Tsiolkovsky park. The Decembrists were exiled to Kaluga and in Pushkin street you can see a memorial plate on one of the houses. It tells that Obolensky lived here. Also in Pushkin street there is a house where Shamil lived during his exile. Certainly Kaluga is connected with the name of Pushkin. In Polotnyany Zavod not far from Kaluga there was an estate of the Goncharovs. Now it is a museum with a wonderful park. And certainly Kaluga has been visited by cosmonauts of Russia and of foreign countries and by scientists who work in the field of space exploration.

Now Kaluga is an important industrial centre because there are some industrial enterprises in it. Some of them are joint ventures, for example Volkswagen, Citroёn and others.

There are more than 50 secondary schools in Kaluga. Some of them are gymnasiums and lyceums. Young people can continue their education at vocational and technical schools. If they want to get higher education they can enter higher educational schools some of which are branches of famous Moscow and St. Petersburg universities and institutes.

Kaluga is also a cultural centre. Citizens like visiting our Drama theatre which is more than 230 years old. Children can see performances of Kaluga Puppet theatre and the theatre of the Young Spectator. Also people can go to a concert hall, an exhibition hall and cinemas in Kaluga. Pupils, students and researchers have the possibility to work in libraries. The richest one in Kaluga is the library named after V.G.Belinsky.

The main streets of Kaluga are straight and wide. Bus, trolley-bus lines stretch the city in different distance.

Kaluga is decorated with many parks and squares. The oldest one is the Central Park of Culture and Rest. Here one can enjoy the scenery of the Oka and its picturesque banks from the observation platform of this park. The next favourite place of spending free time is the Square named after cosmonaut Volkov. Many sports and cultural events are held here. Due to the greenery Kaluga is called “a corner of St. Petersburg”.

Day after day Kaluga is growing. New residential areas appear in former outskirts of the city.

Exercise 2. Correct the statements according to the contents of the text. Begin your sentence with: “I’m sorry but you are wrong…”, “I can’t agree with you …”, “According to the text…”, “You are partly right…”, etc.

1). The oldest churches of Kaluga are the Church of “Cover on the Ditch” and the Church of St. John the Precursor.

2). The Local Lore museum has been housed in the Zolotaryovs’ town estate since 1897.

3). In the expositional departments of the Local Lore Museum we can get to know about the history of Kaluga land.

4). Kaluga Regional Art museum was organized due to the collection of the merchant Chistokletov.

5). In the halls of the Art museum we can see the works of Russian art from the 12th century.

6). The Korobovs’ Chambers is the only stone building in Kaluga built in the 17th century.

7). Nikitin designed only the Stone Bridge which is unique in Europe.

8). There are few establishments in Kaluga where people can get higher education.

9). There are no places in Kaluga where children and adults can see theatrical performances.

10). From the observation platform in the Central Park one can admire the view of Kaluga.

Exercise 3. Using the knowledge of our city say in what streets we can see:

the Church “of Cover on the Ditch”,

the Cathedral of St. George “Past the Hill”

St. Trinity Cathedral

the Church of Wives Myrrh Bearers

the Church of St. Nickolas Miracle Worker

the Churchl of Kozma and Domian

the Church of Lord Transfiguration = the Representation church of Pafnuty-and-Borovsk monastery

the town estate of the merchant Zolotaryov

the house of the Chistokletovs

the Korobovs’ Chambers

the Makarovs’ Chambers

the memorial house-museum of Tsiolkovsky

the Tsiolkovsky museum of History of Space Exploration

the monument to Tankmen

the monument to a Medical Nurse

the monument to the Liberation of Kaluga

Exercise 4. Answer the questions using the information of all three text devoted to Kaluga and you own knowledge.

1). When was Kaluga founded?

2). What role did Kaluga play in the history of Russia?

3). What happened on Kaluga land during the Tatar-Mongol yoke?

4). What events took place on Kaluga land at the beginning of the 17th century?

5). What role did Kaluga play in the war of 1812?

6). What places in Kaluga region are connected with the events of the Great Patriotic War?

7). What monuments devoted to the Great Patriotic War do you know in Kaluga?

8). What monument is situated at the entrance of the city?

9). What churches and cathedrals can we see in Kaluga?

10). What buildings are both architectural monuments and museums in Kaluga?

11). What is included into the architectural ensemble designed by Nikitin?

12). Can you prove that Kaluga is a cultural centre? Do, please.

13). Why is Kaluga called “a corner of St. Petersburg”?

14). Can you prove that Kaluga is growing day after day? Do, please.

15). Do you know what famous people visited Kaluga?


Text 8

Exercise 1. Read the text and get ready to fulfill the tasks.

A trip to Novgorod is a wonderful journey into Russian history. This city was first mentioned in chronicles in 859 A.D.

If you arrive in Novgorod by train, it does not strike you as an ancient city at first sight – everywhere there are new modern buildings – houses, cinemas, shops, cafes and so on. Then suddenly you notice a graceful church at the end of the street, a cathedral at the end of another, and another old church in the third street. Novgorod is planned in such a way that cupolas of its churches and monasteries and the towers of its Kremlin can be seen from every street and every square of the city, wherever you happen to be. All of them are wonderful monuments of architecture, painting and culture of old times. I think no other ancient city of Russia has preserved so many splendid examples of Russian architecture and monumental painting of the 11th-17th centuries as Novgorod.

There are a lot of monasteries in and around the city. One can mention the 12th century Yuryevsky monastery. Its cathedral was built by a Russian master in 1119. Massive and towering it looks like a group of knights in helmets on the lookout for the enemy. Many people come to Novgorod to admire the frescoes by Theophanous, the famous Byzantine artist. The images on his murals are very expressive.

You will also be impressed by the Kremlin, this traditional landmark of all ancient Russian cities. It is in the centre of Novgorod. The simple walls and towers of the Kremlin surround a great many unique relics of different eras.

Exercise 2. Agree or disagree. Begin your sentence with “It’s right…, It’s wrong…, I’m afraid you are wrong…, According to the text…, You are quite right…”, etc.

1. The city was first mentioned in the historical records of the 1st century AD.

2. Novgorod is planned in such a way that we can see beautiful houses in all streets.

3. In many other ancient towns of Russia we can find so many examples of architecture of the 11th-17th centuries.

4. Yuryevsky monastery was founded in the 12th century.

5. The Kremlin is a traditional landmark of all European cities.

Text 9

European part

Exercise 1. What famous cities do you know in European part of Russia? What are they famous for? What cities, towns and settlements are famous for their crafts?

Exercise 2. Listen to the text about one of such cities. Write down the missed information.

1) Tula stands on the banks of the ______________________________

2) Inside the walls of the Kremlin there are ________________ cathedrals.

3) The second cathedral is _________________________________now.

4) _____________________ began to develop weapon plants in Tula.

5) The unique museum in Tula is the museum of _________________

6) In a special room of this museum we can taste ____________________

7) On the bank of the Upa we can visit ________________________

8) There is the Shcheglovsky _______________________in Tula.

Text 10

Exercise 1. What capitals of republics do you know on the territory of Russia?

Exercise 2. Look through the text and find the information a) what heroic people lived in Ufa;

b) what famous people visited Kazan;

c) what new information have you found in this text.

Russia is a multinational state. The capitals of republics are worth visiting.

One of them is Ufa. It is the capital of Bashkortostan. This republic is the birthplace of many famous people. One of them is Salavat Yulayev who took active part in the uprising headed by Pugachov. There is a monument to him in Ufa and it is considered to be the symbol of the city. The next monument is devoted to another hero Alexander Matrosov whose heroic deed was an example of courage for all Soviet soldiers during the Great Patriotic War.

The next city is Kazan.It is the capital of Tatarstan. It is situated on the banks of the Volga. The centre of the city is the Kremlin built in the XVI century by Pskov masters. Nowadays we can see 13 survived towers. Many famous people visited this city. Among them there are the writers Fatykh Amirkhan, Lev Tolstoy, Musa Dzhalil, Maxim Gorky. We can see monuments to them in the streets of Kazan.

It’s interesting to mention that one of the municipal districts in Kazan is called Kaluga.

Exercise 3. Can you guess why Pskov masters built the Kremlin and not the Tatars?

Speech exercises

Speak on the topics (on your choice): 1. Geography, climate, industry, etc.

2. Russian holidays and traditions.

3. Tell about Kaluga, its history and its sights.

4.Tell about several Russian cities.



Written tasks

Exercise 1. Write a letter to your friend. Here is a part of his letter:

“ …Not long ago I had argument with my friend. He insisted on the fact that only the Russians live in your country and due to this fact we call your country Russia. Also he said that all citizens of your country are Orthodox believers. I said that he was not right.

Tell me please which of us was correct.

Looking forward to getting your letter.

Best wishes,


Write down a letter to your English-speaking friend answering her questions and ask her 3 questions about her family. Remember the rules of letter writing.

Exercise 2. Comment the following. (on your choice)

1) Some people say that a patriot is a person who loves his country and it is the most important thing. Other people are sure that a patriot must not only love his country but also every day try to do something to make his country better.

What is your opinion?

Follow the plan:

1) Give a general statement of the problem

2) Give your opinion and profs for it

3) Give other people’s opinion and say why they are not right

4) Make a conclusion

2) Write a composition answering the question: Are you proud of your native /settlement/town/city? Why/why not?

Follow the plan: 1. Make the general statement of the problem

2. Give reasons why you are proud of your native place

3. Give facts which spoil you attitude to your native place

4. Make a conclusion




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