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Impression phrases - when you want to say something that made an impression on you:

ОГЭ - 2020





С образцами устных ответов


Учебное пособие



© Переработка, воспроизведение, распространение данного пособия в средствах массовой информации, Интернете, посредством мессенджеров и масс-медиа строго запрещены.


1. ABOUT MYSELF……………………………………………………………...............................................5

2. MY FAMILY………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….6

3. MY FRIEND………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….8

4. FOOD…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..9

5. CHOOSING A PROFESSION………………………………………………………………………………………….10

6. DOING SPORTS…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..11

7. HEALTH………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………13

8. HOLIDAYS…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..14

9. MUSIC………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..16

10. CINEMA/TV/FILM……………………………………………………………………………………………………….17

11. BOOKS………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..19

12. SHOPPING………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….21

13. FREE TIME / HOBBY / OCCUPATIN / LEISURE……………………………………………………………..23

14. SEASON / WEATHER…………………………………………………………………………………………………..26

15. TRAVELLING/TOURISM/ECO-TOURISM……………………………………………………………………..27

16. TRANSPORT……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….31

17. LIVING IN THE CITY OR IN THE COUNTRY……………………………………………………………….….33

18. ECOLOGICAL PROBLEM……………………………………………………………………………………………..35

19. AT SCHOOL…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……37

20. DAILY ROUTINE…………………………………………………………………………………………………..….…42


22. THE INTERNET / A COMPUTER / SOCIAL NETWORKS………………………………………..……..44

23. LEARNING ENGLISH / FOREIGN LANGUAGE………………………………………………………..……47

24. PETS / ANIMALS……………………………………………………………………………………………….………49

25. CLOTHES/FASHION/ MODELS DISCUSSION………………………………………………..…………….51

26. POCKET MONEY………………………………………………………………………………………………………..53

27. FAMOUS PEOPLE…………………………………………………………………………………..…………….……54

28. RUSSIAN TRADITIONS……………………………………………………………………………..….…………….56



1. LEARNING FOREIGN LANGUAGES …………………………………………………………………………….59

2. COMPUTER GAMES …………………………………………………………………………………………….……60

3. TRAVELLING (Option 1) ………………………………………………………..………………………………..…61

4. TRAVELLING (Option 2)…………………………………………………………..…………………………….….62

5. TRAVELLING ABROAD……………………………………………………………..………………………….…….63

6. ECO-TOURISM…………………………………………………………………………………………………….…….64

7. HOLIDAYS………………………………………………………………………………..…………………………..……65

8. CHOOSING A PROFESSION………………………………………………………..……………………….……..66

9. RUSSIAN TRADITIONS………………………………………………………………..……………………….…….67

10. FAMOUS PEOPLE…………………………………………………………………………..………………….………68

11. TECHNOLOGICAL PROGRESS……………………………………………………..…………………….……….69

12. GLOBAL PROBLEMS………………………………………………………………………………..………..……….70

13. MASS MEDIA…………………………………………………………………………………………..……….……….71

14. HEALTH…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………72

15. EXTREME ACTIVITIES……………………………………………………………………………………….……….73

16. ANIMALS IN UNNATURAL HABITATS………………………………………………………………………..74



ВВодные ФРАЗЫ, слова-связки:

I think... Я думаю

I guess... Я полагаю, предполагаю

I suppose... Я полагаю

As for me… Что касается меня…

My personal view is that… Лично я считаю,что…

In my opinion… - На мой взгляд

In my view/opinion... По моему мнению

I believe that… - Я считаю, что

I tend to think that… Я склонен думать, что…

I am sure that… Я уверен, что…

As a rule, I … - Как правило, я …

Personally, I think… - Лично я думаю
Personally, I believe... А вот я считаю
From my point of view / viewpoint... С моей точки зрения
Personally, I feel... Лично я полагаю

It seems to me that… Мне кажется, что…

I am convinced that… Я убежден, что…

Of course – Конечно

A common opinion is that… - Согласно общему мнению

To my knowledge... Насколько мне известно

As far as I know - Насколько мне известно

Frankly speaking - Откровенно говоря

Speaking for myself… - Говоря за себя

Speaking of… Говоря о…

In my experience… - По моему опыту...

I'd say that… - Я бы сказал, что
I'd suggest that… - Я предположил бы, что

In fact - Фактически, на самом деле, в сущности

Actually - Действительно, фактически, на самом деле
Basically - В основном, по существу, по сути

Generally – В общем, вообще, в целом

In general - В общем, вообще, в целом

Based on – На основании

Considering – Учитывая, принимая во внимание

To tell the truth - Честно говоря

As far as I know - Насколько мне известно
As I see it... Как я вижу это
However… - Однако, тем не менее

By the way - Кстати, между прочим

To begin with - Начнем с

First of all – Прежде всего

First and foremost - Первое и наиболее важное

The first reason why - Первая причина, почему...

Firstly - Во-первых

Secondly - Во-вторых

Thirdly – В- третьих

By the way - Кстати, между прочим

Besides - Кроме того

Moreover – Более того, кроме того

Furthermore - К тому же, более того

What is more - Что еще важнее

In addition – К тому же, вместе с тем

Despite/In spirit of… Несмотря на…

Despite the fact that… - Несмотря на тот факт, что…

Also – Также                                   

Though – Хотя; Although – Хотя

Even though - Даже если

First of all – Прежде всего

Always at all – Вообще

At all - Вообще

At least – По крайней мере

Certainly – Безусловно, конечно

Perhaps - Возможно
Probably - Возможно

Anyway - В любом случае

In any case - В любом случае

In other words - Другими словами

Nevertheless – Тем не менее

To sum it up – Подводя итог, суммируя сказанное

In conclusion – В заключении

As a result… - В результате, в итоге

Finally – Наконец

On balance - В конечном счете, в итоге …
Consequently – Следовательно … вследствие этого
Therefore – Следовательно, поэтому, по этой причине

Thus – Таким образом, поэтому, так

So well – Итак; So - Итак

Indeed – Действительно

So to speak - Так сказать



Impression phrases - when you want to say something that made an impression on you:

§ … impressed me

§ … motivated me

§ … moved me

§ … disturbed me

§ … touched me deeply – глубоко тронуло

§ … had an effect on me

§ … affected me

§... influenced me.

§ I’m really keen on


Sample exam question and answer


Electronic assistant: Who is a true friend?

Student: In my opinion, a true friend should be kind, supportive, sensitive, understanding. He should be ready to help his friend at any time. A true friend inspires (вдохновляет) his friend and set good examples.

Electronic assistant: Describe your friend circle.

Student: Speaking for myself, I have a big friend circle. I have friends from school, from sports club and I even have friends in the neighborhood. They are all from different backgrounds. (Все они из разных слоев общества). We meet regularly and do different things. Everyone of them is ready to help each other. 

Electronic assistant: What is the difference between friendship and family relations?

Student: To my knowledge, a family is something that one gets by birth. It is blood relationship. But a friendship is a chosen circle of friends. With the family we can share all our difficulties of life. But with friends we have a nice time. But sometimes we have good friends who also become like family, so they are equally important.

Electronic assistant: How do you make friends?

Student: In fact, I make friends with my classmates, my neighbors and on social networks considering (учитывая) common interests, similar views and style of life.

Electronic assistant: Why do friends quarrel sometimes?

Student: In my opinion this is due to "misunderstanding" and "ego clashes"(эго столкновения).

Electronic assistant: What is friendship?

Student: To my knowledge, friendship is mutual (взаимное) understanding, support, common interests, and trust (доверие) between people.

Electronic assistant: What makes friendship so necessary to everybody?

Student: In my opinion, friendship necessary to everybody for understanding, support, common interests, care and sharing his/her thoughts, ideas, joys and sorrows, and everyday experience with a true and loyal friend.

Electronic assistant: What is the importance of friends in your life?

Student: Frankly speaking, friends play a very important role in my life. Friends are people I grow up with. I need friends in my life to share feelings, thoughts, ideas, emotions etc. I can also share some plans of my life and also so many other things, which I cannot discuss with my family members. Friends are people who are close to me and will always support me.

Electronic assistant: When do you meet your friends?

Student: As a rule, I meet some of my friends daily in the evening. It is time to relax with friends. But other friends I meet only on weekends or on other holidays.

Electronic assistant: Who is your best friend?

Student: In fact, Nick is my best friend. He has been my friend since my childhood. We have grown up together. He knows everything about me, my likes, my dislikes, my different moods etc. So, he understands me very well. Since my childhood, he has become like a family member. We are always together. I can share my personal feelings. Sometimes due to our studies we don’t meet for a long time. We are really good together.

Electronic assistant: How do you spend time together with your friends?

Student: Actually, I meet some of my friends every day in the evening. We meet at our crossroads and walk together. We share our days experience with one another. At the weekends we go to the cinema, theatre and stadium. Sometimes we meet at someone’s house and have a good time.   

Electronic assistant: What’s the nicest thing you have ever done for your friends?

Student: Frankly speaking, I am good in English, Math, and Russian. Sometimes my friends ask me for help on various subjects. I enjoy the activities that we do together and I feel that they will achieve good results.

Electronic assistant: How often do you quarrel with your friends? Why?

Student: I rarely quarrel with my friends. Sometimes we quarrel about small things: where to eat, what film to see, have differences of opinion. We usually solve the problems by compromising and communication.

Electronic assistant: Do you ever worry about losing your friends?

Student: Luckily I don’t have the experience of losing friends.

Electronic assistant: What makes friendship break up?
Student: I think it is misunderstanding. If a friend didn't help me when I was in need, then I would not consider him a good friend.


Electronic assistant: How old are you?

Student: I am fifteen years old. l am still under age. — Я еще несовершеннолетний.

Electronic assistant: How many times a week do you do sports?

Student: Frankly speaking, I do morning exercises every day, go to the gym twice a week and have three P.E. lessons at school. I believe that it's very important to lead a healthy lifestyle.                                            

Electronic assistant: How much time do you give a day to physical exercises?

Student: As a rule, I take regular exercises every morning and go to the gym or have P.E. lessons at school.

Electronic assistant: What sport is the most popular with teenagers in your region?

Student: In general there are lots of different sports. We play football, volleyball, tennis, badminton and lots of others. So, snowboarding is most popular among teens in winter, because they have the strength and skills to stay upright and try more tricks. Also, football is most popular among teens in summer because this activity is ideal for making friends, learning teamwork, developing confidence and to be outdoors.

Electronic assistant: What sports facilities are available in the place where you live?

Student: Speaking about sports facilities I would say that there is a wide choice of them in the place where I live. We have football, hockey fields, swimming pools, gyms, ice rinks and many others.

Electronic assistant: What sports are you interested in? Why?

Student: Actually, I am interested in individual sports where you compete against your own rivals (соперники), like cycling, swimming and running. I like to go cycling. There’s a stadium not far from my house and I go there to cycle. Besides, I can travel through beautiful landscapes to interesting places. It is fun, very good for my health and keeps me fit.




Electronic assistant: What winter sports are popular with your friends?

Student: Basically, the most popular winter sports with my friends are ice hockey, skating, snowboarding and skiing.

Electronic assistant: Why people do like extreme activities?

Student: To my knowledge, many people like extreme activities because of their adventure and risk, to feel the sense of achievement and to gain (приобрести) celebrity status. Also, they try to overcome their stress, fear (страх) and gain confidence through various activities.

Electronic assistant: Why extreme activities have gained (приобрели) so much popularity?

Student: As far as I know, extreme activities are quite popular in modern society’s life. I think that people are attracted because of the sensation, fame and making money those activities offer. Also, young people want to look like courageous (мужественными) guys or strong personalities.

Electronic assistant: Would you like to do any extreme sports? Why? Why not?

Student: I wouldn’t like to do any extreme sports because I don’t want to risk my life without any important reason. I have never thought of taking these kinds of risks.

Extreme sports are base jumping, bangy jumping, sky diving, gliding, extreme skiing, mountain biking, cliff-diving, scuba diving, wind surfing.

Electronic assistant: What would you recommend to a teenager who wants to be healthy and fit?

Student: In general, I would recommend to him/her to lead healthy lifestyle, to eat a well-balanced diet, limit junk food, take vitamins, doing sports, walking everywhere and get enough sleep.

Electronic assistant: Why do you think it is important to keep fit?

Student: Firstly, it improves your health, lacks depression and boredom. Secondly, you become physically stronger and more attractive. Besides, you control your weight.

Electronic assistant: Do you think everyone should find some time for doing sports? Why?

Student: In my opinion, every person should decide for himself whether he wants to do sport or not because we live in a society with a freedom of choice.

Electronic assistant: What would you advise a person who wants to keep fit?

Student: In general, I would recommend to a person to lead healthy lifestyle, to eat a well-balanced diet, to do morning exercises, to limit junk food, to take vitamins, doing sports, walking everywhere and get enough sleep.

Electronic assistant: What fitness group does your friend attend?

Student: To my knowledge, my close friend keen on Zumba. Zumba is an aerobic fitness program showing movements inspired by various styles of Latin American dance. Zumba is a fun way to get in shape, lose weight and improve flexibility.

Electronic assistant: What purposes of attending a fitness group does your friend have in mind?

Student: I think a main goal of attending a fitness group are weight control, to keep fit, to improve flexibility, to build muscle, to increase strength, to be healthier and look good.

Electronic assistant: What results of attending a fitness group does your friend have?

Student: I guess that his/her results are obvious. Here is a list of his/her remarkable (выдающихся) achievements:

ü weight loss

ü re-shape body

ü got stronger

ü lack of depression and boredom

ü improved his/her health

Electronic assistant: Who is your favourite sports star?

Student: Of course, my favourite sports star is Cristiano Ronaldo. He is a great football player. Ronaldo is playing in Real Madrid. Cristiano Ronaldo is the best player of all football players. He is a skillful winger (нападающий) and he possesses (обладает) a powerful and an accurate free-kick. Ronaldo is able to score with his head and feet. I admire him for being a talented sportsman. I like his strength and power. I enjoy watching him play. It is really fun!



First of all, I would like to say that keeping fit has become very popular nowadays. I guess that it is a really good fact. Also it is important for every person because it improves your health and makes you stronger. I believe that a healthy lifestyle is popular today because there are a lot of opportunities to do sport. For, example, you can go to the gym, go to the pool, join a sport team or even become a professional player. Speaking about me, I prefer to play football with my friends because it’s my favourite sport. I've been playing football for ten years. I enjoy it a lot. Teenagers in my region prefer to play basketball, ice hockey and volleyball. We also have a lot of sports competitions in school. In conclusion, sport is a very important part of our life. It makes us healthier.

v На экране компьютера вы увидите третье задание.

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about LEARNING FOREIGN LANGUAGES. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes.



Remember to say:

· what possibility does the knowledge of languages give to people?

· in which countries is English spoken as the mother tongue?

· do you like learning English?


         Уточним, что нужно сделать:

Вам предстоит сделать монологическое высказывание по предложенной теме в течение 2 минут. Тема сформулирована в задании.


При подготовке монологического высказывания необходимо       соблюдать план ответа: (не более 10-12 предложений)


Вступление – общее представление темы (1-2 предложения)

Основная часть – ответы на пункты задания (2-3 предложения)

Заключение – подведение итога сказанному, выражение своего мнения (2-3 предложения)


1. Продумайте ключевые фразы каждого пункта.

2. Дайте развернутую аргументацию, если в пункте есть «Why».

3. Используйте лексику и грамматику, соответствующие коммуникативной задаче и сложности задания.


Следуйте плану из трех опций задания 3. Помните, что ваш рассказ должен быть связным. Для этого заранее продумайте и выучите перед экзаменом слова-связки, готовые клише.





Good luck
in your exam!




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